to Oregon in 1852
Surnames A-I
compiled by Stephenie Flora
copyright 2019
The emigration year of 1852 stands out as the year of illness and death on the trail for humans and animals alike. Most of the human toll was the result of cholera. While the diaries often suggest that the cattle died from an imaginary disease called "hollow horn", it is thought by some experts that the loss of cattle was actually due to anthrax with the stress of the journey as a contributing factor.
The diaries and journals available for that year mention seeing wagons "as far as the eye can see" both ahead and behind. While it has been estimated that over 10,000 adventurous souls started out for Oregon in 1852, an accounting of how many actually arrived is hard to determine. It is thought that as many as 1,000 may have turned back. Death definitely took a toll and then there were those who, at the last minute, turned off for California. The emigrants going to California that year was estimated at upwards of 50,000.
Indians were not as troublesome in 1852 as some of the other years. This was due, in part, to a treaty that was engineered by Thomas Fitzpatrick "Broken Hand" in 1851. The size of the emigration also no doubt had a bearing. Trains were traveling so close to each other that it provided extra security.
Most of the trains for 1852 were small in size due to the difficulty in finding water, camping spots and feed for the cattle. A larger train was simply too hard to manage. Most companies were made up of family and friends with single men hired to drive wagons and assist with the cattle. Assuming that a train consisted of 50 or fewer individuals it would mean that there were at least 200 separate trains headed for Oregon. And this would not account for the approximately 1000 companies headed for California.
As I compile the listing for 1852 I welcome any additions and corrections you care to make. I can be contacted at the email address at the bottom of this page.
Diaries, Journals and Reminiscences of the 1852 Emigration
**RR: Note death information in brackets marked with RR was provided by Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois University who has spent many years researching deaths on the Oregon Trail.
Captains of 1852
*1) Capt. Alvin Clark company consisted of about 28 individuals. The company left Council Bluffs May 8 and arrived at Oregon City October 2, 1852. There were 3 deaths in this company.
*2a) Akin Company left Salem, Henry Co, Iowa 17 Apr 1852. The company traveled closely with other family groups including the Richey train. They arrived at Kanesville, Iowa May 8, 1852 and left from there. Their journey has been documented and compiled by Mike
Booth and is available in the Akin Diary he has contributed. At least for a portion of the journey they were joined by a group led by Newton D. Gilham (see #26)
*2b) Caleb Richey Company left Henry County, Iowa April 1852 and traveled closely with the Booth train.
*3) Capt John Metzker led a party of family and friends to OR in 1852. There were 22 wagons in the group.
*4) McCully Train was compiled and published by Sanford and Sally Wilbur. Their web site features many of the names on the McCully Train
*5) Capt. Daviess Gibson, originally emigrant of 1849, led party of 40 wagons that included family and friends
*6) Forgey group as compiled by Richard Schack
*7) Capt. Calvin T. Hales party originating in McDonough Co, IL [Hale Researcher Jim Hale halejim=gmail.com]
*8) Overland diary of Lafayette Spencer (The Annals of Iowa, Vol VIII #4 (January 1908) p304-310 contains the 1852 diary of Lafayette Spencer. His group left VanBuren Co, IA on May 11th and reached Portland, OR on Oct 26, 1852
*9) Capt. Jacob Jones left Northfield, Boone Co, IN on March 2, 1852 leading a caravan of approximately 19 covered wagons drawn by ox-teams. There were 52 people on the train (21 men/older boys, 6 women, 25 children). All the wagons but one belonged to the family. They started from Indiana and crossed the Missouri River at Council Bluffs, taking the Oregon Trail up the Platte River, and after a six month journey they arrived at The Dalles on September 12, remaining there until December. .... On the trip to Oregon they lost five members to cholera. Those who died were Lydia Jones; Mrs. Cynthia Ann Jones; Mrs. Sarah Jones; Mark A Duzan; William Lemley Jones (buried near The Dalles); James Duzan buried beside the Columbia River
*10) Davis Train
*11) Capt. Anson Goodrich headed up a train that started at Lima, Rock County, WI., joined April 3, 1852 with train consisting of Crandall and Coon families who had left Lima, Rock Co, Wi on Mar 29, 1852; joined May 2 by Haywood, McGraw and Kinney families; arrived at Kanesville, IA May 18th; June 4 joined by 4 more wagons making 14 wagons and 30+ men; July 6 Independence Rock; July 13 South Pass; July 29 Fort Hall [Covered Wagon Women, Vol 5, p.173-206 Polly Crandall Coon Diary]
*12) Capt. Gaebhart:; train left Osage Co, MO 11 Apr 1852 with ten wagons, later joined by others making 40 wagons and 60 able bodied men; 1/4 of train later turned of for California 1852 Reminiscences of John G. Abbott
*13) Capt James Wood led the company
that included the Koontz, and Wood famillies. They left from
Kanesville, IA 19 May 1852. Their story and the members of
theis company are documented in Wagons From Wapello by Dennis M.
Larsen & Ken Keigley
*14) Capt. Joseph McMillen started from Illinois leading a party of eight wagons (one that was cutting off for California) that included the Adams, McMillen, Miller, Wilson, Raymond and Blank families. The company arrived at Council Bluffs June 3, 1852. June 18 they had eight wagons, 16 men, 10 ladies + children. On August 18, 1852 in Snake river country they joined six wagons led by Capt. Benjamin Hyland for added protection through Indian country. It made 14 wagons and 32 able bodied men. [Covered Wagon Women Vol 5; Diary of Cecelia (McMillen) Adams and Parthenia (McMillen) Blank]; On September 21 Joseph McMillen, John Stowell and Mr. Raymond left the company along with eleven others to pack to The Dalles. The diary makes note of passing 390+ graves along the trail but only mentions the names of four of them.. Also notes that on June 26 a fight broke out in camp between a man and his son-in-law. They were asked to leave the company with their families. Five days later the older man was ill and on July 2 it states"the sick man is dead this morning. Wrapped him in bed clothes and layed him in the ground without any coffin". [The family name was never given]. The company arrived at The Dalles Oct 24, 1852.
*15) Capt. Benjamin S. Hyland had company of six wagons from Plainfield, IL. On Aug 18, 1852, in Snake river country they joined eight wagons led by Capt Joseph McMillen for added protection through Indian country. It made 14 wagons and 32 able bodied men. Mentioned in Cecelia Adams and Parthenia Bland diary [Covered Wagon Women Vol 5; Diary of Cecelia (McMillen) Adams and Parthenia (McMillen) Blank]
*16) Capt. John Franklin Adams led train of friends and family members from Grandview Twp, Louisa Co, IA. This is train is being researched by Jim Cook (see researcher page for his contact information)
*17) Richey Company left Salem, Henry Co, IA in April 1852; families included Hoskins,Hobson, Smith; part of Akin party *2
*18) Capt John Tucker Scott left from Groveland, Tazewell Co, IL April 2, 1852. On April 24 they were joined by a company led by Isaac "Stull" Swearingen of Vermillion Co, IL The party arrived at St. Joseph, MO May 10th where they were joined by a group of men from Groveland who had gone ahead to accompany their shipment of provisions. Also joining at that time was a small company from Mt. Sterling, Brown Co, IL. On May 28th they arrived at Fort Kearney with a company consisting of 12 wagons, 52 men, women and children, 113 oxen and 12 horses; May 28 arrived at Ft. Kearney; June 9 Ash Hollow, June 18 Ft. Laramie, June 29 Independence Rock, July 19 Soda Springs, July 23 Ft. Hall, Aug 3 Salmon Falls, Sept 4 Blue Mountains, Sept 20 Barlows Gate, Sept 28 reach Foster's Farm. Documented over 160 graves along the way. [Covered Wagon Women Vol 5 p.21-173 Journal and Letters of Scott Family]
*20): Clifton Read company left Marengo, IL 19 Apr 1852; arrived Kanesville,IA 19 May 1852, June 23 Chimney Rock, July `10 Independence Rock; July 19 South Pass, Aug 4, Soda Springs; Aug 10, Fort Hall, Sept 21 Blue Mountains
*21): Capt. Mercer Thompson train started from Newton Co, MO Mar 20, 1852 and consisted of approximately 100 adults.
*22) Powell Train
*23) Hinkle Train originating in Perry Co, MO arrived in Oregon in Oct 1852.
*24) Jones Family Train; captained by Jacob Jones this train consisted of 49 known individuals, all family members with the exception of 7 individuals. The train started from Northfield, Indiana, on the 15th of March, 1852, and reached The Dalles, Oregon, on the 19th of September. This list has been compiled by family researcher Willard Anderson. He graciously shared the information with me for the benefit of others interested in this family.
*25) Murphy Train, captained by John Ecles Murphy consisted of family and friends, all members of the Christian Church (aka Campbellites or Disciples of Christ). In the early1830s followers of Alexander Campbell, founder of the Disciples of Christ, moved from their homes in Warren Co, KY to Warren Co, IL and established the town of Monmouth, named after their home in Monmouth, Wales. As the word of the virtues of the Oregon Territory reached Illinois, the talk turned to another move. An advanced migration of church members went west in 1850. It consisted of Elijah and Margaret Davidson, Squire S. and Elizabeth Whitman, Thomas and Sarah Lucas and their families, as well as a number of single men. They reached Polk County, OR in August and settled near Independence on the west bank of the Willamette River, establishing what became Monmouth, OR. In April 1852, a second migration of church members began the journey. It was made up of the families of Burford, Butler, Davidson, Lucas, Mason, Murphy, Roundtree and a number of single men.The Monmouth, Illinois Atlas newspaper, on April 16, 1852 described the gathering and departure of the train. In following issues, the newspaper also published several letters written during the journey and from Oregon written by Rev. John E. Murphy. In 1853, the last of these migrations from the church headed west in what was known as The Butler Train. It was led by Ira F. M. Butler and contained family and friends. Butler Family Letters
*26) Capt Newton D. Gilham led a train from Macoupin Co, IL that consisted of about 20 wagons and 70 people. Along with his family it included the families of Jesse Moreland, Mitchell Owen, Francis Robinson, Samuel Nelson and Woodford Reams.
*27) Robbins Train of 1852 compiled by Kevin Mittge
*28) Capt. Robert B. Crawford led a party consisting of 111 individuals. It encluded 84 families and 27 single men. They left from St. Joseph, Missouri May 9. As with most of the larger companies, members split off, rejoined and sometimes split again. By the end of the journey there was as much as 50 miles separating the various wagons of the train
*29) Three Wagons Trains from Arkansas by Don Guenther consisted of three trains that split and went different routes. There were a number of different captains along the way. Names include Tigard, Harer, Winn, Ingram and numerous others.
*30) Thomas Mercer Train, left the Princeton, Illinois area in April 1852
"The company as finally organized consisted of the following: Captain, Thomas
Mercer, who was accompanied by his wife and four children; Aaron Mercer and
wife; Dexter Horton, wife and child; Rev. Daniel Bagley, wife and child; Rev.
W.F. West and wife; Ashby West, James Rossnagle, Wm. Shoudy; George Gould, wife,
son and daughter; John Pike, an uncle of Mr. Warren’s; Daniel Drake, and the
four young men Warren. There were
several others who were with this train at the start, but did not continue with
it the entire journey.”
*SR = Southern Route
Emigrants to Oregon in 1852
Surnames A-M
Note: all female members of the emigration will be listed by maiden name, if known, even if they were married at the time of emigration.
*12) ABBOTT, Charlotte (13
Dec 1832-14 May 1907): m'd 18 Oct 1853
HAYES, Lewis; d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Heatherly) Abbott; mother of nine children (Rachel, Nancy Elizabeth, Francis
Marion, Jefferson Davis, Samuel Perry, Josie, David Orlando, William Lewis and
Ira Eugene); Charlotte is
Sparlin Cemetery, Williams, Josephine County, Oregon
*12) ABBOTT, Drucilla (30 Apr 1843-12 Jun 1928): m'd 1858 HIGGINS, William Lewis; d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Heatherly) Abbott; mother of Mary Elizabeth, William Henry, Samuel, Robert Lee, Emily Jane, Daisy, Martha, Charlotte, James, Rose and Lewis; she is buried Smith River Cemetery, Smith River, Del Norte County, California
*12) ABBOTT, Elizabeth (11 Dec 1834 - aft Jun 1900 ): m'd 10 Sep 1857 TRIMBLE, James; d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Heatherly) Abbott; by 1900 husband had died and she was living in Siskiyou County, California with her daughter, Mary Trimble
*12) ABBOTT, George T. (Aug 1850- ): s/o William and Johanna (Gaebhart) Abbott; George shows up in the 1850 census but was not found in the 1860 census.
ABBOTT, James ( -1852): died somewhere east of Salt Lake.
He was a California bound traveler from Dover, Lenawee County, Michigan [Deaths
On The Oregon Trail, Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois University]
*12) ABBOTT, John G. (03 Dec 1841-09 Jun 1914): m'd 1870 [ ], Ellen M.; s/o William and Johanna (Gaebhart) Abbott; 1852 Reminiscences of John G. Abbott
*12) ABBOTT, Mary Ann (15 Mar 1839-25 Dec 1915 ): m'd c1858 HOLLAND, Thomas Jefferson: d/o William and Johanna (Gaebhart) Abbott; buried Mulkey Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
*12) ABBOTT, Nancy Jane (1840- ): m'd 1857 CHEATHAM/CHATHAM, John; d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Heatherly) Abbott
*12) ABBOTT, Samuel Y (15 Feb1796-31 May 1880): m'd c1816 HEATHERLY, Elizabeth; m2. 19 Apr 1853 GEABHART, Mary Ann (ROBBINS); first wife died on the trail; Samuel is buried Sparlin Cemetery, Williams, Josephine County, Oregon; father of Charlotte, Drucilla, Elizabeth, Nancy J. and William Young; left Osage Co, MO 11 Apr 1852 with 10 wagons; later joined by other families bringing total to 40 wagons and 60 able bodied men
"DLC: #1096 Lane Co, Samuel Abbott; b. 1796 Adair Co, KY"
*12) ABBOTT, Samuel Young (16 Jan 1845-02 Dec 1914): m'd SMITH, Louise Eleanor; s/o William and Johanna (Gaebhart) Abbott; living with married sister in 1860 Lane Co census; buried Mulkey Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
*12) ABBOTT, Sarah Elizabeth (26 Oct 1842-27 Feb 1922): m'd 20 Sep 1857 CANADAY, Madison Dr.; d/o William and Johanna (Gaebhart) Abbott; she is buried Gates Cemetery, Crow, Lane County, Oregon
*12) ABBOTT, William Sterling (16 Mar 1848-04 May 1918): s/o William and Johanna (Gaebhart) Abbott; living with married sister in 1860 Lane Co census; buried Mulkey Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
*12) ABBOTT, William Young (16 Jan 1817-09 Jun 1852): m'd
c1837 GAEBHART, Johanna; s/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Heatherly) Abbott; died on
trail 09 Jun 1852 of cholera; buried where the Emigrant Road left the Little
Blue; father of Mary Ann, John G., Sarah Elizabeth, Samuel Young, William
Sterling and George T.[Deaths On The Oregon Trail,
Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois University]
"DLC: #1100 Lane Co, Johanna Abbott"
ABRAHAM, Charles (1827-1907): m'd 18 Oct 1860 BENTON, Mary; cme to US from England in 1843; is living in Marion County in 1860 census as a laborer; by 1870 has moved to Washington where he remains until his death. He is buried Dayton City Cemetery, Dayton, Columbia County, Washington; relationship to James Abraham below is unknown
ABRAHAM, James (29 Jul 1811-07 Feb 1893): m'd 01 Aug 1849 ST JOHN, Jane; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; James Abraham died 07 February, 1893 leaving only his wife to survive him. Upon his arrival in Oregon James Abraham had obtained a Donation Land Claim in the Sunnyside area of Portland. The 1860 census lists his occupation as a nurseryman. During his years of residence in the Portland area he had always been a generous benefactor to the local Methodist church as well as other institutions. He sold all but 5 acres of his land to built a hospital on and upon construction of the hospital donated $25,000 toward its contstruction. Upon his death his estate of $200,000 was sued for charitable bequests that he had reportedly made. Mrs. Abraham, at the time of her husband's death was in ill health herself. By the time she died in June 1904 the constant litigation had left her penniless.
"DLC: #3417 Multnomah Co, James Abraham, b. 1811 Isle of Wight; arr OR 01 Nov 1852; settled claim 04 Mar 1853; m’d Jane 01 Aug 1849 (he thinks); Johnson County, Indiana; Citizenship awarded 12 Oct 1840 Court of Common Pleas, Belmont County, Ohio. Oath of John Potts, that Abraham had resided within U.S. 3 years before arriving at age 21. Citizenship papers were signed by St. Clair Kelly, Clerk & sent to District Court of Clackamas County. Aff: Archon Kelly, Plymplin Kelly, Samuel Nelson, Levi W. Nelson."
ABRAHAM, William Jay (14 Aug 1850-02 Sep 1864): s/o James and Jane Abraham; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
ADAIR, Mary Jane (11 Feb 1847-10 Feb 1898): m'd 14 Dec 1863 MINIER, William G.; d/o William and Elizabeth (Walk) Adair; resided in Pike Co, IL in the 1850 census; 1852 went to CA and then to OR in 1859; mother of Mary Violetta, T. Mary, Elmer W., Ella May, E. Charles, Edward A., and George; buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
ADAIR, Nancy A. (1819 -Sep 1853): m'd 15 Nov 1840 OGLESBY, Samuel Redman; d/o William and Mary (Crain) Adair; buried Rock Creek Cemetery, Canby, Clackamas County, Oregon
ADAIR, Nicena "Cena" (24 Jul 1826-27 Aug 1884): m'd
c1845 WALK, John Franklin; d/o William and Mary (Crain) Adair; living in Pike
County, Illinois in 1850; to CA 1852 where she is
Shiloh Cemetery,
Windsor, Sonoma County, California
ADAIR, Miley Ann "Milley" (08 Jan 1849-08 Apr 1928): m'd 03 Dec 1867 KILLIN, Thomas Benton; d/o William and Elizabeth (Walk) Adair; resided in Pike Co, IL in the 1850 census; 1852 went to CA and then to OR in 1859; buried Hubbard Cemetery, Hubbard, Marion County, Oregon
ADAIR, Rachel W. (1851 - aft 1860): d/o William and Elizabeth (Walk) Adair; shown in Clackamas County census for 1860 but not found after that time
ADAIR, Richard (20 Oct 1850-bef 1860): s/o William and Elizabeth (Walk) Adair; may have died prior to emigration
ADAIR, William (Sep 1789-24 Jan 1859): m'd 1820 CRAIN, Mary "Polly"; William buried Rock Creek Cemetery, Canby, Clackamas County, Oregon
"DLC: #3846 Clackamas Co; William Adair, b. 1789 Clark County, GA; arr OR 1852; settled claim 08 Oct 1852; m'd Polly 1820 Robinson County, TN. Aff: Samuel R. Oglesby, John M. Bacon, Alexander Hinkle"
ADAIR, William Richard (09 May 1824-07 Nov 1894): m'd 02 Mar 1846 WALK, Elizabeth; resided in Pike Co, IL in the 1850 census; 1852 went to CA and then to OR in 1859; settled first at Molalla in Clackamas county; later moved to the Silverton area of Marion county; buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
Probate: Marion Co # 1540. Testate. William B. sic) Adair; d. o/a 07 Nov 1894 in Marion County. Will written 09 Oct 1886. Elizabeth Adair names Executrix 26 Nov 1894. Heirs: Margaret Jane Margaret Minier, 48, dtr, Garfield Pct, Marion Co; Mary Ann Killin, 46, dtr, Needy, Clackamas Co; Julia A. Thomas, now Dimick, 24, grandchild, Hubbard, Marion Co, OR; Lilly May Thomas, 18, grandchild, Hubbard; Minnie Daisy Thomas, 16, grandchild, Hubbard (last three children of Sarah F. Thomas, dec’d); Elizabeth Adair, 67, wife, Marion Co.
*16) ADAMS, Abraham Hayes (18 Sep 1830-1852): s/o John and Mary Rebecca (Hinkle)
Adams; died on plains near Chimney Rock."The
Christian Kauffman letter, OJ, Spring 1985, p. 22 says he traveled 520 miles
from the Missouri River to Ft. Laramie. This suggests Kauffman was on the north
side of the Platte when he saw Abraham's grave. The fact that the company came
from Iowa, also suggests he was on the north side. "
[Deaths On The Oregon Trail, Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois University]
ADAMS, Adeline (1830-1852) m'd 1850 SHAFF,
Henry C.; died on the Oregon Trail; d/o Abraham C. and Amanda (Goble) Adams;
[Deaths On The Oregon Trail, Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois University]
ADAMS, Alice Amanda (01 Apr 1848-07 Feb 1905): m'd 16 Nov 1867 CRAWFORD, Elvin John; d/o Oliver and Mary (Hill) Adams; settled Yamhill county
*16) ADAMS, Amelia Savannah (12 Feb 1835-31 Jul 1919): m'd 13 Mar 1853 SHORTRIDGE, James S.; d/o John and Mary Rebecca (Hinkle) Adams; born 12 Feb 1835 Vermillion Co, IN; died 31 Jul 1919 Lane Co, OR; mother of Emily R., Franklin Boone, Mary Rosetta, William Johnson, Alice Amelia, Lillie Jane and Sarah Olive; buried Taylor-Lane Cemetery, Cottage Grove, Lane Co, OR
*14) ADAMS, Calvin Henry (07 Jan 1820 -29 Aug 1907):m'd 18 May 1848 BARTLETT, Catherine J.; s/o Amos and Pamelia (Barbour/Barber) Adams; buried Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon
"DLC: #2155 Linn; Calvin H. Adams b. 1820 Erie Co, NY; arr Nov 1852; sc 01 Sep 1855; m'd Catharine J. 18 May 1848 Henry Co, IL; ODLC: Vol 5 d. 20 Aug 1907 Hillsboro, Washington Co, OR; buried Masonic cemetery; m'd Catherine J. Bartlett 18 May 1848 Genesso, Illinois; Edward V. Harbin sold land to Calvin Adams in Linn County, Oregon"
*16) ADAMS, Catherine Swartslander(03 Feb 1828-25 Oct 1902): m'd 01 Jun 1847 WAGNER, Isaac M.; d/o John and Mary Rebecca (Hinkle) Adams; born 03 Feb 1828 and died 25 Oct 1902 from injuries sustained when thrown from her carriage; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR; mother of 10 children (Esther Ann, Phillip Malagthon, Andrew Perry, Alonzo Carlile, Alice Rebecca, Mary Ellen, Jacob Adolphus, Clara Adelia, Isaac Madison Jr and Katherine Amelia)
*8) ADAMS, Charles D. (18 Jan 1818-18 Jul 1891): m'd 13 Sep 1838 VOWEL, Mary; m2. 10 Jan 1853 CARTER, Mrs. Eleanor (Howard); s/o Abraham and Emillia (Stringer) Adams; buried IOOF Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, OR; first wife died 11 Nov 1852 after reaching Oregon; m2. 10 Jan 1853 Mrs. Eleanor (Howard) Carter; father of 7 children by first wife (John H., Margaret J.; Mary E.; Perlina; Samantha A. & Miranda J.(twins); Charles A.) and 2 children by second wife (Sarah C. and Irene E.); Charles was a merchant and shows up in both Benton and Marion counties before finally settling in Wasco County
"DLC: Clackamas; Charles Adams, b. 1818 KY; m'd 10 Jan 1853 at Clackamas Co, OT to Eleanor (Mrs. Eleanor Carter)"
*8) ADAMS, Charles A. (19 Jul 1852-08 Feb 1911): s/o Charles and Mary (Vowel) Adams; born on trail 19 Jul 1852 at the Clearwater in NE; buried IOOF Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
ADAMS, Elizabeth (20 Jul 1811-13 Jun 1880): d/o Thomas and Mary (Davis) Adams
ADAMS, Elizabeth Ann ( 07 Sep 1818-09 Sep 1852): m'd
11 Oct 1838
THORNTON, Simeon Toney; born 07 Sep 1818 and died on the trail 09 Sep 1852;
buried beside Willow Creek in John Day country
ADAMS, Emily:
ADAMS, Emma Ellen (05 Nov 1849-01 Mar 1940): m'd 26 May 1866 JONES, George W.; d/o Oliver and Mary (Hill) Adams; settled Yamhill county; buried Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
ADAMS, Hannah Ramsey (Feb 1820-1905): m1. 28 Mar 1839 STONE, Radeford; m2. 02 Jun 1850 BRASHEAR, Lemuel F.; d/o Thomas and Mary (Davis) Adams
ADAMS, Henry A.
*16) ADAMS, Jesse Luster (13 Dec 1832-23 Oct 1897 ): m'd 11 Jul 1858 BAGLEY, Mary P.; s/o John andMary Rebecca (Hinkle) Adams; born 13 Dec 1832 Vermillion, IN
*16) ADAMS, John Franklin (10 Jun 1799-24 Nov 1877): m'd 20 Apr 1820 HINKLE, Mary Rebecca; s/o Abraham and Katherine (Swartzlander) Adams; John settled in Marion County, OR; he was the father of Elizabeth (died 1847 in IA), Nancy Eleanor, Catherine, Mary Ann, Abraham, Jesse L., Amelia Savannah, John Quincy and Rebecca Sarah
*8) ADAMS, John Henry (09 Feb 1840-25 Jan 1915): m'd 17 Aug1862 FORCE, Amanda; s/o Charles and Mary (Vowel) Adams; buried Rose City Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon ; father of Mary L., Ida Amanda and Margaret.
*16) ADAMS, John Quincy (1840-21 Jun 1861): m'd 20 May 1860 JOHNSTON, Barbara J.; s/o John and Mary Rebecca (Hinkle) Adams ; born 1840 IA and died 21 Jun 1861 Turner, Marion Co, OR
*14) ADAMS, Joseph Spencer (10 Jan 1851-09 Sep 1909): m'd 1881 GOSNEY, Martha Jane; s/o Calvin and Catherine (Bartlett) Adams; father of Vern Edward, Thomas Joseph and Walter Lester, buried Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon
*8) ADAMS, Margaret Jane. (1843-21
Jan 1891): m. 08 Dec 1864 SMITH, Harrison; d/o Charles and Mary (Vowel) Adams; mother of Luella and
Mabel Claire Smith;
Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
*16) ADAMS, Mary Ann (28 Sep 1830-23 Mar 1878): m'd 01 Jun 1847 WHITLEY, James Willis; twin to Abraham Hayes Adams; d/o John and Mary Rebecca (Hinkle) Adams; died 23 Mar 1878 Modoc Co, CA; buried Lookout Cemetery, Lookout, Modoc County, California; mother of John Willis (1848-1924); Elizabeth R. (1849-1932); Abraham Hayes (1851-1932); Mary Catherine (1853-1898); Nancy Jane (1855-1942); William Clarke (1857-1933): James Levi (1858-1863): Francis Marion (1860-1958); Chalres Henry (1862-1958); Sarah Justina (1865-1931); Alice Henrietta (1867- )
*8) ADAMS, Mary Elizabeth (16 Jul 1844-17 Jul 1926): d/o Charles and Mary (Vowel) Adams; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
ADAMS, Mary Maria (04 Jan 1852-21 Mar 1919): m'd 16 Nov 1867 HENDERSON, Walter Glenn; d/o Oliver and Mary (Hill) Adams; settled Yamhill County; buried Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon; Mary's husband owned a livery stable in McMinnville and served four terms as Sheriff as well as other civic positions; Mary was the mother of four children (Nettie, Ernest R., Glenn A. and Ray R.)
ADAMS, Matthew:
*8) ADAMS, Millie Ann (02 Jul 1841 -24 May 1917): m'd 16 Oct 1860 MEREDITH,John Wesley; d/o Charles and Mary (Vowel) Adams; born 02 Jul 1841 and died 24 May 1917 (or 26 Jun 1917); buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon; husband was a dentist in Salem where they resided; mother of Charles N., Susan E, Frank and Jennette Meredith
*8) ADAMS, Miranda J. (08 Aug 1850-c1925): d/o Charles and Mary (Vowel) Adams
*16) ADAMS, Nancy Eleanor (1821-aft 1880):m'd 11 Mar 1841 SARGENT, Abraham A.; d/o John and Mary Rebecca (Hinkle) Adams; mother of (John Franklin, Reason F., Mary Catherine, Oliver Perry H., and Oscar Dunswreath); settled Josephine County; shown in 1880 census but not located in the records after that time period
ADAMS, Oliver Harmon (25 Mar 1819-31 Mar 1908): m'd 20 Oct 1846 HILL, Mary Sophia; s/o Sebastian and Eunice (Harmon) Adams; settled near the present city of Carlton, Yamhill County;buried Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon He was the father of 9 daughters and two sons (Alice Amanda, Emma Ellen, Mary Maria, Eva Ellen, Ida Irene, Ada Ann, Inez Ione, Carrie Cornelia, Austin Hill, Frank Grant and Lilly May.)
"DLC: #1746 Yamhill; Oliver H. Adams b. 1819 Geauga County, Ohio; arr Aug 1852; sc 01 Oct 1852; m'd Mary Sophia Nov 1847 Knox County, Illinois"
ADAMS, Oscar Porter ( 30 Jul 1828-23 Oct 1914): m1. 27 Oct 1861 SAYLOR, Mary Elizabeth; m2. 23 Dec 1873 CROMWELL, Sarah Minerva; s/o Isaac and Sophronia Lydia (Porter) Adams; it appears he was the only one of his siblings to emigrate west
*8) ADAMS, Pauline (16 Jul 1849-09 Feb 1919): d/o Charles and Mary (Vowel) Adams; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
*8) ADAMS, Samantha Ann (1851-05 Aug 1941): m'd FRENCH, Mr.
ADAMS, Samuel (1833- ):
ADAMS, Sarah Catherine (26 Aug 1839-08 Sep 1905): d/o Charles D. and Mary (Vowel) Adams
*16) ADAMS, Sarah Rebecca (1842-12 Feb 1925): m'd 05 Oct 1858 ROGERS, William Clark; d/o John and Mary Rebecca (Hinkle) Adams; born 17 Jul 1842 Decatur, IA and died 12 Feb 1925 Salem, Marion Co, OR; mother of Mary Ann, Sarah Elizabeth, Clark L., Charles M., Amelia C., Clarence M., Clayton O., Cecil P. and Laura E.
ADAMS, Sebastian Cabot Capt.
(1789-1852): m'd HARMON, Eunice; Sebastian died on trail; son, Sebastian Cabot
Adams Jr emigrated in 1850
*14) ADAMS, Sophia Adeline (23 Apr 1849-13 Nov 1917): m. 12 Feb 1866 BOWLBY, Theodore F.; d/o Calvin and Catherine (Bartlett) Adams; mother of Wilson E., Charles H., Emma M., Theodore P., Randolph, Fred H., Bert R., George Lester, Lois G. and Stella M.; buried Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon
ADAMS, Stephen Barlow (09 May 1829-27 Mar 1903 ): m'd 31 Dec 1848 COX, Nancy Carolinel s/o Abner and Zervia (Griswold) Adams Jr
"DLC: #1984 Marion; b. 1829 Crawford County, Pennsylvainia; arr 02 Sep 1852; sc 18 Nov 1853; m'd Nancy C. 31 Dec 1848 Knox County, Illinois"
ADAMS, Thomas (18 Mar 1788-16 Feb 1882): m1. 15 Nov 1809 DAVIS, Mary "Polly"; m2. unknown; s/o James and Agnes (Wilson) Adams; cut off for California; first wife died prior to emigration
*14) ADAMS, William Dr. (20 Mar 1822-07 Mar 1913): m'd 30 Jun 1849 MCMILLEN, Cecelia Emily
"DLC: #1617 Washington; William Adams b. 1822 Erie Co, NY; arr 25 Oct 1852; sc 01 Oct 1854; m'd Cecelia E. 30 Jun 1849 Du Page County, Illinois"
ADDINGTON, Absalom M. (1832-26 Sep 1864): m'd Jun 1854 LUALLEN, Hannah; s/o William and Mary (White) Addington; settled Linn County, OR; 1850 living in Ward, Randolph Co, IN; 1860 in Yreka, Siskiyou Co, CA farming; born 1832 IN; died 26 Sep 1864 Boise, ID; mother d. 1847 and the father in 1859; Absalom was the father of Elvira and William
"DLC: #707 Linn; Absalom M. Addington; b. 1832 IN; arr 27 Oct 1852; sc 01 Aug 1854; m'd Hannah, June 1854 Oregon Territory"
ADDINGTON, Joel (Nov 1830-19 Jul 1921): m'd 12 Feb 1860 LUALLEN, Mary Jane; s/o William and Mary (White) Addington; born Nov 1830 IN; mother d. 1847 and the father in 1859; 1850 living in Ward, Randolph Co, IN; 1860 in Yreka, Siskiyou Co, CA raising stock; served in Indian Wars in 1856 under Capt. John Sutliff; returned to CA that fall until 1860 when he returned to Oregon long enough to marry on 12 Feb 1860 to Miss Mary Jane Luallen, (d/o Isaac and Sarah (Miller) Luallen); Joel and Mary were the parents of seven children: Olive (Charles Williams), Minnie L. (Ellis Kellison), Ella, (Munsey Goddard), Louis L., Leroy K.., Alva B., and Nellie G..; Joel and Mary are buried at Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane Co, OR
"DLC: #405 Lane Co, Joel Addington (rejected)"
AGEE, Benjamin Coats (27 Sep 1837-21 Jan 1920): m'd 1863 LADY, Sarah Elizabeth; s/o Isaac and
Cordelia (Thornton) Agee; born 27 Sep 1837 MO and died 21 Jan 1920 Douglas Co,
OR; moved from Yamhill Co to Douglas Co c1869; sheriff of Douglas Co; buried
Civil Bend Cemetery, Douglas County,
Oregon; father of 14 children (Oscar, Orvil,
Roland, Norman, Miles, Minnie, Millie, May, Asher, Rose, Fred, Daisy, Earl and
Elmer); Residence
at Civil Bend, Douglas Co, OR
"AGEE, BENJAMIN C.--Born in Osage County, Missouri, in September, 1837; left that State for Oregon April 6, 1852, coming in an ox-train in company with his parents, ten brothers, and four sisters. The family settled in Yamhill County. Benjamin Agee removed to Douglas County in 1869, and still resides on a farm near Roseburg. Has a wife and ten children." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 750]
AGEE, Isaac Godwin (18 Oct 1811-09 Sep 1900): m'd 25 No 1831 THORNTON, Cordelia; born 18 Oct 1811 MO and died 09 Sep 1900 Yamhill Co, OR; settled in Gopher Valley, Yamhill Co; buried Agee Cemetery, Yamhill County, Oregon; father of 14 children (William T., Mary Emeline, Wilson, Benjamin Coats, John, Malissa Ann, Matthew W., James, Jackson K., Sarah Marinda, Judy Belinda, Jasper, Isaac Thomas and Charles M)
"DLC: #2265 Yamhill; Isaac Agee b. 1810/11 Smith Co, TN; arr 25 Sep 1852; sc 01 Nov 1852; m'd Cordelia 10 Nov 1831/2 Callaway County, Missouri"
AGEE, Jackson K. (20 Apr 1846-29 Jul 1917): m1. 1867 DOWNING, Marcella; m2. 1880 BAKER, America Ann; s/o Isaac and Cordelia (Thornton) Agee; born 20 Apr 1846 MO and died 29 Jul 1917 Yamhill Co, OR (reportedly committed suicide); buried Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
AGEE, James B. (17 Jul 1844-01 Feb 1905): m1. 1869 MURRAY, Fanny Jane; m2. MURRAY, May Noble; s/o Isaac and Cordelia (Thornton) Agee; born 17 Jun 1844 MO and died 01 Feb 1905 Yamhill Co, OR; buried Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
AGEE, John (23 Apr 1839-26 Apr 1912): m'd 05 Jun 1866 THORNTON, Mary Elizabeth; s/o Isaac and Cordelia (Thornton) Agee; born 23 Apr 1839 MO and died 26 Apr 1912 Douglas Co, OR; moved to Douglas Co from Yamhill Co c1869; buried Wilbur Cemetery, Wilbur, Douglas County, Oregon
AGEE, Judy Belinda (08 Apr 1852-07 Oct 1874): m'd 1869 FRISTOE, James A.; d/o Isaac and Cordelia (Thornton) Agee; born 08 Apr 1852 MO and died 07 Oct 1874 Yamhill Co, OR; buried Agee Cemetery, Yamhill County, Oregon
AGEE, Malissa Ann (03 Apr 1841-15 Aug 1852): d/o Isaac and
Cordelia (Thornton) Agee; born 03 Apr 1841 MO and died 15 Aug 1852; buried on
trail to Oregon; family tradition says she fell from horse hitting her head on
rock ; memorial isted in Agee Cemetery, Yamhill County,
AGEE, Mary Emmaline (07 Aug 1834-21 May 1894): m'd 02 Jan 1851 ATTERBURY, Greene Rufus Pinckney; d/o Isaac and Cordelia (Thornton) Agee; born 07 Aug 1834 MO and died 21 May 1894 Douglas Co, OR; originally settled in Yamhill Co and later moved to Douglas Co; buried Oak Creek Cemetery, Glide, Douglas County, Oregon
AGEE, Matthew Wiseman (24 Aug 1842-06 Aug 1887): m1. 1865 MILLER, Martha; m2. 1878 Sarah C. Winter; s/o Isaac and Cordelia (Thornton) Agee; born 24 Aug 1842 MO and died 06 Aug 1887 OR; father of 2 children by first marriage (Mary Matilda and James Robert); father of 4 children by second marriage (Charles H., Helen C., Urton C. and Sylvia S.); burial location unknown
AGEE, Rebecca T. (06 Oct 1812-21 Jun 1878): m'd 26 Feb 1829 OGLE, Joseph; buried Halsey Pioneer Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
AGEE, Sarah Merinda (28 Feb 1849-27 Mar 1925): m'd 1865 COATS, Lemuel A.; d/o Isaac and Cordelia (Thornton) Agee; born 28 Feb 1849 MO and died 27 Mar 1925; buried Woodlawn Cemetery, Santa Monica, Los Angeles County, California
AGEE, William Tillman (13 Mar 1833-25 Aug 1857): m'd THORNTON, Marinda; s/o Isaac and Cordelia (Thornton) Agee; born 13 Mar 1833 MO and died 25 Aug 1857 of wounds received in Indian War; buried Agee Cemetery, Yamhill County, Oregon
"DLC: #2802 Yamhill; William T. Agee; b. 1833 Calloway Co, MO; arr 20 Oct 1852; on Jan 8, 1864 Isaac Agee signed Oath of Allegance as heir of law of claim of his son"
AGEE, Wilson (17 Jan 1836-24 Apr 1883): m'd 18 Oct 1860 STEVENS, Martha Vernelia; s/o Isaac and Cordelia (Thornton) Agee; born 17 Aug 1837 MO and died 24 Apr 1883 Yamhill Co, OR; buried Agee Cemetery, Yamhill County, Oregon
*2a) AKIN, Caroline "Carrie" (01 Jan 1846-1910): m'd 18 Aug 1866 HODGES, Stephen Clark; d/o James and Eliza (Richey) Akin; born 02 Jan 1846 Henry County, Iowa, buried Dutch Flat Cemetery, Dutch Flat, Placer County, California
*2a) AKIN, Elizabeth (17 Sep 1835-01 Jan 1865 ): m'd 20 Oct 1857 HODGES, Stephen Clark; d/o James and Eliza (Richey) Akin; born 1835 Pike County, Illinois and died 01 Jan 1865 Reedville, Washington County, Oregon; after her death her husband married her younger sister, Caroline; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
*2a) AKIN, Frances (11 Aug 1844 -11 Feb 1907): d/o James and Eliza (Richey) Akin; died Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; burial location unknown
*2a) AKIN, Franklin Street (15 Mar 1842-28 Aug 1922): m'd 1871 KLINE, Laura Ellen (1850-1910); s/o James and Eliza (Richey) Akin; born 15 Mar 1842 Henry Co, IA and died 28 Aug 1922 Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; census records show him as an merchant dealing in boots and shoes; buried Rose City Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; wife emigrated from Missouri in 1853
AKIN, Hester Mrs. ( -04 Feb 1916):
*2a) AKIN, James Jr. (26 Jan 1833-09 Sep 1880): m1. KELLY, Mary Jane (1839-1864); m2. c1865 KELLY, Samantha Caroline; s/o James and Eliza (Richey) Akin; born 26 Jan 1833 Pike Co, IL and died 09 Sep 1880 Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; father of Flora A. and Louis Benson Akin.
*2a) AKIN, James Sr (02 Apr 1807-16 Oct 1852): m'd 07 Feb 1833 RICHEY, Eliza Ann; s/o John and Frances (Davis) Akin; died two weeks after arrival in Portland, OR; brother of Ritta Ann Akin Ingram; burial location unknown
"DLC: #3576 Clackamas; Elizabeth, John, Nancy, Franklin, Frances and Caroline Akin heirs of James and Eliza Akin; James Ingram was appointed adm & guardian of 7 minor children; Stuart and Caleb Richey, Multnomah Co gave aff that they personally knew James and Eliza Akin and that they started to OR in 1852; Eliza Akin d on or near the Snake River and James Akin died in Portland soon after arrival; James Ingram gave aff that James Akin was b. in NC; heirs were all of age by 05 Oct 1867"
*2a) AKIN, John L. (01 Jan/14 Jul 1837-11 Mar 1911 ): m1. c1859 MASON, Catherine Olive; m2. c1863 HULBERT, Harriett; m3. c1896 KISOR, Mrs. Malinda E.; s/o James and Eliza (Richey) Akin; born 14 Jul 1837 Henry Co, IA and died 11 Mar 1911 Albany, Linn Co, OR; buried Bellfountain Cemetery, Benton County, Oregon; father of Olive A. by first wife, Clara C., Eva E., J Franklin, Elva Abigail, John Stuart, George, and Francis by second wife
*2a) AKIN, Mary Ann (1850-15 Oct 1852): d/o James and
Eliza (Richey) Akin; died on Lower Cascades, Columbia River, 15 October 1852;
location unknown
*2a) AKIN, Nancy (06 Jun 1840-02 Dec 1907): m'd 06 Mar 1856 HANSON, William Frederick "Hans"; d/o James and Eliza (Richey) Akin; born 06 Jun 1840 Henry Co, IA and died 02 Dec 1907 Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; mother of Frederick William, E. Wilbur, Ida Eliza and Charles Edwin Hanson; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
*2a) AKIN, Ritta Ann (15 Aug 1815 - 24 Jan 1897): m'd 04 Dec 1833 INGRAM, James Henry; d/o John and Frances (Davis) Akin; sister of James Akin Sr.; settled with husband and children in Clackamas County; died Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; mother of Mitchell, Rachel, James Henry, Leanna, Paulna, Sarah Jane, Elizabeth, Elva, Louisa, Mary Ann and Frances Olive; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
AKIN, Susan (09
Feb 1805 -1852): m'd 1826 ALLEN, Abner; d/o John and Francis (Davis) Akin; died on trail of mountain fever; buried at upper crossing of the Sweetwater
ALBIN, Gabriel (1830- ): there is a Gabriel Albin b. 31 Oct 1830 and died 12 Sep 1877 that was born and died in Ohio. Iti is possible he emigrated west in 1852 and then returned east. No other information on a Gabriel Albin has been found.
ALBRIGHT, Charles E. (1842 - ): s/o Charles and Rebecca Albright; born 1842 in Illinois according to the 1850 Peoria, Illinois census
ALBRIGHT, Charles Oliver (10 Oct 1810-07 Nov 1897): m1. c1833 [ ], Rebecca H. (1813-1852); m2. 11 Jun 1855 MANN, Cynthia (BIRKS); Charles was born 10 Oct 1810 in Baden, Wurttemburg, Germany and died 07 Nov 1897 Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon; father of four children by first wife (Mary Regina, Laura V., Edward F., and Francis M.) and two children by his second wife (Charles Oliver 1856-1916 and Clara 1861-); buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon
"ALBRIGHT, CHARLES--Born in Germany October 10, 1811; occupation, butcher; place of residence, Port Townsend. Wife s previous name, Mrs. Cynthia Mann. Children Frank M., Edward F. (deceased), Laura V., Charles A., and Clara." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 750]
ALBRIGHT, Edward F. (1842-05 Oct 1882): m'd 23 Aug 1869 STRANG, Kate; s/o Charles and Rebecca Albright;buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
ALBRIGHT, Francis M. "Frank" (1840-26 Dec 1895): s/o Charles and Rebecca Albright; Frank was born 1840 in Illinois according to the 1850 Peoria, Illinois census; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon
ALBRIGHT, Laura V. (1848- ): m'd CURRY, D.; d/o Charles and Rebecca Albright; born 1848 in Illinois according to the 1850 Peoria, Illinois census; enumerated in sister Springer's household in 1860; 1870 enumerated in Wm Braden household; not found in 1880 census
ALBRIGHT, Mary Regina (1838-23 Aug 1862): m'd 10 Jun 1855 SPRINGER, Abraham B.; d/o Charles and Rebecca Albright; Mary was born 1838 in Illinois according to the 1850 Peioria, Illinois census; died 23 Aug 1862 Oregon City, Clackamas Co, OR
ALBRIGHT, Rebecca H. (1813-26 Nov 1852): m'd c1833
ALBRIGHT, Charles; maiden name unknown at this time [a Rebecca Frank m'd a
Charles Albright in Indiana]; Rebecca was born 1813 in
North Carolina according to the 1850 Peoria, Illinois census and died soon after arrival; mother of four children (Mary Regina, Laura V., Edward F., and Francis
ALDERSON, Christopher (11 Sep 1827-12 Oct 1907): m'd 13 Aug 1862 ROYAL, Mary C.; born 11 Sep 1826 Yorkshire, England; longtime Methodist minister that served posts in Washington and Oregon; killed 12 Oct 1907 at Albany by a train while walking on a trestle. He was on his way to the depot to return to his home in Salem after visiting a daughter. He was the father of seven children (William C., Minta .S., Margaret, Anna, Edith R., Lois E. and Pearl H. ); bured Multnomah Park Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
ALDRICH, Charles Edwin (1842-1918): m'd FIELDS, Lucinda; s/o Ellery and Rosanah (Mead) Aldrich; father of 8 children ( Arvest Allace, Nephi, Alvira Isabell, Elry Frances, Joseph Carlos, William Edwin, May Arabal, and Henry Nelson) per Charles Aldrich Family Tree
ALDRICH, Edward Eugene "Jack" (1850-aft 1900): s/o Ellery and Cynthia (Sweet) Aldrich per Edward E. "Jack" Aldrich Family Tree
ALDRICH, Ellery Wood (1815-1888): m1. FINCH, Almira; m2. 1842 MEAD, Rosanah "Betsy"; m3. 1845 SWEET, Patience M.; m4. 1849 SWEET, Cynthia Eurena Cecelia Alice.; born Erie Co, NY; buried Canyon City Cemetery, Canyon City, Grant Co, OR; father of Charles Edwin, Edward E., Francellia J., Elry Francis, Oliver Elmer, Ella MaryAnn, Nelson, Elnora Jennette, Icealius, Ida Cecelia, George Washington, Reno and Henry; per Ellery Wood Family Tree;
"DLC: #1903 Clackamas; Ellery W. Aldrich b. 1816 Erie Co, NY; arr 20 Oct 1852; sc 10 May 1854; m'd Cynthia E. 3/23 Mar 1849 Allegan County, Michigan"
ALEXANDER, Edwin Charles (Jan 1850-10 Feb 1931); m1. 21 Dec 1872 DUNBAR, Adelia L.; m2. 1884 PAUL, Anna E.; s/o John and Emily (Bailey) Alexander; father of four children by second wife (infant, infant, Irene M. and Leo E.); was a printer; lived in Lane County as a child, spent some time in Marion County, Linn County. Died in San Francisco, CA; buried Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery, Colma, San Mateo County, California
ALEXANDER, James H. ( -1857):
ALEXANDER, Jane (27 Dec 1793-28 Jan 1868): m'd MOORES, Isaac Ross Sr.; d/o John and Barbara (King) Alexander; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
ALEXANDER, John Brown (11 Feb 1820-19 Jun 1904): m'd 14 Nov 1848 BAILEY, Emily; s/o Josiah and Elizabeth (King) Alexander; John was born 11 Feb 1820 Franklin Co, AL and died 19 Jun 1904 Linn Co, OR; he lived for many years in Lane County before moving to Linn County where he spent his last years; he was the father of (Edwin Charles, William Henry, Frank Ross, Emma and George L.); buried IOOF Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
"DLC: #3065 Lane Co; John B. Alexander, b. 1820 Franklin Co, AL; m'd Emily Bailey;28 Nov 1848 Vermillion Co, IL; arr 20 Nov 1852"
ALEXANDER, Joseph M. (1811- ):
"DLC: #4619 Columbia Co; Joseph M. Alexander, b. 1811 TN; arr 10 Sep 1852; sc 17 Jul 1854. Aff Josiah Fullerton, James Miller, John W. Watts, Francis H. Watts"
ALEXANDER, Mary J. Mrs. ( -04 Oct 1923):
ALEXANDER, Sophia (19 Oct 1810-12 May 1887): m'd 06 Dec 1831 IRELAND, Alpheus H.; d/o John and Ruth (Penland) Alexander; born 19 Oct 1810 Burke Co, NC and died 12 May 1887 Myrtle Creek, Douglas Co, OR; buried Adams Cemetery, Mrytle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon; settled in Douglas County; mother of six children (John Alexander, Myra Elizabeth, Juliet Ann, Ruth Hellen, Infant dau and Mary Jane); three of her children died in IN prior to the emigration
ALEXANDER, William Fielding Dr. (15 Oct 1823-25 Dec 1902 ): m1. 23 Oct 1848 CLAYTON, Cynthia Ann (1826-1851); m2. 15 Feb 1853 NEWMAN, Mrs Anna D. (SHOMBRE); m3. 03 May 1864 RITCHLEY, Maria (1843-1879); m4. 1882 WALTERS, Estella Jane (1856-1944); s/o John and Elizabeth (Reardon) Alexander; buried Oak Hill Memorial Park, San Jose, Santa Clara County, California
"DLC: #3200 Linn Co; William F. Alexander, b. 1823 TN; m'd Anna D. 15 Feb 1853 Linn Co, OR; arr 25 Sep 1852"
ALLARD, Alvin (1816-13 May 1886): s/o Samuel and Nancy Allard; born 1816 Orange Co, VT and died 13 May 1866; was found dead in his home at Columbia Slough by a neighbor who was checking on him; he had no known relatives in Oregon. He was taken to Portland and then returned to Columbia Slough for burial.
"DLC: #1294 Clackamas; Alvin Allard b. 1816 Orange Co, VT; arr 25 Aug 1852; sc 01 Feb 1853"
ALLEN, Abner (06 Jun 1799-20 Feb 1888): m1. 1826 AKIN, Susan; m2. 1855 WATSON, Mrs. Julia A.; first wife died at the upper crossing on the Sweetwater River 15 Jun 1852; Abner was born 06 Jun 1799 Franklin Co, NC and died 20 Feb 1888 Marion Co, OR; Abner is buried Silverton Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon; father of six children (Henry, Caroline, Ira, Sarah Frances, Mary E., and Hannah A.)
"DLC: #3077 Marion; Abner Allen; b. 1799 Franklin Co, NC; arr 19 Aug 1852; sc 01 Jan 1854; m'd Julia A. 1856 Marion Co, OR; doc states (1st) wife died at the upper crossing of the Sweetwater River 15 Jun 1852 but does not give her name"
ALLEN, Albert (1836-bef 1900 ): s/o William and Elizabeth (Andrews) Allen; spent most of adult life in Yamhill Co, OR; appears that he never married; 1870 living in Amity, Yamhill County, Oregon with mother and stepfather
ALLEN, Alfred (06 Jan 1803-21 Feb 1874): m'd 02 Jan 1822 JACKSON, Sarah; s/o Isaac and Frances Rebecca (Randle) Allen; Alfred was born 06 Jan 1803 Boone Co, KY and died 21 Feb 1874 Linn Co, OR; buried Pine Grove cemetery, Halsey, Linn Co, OR; father of six children including (2 unnamed daughters, one unnamed son, Barton H., Benjamin F. and William M.); resided in Warren Co, Illinois prior to emigration to Oregon; shown in 1860 Klicitat Co, Washington census and 1870 Halsey, Linn Co, OR census
"DLC: #1453 Lane Co; Alfred Allen; b. 1803 Boone Co, KY"
ALLEN, Andrew B. (1819 -24 Jun 1852): died on trail
ALLEN, Andrew Jackson (10 Jan 1828-02 Dec 1909 ): m1. 15 Aug 1847 GRIFFITH, Sarah; m2. c1857 RANDALL, Harriet M. (CHURCH); s/o Samuel and Nancy (Spears) Allen; parents came to Oregon in 1852; Andrew was born 10 Jan1828 TN and died 02 Dec 1909 Milton Freewater, Umatilla Co, OR; father of three children by first wife (Nelson, Wesley Solomon and Joseph Andrew); father of five children by second wife (Sarah Bell, Lewis N., Almeda Harriet, Edwin S., John A.); buried Old Pioneer Cemetery, Milton-Freewater, Umatilla County, Oregon
"DLC: #1984 Douglas Co; Andrew J. Allen; b. 1828 TN"
ALLEN, Artimesia (1813-16 Mar 1890): m'd 24 Jul 1830 STEWART, Robert Smith
ALLEN, Barton H. (17 Mar 1823-21 Oct 1896): m'd 24 Sep 1864 PHELPS, Helen Maria; m2. 1890 CUMMINGS, Eleanor; s/o Alfred and Sarah (Randle) Allen; born c1826 Illinois died 21 Oct 1896 Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; lived most of his time in Oregon in Linn County; buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Peoria, Linn County, Oregon
"DLC: #2029 Lane Co; Barton H. Allen; b. 1823 IL"
ALLEN, Benjamin F. (17 Mar1833-06 Nov 1917): m'd c1854 TATE, Matilda; s/o Alfred and Sarah (Randle Allen; it appears that if Benjamin came to Oregon with the family in 1852 that he returned to Illinois by c1854 when he married Matilda Tate. They remain in Illinois until sometime between the 1860 and 1870 census when the family shows up in the 1870 Harrisburg, Linn Co, OR census.By 1872 they show up in the records for Prineville, Wasco Co, OR. By 1910 the family is living in Portland where Benjamin died 06 Nov 1917. He was the father of seven children (Mary Etta, Margaret J., Alfred, Emma, Clara, F., and Ella E.); buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
ALLEN, Caroline (02 May 1830-12 Dec 1868 ): m'd 26 Aug 1846 DUDLEY, Spencer; d/o Abner and Sarah (Akin) Allen; buried Silverton Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
ALLEN, Cynthia Ann (1818 - 04 Jan 1895): m1. 28 Feb 1837 HARMON, William (1821-1842): m2. Dec 1843 STEWART, George Washington
ALLEN, Dallas (1843-aft 1880): s/o William and Elizabeth (Andrews) Allen; 1860 living in Yamhill County with J.D. Morris family (age 15); 1880 Yamhill County living with William Cochran family (age 36 brother in law)
ALLEN, Daniel:
ALLEN, Edward Jay (27 Apr 1830-26 Dec 1915): m'd 16 Jul 1857 ROBINSON, Elizabeth; returned to Pittsburg in 1855; fought in Civil War where attained rank of Colonel; s/o Edward and Millicent (Bindley) Allen; buried Homewood Cemetery, Pittsburg, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
"EdwardJay Allen was born in New York on April 27, 1830 and moved to Pittsburgh as an infant. he grew up there, attended public schools, and studied the classics at duquesne College. As a young man Allen suffered from a throat ailment and was advised to go west to seek a healthier climate. He shipped his wagon and `plunder' by steamer to St. Louis in May 1852, and from there re-shipped to Council Bluffs, Iowa, purchasing six oxen along the way. Allen left Council Bluffs on May 19, 1852, heading for Oregon. He traveled west with 32 Ohio families. There were 400 wagons in his train." [Northwest Trails, Winter 2009, excerpt of an article written by Dennis Larsen] Wagons From Wapello "Once he reached Oregon, Allen's subsequent letters home, printed in eastern newspapers, have recently become the subject of a book written by Larsen and another northwest history researcher, Karen Johnson. A Yankee on Puget Sound: Pioneer Dispatches of Edward Jay Allen, 1852-1855 (Pullman: Washington State University Press, 2013). The book concerns his travels and activities during a three-year stay in Washington Territory."
ALLEN, Eleanor Jane (18 Sep 1838-17 Mar 1923 ): m'd MILLER, Charles A.; d/o William and Elizabeth (Andrews) Allen; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
ALLEN, Florence (16 Sep 1842-24 Sep 1892): m'd 27 May 1858 BYERLY, Absolom; d/o William and Elizabeth (Andrews) Allen
ALLEN, H. B. (1823- 1852): from Marson County, Ohio; died on trail; some records
state this is Barton H. Allen but it would have to be from different family that
Barton H. Allen listed above.
ALLEN, Hannah (31 Aug 1838-19 Mar 1884): m'd 29 Apr 1858 DONALDSON, John; d/o Abner and Sarah (Akin) Allen; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
ALLEN, Henry (06 Jun 1828-07 Aug 1908): m'd 14 Feb 1852 ROCKWOOD, Frances Elmira; s/o Abner and Sarah (Aiken) Allen; went to CA c1849, returned to IL in 1851 and emigrated west with family in 1852; born 06 Jun 1828 TN and died 07 Aug 1908 Silverton, Marion Co, OR; buried Silverton Cemetery, Silverton, Marion Co, OR; father of six children (Timothy Darius, Roderick D., unk, Harvey L, Alwilda Josephineand Adelle Gertrude)
ALLEN, Ira (c1836- ): s/o Abner and Sarah (Akin) Allen; in 1860 an Ira Allen is found living in Josephine Co, OR; early newspaper records indicate that one Ira Allen, a member of Co F of the Oregon Mounted Volunteers was severely wounded in Dec 1855 during the Yakima Indian War
ALLEN, Isabella (1847- bef 1860): d/o William and Elizabath (Andrews) Allen; shown in 1850 Lee Co, IA census with parents but does not show up in 1860 Oregon census. She may have died prior to emigration
ALLEN, James (1838 - ): s/o William and Elizabeth (Andrews) Allen; 1870 living in Amity, Yamhill County, Oregon with mother and stepfather
ALLEN, James (1821- ): born Greene Co, IL
"DLC: #05115 Yamhill Co; James Allen; b. 1821 Greene Co, IL; arr 09/19 Oct 1852"
ALLEN, James (11 Mar 1794-Nov 1868): living alone in 1860 Thurston Co, WA census; James was born in PA and was a farmer; living next door to him is C.S. Allen, age 27, OH, farmer
ALLEN, James (1831- ):
"DLC: #2112 Washington Co; James Allen b. 1831 Lee Co, VA (rejected)"
ALLEN, James (1836-aft 1880): m'd 03 Oct 1872 POLANDER, Harriet A.; s/o William and Elizabeth (Andrews) Allen; living in Yamhill County through the 1880 census
ALLEN, Lindsey ( -1852): from Jackson Co, MO;
died on plains
ALLEN, Louisa (1845- ): d/o William and Elizabeth (Andrews) Allen
ALLEN, Mary E. (10 Oct 1843-27 Oct 1918): m'd 04 Mar 1866 BLACKERBY, Thomas R.; d/o Abner and Sarah (Akin) Allen; Mary was born 10 Oct 1842 in Pike Co, IL and died 27 Oct 1918 in Marion County, OR; Mary was the mother of two children (Grace and Paul); buried Silverton Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
ALLEN, Mary E. (28 Apr 1849-20 May 1925): m'd 22 Oct 1865 COCHRAN, William Clark; d/o William and Elizabeth (Andrews) Allen; resided with husband and children in Yamhill Co until 1900 when the family is found in the Latah, ID census; mother of four children (Clifton A., John E., William F. and one unnamed); burial location unknown
ALLEN, Mary Florence (16 Sep 1842 - 24 Sep 1892): m'd BYERLEY, Absalom (Abraham?); d/o William and Elizabeth (Andrews) Allen
ALLEN, Nelson (28 Oct 1849-04 Apr 1925):m'd 06 Jan 1871 BETTS, Margaret Ann; s/o Andrew and Sarah (Griffith) Allen; Nelson was born 28 Oct 1849 Henry Co, IA and died 04 Apr 1925 Potlatch, Latah Co, ID; father of sixteen children including (Rosa B., Harry E., Andrew J., Ruth, Abraham O., Sarah D., George D., Nelson I.B., Lillie E., Willis M. ,Lucy P. and five unknown); buried Potlatch Cemetery, Potlatch, Latah County, Idaho
ALLEN, Sarah "Francis" (20 Sep 1833-30 Apr 1910): m'd 13 Apr 1854 COOLIDGE, Ai; d/o Abner and Sarah (Akin) Allen; born 20 Sep 1833 Pike Co, IL and died 30 Apr 1910 Silverton, Marion Co, OR; Francis was the mother of six children (F.Eva, Ai, May, Alfred, unknown, unknown); buried Silverton Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
ALLEN, Solomon Wesley (1851-after 1920 ): m'd 18 Sep 1873 LONG, Rachel M.; s/o Andrew and Sarah (Griffith) Allen; 1920 living in Nez Perce County, Idaho
ALLEN, William (1807-1862): m'd 16 Jun 1836 ANDREWS, Elizabeth; William was born in PA and died c1862 probably in Yamhill Co, OR; father of 12 children (Albert, James, Eleanor Jane, Florence, Dallas, Louisa, Isabella, Mary E., Winfield Scott, Ross, Charles Burch and Maurice); wife remarried 1863 to Robert Lancefield
"DLC: #4684 Yamhill Co; William Allen b. 1807 Centre Co, PA; m'd Eliza 16 Jun 1836 OH; arr 22 Sep 1852"
ALLEN, William Franklin : some documents indicate he was an emigrant of 1852 but his DLC states he arrived in August 1853. See 1853 list for further information on him.
ALLEN, William M. (27 Jul 1830-11 Jul 1905): m'd 22 May 1858 GUILLFORD, Emma Catherine; s/o Alfred and Sarah (Randle) Allen; William was born 27 Jul 1830 IL; shown in 1860 Lane Co, 1870 Wasco Co and 1880 Linn County where he remained until his death 11 Jul 1905; father of four children (Araminta, Benjamin F., William A. and Lena J.); buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Peoria, Linn County, Oregon
"DLC: #5222 Washington Co; William Allen; b. 1830 Lee Co, VA; m'd Emeline 02 Aug 1853 Washington Co, OR; arr 12 Sep 1852"
ALLEN, Winfield Scott (02 Apr 1850-23 Oct 1927): m'd 05 Oct 1875 ARTHUR, Mildred: s/o William and Eliza (Andrews) Allen; father of two daughters (Luella and Ada); resided in Yamhill and Polk Counties; 1870 living in Amity, Yamhill County, Oregon with mother and stepfather; buried in Dallas Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
ALLEY, Amanda Emaline (10 Aug 1844-10 Dec 1922): m'd 03 Oct 1858 PITNEY, Jonathan; d/o Andrew and Louise (Perkins) Alley; born 10 Aug 1844 Jackson Co, MO and died 10 Dec 1922 in CA; had moved from Oregon to CA by 1858 when she married John Pitney there; mother of ten children (Louise, Martha C., Mary J., George R., Matthew, Anna, Emma Elizabeth, Sarah G.., Charles A. and Bertie A.); buried Upper Lake Cemetery, Upper Lake, Lake County, California
ALLEY, Andrew Jackson (Mar 1811-11 Dec 1885): m1. 30 May 1835 PERKINS, Louise Elizabeth; m2. 11 Nov 1852 MOORE, Mary Adeline; s/o Samuel and Dicey (Glenn) Alley; born 1813 in Sumner Co, TN and died 11 Dec 1885 Middle Valley, Lake Co, CA; had Donation Land Claim in Linn County and appears on tax records through 1859; by 1860 living in Lake Co, CA; father of at least four children by first wife (Sarah Jane, Samuel Henry, John Lemuel and Elizabeth); father of at least two children by second wife (Louisa Winnie and Andrew Jackson Jr.); buried Upper Lake Cemetery, Upper Lake, Lake County, California
"DLC: #4431 Linn Co, Andrew J. Alley; b. 1813 Sumner Co, TN; m'd Mary A. 18 Nov 1852 Linn Co, OR; arr 16 Sep 1852; sc 07 Oct 1852; Aff: Wm. I Moore, John W. Moore, Jason L. Williams, James McDonald, Peter Powell"
ALLEY, John Lemuel (25 Aug 1846-27 Oct 1907): m'd 1870 MCMATH, Ella Eliza; s/o Andrew and Louise (Perkins) Alley; born 25 Aug 1846 Jackson Co, MO and died 27 Oct 1907 CA; by 1860 was living in Lake Co, CA; buried Upper Lake Cemetery, Upper Lake, Lake County, California
ALLEY, Levi Houston (1840- ): s/o Andrew and Louise (Perkins) Alley; he may have died prior to or during emigration; does not appear in 1860 census with family
ALLEY, Martha Ann Elizabeth (29 Jul 1849-18 Jan 1930): m1. MUNSON, George; m2. 1866 BUCKNELL, m3. 1878 MCCOMBS, Albert Emmett; Henry; d/o Andrew and Louise (Perkins) Alley; born 29 Jul 1849 MO and died 18 Jan 1930; by 1860 living in Lake County, California; buried Ukiah Cemetery, Ukiah, Mendocino County, California
ALLEY, Mary (1824- ): m'd 15 Feb 1837 SOMMERS, Thomas; d/o Samuel and Dicey (Glenn) Alley; born 1824 Sumner Co, TN
ALLEY, Riley (1832-20 Sep 1899): m'd 15 Nov 1856 [ ], Lucretia; s/o Samuel and Dicey (Glenn) Alley; born 1831 Sumner Co, TN;
ALLEY, Samuel Henry (22 May 1841-04 Jul 1913): m'd 19 Nov 1867 GORDON, Alameda; s/o Andrew and Louise (Perkins) Alley; by 1860 Samuel is living in Lake County, California; buried Upper Lake Cemetery, Upper Lake, Lake County, California
ALLEY, Sarah Jane (18 Jan 1837- 06 Sep 1917): m'd 30 Oct 1853 WILLIAMS, Jason L.; d/o Andrew and Louise (Perkins) Alley; born 1838 Sumner Co, TN; by 1860 Sarah is living in Lake Co, CA
ALLEY, Tyree (1827-16 May 1881): s/o Samuel and Dicey (Glenn) Alley; born c1829 Sumner Co, TN and died 16 May 1881 Linn Co, OR; while the rest of the family moved on to CA it appears that Tyree remained in Oregon where he is found in the Linn Co census records. There is no indication he ever married; burial location unknown
"DLC: #5101 Linn Co; Tyree Alley b. 1829/30 Sumner Co, TN; arr 15 Sep 1852; sc 01 Mar 1853; boundry conflict with Anderson W. Moores settled by arbitration. James M. Cottrel, Hill Brown & Wm. M. Prine acted as arbitrators 22 May 1854. Aff: Peter Powell, Samuel D. Pomeroy, Adam P. Nye, Wm. Z. Ames"
ALLINGHAM, David W. (25 Dec 1827-01 Jul 1918): m'd 23 Jun 1853 DAVIDSON, Margaret Jane; s/o George and Ruth (Warren) Allingham;buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Peoria, Linn County, Oregon; the Allingham family is found in the census records for Polk Co, Linn Co, Crook Co and Lane County; David was the father of nine children (Horatio M., Ora F., Isabella D., Loren E., Otha D., Carter T., Arthur G., Dollie V. and Laura)
"DLC: #679 Linn; David W. Allingham; b. 1827 Warren Co, KY; arr 02 Sep 1852; sc 24 Feb 1853; m'd Margarett Jane 26 Jun 1853 Polk Co, OR"
"ALLINGHAM, DAVID W.--Born in Kentucky in 1826, and came to Oregon twenty-six years later. Settled on Muddy Creek in Linn County, hut now resides at Silver s, Polk County. Occupation, farming. Married Margaret Davidson in 1853. Children William M., Carter T., Ora F., Arabella Lee, Loren E., Otha D., Arthur Guy, Dollie V., and Livia." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 751]
ALLISON, Viola Cadiz/Catus (02 Nov 1846-27 Jan 1926): m'd 03 Jul 1865 HARKNESS, Charles B.; d/o Henry and Mary (Rundell) Allison; traveling to California when both parents died in Platte County, Wyoming a few yards from the bank of Horse Creek; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Fresno, Fresno County, California
ALLISON, Henry R. (04
Jun 1825 -04
Jun 1852): m'd RUNDELL, Mary Jane 20 Oct 1844; died 04 Jun 1852 on
trail in Platte County, Wyoming; appears to have been in party headed for CA;
location unknown; [Crossing the Plains "John C. Thornley Diary"]; [Journal
of an Ox Team Driver While Crossing the Plains Enroute for California "Wagner
ALLISON, Hiram (1828-15 Mar 1905): appears that he never married; s/o William and Rebecca Allison; born May 1828 and died 15 Mar 1905 Jackson Co, OR; was a miner; in 1860 Hiram is found in CA but the remaining years of his life it appears he resided in Jackson County; census records are not consistent in his birth location but it appears he was probably born in NY
ALLISON, L. J. Mrs.:
ALLISON, Lafayette (09 Feb 1850 - June 1852): s/o Henry and Mary (Rundell)
Allison; died in Platte County, Wyoming along with both parents;
location unknown
ALLISON, Laforgia (28 Feb 1851 - 13 Dec 1930); m'd 1876 JONES, William Dudley; d/o Henry and Mary (Rundell) Allison; traveling to California when both parents died in Platte County, Wyoming; buried Masonic Memorial Gardens, Reno, Washoe County, Nevada
AMBLER, John Alex (1827-20 Jun 1901): m'd 15 Mar 1853 DOTY, Lucinda Galliher.; s/o Clem and Caroline Ambler; on the 1880 Thurston Co, WA census he is listed as having epilepsy and working for the railroad; (father of five children (Mary M., Elizabeth J. "Libby", Alice A., Barbara and David L.)
"DLC: #4720 Linn Co; John A. Ambler, b. 1827 Ross Co, OH; m'd Lucinda G. 15 Mar 1853 Linn Co, OR; arr 20 Aug 1852"
AMERMAN, Anna Eliza (1852- ): d/o James and Elizabeth (Ashley) Amerman
AMERMAN, Henry (02 Mar 1822-06 Apr 1902): s/o Simon and Anna (Vantine) Amerman; Henry emigrated in 1848 or 49; it is thought he may have returned east around 1851 when his mother died and then emigrated west again in 1852, possibly accompanied by his younger brother James. Henry settled in Jackson county and remained there the majority of his time in Oregon. It appears he never married. He was born March 1821 in Huron Co, OH and died 1902 in Oregon. Henry is buried Ashland Cemetery, Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon
AMERMAN, James V. (06 Sep 1824-09 Jan 1871): m'd 09 Oct 1850 ASHLEY, Elizabeth J. s/o Simon and Anna (Vantine) Amerman; James was born 06 Sep 1824 Huron Co, OH and died 1871 Jackson Co, OR; James is found in the 1850 Huron Co, OH census but by 1860 is in Jackson Co, OR with his brother, Henry, enumerated in his household. It is believed that he may have come to OR in 1852 with his brother.
AMY, Haskell W. (1831-17 Dec 1892): m1. 03 May 1859 MCDANIEL, Mahala (1842-1861); m2. 22 Apr 1874 CONSTANT, Jessie (BLEDSOE); Haskell was a prominent farmer in Jackson Couny, spending most of his time in the Jacksonville area. He is buried in the Jacksonville Cemetery, Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon; father of 1 known child by his first wife (Francis M.) and four children by his second wife (George H., Laurie J., Gracie and infant)
ANDERSON, Asbury (1840 - ): s/o Levi and Amy (Carmichael) Anderson
ANDERSON, Edgar (1848 - ): s/o Levi and Amy (Carmichael) Anderson
ANDERSON, A. J. Mrs. (1839-1919): see Sarah Jane Powers
ANDERSON, Asbury (1840 - ): s/o Levi and Ann (Carmichael) Anderson; enumerated in Levi Anderson household in 1850 Des Moines County, Iowa census
ANDERSON, Charles Perry (1825-1905): m'd 16 Mar 1851 CAHOON, Mary Ann; lived in Washington Co, OR until just prior to 1860 census when he is found in Lewis Co, WA; Charles was born Mar 24, 1825 KY and died Sep 23, 1905 Lewis Co, WA; he is buried in the Pioneer Cemetery , Centralia, Lewis Co, WA; Charles was the father of nine children (John Albert, Andrew J., Charles Perry, George W., Eliza Jane, Minnie, Annie and two unknown); buried Pioneer Cemetery, Centralia, Lewis County, Washington
"DLC: #3716 Washington Co; Charles P. Anderson, b. 1825 KY; m'd Mary Ann 16 Mar 1851 MO; arr 17 Oct 1852"
ANDERSON, Daniel Lafayette (Dec 1829 - 25 Jan 1918): s/o Thomas and Hannah (Moon) Anderson; buried Norway Cemetery, Norway, Coos County, Oregon
ANDERSON, Edgar (1848 - ): s/o Levi and Amy (Carmichael) Anderson; enumerated in father's household in 1870 Grant County, Oregon census
ANDERSON, Edward (1852 - ): s/o Levi Anderson; enumerated in 1860 Washington County, Oregon census in Levi Anderson household;
ANDERSON, Enoch Perkins (04 Sep 1838-18 Sep 1908): s/o Thomas and Hannah (Moon) Anderson; born 04 Sep 1835 Washington Co, Ark and died 18 Sep 1908 Douglas Co, OR; buried Roseburg IOOF Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
ANDERSON, Esophena Anne (12 Jan 1824-14 Oct 1873): m1. 04 Jan 1844 BOLEY, Henry R.; m2. 17 Sep 1851 HOWARD, William Henry; d/o Matthew and Sarah (Burk) Anderson; buried Alpine Cemetery, Alpine, Benton County, Oregon; may have come in 1853
ANDERSON, Hans (1824-1892): m'd 1868 JONES, Mary (1840-1889); Hans was born in Norway and arrived in the US around Aug 1850. He applied for a Donation Land Claim in Clatsop County where his citizenship was awarded Aug 12, 1873. 1880 living in Mishawaka, Clatsop County, Oregon; buried Sunny Hill Cemetery, Elsie, Clatsop County, Oregon
"DLC: #4544 Clatsop Co, Hans Anderson, b. 1828/30 Norway, arr 16 Sep 1852; filed intention to become citizen in Lewis Co, WT. (name spelled Annerss). Citizenship awarded Astoria, Clatsop Co, OR 12 Aug 1873 (last name spelled Anderson). Emigrated to US and arr at Port of NY c Aug 1850"
ANDERSON, Henry Webster (Aug 1841 - 07 Feb 1906): m'd 1863 PARIS, Emily Elizabeth; s/o Levi and Amy (Carmichael) Anderson; enumerated in Levi Anderson household in 1850 Des Moines County, Iowa census; buried Valley View Cemetery, Vale, Malheur County, Oregon
*8) ANDERSON, Israel: no further information found
ANDERSON, James ( -1852): died on trail;
from Shelby County, Illinois
ANDERSON, John ( -1852) died on trail; from Illinois
ANDERSON, Levi (1818-30 May 1881): m' 21 Oct 1838 CARMICHAEL, Amy; s/o John and Anna (Westfall) Anderson; buried Prairie City Cemetery, Prairie City, Grant County, Oregon
"DLC: #2881 Washington Co; Levi Anderson, b. 1818 Hardin Co, KY; arr 01 Oct 1852; "a widower" at date of settlement. 18 Oct 1864 Benjamin Alden signed Oath of Allegiance as purchaser"
ANDERSON, Marcus Ray (Jan 1849 -1910 ): m'd 16 Oct 1876 HOWELL, Eva Marie; s/o Levi and Amy (Carmichael) Anderson;enumerated in Levi Anderson household in 1850 Des Moines County, Iowa census; buried Spencer Cemetery, Klamath County, Oregon
ANDERSON, Marion C. (10 Apr 1844-31 Oct 1902): m'd 26 Jul 1871 NEWMAN, Samantha Catherine; s/o Levi and Amy (Carmichael) Anderson; enumerated in Levi Anderson household in 1850 Des Moines County, Iowa census; buried Prairie City Cemetery, Prairie City, Grant County, Oregon
ANDERSON, Mary ( - 1852): died on trail; from Randolph County, Illinois
*8) ANDERSON, Mathies:
ANDERSON, Sarah Jane (1835 - ): enumerated in Levi Anderson household in 1850 Des Moines County, Iowa census
ANDERSON, Thomas F. (02 Oct 1827-07 Jun 1900): s/o Thomas and Hannah (Moon) Anderson; buried Roseburg National Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
ANDERSON, Weston (1832 - ): m'd [ ], Emily; enumerated in 1860 Washington County, Oregon census in Levi Anderson household; 1870 Union, Grant County, Oregon census next door to Levi Anderson
ANDREWS, Caroline (1848 - ): d/o William and Sarah (Dickey) Andrews
ANDREWS, Elizabeth (16 May 1817-07 Sep 1885): m1. 16 Jun 1836 ALLEN, William; m2. 31 May 1863 LANCEFIELD, Robert James; mother of 12 children by first husband (Albert, James, Eleanor Jane, Florence, Dallas, Louisa, Isabella, Mary E., Winfield Scott, Ross, Charles Burch and Maurice); buried Amity Cemetery, Amity, Yamhill County, Oregon
ANDREWS, John (1822- ):
ANDREWS, Josiah ( -1852): died on trail;
from Pike County, Illinois
ANDREWS, M. C. (1849 - ): d/o William and Sarah (Dickey) Andrews; enumerated in William J. Andrews household in 1860 Polk County, census
ANDREWS, Rachel ( -1852) died on trail
ANDREWS, Serah Elizabeth (Feb 1852 - 22 Sep 1933): m'd KENOYER, Jacob Antrim; d/o William and Sarah (Dickey): buried Albion Cemetery, Albion, Whitman County, Washington
ANDREWS, William Henry (27 Apr 1850-09 Apr 1925): m'd LYNCH, Mary Elizabeth; s/o William and Sarah (Dickey) Andrews; buried Pleasant Hill Pioneer Cemetery, Sheridan, Yamhill County, Oregon
ANDREWS, William Jackson (17 Dec 1817-14 Mar 1886 ): m'd 04 Oct 1846 DICKEY, Sarah Jane; buried Pleasant Hill Pioneer Cemetery, Sheridan, Yamhill County, Oregon
"DLC: Polk #3619;William J. Andrews; b. 1818 near Lynchburg, VA; m'd Sarah Jane 04 Oct 1846 Cass Co, MO; arr 13/15 Oct 1852; sc 01 Mar 1853. Aff: Wm. Conner, Levi J. Shelton, James L. Morgan"
*4)ANGELL, Sarah Margaret (Dec 1851-20 Aug 1932): m'd 04 Mar 1872 CAMPBELL, William Ellis; d/o Thomas and Susan Pinney (Yeomans) Angell; buried Eight Mile Cemetery, Petersburg, Wasco County, Oregon
*4) ANGELL, Thomas (07 May 1810 -06 Nov 1888): m1. 01 Apr 1842 YEOMAN, Tirzah Ann; m2. 1846 YEOMAN, Susan Pinney; s/o Ezekiel and Sarah (Sprague) Angell; buried Eight Mile Cemetery, Petersburg, Wasco County, Oregon; father of Thomas P. (1844-1845) by first wife; father of Thomas A. (1850-1851), Sarah Margaret (1851-1932, Oscar Franklin (1854-1934), Ella Susan (1857-1924), Mary A. (1861-1887), Edward F. (1868-1890) Charles Frederick (1872-1964) and Homer Daniel (1875-1968) by second wife
"DLC: #1876 Linn; Thomas Angell b. 1810 Saratoga Co, NY; arr 04 Aug 1852; sc 01 Sep 1852; m'd Susan Pinkney 06 Aug 1846 Henry Co, Iowa"
ANTON, W. W. (1831- ):
APPLEGATE, Elizabeth Jane (10 Dec 1842 - 08 Apr 1924): m'd 24 Oct 1857 PRICE, Levi Nelson; d/o Squire and Martha (Stark) Applegate; buried Alpine Cemetery, Alpine, Benton County, Oregon
APPLEGATE, James Christopher (08 Feb 1846-12 Dec 1883): s/o Squire Hammond and Martha (Stark) Applegate; buried Applegate-Kennedy Cemetery, New Plymouth, Payette County, Idaho
APPLEGATE, John Pound (30 Aug 1839-07 Apr 1885): m'd 14 Jan 1858 TODD, Mary Ellen; s/o Squire Hammond and Martha (Stark) Applegate; buried Applegate-Kennedy Cemetery, New Plymouth, Payette County, Idaho
APPLEGATE, June (1845- ): d/o Squire Hammond and Martha (Stark) Applegate; may have died prior to emigration
APPLEGATE, Martha (10 Apr 1851-02 Sep 1865): d/o Squire Hammond and Martha (Stark) Applegate; died Marion County, Oregon; burial location unknown
APPLEGATE, Samuel William (15 Sep 1837-12 Dec 1920): m1. 08 Jun 1860 LANDRITH, Martha Ann; m2. 1885 REAVIS, Martha Ann; s/o Squire Hammond and Martha (Stark) Applegate; buried Applegate-Kennedy Cemetery, New Plymouth, Payette County, Idaho
APPLEGATE, Squire Hammond (Feb 1811-09 Dec 1864): m'd 08 May 1834 STARK, Martha Vineyard; died Polk County, Oregon; burial location unknown
ARANT, Jesse Thompson. (19 Apr 1823-17 Jun 1895): m'd 07 Nov 1844 EMMETT, Mary Jane; buried Melrose Cemetery, Melrose, Douglas Co, OR
"DLC: #329 Douglas Co; Jesse T. Arant, b. 1823 TN"
ARANT, John E. (1845-13 Aug 1865): s/o Jesse and Mary Jane (Emmett) Arant; buried Maryhill Columbus Cemetery, Maryhill, Klickitat County, Washington
ARANT, Mary Elizabeth (23 Sep 1848-Oct 1936): m'd ROWLEY, James Harvey; d/o Jesse and Mary Jane (Emmett) Arant; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon
ARANT, Samuel (1852-01 Jun 1918): s/o Jesse and Mary Jane (Emmett) Arant; born in Oregon shortly after arrival; buried Union Cemetery, Bakesfield, Kern County, California
ARANT, William Franklin (28 Sep 1850-23 Nov 1927): m'd 29 Oct 1871 DUNHAM, Emma Luella; s/o Jesse and Mary Jane (Emmett) Arant; buried Linkville Pioneer Cemetery, Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon
ARCHER, Benjamin (1814-1852): m'd c1836 PRIVETT, Eveline; s/o Joseph
William Archer;died on the trail; wife married 2nd Samuel Fleener; burial
location unknown
ARCHER, Eliza Catherine (1849- bef 1860): d/o Benjamin and Eveline (Privett) Archer; not know if she emigrated or died before emigration; died prior to 1860 census; burial location unknown
ARCHER, Margaret Mary. (1847-aft 1860): d/o Benjamin and Eveline (Privett) Archer
ARCHER, Sarah Elizabeth/Evaline (24 Apr 1845 - 23 Feb 1912): m'd 19 Aug 1860 PREWETT, Esau Thomas; d/o Benjamin and Eveline (Privett) Archer; buried Riverside Memorial Park, Spokane, Spokane County, Washington
ARCO, Gustav Adolph (1825-03 Jan 1868): born Hesse, Prussia and is buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon
"DLC: #5103 Clackamas Co; Gustav A. Arco; b. 1825 Hesse, Prussia; arr 26/27 Aug 1852; filed intention to become citizen 01 Apr 1854 Oregon City, OT. F.O. McCown gave affidavit he has been resident of Clackamas County 16 years, is 39 years old, acquainted with Gustav A. Arco during his lifetime and said Arco died c03 Feb 1868 in Oregon City, OR and no evidence naturalization was ever completed. Certificate canceled 1888"
ARMENTROUT, Lucinda Amelia (22 Mar 1832-28 Dec 1897): m'd 10 Feb 1848 DEARDORFF, David Harrison; d/o Joseph Benton and Abigail (Lesley) Armentrout; buried Multnomah Park Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
ARMENTROUT, Mary Elizabeth (22 Oct 1833-01 Jul 1907): m'd 26 Mar 1854 MYERS, George; d/o Joseph Benton and Abigail (Lesley) Armentrout; died Tillamook County, Oregon; burial location unknown
ARMSTRONG, Abner Enyart (12 Oct 1833-06 Nov 1914): m'd 16 Aug 1853 JONES, Martha Elizabeth; s/o Andrew Jackson and Mary Ann (Roberts) Armstrong; buried Roseburg National Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
ARMSTRONG, Andrew Jackson (18 Apr 1798-17 Oct 1852): m'd 17 Feb 1819 ROBERTS, Mary Ann; s/o Joshiah and Sarah (Morris) Armstrong; left IL on April 1, 1852 with his family; arrived in Sep and settled on Sauvie Island; died a month after they arrived and is buried in the old McQuinn Family Pioneer Cemetery, Sauvie Island, Multnomah County, Oregon
ARMSTRONG, Daniel Boone (22 Dec 1835-22 Jul 1895): m'd 03 May 1855 BONSER, Elizabeth Halstead; s/o Andrew Jackson and Mary Ann (Roberts) Armstrong; buried Calistoga Pioneer Cemetery, Calistoga, Napa County, California
ARMSTRONG, Eville Thompson (22 Dec 1819-01 Dec 1881): m'd 19 Aug 1841 ORR, Isabella; s/o Andrew Jackson and Mary Ann (Roberts) Armstrong; by 1860 enumerated in Illinois census; burial location unknown
ARMSTRONG, James Monroe (20 Jul 1843 - 07 Nov 1919): m'd 1868 REID, Anna Marie; m'd 1894 LEGG, Ada Marie; s/o Eville and Isabella (Orr) Armstrong;by 1860 enumerated in Illinois census; buried Woodland Cemetery, Woodland, Yolo County, California
ARMSTRONG, Jessie Tadford (1842-1870): s/o Eville and Isabella (Orr) Armstrong; died Walla Walla, Washington; burial location unknown
ARMSTRONG, John (1822-1852): m'd
ROBERTS, Mary Jane; died on trail of mountain fever;
ARMSTRONG, John Marion (19 Feb 1827- 29 Jan 1904): m'd 06 Aug 1848 BROWN, Mary Emmeline; s/o Andrew Jackson and Mary Ann (Roberts) Armstrong; buried Washington Soldiers Home Cemetery, Orting, Pierce County, Washington
ARMSTRONG, Joshua Lewis (Sep 1837-27 Mar 1910 ): m'd 24 May 1872 KHORE, Mary Ann; s/o Andrew Jackson and Mary Ann (Roberts) Armstrong; buried Greenwood Hills Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
*14) ARMSTRONG, Margaret (1802-Oct 1894): m'd 17 Mar 1821 STOWELL, John; d/o John Armstrong; John and Margaret Stowell traveled with Adams party, left and later rejoined company
ARMSTRONG, Marquis DeLafayette (21 Apr 1831-20 Sep 1896): m'd 1853 BONSER, Martha Jane; s/o Andrew Jackson and Mary Ann (Roberts) Armstrong; buried Fossil IOOF Cemetery, Fossil, Wheeler County, Oregon
"DLC: #4802 Multnomah Co; Markus L. Armstrong, b. 1831/33 Morgan Co, IL; m'd Martha Jane 21 Feb 1853/20 Apr 1854 OR; arr 20 Sep 1852"
Martitia "Martha" (26 Jan 1838-Sep 1852): d/o
Andrew Jackson and Mary Ann (Roberts) Armstrong; died on arrival; buried
McQuinn Family Pioneer Cemetery, Sauvies Island, Multnomah County, Oregon
ARMSTRONG, Mary J. (1845 - ): d/o Eville and Isabella (Orr) Armstrong; by 1860 enumerated in Illinois census
ARMSTRONG, Mary Jane (10 Apr 1841-11 Feb 1920 ): m'd 06 Jul 1853 LAMBERSON, Samuel; d/o Andrew Jackson and Mary Ann (Roberts) Armstrong; buried Condon Masonic Cemetery, Condon, Gilliam County, Oregon
ARMSTRONG, Naomi Aurillia (01 Oct 1849-15 Feb 1921): m'd 1865 MUSGROVE, William Henry; d/o Andrew Jackson and Mary Ann (Roberts) Armstrong; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
ARMSTRONG, Robert C. (1827- ):
"DLC: #846 Jackson Co; Robert C. Armstrong; b. 1827 Gallia Co, OH"
ARMSTRONG, Sarah Marian (18 Aug 1844-Dec 1863): m'd 13 Mar 1859 MALICK, Peter Shindel.; d/o Andrew Jackson and Mary Ann (Roberts) Armstrong; died Washington; burial location unknown
ARNOLD, Emily Frances (08 Jun 1837-29 Feb 1856): m'd HAYDON, David William; d/o Isaac and Sarah (Brown) Arnold;
Pleasant Butte Baptist Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon
ARNOLD, Green (17 May 1818-17 Nov 1893): Never married; s/o Rice and
Prudence (Parker) Arnold; emigrated to California in 1850, returned east and emigrated to Oregon in 1852; buried
Grandview Cemetery, LaGrande, Union Co,
"DLC: #4007 Wasco Co; Green Arnold b. 1818 Niagara Co, NY; arr 15 Sep 1852"
ARNOLD, Hester A. (1839-03 Oct 1866): d/o Isaac and Sarah (Brown) Arnold; died Linn County, Oregon; burial location unknown
ARNOLD, Isaac (28 Oct 1812 -31 May 1887): m1. 24 Jul 1832 BEEDLE, Catherine; m2. 28 Jun 1835 BROWN, Sarah; m3. 06 Dec 1849 HANNA, Precelia Ann; s/o Thomas and Margaret (Noel) Arnold; father of 21 children (m1. 1 child); (m2.(5 children); (m3. 15 children); twins born on trail, dau died and is buried where the Snake River and Willow Creek join; buried Providence Cemetery, Scio, Linn Co, OR
"DLC: #4015 Linn Co; Isaac Arnold b. 1812 OH; m'd Priscilla 06 Dec 1849 Washington Co, IA; arr 14 Nov 1852"
ARNOLD, John Calvin (16 Feb 1842-09 Aug 1896): m1. 1860 CROMWELL, Sarah Ann (PRICE); m2. 1879 GILCHRIST, Margaret J.; s/o Isaac and Sarah (Brown) Arnold; buried Olney Cemetery, Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon
ARNOLD, Larry E. Twin Son (23 Aug 1852-bef 1860) born on trail; children of Isaac and Priscilla (Hanna) Arnold; died Linn County, Oregon; burial location unknown
ARNOLD, Mary Ann (20 Feb 1844-1859): d/o Isaac and Sarah (Brown) Arnold; died Linn County, Oregon; burial location unknown
ARNOLD, R. (c1850-1852): died on trail;
from Platte County, Missouri
ARNOLD, Sarah Elizabeth Twins Dau (23 Aug 1852-21
Oct 1852): born on trail;
children of Isaac and Priscilla (Hanna) Arnold; died on trail or shortly after
arrival; burial location unknown
ARNOLD, William Elliott (07 Oct 1850-12 Jan 1930): m'd 15 Feb 1872 STIRES, Sarah Jane; s/o Isaac and Priscilla (Hanna) Arnold; buried Providence Cemetery, Scio, Linn Co, OR
ARNST, Andrew J. (1798- ):
ARNST, J. L. (1840-Mar 1910):
ARNST, John M. ( -Jan 1904):
ARNST, Mary A.: m'd ARNST, Robert
ARRINGTON, Frances Elizabeth (07 Jan 1850-20 Feb 1934 ): m1. 14 Sep 1867 ROSE, Aaron; m2. 1896 CHAPPELL, Albert S.; d/o James and Kitty (Halpain) Arringtona; buried Civil Bend Cemetery, Winston, Douglas County, Oregon
ARRINGTON, James Merveille (07 Apr 1814-29 Nov 1891): m'd 12 Mar 1841 HALPAIN, Kitty Ann; buried Civil Bend Cemetery, Winston, Douglas County, Oregon
ARRINGTON, Mary Merville (1847-27 Dec 1937 ): m1. 11 May 1861 RAGSDALE, John P.; m2. 03 Nov 1867 ROSE, Abram; d/o James and Kitty (Halpain) Arrington; buried Knights of Pythias Cemetery, Bandon, Coos County, Oregon
ARRINGTON, Vincent Lusk M. (12 Sep 1845-14 Jan 1915) m1. 22 Apr 1877 ANDERSON, Sydney C.; m2. 05 Feb 1884 MCCONNELL, Julia (STUART); buried Myrtle Point Cemetery, Byrtle Point, Coos County, Oregon
ARUNDELL, Grant (1850 - ): s/o Thomas and Jane (Shannon) Arundell; may have died prior to emigration
ARUNDELL, Mary Adelia (1851 - ): d/o Thomas and Jane (Shannon) Arundell; Bunch Schofield; 1860 Eden, Jackson County, Oregon census in parents household
ARUNDELL, Sarah Jane (19 Aug 1848-24 Dec 1906): m'd 1867 SALTMARSH, John Batchelder; d/o Thomas and Jane (Shannon) Arundell;1860 Eden, Jackson County, Oregon census in parents household; buried Pierce Brothers Santa Paula Cemetery, Santa Paula, Ventura County, California
ARUNDELL, Thomas (1821-01 Jan 1900): m'd 03 Apr 1841 SHANNON, Jane (1821-c1874); m2. 08 Oct 1875 CREAMER/KREMER, Amanda Patterson; s/o Benjamin and Alice (Trenoweth) Arundell; came to US 1839, naturalized Dubuque County, Iowa 1847 per Jackson County Donation Land Claim application; buried Masonic Cemetery, Oxnard, Ventura County, California
"DLC: #34 Jackson Co; Thomas Arundell, b. 1820 Cornwell, England"
ARUNDELL, William Henry (23 Apr 1842-27 Aug 1909): m'd WHEELER, Pauline; s/o Thomas and Jane (Shannon) Arundell; died Curry County, Oregon; 1860 Eden, Jackson County, Oregon census in parents household
ARUNDELL, Willis (1850- ): s/o Thomas and Jane (Shannon) Arundell; may have died prior to emigration
ASHLEY, Elizabeth J. (20 Jul 1831 - ): m'd 09 Oct 1850 AMERMAN, James V.; d/o Joel and Jane (McGorman) Ashley; believed to have come west with husband in 1852; in 1860 and 1870 Eden, Jackson County, Oregon census; probably remarried after death of husband
ATHEY, Benjamin Heath (1832-15 Mar 1908): m'd 26 Nov 1875 FARMER, Jemima Isabella; s/o Samuel William and Mary (Carpenter) Athey; arr Jun/Jul 1852; may have come up from California or by ship; buried Robert Bird Cemetery, Wilsonville, Clackamas County, Oregon
"DLC: #4780 Benton Co; Benjamin Athey, b. 1832 W VA; arr Jul 1852"
ATHEY, Walter Wesley (Jan 1829-18 Sep 1911): m'd 27 Feb 1860 DAUGHERTY, Eliza Ann; arr Jun/Jul 1852; s/o Samuel William and Mary (Carpenter) Athey; may have come up from CA or by ship; enumerated in 1910 Clackamas County, Oregon census as uncle of Arthur Borland; burial location unknown
"DLC: #2963 Yamhill Co; Walter W. Athey b. 1829 VA; arr Jun/Jul 1852; signed Oath of Allegiance 08 Feb 1865"
ATTERBURY, Greene Rufus Pinckney (23 Apr 1827-21 Nov 1899): m'd 02 Jan 1851 AGEE, Mary Emmaline; s/o
Greenberry and Elizabeth (Butler) Atterbury; settled in Yamhill Co; later moved
to Douglas Co; buried
Oak Creek Cemetery, Glide, Douglas County,
"DLC: #2963 Yamhill Co; Walter W. Athey b. 1829 VA; arr Jun/Jul 1852; signed Oath of Allegiance 08 Feb 1865"
ATTERBURY, Josiah (1830- ): m'd 06 Mar 1851 [ ], Eliza;
"DLC #645 Douglas County, Josiah Atterbury, born 1830 Logan County, Illinois, arrived Oregon 04 Sep 1852; settled claim 30 Apr 1854; m'd Eliza 06 Mar 1851 Logan County, Illinois"
ATTWELL, Cornelia Amanda (Jul 1849-Mar 1926); m1. HOLLINS, Mr.; m2. COWLES, Mr; d/o Roger and Amanda (Fones) Attwell; buried with her mother in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Seattle, King County, Washington
ATTWELL, Roger Gerard. (08 Mar 1821-1896 ): m1. 10 Oct 1847 FONES, Amanda; m2. 16 May 1853 WILLIAMS, Mary Jane (HERVEY); m3. c1871 DAVIS, Mary Jane (STUBBS); settled at what is now the town of Cascade Locks, Oregon; moved into Washington for a period of time and finally settled in Chambers County, Texas where he died; buried Stubbs Cemetery, Cove, Chambers County, Texas; abandoned his family when he moved to Texas. They thought he had died when the letters stopped but he had remarried.
"DLC: #5041 Wasco Co; Roger G. Attwell b. 1821 NYC; arr OR 29 Aug 1852; sc 12 Apr 1853; m'd Mary Jane Williams 16/18 Mary 1853 Skamania Co, WA; Boundary conflict with Chipman claim as late as 25 Mar 1867; Patent was issued 15 Mar 1878. Claims #5040 & #5041 site of present town of Cascade Locks, OR"
AUSTEN, Susan (10 Mar 1814-21 Jan 1899): m'd 10 Apr 1832 GRUBBS Sr., John Cloud; buried Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
AUSTIN Jr, Edward Woodbury (15 Aug 1823-11 May 1892): m1. c1845 THOMPSON, Cornelia M.; m2. 1865 DODGE, Desdamonia LaFrances; s/o Elbridge Woodbury and Hannah (Corliss) Austin; settled Thurston County, Washington; buried Masonic Memorial Park, Tumwater, Thurston County, Washington
AUSTIN, Edwin C. (1849-19 Oct 1908): m'd c1877 [ ], Minerva; s/o Edward Woodbury and Cornelia (Thompson) Austin; buried Masonic Memorial Park, Tumwater, Thurston County, Washington
AUSTIN, Elma R. (1847-01 Feb 1915): m'd 1863 CALLAHAN, Bart; d/o Edward Woodbury and Cornelia (Thompson) Austin; buried in Chapel of the Chimes Columbarium and Mausoleum, Oakland, Alameda County, California
AUSTIN, Russell Downing (12 Feb 1827-01 Feb 1887): m'd 03 Oct 1855 COLLINS, Mary A.; s/o David and Olcha (Downing) Austin; died Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; burial location unknown
AVERILL, Albert Washington (05 Feb 1849-07 May 1854): s/o Henry and Hulda (Warren) Averill; born 05 Feb 1849 in McComb, Mercer, IL; died 07 May 1854 in Albany, Linn, OR; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
AVERILL, Alfred Alexander (01 Sep 1845-30 Sep 1910): m'd 11 Jul 1876 BELIEU, Sarah Elles; s/o Henry and Hulda (Warren) Averill; born 01 Sep 1845 in McComb, Mercer Co, IL; died 30 Sep 1910 in Brownsville, Linn, OR; children of Alfred and Sarah are: (Charles Virgil, Lenora Henriette, Owen , Harriet Ethel and Annie Elizabeth); buried Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon
AVERILL, Henry James Cropsy (20 Jul 1809-21 Oct 1897 ): m1. 10 Sep 1840 WARREN, Huldah Ann; m2. 1861 JACK, Mrs. Sarah (Liggett) Belieu (1816-1894); s/o Philo and Rebecca (Rice) Averill; born 20 Jul 1809 Stillwater, Saratoga Co, NY and died 21 Oct 1897 Brownsville, Linn Co, OR; children of Henry and Hulda are (James Wiley, William Henry Harrison , Alfred Alexander, Charles Baker, Albert Washington, Harrietta Isabella, Henrietta Willametta, Joseph Pearne and James Wilbur); the only child of Henry and Sarah is (Arminta Olive); buried Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon
"DLC: #3489 Linn; Henry J.C. Averill b. 1809 Saratoga Co, NY; m'd 10 Sep 1840 Huldah Ann; wife was dec by 20 Apr 1869; arr 08 Oct 1852"
"AVERILL, H. J. C.--Is a surveyor and farmer, and lives in Brownsville, Linn County; has served fourteen years as county surveyor, and for eight years has been justice of the peace, still continuing to hold that office. He was born in 1809; married his first wife, Miss Hulda Warren, in 1840; she died in 1859. His second wife's previous name was Mrs. Sarah Jack. His children are William H., Alfred A., Joseph P., Henrietta W., and Ollie." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 751]
AVERILL, James Wiley (06 Sep 1841-02 Mar 1855): never married; s/o Henry and Hulda (Warren) Averill; born 06 Sep 1841 in McComb, McDonough, IL; died 02 Mar 1855 in Albany, Linn, OR; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
AVERILL, William Henry Harrison (18 Sep 1843-27 Dec 1924): m'd 02 Jun 1867 MOSS, Mary Gennett; m2. 01 May 1892 ROBISON, Martha Jane; s/o Henry and Hulda (Warren) Averill; born 18 Sep1843 in McComb, McDonough, IL; died 27 Dec 1924 in Corvallis, Benton, OR; children of William Averill and Mary Moss are (Euphemia Ann, James Steven Alexander, Laurena Alice, Edgar Frances, Henry Cleveland, Harrison Moss, Almira Henrietta); children of William Averill and Martha Robison are: (William Samuel, Warren Lamson, Linn O. and Martha Lucina); buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
AYERS, Christian M. (1848- ): s/o Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Neff) Ayers
AYERS, Louisa H.: m'd Oct 1838 AYERS, William S.; maiden name unknown at this time
AYERS, Matilda (1848- ): d/o Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Neff) Ayers; died Josephine County, Oregon
AYERS, Nathan (1852-1895): s/o Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Neff) Ayers; died Josephine County, Oregon
AYERS, Nathaniel C. (03 May 1826-01 Apr 1902): m'd 02 Sep 1847 NEFF, Elizabeth; s/o Nathaniel C and Mary Ann (Ramey) Ayers; buried Myrtle Grove Memorial Cemetery, Eureka, Humboldt County, California
"DLC: #5007 Marion Co; Nathaniel Ayers, b. 1825 Muskingum Co, OH; m'd Elizabeth 22 Sep 1846/47 Muskingum Co, OH; arr 02 Aug 1852"
AYERS, Rachel Mrs.: see MOORE, Rachel
AYERS, William S. (1813- ): m'd Oct 1838 [ ], Louisa H.
"DLC: #2266 Washington Co, OR; W. S. Ayers; b. 1813 NY; m'd Louisa H. Oct 1838 OH; arr Sep 1852"
BABCOCK, Avery D. (1818-18 Apr 1900): m'd 15 May 1853 HINES, Margaret Jane
"DLC: #4000 Polk Co; Avery D. Babcock, b. 1818 New York; arrived Oregon 10 Sep 1852; settled claim 01 Apr 1854; m'd Margaret J. (Mrs. M.J. Harter) 15 May 1853 Polk County, Oregon Territory. Affidavit: B.H. Springer, James Murry, T.J. Lovelady, George Brown, George W. Lawson, Henry C. Lawson, Luther D. Kennedy, William Hall."
BABCOCK, Chester N. (02 Aug 1836 - 1901): m'd 19 Dec 1872 ELLIS, Ruth A.; s/o Richard and Sarah (Wolcott) Babcock; buried IOOF Cemetery, Waitsburg, Walla Walla County, Washington; may not have come in 1852 with father
BABCOCK, Julia Ann (29 Nov 1833-c1879): m'd 11 Jul 1853 WASHBURN, Brainard W.; d/o Richard and Sarah (Wolcott) Babcock; died Seattle, King County, Washington
BABCOCK, Richard (07 May 1805-20 Jan 1894): m'd 19 Jul 1826 WOLCOTT, Sarah Wells; s/o David and Elizabeth (Waldron) Babcock; died at Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington; buried West Magnolia Cemetery, Magnolia, Rock County, Wisconsin
BABCOCK, William Henry (19 Jun 1827-18 Oct 1911): s/o Richard and Sarah (Wolcott) Babcock; buried Eastern State Hospital Cemetery, Medical Lake, Spokane County, Washington
BABER, Angeline (19 Mar 1834-03 Feb 1882): m'd 01 Jul 1865 VAUGHN, Floyd Governor; d/o Jordon and Cynthia (Jordon) Baber; buried Coburg IOOF Cemetery, Coburg, Lane County, Oregon
BABER, Christopher Columbus "Kit" (20 Mar 1841-07 Jan 1918): m1. 01 Mar 1869 GORE, Lizzie; m2. 17 Oct 1875 KITCHEN, Melissa Jane "Jennie"; m'd 1901 STARK, Sarahs/o Jordon and Cynthia (Jordon) Baber; buried West Point Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
BABER, Elizabeth G. (04 Jan 1832-27 Nov 1873): m'd 18 Mar 1852 WARD, George; d/o Jordon and Cynthia (Jordon) Baber; buried Masonic Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon
BABER, John J. (16 Nov 1838-30 Mar 1899): s/o Jordon and Cynthia (Jordon) Baber; died Linn County, Oregon; burial location unknown
BABER, Jordon (04 Feb 1809-14 Jan 1867): m'd 19 Mar 1831 JORDON, Cynthia; buried Harris Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
BABER, Mary Agnes (03 Jul 1848-12 Feb 1924): m'd 22 Feb 1866 DAVIS, William Cannon; d/o Jordon and Cynthia (Jordon) Baber; buried Masonic Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
BABER, Richardson (07 Jul 1843-18 Jul 1852): s/o Jordon and
Cynthia (Jordon) Baber; died on trail near Fort Hall; burial location unknown
BABER, Robert (05 Nov 1845-aft 1924): m'd 05 Oct 1864 CURTIS, Almira; s/o Jordon and Cynthia (Jordon) Baber; buried Shiloh Cemetery, Windsor, Sonoma County, California
BABER, William Hatcher (16 Jul 1836-18 Oct 1907): m'd 21 Feb 1864 THOMPSON, Helen M.; s/o Jordon and Cynthia (Jordon) Baber; buried Rest Lawn Memorial Park, Junction City, Lane County, Oregon
BACON, James Scott (28 Dec 1843 -06 Oct 1916): m. 08 Oct 1865 MCNULTY Sarah E.; s/o Jesse and Louisa (Scott) Bacon; buried Bayview Memorial Cemetery, Warren, Columbia County, Oregon
BACON, Charles P.H.:
BACON, Jesse William (07 May 1812-09 Apr 1912): m'd 26 Jul 1841 SCOTT, Louisa; buried Bayview Memorial Cemetery, Warren, Columbia County, Oregon
BACON, Mary A. (06 Apr 1846-03 Dec 1939): m'd 1866 HAM, Isaac O.; d/o Jesse and Louisa (Scott) Bacon; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
BACON, Orange Eugene (feb 1849-27 Nov 1908).: m'd 20 Oct 1878 MCNULTY, Margaret Jane; s/o Jesse and Louisa (Scott) Bacon; buried Bayview Memorial Cemetery, Warren, Columbia County, Oregon
BACON, William L (Apr 1842-27 Oct 1908).: m'd 24 Nov 1870 BOWERS, Mary E.; s/o Jesse and Louisa (Scott) Bacon; buried Hillside Cemetery, Saguache, Saguache County, Colorado
BADLEY, James (1829-aft 1900 ): m'd 15 Aug 1850 GREGG, Almeda; s/o James and Christina (Brewer) Badley; enumerated in 1900 Bear Valley, Grant County, Oregon census; burial location unknown
"DLC: #2486 Yamhill Co; James Badley, b. 1829 Carroll Co, KY; m'd Almeda 15 Aug 1850 Des Moines Co, IA (claim rejected)"
BADLEY, Uria (14 May 1851-28 Oct 1910): m'd RAMSEY, Mary Lucinda; s/o James and Almeda (Scott) Badley; buried Dundee Pioneer Cemetery, Dundee, Yamhill County, Oregon
BAGBY, Calvin "Cad" Wright (12 Dec 1851-28 Dec 1935): m'd THOMAS, Emma Elizabeth; s/o William and Harriet (Mcauley) Bagby; buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
BAGBY, Douglass J. (Mar 1852 - ): s/o Edmund and Elizabeth (Hungate) Bagby; died Tulare County, California; burial location unknown
BAGBY, Edmund Walker (1818 - c1883): m'd 14 Aug 1841 HUNGATE, Elizabeth; s/o John and Mary (Jones) Bagby; believe to be buried in Tulare County, California; one source says he died 23 Jun 1883; The Bagby family was in California by the 1860s. NOTE: the researchers on Ancestry have Edmund Walker Bagby information confused with his brother William Riley Bagby. All census records indicate he was born c1818; by 1880 he is residing in Tulare County, age 62, a farmer, living alone.
"DLC: #228 Lane; Edmund W. Bagby; b. 1819 Gallatin Co, IL; arr 05 Oct 1852; sc 15 Jun 1853; m'd Elizabeth 14 Aug 1841 Andrew County, Missouri"
BAGBY, George Washington (May 1848 - 26 Apr 1905): m'd OXENDINE, Julia Emma; s/o Edmund and Elizabeth (Hungate) Bagby; burial location unknown
BAGBY, Jacob Warren (01 Feb 1850 - 03 Jun 1915): m'd [ ]. Gertrude V.; s/o Edmund and Elizabeth (Hungate) Bagby; buried Monterey City Cemetery, Monterey, Monterey County, California
BAGBY, John Riley (05 Feb 1849-17 Feb 1927) : s/o William and Harriet (Mcauley) Bagby
BAGBY, Robert "Bob: William (20 Apr 1850-08 Oct 1927): s/o William and Harriet (Mcauley) Bagby; buried Molalla Memorial Cemetery, Molalla, Clackamas County, Oregon; prospector and miner; lived between Molalla and Wilhoit; Bagby Hot Springs were named for him
BAGBY, William Riley (24 May 1823-15 Jun 1902): m'd 13 Apr 1848 MCAULEY, Harriet Wright; s/o John and Mary Bagby; buried Molalla Memorial Cemetery, Molalla, Clackamas County, Oregon; father of 16 children
"DLC: #4850 Clackamas Co; William Bagby b. 1823 Illinois, arrived Oregon 02 Oct 1852, settled claim 01 Nov 1853; m'd Harriet Wright 13 Apr 1848 Hancock County, Illinois. Affidavit: William Wheeler, Robert Hull, D.J. Stover, Lorenzo Stewart, Franklin E. Hubbard."
*30) BAGLEY, Clarence Booth (30 Nov 1843-26 Feb 1932): m'd 1965 MERCER, Alice; s/o Daniel and Susannah (Whipple) Bagley; buried Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Seattle, King County, Washington
*30) BAGLEY, Daniel Rev. (07 Sep 1818-26 Apr 1905): m'd 1840 WHIPPLE, Susannah Rogers; buried Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Seattle, King County, Washington; Methodist minister, traveled with Bethel party
BAGLEY, Harriet Mrs. (1830-1921): m'd BAGLEY, William; maiden name unknown at this time [maybe Harriet McAuly that married 1848 William Bagley in Hancock County, Illinois
BAGLEY, William H. (19 Mar 1837-02 Jun 1903): m'd 03 May 1860 MULKEY, Ann Susannah; s/o Aaron and Eliza (Robinson) Bagley; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
BAHAN, Mary Jane (c1832-03 Nov 1901): m1.29 Oct 1849 MILLER, Silas V.; m2. c1862 ALLEN, Ovid; first husband died in 1856 El Dorado County, California; after his death Mary returned with her children to Fulton County, Indiana where she remarried Ovid Allen; Mary is buried Silverbrook Cemetery, Niles, Berrien County, Michigan
BAILEY, Ambrose Carr (Jun 1837-27 Mar 1903): m'd 1868 HADAWAY, Mary Elizabeth; s/o Thomas and
Mary Ann (Fields) Bailey; died Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California;
River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregonenumerated with father in 1860 McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
census, listed as a clerk
BAILEY, C. P. ( -1871):
BAILEY, Charles Peter (01 Aug 1850-03 Aug 1918): m'd STEPHENS, Mary Jane; s/o Thomas and Mary Ann (Fields) Bailey; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon; enumerated with father in 1860 McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon census
Jane (03 Jun 1805 -16 Oct 1852): m'd 01 Jan 1824 SOVERNS SR., Jesse;
when jumping from her wagon on the trail she fell and fractured her hip;
she died two weeks later after reaching Portland [Illustrated History of Lane
County Oregon by A. G. Walling, 1884 p. 482-3]; buried
Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
BAILEY, Emily (23 Mar 1830-14 Oct 1909): m'd 14 Nov 1848 ALEXANDER, John B.; d/o John and Abigail (Cross) Bailey; Emily was born in Essex Co, Mass and died 14 Oct 1909 in Linn Co, OR; she was the mother of (Edwin Charles, William Henry, Frank Ross, Emma and George L.); buried IOOF Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
BAILEY, George Washington (008 Apr 1832-14 Oct 1912): m'd NORMAN, Talitha Jane; s/o John and Sarah (Drolinger) Bailey; went to California with his nephew, Billy Bonebrake, to join his father and uncle who had gone there in 1850 seeking gold, moved into Southern Oregon seeking gold but returned east by 1860. Emigrated with wife to Oregon in 1861; buried Missour Flat Cemetery, Applegate, Jackson County, Oregon
BAILEY, John Bannister (13 Mar 1830-01 Apr 1910): m'd 1859 PATTERSON, Naomi; s/o John and Sarah (Drolinger) Bailey; buried Rock Point Pioneer Cemetery, Gold Hill, Jackson County, Oregon; may have accompanied brother, George Bailey to California
BAILEY, Joseph:
BAILEY, Lucy (1840-1852): d/o Thomas and Mary (Fields) Bailey; died on trail
BAILEY, Luton (1839- ): s/o Thomas and Mary Ann (Fields) Bailey; enumerated with father in 1860 McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon census; listed as a boatman
BAILEY, Mary E. (1848-18 Dec 1932): m1. 1844 NORRIS, John William; m2. 1867 DILLER, Leonard; d/o Thomas and Mary Ann (Fields) Bailey; died Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon
BAILEY, Mary Elizabeth): see HADAWAY, Mary Elizabeth
BAILEY, Stephen Sutton (1846-05 Dec 1925): m'd LANE, Drucilla; s/o Thomas and Mary Ann (Fields) Bailey; died Seattle, King County, Washington; enumerated with father in 1860 McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon census; burial location unknown
BAILEY, Stuart Mrs.:
BAILEY, Thomas N. L. (1839- ); s/o Thomas and Mary (Fields) Bailey; enumerated with family in 1850 Nodaway, Andrew County, Missouri census as Thomas N. L. age 11; not found in 1860 census; may have died prior or during emigration or shortly after arrival; burial location unknown
BAILEY, Thomas Ambrose (16 Sep 1812-31 Aug 1866): m'd 1836 FIELDS, Mary Ann; s/o Carr and Mary (French) Bailey; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackams County, Oregon; settled at north end of Boones Ferry in old Wilsonville; family started with six children, one died on the way; enumerated in 1860 McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon census, listed as a merchant
BAIN, Calvin H. (Apr 1851-aft 1930): m'd 1882 BUHL, Edith A.; s/o Daniel and Pherne (Brown);Bain; 1930 Calvin H. Bain, age 78, enumerated in Newport, Lincoln County, Oregon with wife Edith and son Amos M. Bain; burial location unknown
BAIN, David Fawcett (1816-10 Apr 1853): m'd 09 Jul 1846 BROWN, Pherne; buried Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
"DLC : #3266 Marion Co; Daniel F. Bain, b. 1816 Orange Co, NC, arrived OR Sep 1852, settled claim 14 Dec 1852, m'd Phrene D. F. 09 Jul 1846 Ray Co, MO, Daniel F. Bain died 10 Apr 1853 leaving 3 children, he left his claim c01 Mar 1853 under advice of Dr. A.M. Belt and went to house of Virgil K. Pringle for medical assistance-remaining there until death. Affidavit: Felix L. Raymond, Mathew M. Brown, Virgil K. Pringle."
BAIN, Nathaniel M. (1848-17 Aug 1922 ): m'd JOHNS, Ella V.; s/o Daniel and Pherne (Brown) Bain; buied Greenwood Hills Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
BAINBRIDGE, Caroline (08 May 1827 -07 Oct 1911): m'd 1854 FAULCONER, Marcellus; d/o Darius and Mary (Wright) Bainbridge; buried Sheridan Masonic Cemetery, Sheridan, Yamhill County, Oregon
BAISER, Elmira (22 May 1820 -19 Jan 1917): m'd 16 Sep 1839 BENJAMIN, Richard; buried Grass Valley IOOF Cemetery, Grass Valley, Sherman County, Oregon
BAKER, Alsha Katherine (27 Mar 1824-13 May 1913): m'd 05 Jun 1845 SHAW, James; d/o Nathan and Jane (Clubb) Baker; settled with husband near present day Milton-Freewater and is buried in Ford Cemetery, Milton-Freewater, Umatilla County, Oregon
BAKER, Catherine Elvina (20 Aug 1847-21 Jul 1931): m1. PUZEY, James; m2. BACON, James Scott; d/o George and Charity (Culp) Baker; buried Bayview Memorial Cemetery, Warren, Columbia County, Oregon
BAKER, Christopher Columbus (23 Jan 1826-1903): m'd SULLIVAN, Nancy T.; s/o Jacob and Clary (Tucker) Baker; buried Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
"DLC: #1678 Yamhill; Christopher Baker b. 1826 Gallaway County, Missouri; arrived Oregon Sep 1852; settled claim 01 Aug 1853; m'd Nancy 29 Oct 1846 Andrew County, Missouri. Affidavit: William B. McClure, Marcellus Faulconer, Jefferson Davis."
BAKER, Eliza Jane Geil (02 Jan 1849-20 Oct 1935): m1. BELL, Andrew J. m2. EYMAN, Henry Hardin; d/o Endymian and Sarah (Tuckness) Baker; buried Pleasant View Cemetery, Hoodview, Clackamas County, Oregon
BAKER, Eliza Jane (21 Dec 1832-20 Jan 1917): m'd 22 Jul 1849 CLARK, Alexander "Alex" Carroll; d/o David and Catherine Baker; settled with husband at the mouth of the Cowlitz River; mother of three sons and one daughter; buried Catlin Cemetery, Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington
BAKER, Endymian (28 Aug 1812-04 Oct 1892 ): m'd TUCKNESS, Sarah Jane; buried Pleasant View Cemetery, Hoodview, Clackamas County, Oregon
"DLC: #3628 Yamhill; Endemian (Endimon) Baker; Yamhill Co; papers missing; 1860: Pleasant Valley, Yamhill County, Oregon, August 18, 1860; E. Baker, 49, farmer, $960 $350, TN; Sarah, 39, TN; Lorenzo, 14, MO; Eliza, 10, MO; Henry, 7, OR; Allison, 4, OR; Emma, 2, OR"
BAKER, George Washington (10 Feb 1821 - 11 Mar 1908): m'd 1847 CULP, Charity; s/o John and Naoma (DeVore) Baker; buried Bayview Memorial Cemetery, Warren, Columbia County, Oregon
BAKER, George Washington (1833- ):
"DLC: #8081 Marion Co; b. 1833 Greene Co, OH (claim rejected)"
BAKER, James H. (1849 - bef 1860): s/o Christopher and Nancy (Sullivan) Baker; enumerated in 1850 Dekalb County, Missouri census and not found in 1860 Yamhill County, Oregon census with family
BAKER, John (1851 - ): s/o Christopher and Nancy (Sullivan) Baker; enumerated in 1860 Yamhill County, Oregon census
BAKER, Louisiana Tennessee (26 Feb 1845 - 18 Dec 1919): m'd 1861 BONNEY, Truman Lawrence; d/o Endymian and Sarah (Tuckness) Baker; buried Gleason Cemetery, Whiskey Hill, Clackamas County, Oregon
BAKER, Margaret (08 Oct 1828-31 Jan 1901): m'd 10 Jun 1848 BLEDSOE, Smith; husbands DLC says they arrived in 1852, descendant say they arrived in 1854; buried Fossil IOOF Cemetery, Fossil, Wheeler County, Oregon
BAKER, Mary A. Mrs: See: LAKE, Mary Ann
BAKER, Mary M. (1848 - ): d/o Christopher and Nancy (Sullivan) Baker; enumerated in 1850 Dekalb County, Missouri census; not found in 1860 Yamhill County census with family
*8) BAKER, Napoleon (1814-1876): not much is known of Napoleon Baker, appears to have been born 1814 NY and died 1876 Jackson Co, OR; appears in 1860 Jackson Co census as miner and again in 1870 census as farmer; no family mentioned.
BAKER, Ransome Pinckney (1823-c1875): m1. 06 Feb 1849 CLOUSER, Mary Jane; m2. 18 Mar 1852 ROSS, Elizabeth; s/o Zebediah and Martha (Womack) Baker
"DLC: #3777 Washington County; Ransom P. Baker, b. 1823 Missouri; arrived Oregon 12 Oct 1852; settled claim 01 Oct 1854; m'd Elizabeth 27 Mar 1852 Iowa. Affidavit: C.C. Hughs, R.M. Hawkins, William G. Scoggin."
BAKER, Sorenza (1846- ): d/o Endymion and Sarah Baker
BAKER, Sophrona Josephine (1843- 1937): m'd FRANCE, Martin Bostic; d/o Endymian and Sarah (Tuckness) Baker; buried Pleasant View Cemetery, Hoodview, Clackamas County, Oregon
BAKER, Susan Mrs. (1822-1907):
BALDEN, John (1815- ): m'd 1839 [ ], Elizabeth
"DLC: #2541 Polk County; John Balden, b. 1815 Indiana; arrived Oregon 20 Oct 1852; settled claim 05 May 1853; m'd Elizabeth 11 Jul 1839 St. Louis, Missouri. Affidavit: John Allen, Garrett W. McCary, William S. Robb, Ira S. Townsend."
BALDWIN, Andrew Jackson "Jack" (1830-16 Mar 1910): m'd 06 Sep 1856 POTTLE, Mary Jane; s/o Ephraim and Eliza (Witherell) Baldwin; 1850 Andrew J. Baldwin, Andrew County, Missouri, 21, blacksmith; 1860 A J. Baldwin, Thurston County, Washington, 29, farmer; buried Masonic Memorial Park, Tumwater, Thurston County, Washington
BALDWIN, Holly Capt.: captain of train of 26 men
BALL, David C. (1804-24 May 1875): m1. 1829 WEST, Julia (1806-1832): m2. Nov 1847/12 Mar 1848 SWANER, Susan; s/o James and Rebecca (Shattuck) Ball; died Clackamas County, Oregon; burial location unknown
DLC: #4839 Clackamas; David Ball; b. 1804 Hillsboro County, New York; arrived Oregon 01 Nov 1852; settled claim 01 Jan 1854; m'd Susan Nov 1847 Ft. Wayne, Indiana; 05 Aug 1876 Peter A. Noyes gave affidavit that David Ball is deceased & Susan Ball remarried and present name is Susan May. Affidavit: James McNamara, John F. Barr, Coleman Buckner."
BALL, David M. (1831-c1855): m'd 19 Sep 1851 GILBERT, Elizabeth; s/o David and Julia (West) Ball; wife remarried 1856 Siskiyou County, California; probably died in California but burial location unknown
BALL, George (1832-17 May 1852): died on plains 17
May 1852 of measles
BALL, Infant son (1852-1852) died on plains; s/o David and Elizabeth (Gilbert)
Ball; "Baby of David Ball & Elizabeth died on the journey to Oregon/California
[The Siskiyou Pioneer Klamath River Edition p. 46]"
BALL, Isaac (16 Feb 1824-24 Feb 1914): m'd 08 Jun 1856 ROBBINS, Margaret E.; s/o Asel and Rebecca (Ellis) Ball; operated McLaughlin's ferry at Oregon City in 1853; buried Winona Cemetery, Tualatin, Washington County, Oregon
"DLC: #1639 Washington County; Isaac Ball b. 1827 Illinois; arrived Oregon 10 Sep 1852 or 05 Dec 1854 (both dates given); settled claim 18 Dec 1854; m'd Margaret E. 08 Jun 1856 Washington County, Oregon Territory. Affidavit: William Garlick, N.L. Whitman, John Sweek, Nathaniel S. Robinson."
BALL, Larkin Nathaniel (16 Apr 1832-09 Sep 1913): m'd 1861 ROBBINS, Nancy Adeline; s/o Asel and Rebecca (Ellis) Ball; buried Winona Cemetery, Tualatin, Washington County, Oregon
BALLARD, David Wesley (21 Feb 1824-18 Sep 1883): m'd 09 Jul 1848 ROOKER, Jane Elizabeth; s/o John and Catherine (Mendenhall) Ballard; David Ballard settled in Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon where he set up a medical practice. In 1859 he was elected to the Oregon state senate. In April 1866 President Andrew Johnson appointed Ballard as the third governor of Idaho Territory; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
"DLC: #2829 Linn County; David W. Ballard, b. 1824 Indiana; arrived Oregon 01 Sep/Oct/Nov 1852; settled claim 10 Jul 1853; m'd Jane E. 14 Jun 1848, Morgan County, Indiana. Signed Oath of Allegiance 01 Jan 1864. Arridavit: William S. Claypool, William Bond, Jason Wheeler, James Elkins, Harvey Smith, J.P."
"BALLARD, DAVID W., M.D.--Born in Bridgeport, Indiana, February 2, 1824; in 1852 arrived in Oregon and settled at Lebanon, and engaged in the practice of medicine. He married Jane E. Rooker, in June, 1 849, and their children's names are Lonnor, Oscar, Florence, Carrie, Frank, Maud, and Ora." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 751]
BALLARD, Maleta C. (1825 - 06 Aug 1852):
BALSTON, Noah F. Gregg:
BAMFORD, M. J. (1827- ): fought in Yakima War
BANKS, Elizabeth Rose (20 Aug 1818 -01 Feb 1895): m'd 20 Aug 1838 DOGGETT, James Simms; d/o Thomas and Susannah (Jarvis) Banks; burial location unknown
BANKS, Hilkiah Thomas Preston (18 May 1823-13 Feb 1904): m1. 10 Sep 1845 HUBBARD, Rebecca (1825-1849); m2. 08 Nov 1850 SHERROD, Martha Jane Jenkins; s/o Thomas and Susannah (Jarver) Banks; buried Athena Cemetery, Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon; had daughter Angeline Elizabeth Banks who was child of first marriage. She was born 12 Jan 1847 in Benton, Ark and died two months later on 22 Mar 1847. First wife died giving birth to Rebecca Emoline Banks.
BANKS, James Simms (11 Mar 1848-26 Mar 1907): m'd 07 Sep 1878 BROWN, Jennie Rebecca; so Hilkiah and Rebecca (Hubbard) Banks; buried Athena Cemetery, Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon
BANKS, Lebbeus Irwin (12 May 1832 - 19 Sep 1900): m'd 1854 HURLBURT, Mary; s/o Thomas and Susannah (Jarvis) Banks; buried Gilliam Cemetery, Graton, Sonoma County, California
DLC: #3287 Benton county; Lebbeus J. Banks, b. 1832 Tennessee, arrived Oregon 15 Oct 1852; settled claim 01 Feb 1854. Affidavit: George W. Herbert, Thomas J. Perkins, Merrell Jasper."
BANKS, Naomi Catherine "Winnie" (07 Nov 1851-12 Mar 1936): m'd 03 Sep 1871 DICKENSON, John Benjamin; d /o Hilkiah and Martha (Sherrod) Banks; buried Athena Cemetery, Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon
BANKS, Rebecca Emoline (22 Oct 1849-15 Nov 1904): m'd 01 Nov 1868 DIXON, Joseph T.; m2. 13 Nov 1883 CORNUTT, Stephen Henry; d/o Hilkiah and Rebecca (Hubbard) Banks; buried Central Point Cemetery, Central Point, Jackson County, Oregon
BANKS, Thomas Baxter (10
Jun 1784 -26 Sep 1852): m'd 15 Dec 1804 JARVIS,
Susannah Rose; died on trail September 26, 1852;
burial details unknown
BANKS, Tibbius: see BANKS, Lebbeus
BARBER, Benjamin:
BARBER, Charles C.:
BARBER, George (1815-bef 1859): m'd [ ], Sophronia Ann; 1850 Monroe, Allen County, Ohio; no death date for George Barber; the wife remarries and consistently shows up in Ohio census; George may have died on trail and family returned to Ohio
"DLC: #1576 Lane ?? George Barber, b. 1815 PA"
BARBER, George (20 Mar 1849-22 Jan 1917): m'd 14 Jan 1875 MCHENRY, Mary Jane; s/o George and Sophronia Barber; enumerated in 1860 Lima, Allen County, Ohio census
BARBER, John R. (24 Jan 1851-22 Mar 1932): m'd 1875 ELIKER, Eva Barbara; s/o George and Sophronia Barber; enumerated in 1860 Lima, Allen County, Ohio census
BARBER, Sophronia Ann (1825-03 Jan 1881): m'd 1848 BARBER, George; m2. 01 Sep 1859 BARBER, Levi; maiden name unknown; enumerated in 1860 Lima, Allen County, Ohio census
BARBER, William
BARBRE, Thomas (01 Apr 1829-07 Feb 1904): m'd 1853 HUNSAKER, Margaret Ann; s/o
John and Mary (Pope) Barbre/Barbary; buried
Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon; was the father
of 9 children including Irvin, Minnie (Voegli), Lurilla (Hanna), Alma
(Handsaker), Clyde, unnamed (Jinks), Earl; family shows surname as Barbary
"DLC: #745 Lane Co; Thomas Barbre"
BARKDULL, John Leasure (08 Oct 1824-16 Sep 1896): m'd 09 Nov 1853 BAGLEY, Nancy Ann; s/o John and Sarah (Leasure) Barkdull; buried Ferndale Cemetery, Ferndale, Humbolt County, California
"DLC: #1232 Lane Co, John L. Barkdull, b. 1824 Wayne Co, OH"
BARKER, Henry Clay (07 Jul 1852-09 May 1936): m1.18 Sep 1872 LANE, Mary Virginia; m2. 1887 KNOWLTON, Elizabeth; s/o Jesse and Mary (Gilmore) Barker; born in Wyoming on the Oregon Trail; buried Saltese Cemetery, Greenacres, Spokane County, Washington
BARKER, Isabella G. "Belle" (Sep 1850-1931): m'd 07 Sep 1871 HUTSON, James Madison; d/o Jesse and Mary (Gilmore) Barker; buried Mountain View Memorial Park, Lakewood, Pierce County, Washington
BARKER, Jesse Nolan (20 May 1826-04 Nov 1905): m1. 1849 GILMORE, Mary Jane; m2. 1871 SMITH, Mary V.; s/o Henry and Sarah (Nolan) Barker; buried Greenwood Memorial Terrace, Spokane, Spokane County, Washington
BARKER, Josephine (June 1852-c1910): m'd Jun 1872 INGRAM, Leroy T.; d/o John and Margaret (Gilmore) Barker
BARKER, John Murphy (03 May1826-16 Dec 1887 ): m'd 02 Dec 1847 GILMORE, Margaret Priscilla; s/o James and Nancy (Murphy) Barker Jr; buried Canyonville Cemetery, Canyonville, Douglas County, Oregon; Wagons From Wapello
"DLC: #1001 Douglas Co; John M. Barker, b. 1826 KY"
BARKER, Margaret:
BARKER, Mary C. (1850-22 Jun 1852): d/o John and Margaret (Gilmore) Barker; died on trail
BARKER, Nancy Ann (1848-): m'd 03 May 1865 BROWN Sr, Joshua Benjamin; m2. 16 Dec 1887 EARLE, Wilfred Washington; d/o John and Margaret (Gilmore) Barker; 1880 Douglas County, Oregon, Nancy Brown 32, widowed; Wilfred Earl 1887 in Yellowstone County, Montana; death date and burial location unknown
BARKER, Rosetta
BARKHURST, Mary Jane (22 Dec 1828 -26 Mar 1907): m'd 17 Nov 1846 MAGERS, William Bosman Dr.; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon; mother of 13 children
BARLOW, Benjamin D. (15 Oct 1840-31 Oct 1919): m'd 1871 GALLOWAY, Margaret Jane; s/o George and Mary (Purdy) Barlow; buried Catlin Cemetery, Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington
BARLOW, Byron (05 Jun 1838-05 Jul 1914): s/o George and Mary (Purdy) Barlow; buried Tacoma Cemetery, Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington
BARLOW, Harriet Louise (31 May 1836-12 Mar 1907): m'd LEWIS, Elisha Hiram; d/o George and Mary (Purdy) Barlow; buried Union Cemetery, Union, Union County, Oregon
BARLOW Sr, George W. (15 Jun 1808-19 Jun 1887): m'd PURDY, Mary Ann; s/o Nathan and Laura (Sheldon) Barlow; buried Catlin Cemetery, Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington
BARLOW Jr, George W. (1842-1912): m'd THOMPSON, Addie Grace; s/o George and Mary (Purdy) Barlow; buried Tacoma Cemetery, Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington
BARLOW, Lewis Cass (1850-1852): s/o George and Mary (Purdy) Barlow; died in what
is currently Montana
BARLOW, M. L.: wrote letter to Joseph Lane in 1853 and stated that he had arrived in Oregon August 12, 1852; no further information on this individual
BARLOW, Mary Teresa (Oct 1844-18 Jan 1926): m'd DOWNING, Robert William; d/o George and Mary (Purdy) Barlow; buried Vancouver Barracks National Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark County, Washington
BARMORE, Sarah Louisa (18 Nov 1829-10 Feb 1910): m'd 27 Feb 1851 PAYNE, D. Montgomery; buried Fisher Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark County, Washington; born 24 Nov 1829 in Vigo County, IN; mother of five children; 1852 settled near Camas, Washington; c1854 moved to Eugene, Lane County, Oregon where they remained for about eleven years and then moved back to Grass Valley near Camas. Washington
BARNARD, Guilford (09 Feb 1825-17 Apr 1904): m'd 01 Apr 1849 WIGLE, Catherine; s/o Jason and Lucy (Carter) Barnard; buried Bellfountain Cemetery, Bellfountain, Benton County, Oregon
"DLC: #2394 Linn County; Guilford Barnard b. 1825 Bourbon County, Kentucky; arrived Oregon 21 Sep 1852; settled Claim 22 Apr 1853; m'd Catharine 02 Apr 1849 Adams County, Illinois. Affidavit: Jacob W. Wigle, Abraham J. Wigle"
BARNARD, James (Dec 1830-17 Apr 1904): m'd 12 Jun 1854 CARTER, Sarah Jane; s/o David and Phoebe (Ferguson) Barnard; buried Jim Rice Homestead Cemetery, Holley, Linn County, Oregon
"Landy" (02 Feb 1850-17 May 1852): c/o Guilford and
Catherine (Wigle) Barnard; died on trail of cholera;
location unknown
*27) BARNES, Absalom
(1827-03 Jun 1852), m'd 18 Mar 1848 ROBBINS, Bethiah Emmeline, s/o Jacheus and
Rachel (Stilwell) Barnes; died on trail "at or
near the Little Blue between the Missouri River and Ft Kearney"
of cholera;
location unknown
DLC 3482 Clackamas County, Oregon Territory, Nathaniel N. Barnes (orphan) & heirs at law of Wm. F. Barnes (orphan), Clackamas County 08 Aug 1855 Hector Campbell, Judge of Probate Court, Clackamas County, Oregon Territory appointed Nathaniel Robbins guardian of Nathaniel N. & Wm. Z. Barnes. 25 Oct 1855 John D. & James A. Robbins gave affidavit that they were acquainted with Nathaniel N. and Wm. Z. Barnes, orphan children of Absalom and Emeline Barnes, both deceased and was acquainted with them in their lifetime. They started in the spring of 1852 for Oregon. Both Absalom and Emeline Barnes died on the way at or near a stream called the Little Blue, between Missouri River and Ft. Kearny. 28 Nov 1868 N. N. Robbins gave affidavit he was acquainted with Absalom and Emeline Barnes, now deceased, who were the parents of Nathaniel N. and William Z. Barnes, one of said orphans died 11 Mar 1867, aged about 16 years, that Nathaniel N. Barnes, the other orphan now 19 years, is still residing in Oregon, having arrived in the Fall of 1852. 21 Oct 1867 Certificate was canceled."
"June 3rd...we laid in camp on the account of the sick being worse A Barns died at 5oc in the afternoon & was beried at 6oc he was beried on a high gravel point on the bank of the little blew R. 5 m. west of the place whare his wife was...[John N. Lewis Journal (Bancroft Library, University. of California-Berkeley]
"Next morning Absalom so bad he could not travel. He grew worse all day; we set up and done all we could to save him, but all was of no use; he died next day, about the middle of the afternoon." Absalom and Emmeline's two sons, Nathaniel Norval Barnes and William Barnes were now orphans to be raised by their grandparents, Nathaniel & Nancy Robbins." [Decatur Press, Greensburg, Indiana September 2 and 9, 1853):
BARNES, Ada M. (1817- ):
*8) BARNES, Adam (1820- ): m'd 28 Jan 1838 SPRAY, Lucinda; father of 5 known children (Noah, Michael, Mary Jane, Caroline and Hannah); not much is known about the Adam Barnes family. They appear in the 1860 Linn County, Oregon census At that point they appear to have left the area.
BARNES, Hannah (1849- ): d/o Adam and Lucinda (Spray) Barnes; not much is known about the Adam Barnes family. They appear in Yamhill County in 1854 and by the 1860 census are in Linn County. At that point they appear to have left the area.
BARNES, James (1819- ):
"DLC: #948 Jackson County; James Barnes; b. 1819 Crawford County, Indiana"
BARNES, John (1816- ):
"DLC: #4333 Multnomah County; John Barnes, b. abt 1816 Virginia; arrived Oregon Fall of 1852; settled claim 01 Mar 1855. Affidavit: Alanson Taylor, Stephen Roberts, Joseph Seror."
BARNES, John Montgomery (1807-28 Mar 1869): m'd 28 Jul 1835 BRYANT, Almira Moore; s/o James and Sarah (Callaway) Barnes
BARNES, Martha P. (26 Apr 1846-07 Nov 1918): m'd 26 Nov 1868 JOHNSON, William W.; d/o John and Almira (Bryant) Barnes; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
BARNES, Mary Jane (1843-1906): m'd SNOOK, Charles; d/o Adam and Lucinda (Spray) Barnes; born May 1843 IA and died 27 Apr 1906 Farmington, NM; husband died in Edwards Co, KS in 1909; parents of 12 children (Margaret Lucinda, William, Mariah Caroline, George Washington, Francis Marion, Elizabeth Ellen, Mary Alverta, Ida Isabell, Clara May, Esther Lavina, Nellie Jane and Thomas James); not much is known about the Adam Barnes family. They appear in Yamhill County in 1854 and by the 1860 census are in Linn County. At that point they appear to have left the area.
BARNES, Michael (Sep 1840-23 Jan 1918): m'd 09 Dec 1859 PING, Jemima Ann; s/o Adam and Lucinda (Spray) Barnes; buried Oregon State Hospital Patient Memorial, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
BARNES, Nancy (04 Nov 1832-18 Feb 1915): m'd 1851 GILMORE, James Paton; d/o James and Susan (Miskel) Barnes; settled in Douglas Co near present day Roseburg; mother of 13 children; in 1885 moved with family to Crofton Prairie in Washington Territory; buried in IOOF Mountain View Cemetery, Goldendale, Klicitat County, Washington
BARNES, Nathaniel N. ( ): s/o Absolom and Bethiah Emeline (Robbins) Barnes; parents died on trail "at or near the Little Blue between the Missouri River and Ft Kearney" [per DLC 3482 Clackamas County]; 1855 Nathaniel Robbins appointed guardian
BARNES, Nathaniel Norval (25 Dec 1848-27 Oct 1886): m'd 1871 WALKER, Anna Mary; s/o Absalom and Bethiah Emmeline (Robbins) Barnes; buried Robert Bird Cemetery, Wilsonville, Clackamas County, Oregon
BARNES, Noah (1838- ): s/o Adam and Lucinda (Spray) Barnes; not much is known about the Adam Barnes family. Noah Barnes appears in the "1910 Lafayette, Yamhill County, Oregon census Noah Barnes, hired man on a dairy farm owned by Edwin Cary 72, single, birth place unknown"
BARNES, Rachel (15 Dec 1817-27 Jun 1852): m'd 16 May 1836 FLEENER, Samuel W. Jr; died on trail
BARNES, Samuel T. (02 Feb 1841-20 Oct 1905): m1. 31 Aug 1865 REED, Mary Elizabeth; m2. 07 Dec 1885 COMBS, Mrs. Harriet Catherine (WALKER) s/o John and Almira (Bryant) Barnes; buried Ackles Cemetery, LaGrande, Union County, Oregon
BARNES, Sarah (14 Sep 1836-03 Jun 1925): m'd 14 Mar 1854 GOODRICH, William C.; d/o John and Almira (Bryant) Barnes; buried Goodrich Family Cemetery, Dayton, Yamhill County, Oregon
BARNES, William (1830- 25 Jun 1852):
died on trail
BARNES, William L.: see BARNES, William Z.
BARNES, William Taylor (14 Dec 1828-29 Feb 1892): m'd 12 Sep 1849 BLAIN, Sarah Ann; s/o John and Mildred (Hulen) Barnes
DLC #3793 Washington County, Oregon William T. Barnes, b. 1829 Howard County, Missouri; arrived Oregon 17 Oct 1852; settled claim 06 March 1853; m'd Sarah Ann 12 Sep 1849 Missouri. By 1875 claim had been sold to R.D. Foster. Aff: Henry Noland, Henry Noland Jr.
*27) BARNES, William Z. (1850 - 11 Mar 1867): s/o Absalom and Emeline (Robbins) Barnes; parents died on trail "at or near the Little Blue between the Missouri River and Ft Kearney" [per DLC 3482 Clackamas County]; 1855 Nathaniel Robbins appointed guardian; buried Robert Bird Cemetery, Wilsonville, Clackamas County, Oregon
BARNET, Jno (1826-20 May 1852); from Missouri; died on trail
BARNETT, George Hayes (25 Aug 1829-10 Nov 1898): m'd 18 Sep 1850
MARTZ, Barbara Ellen; s/o Ephraim and Jane (McClenahan) Barnett; buried
Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon; rest of family came in
1853 and DLC of George Hayes Jr states he arrived in 1853, other records say he
arrived 1852
BARNETT, John Ephriam (26 Jun 1852 -07 Jun 1934): m'd 1877 TURNER, Martha Ann; s/o George and Barbara (Martz) Barnett; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon:
BARNEY, Alfred Philander (06 Jan 1852-07/30 Apr 1933): m'd FARTHING, Eliza Ann; s/o Benjamin and Caroline (Howey) Barney; buried Woodland Cemetery, Woodland, Yolo County, California
BARNEY, Benjamin Philander (01 Feb 1825-28 Nov 1891): m'd 21 Dec 1845 HOWEY, Caroline; m2. 26 May 1853 HOWEY, Cynthia Henrietta; s/o Benjamin B. and Mary Barney; married sister of first wife; moved with family to Illinois in 1857 and later to Harper County, Kansas; buried Harper Cemetery, Harper, Harper County, Kansas
"DLC 2864: Marion County; Benjamin Barney, b. 1825 Pike County, Illinois; settled claim 20/25 October 1852; m'd Caroline 21 Dec 1843 Pike County, Illinois. She died on claim 11 Nov 1852 leaving 3 children. m'd 2nd Cynthia 26 May 1853 Marion County, Oregon Territory. North 1/2 went to heirs of Caroline Barney. 30 Jul 1864 Henry Smith signed Oath of Allegiance as purchaser of claim. Aff: Walter H. Tucker (d. aff & MA of 2nd marriage), Benj. Tucker, Isaac W. Wright, Guoyan Gilson.
BARNEY, James Benjamin (22 Mar 1849-13 Apr 1929): s/o Benjamin and Caroline (Howey) Barney; buried Osage City Cemetery, Osage, Osage County, Kansas
BARNEY, Mary J.: see BROWN, Mary Jane
BARNEY, William Anderson (21 Oct 1846-23 May 1929): m'd FARTHING, Mary Elizabeth; s/o Benjamin and Caroline (Howey) Barney; buried Juniper Haven Cemetery, Prinveville, Crook County, Oregon
BARR, Elizabeth Reed (28 Mar 1843 - May 1897): m'd 1861 SMITH, Jeremiah; d/o Samuel and Margaret (Barr) Barr; by 1870 family living in San Francisco, California
BARR, John M.:
BARR, Margaret Ann (30 Aug 1844-02 Aug 1861): m'd CHITTENDEN, William Lyman; d/o Samuel and Margaret (Barr) Barr; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
BARR, Mary Jane (05 Jun 1851-06 Oct 1896): m1. OSBORNE, Eben (1825-1858); m2. 28 Apr 1867 ATKINS, Henry Allen; d/o William and Mary (Robinson) Barr; buried Lake View Cemetery, Seattle, King County, Washington
BARR, Mary Jane (1822-22 Nov 1899): m'd 1842 BEEZLEY, Joseph; d/o William and Mildred (Carter) Barr; buried Park Lawn Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
BARR, Samuel McCormack (02 Apr 1847-22 Aug 1909): m'd 01 Jan 1875 BAKER, Selina, s/o Samuel and Margaret (Barr) Barr; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
BARR, Samuel Everhart (02 May 1813-06 Nov 1880): m1. 02 Jun 1836 BARR, Margaret; m2. 04 Jul 1849 WATERMAN, Margaret Jane; s/o Samuel and Susan (Everhart) Barr; buried Grays River Grange Cemetery, Grays River, Wahkiakum County, Washington
BARR, Susanna Lydia (21 Nov 1839-05 Jul 1902): m'd PROTZMAN, Lewis Franklin; d/o Samuel and Margaret (Barr) Barr; buried Lodi Memorial Park and Cemetery, Lodi, San Joaquin County, California
BARR, Thaddeus Stevens (21 Jul 1850-18 Feb 1926); m'd 02 Dec 1882 BIRCHARD, Phoebe Ann; died Washington; s/o Samuel and Margaret (Waterman) Barr; buried Grays River Grange Cemetery, Grays River, Wahkiakum County, Washington
BARR, William John (22 Jan 1815-02 Sep 1887): m'd 11 Apr 1843 ROBINSON, Mary Jane; s/o John and Mary (Simpson) Barr;
"DLC 1623 Washington County, BARR, William John, b. c1817 Scotland; arrived Oregon Oct 1852; settled claim 24 Jan 1853;m'd Mary Jane R. 11 Apr 1843 Glasgow, Scotland. Declared intention to become citizen 04 Dec 1852, Clackamas County, Allen P. Millar clerk US District Court. Affidavit: Col. Robert A. Lavery, Z.J. Brown, Samuel Galbreath."
BARR, William R. (May 1845-aft 1910 ): s/o William and Mary (Robinson) Barr; 1910 living in Lane County, Oregon; burial location unknown
BARRETT, Catharine E. (Feb 1843-1918): m'd 17 Sep 1860 KESLING, Peter; d/o John and Margaret (Murrary) Barrett; buried Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon
BARRETT, Charles (04 Nov 1810-01 Nov 1873): m'd 1838 YEARSLEY, Mary Elizabeth; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
BARRETT, Charles E. (1841-05 Nov 1886): s/o Charles and Mary (Yearsley) Barrett; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
BARRETT, Cornelius W. (1848-Mar 1917): s/o Charles and Mary (Yearsley) Barrett; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Mutnomah County, Oregon
BARRETT, James (17 Nov 1828 - 1911): m'd 16 May 1850 CORYELL, Isabella; s/o John and Margaret (Murrary) Barrett; died in Mexico
BARRETT, John (25 Dec 1796-17 Jan 1883): m'd 04 Jan 1827 MURRAY, Margaret; buried Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon
BARRETT, Margaret (1844 - ): d/o John and Margaret (Murrary) Barrett; not found in 1860 census
BARRETT, Murray (1848-29 Jan 1921): m'd 07 Nov 1893 MALONE, Nancy Ann; s/o John and Margaret (Murrary) Barrett; died Linn County, Oregon; burial location unknown
BARRETT, Richard 1835- ): s/o John and Margaret (Murrary) Barrett; burial location unknown
BARRETT, Robert (Apr 1834-c1907): m'd 27 Feb 1875 GRIFFITH, Nancy Emily.; s/o John and Margaret (Murrary) Barrett; died Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; burial location unknown
BARRETT, Thomas ( 1829-c1894): m'd 02 Jan 1862 FINDLEY, Nancy; s/o John and Margaret (Murrary) Barrett; buried Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon
BARRETT, Xarifa Jane (16 Aug 1839-05 Jul 1917): m'd FAILING/FALING, C. D.; d/o Charles and Mary (Yearsley) Barrett; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
BARRINGTON, J. A. Mrs. (1830 -05 Jun 1852): died on trail
BARROWS, Infant ( -1852): died on trail; from Lagrance County, Indiana
*14) BARTLETT, Catherine Julia (30 Sep 1828-01 Sep 1925): m'd 18 May 1848 ADAMS, Calvin Henry;.d/o William and Catherine (Culver) Bartlett; buried Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon
"Mrs. Catherine J. Adams--Funeral services for Mrs. Catherine J. Adams, known as the "Queen Mother of Oregon" for the past five years because she was the oldest member of the Pioneer association, will be held Friday afternoon at 2:30 at the Hillsboro Congregational church. Rev. Evra Maurer, pastor of the Evangelical church of Tigard, will have charge of the services. Interment will be in the Masonic cemetery at Hillsboro. Mrs. Adams died Tuesday at the home of her son, William Adams of Hillsboro. She was 97 years of age and came across the plains to Oregon from Illinois in 1852." [Oregonian, Portland, Oregon September 3, 1925 p.22]
BARTLETT, James Pierce (16 Aug 1838-17 Apr 1916): m'd 26 Sep 1863 INGLES, Cordelia; s/o William and Lucy (Thompson) Bartlett; buried Winona Cemetery, Tualatin, Washington County, Oregon; if this is correct James Bartlett came to Oregon at the age of 14. Did he come a different year or did he accompany a family member.
BARTON, John McCoy (24 Jun 1833-28 May 1907): m'd 21 Jun 1859 MCILREE, Martha Jane; s/o James and Nancy (McCoy) Barton; buried Oakville Cemetery, Shedd, Linn County, Oregon
"DLC: 5267 Benton County; John Barton b. 24 Jun 1833 Warren County, Illinois; arrived Oregon 28 Oct/ 03 Nov 1852; settled claim27 Jan 1853; married Janet [sic-Jane] 21 Jun 1859 Benton County, Oregon; Aff; John McCoy, Wm. McCoy, John Easly, Benj. Trimble, Anthony Carnon, Samuel Measley, J.B. McCoy."
BARZEN, Peter (1824- ): 1860 Springwater, Clackamas County, Oregon; Peter Barzen, 36, laborer, $1000 $1200, born Prussia
"DLC: #2402 Clackamas County; Peter Barzen, b. 1823 Prussia; arrived Oregon 080 Oct 1852; settled claim 22 Nov 1853; Declaration of intention to become citizen Court of Common Pleas, Hamilton County, Ohio, 14 Mar 1850 stating "aged about 27 years, emigrated from Breman 01 Aug 1846, arrived New York 17 Sep 1846". Citizenship awarded 05 Sep 1852. Clackamas County, Oregon signed by Erasmus D. Shattuck, Judge & James Winstin, clerk. Affidavit: Daniel Halprumer, Jacob Stitzel, George W. Jackson, Lewis Hersey."
BATES, Emma L. (1825-05 Jun 1852): died on trail; from Pennsylvania
BATES, Isabelle Electa ( 07 May 1827-20 Dec 1914): m'd 27 Nov 1847 HATHAWAY, Jeremiah Smith; d/o Nathan "Dennis" and Isabel (Bronson) Bates; born 07 Mary 1827 Norton, Summit Co, OH and died 20 Dec 1914 Vancouver, Clark Co, WA; motherof 9 children (Jeeremiah Nadah, Hiel Bronson, Abigail Maria, Emma Jane, Orrin B., Amos Nathan, Alpha Beebe, Alfred Omega and Mary Euretta)
BATES, Tyler (1824-aft 1880): 1860: Hillsboro, Washington County, Tyler Bater, 35, Vermont; 1880: Skadget River, Whatcom County, Washington, Tyler Bates, 57, miner, VT CT VT; 1900 census not found
BAUGHMAN, Daniel Cornelius (08 Oct 1842-28 Nov 1919): m1. 26 Sep 1869 BRAMAN, Catherine; m2. 29 Jan 1884 POWELL, Mrs. Martha (HARRIS); s/o Samuel and Elizabeth (McCall) Baughman; buried Taylor LaneCemetery, Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon
BAUGHMAN, Margaret Ann (20 Nov 1840-23 Mar 1908): m'd PARKS, John William; d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (McCall) Baughman; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
BAUGHMAN, Sadie (27 Dec 1844-17 Dec 1920): m1. 1865 TROWBRIDGE, Lyman Benjamin; m2. 1871 LAWRENCE, Wesley Norman; d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (McCall); buried Canyon City Cemetery, Canyon City, Grant County, Oregon; note: researchers show a sister, Sarah H. Baughman born 21 Mar 1837-27 Dec 1899); the 1860 census only shows Sadie Baughman, b. c1835; there is obviously some error somewhere
BAUGHMAN, Samuel V. (09 Jul 1814- 03 Jun 1903): m1. 18 Aug 1836 MCCALL, Elizabeth Sarah; m2. 1878 BRISTOW, Nancy Amelia; s/o Henry and Anna (Sager) Baughman; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
BAUGHMAN, Sarah H. (21 May 1837-27 Dec 1899): d/o Samuel and Elizabeth (McCall); note: researchers show a sister, Sadie Baughman born 21 Mar 1837-27 Dec 1899); the 1860 census only shows Sadie Baughman, b. c1835; there is obviously some error somewhere
BAUGHMAN, William Howard (20 Oct 1847-04 Oct 1902): m'd CALLISON, Lucetta; s/o Samuel and Elizabeth (McCall) Baughman; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
BAUNCH, S. (c1830- ): maybe BUNCH
BAXTER, Benjamin (10 May 1838-28 Dec 1906): m'd 02 Jan 1870 [ ], Mariaum; s/o William and Elizabeth (Tompkins) Baxter
BAXTER, G. C. (1830 -25 Jun 1852): died on trail
BAXTER, John Henry (21 Aug 1840-28 Dec 1906): s/o William and Elizabeth (Tompkins) Baxter; died Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon; burial location unknown
BAXTER, Louisa Emily (05 Mar 1835-28 Jul 1908): m'd 18 Dec 1850 WARREN, George S.; d/o William and Elizabeth (Tompkins) Baxter; died in Modoc County, California, burial location unknown
BAXTER, Martha Elizabeth (24 Jul 1843-13 Jul 1918): m'd 23 Sep 1858 ROBERTS, Alvin Baxter; m2. 11 Jun 1889 HOLT, Samuel H.; d/o William and Elizabeth (Tompkins) Baxter; buried City Cemetery, Salmon, Lemhi County, Idaho
BAXTER, Mary Jane (15 Jun 1833-10 Jan 1871): m'd 09 Feb 1853 MOORE, Squire Davis; d/o William and Elizabeth (Tompkins) Baxter; buried Canemah Historic Pioneer Cemetery, Canemah, Clackamas County, Oregon
BAXTER, Sylvester (Nov 1844-18 Jan 1928): s/o William and Elizabeth (Tompkins) Baxter; buried Kirkland Cemetery, Montgomery County, Illinois
BAXTER, William (06
Aug 1810-11 Apr 1852 ): m'd 24 Feb 1833
TOMPKINS , Elizabeth; died on trail near Council Bluffs;
location unknown
BAYS, M. (1826 - 03 Jun 1852): died on trail
BEACH, Adeline/Adalia L."Addie" (1852-18 Jul 1938): m'd KUHN, William Henry Harrison; d/o Demas and Arminta (Franklin) Beach; buried Greenwood Memorial Terrace, Spokane, Spokane County, Washington
BEACH, Amelia M. (02 Jul 1843-05 Apr 1927): m1. 19 Sep 1861 HUGHES, John Thomas; m2. 1910 TIDYMAN, William H.; d/o Demas and Arminta (Franklin) Beach; buried Lincoln Memorial Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
BEACH, Cordelia Melissa (07 Jan 1836-07 Nov 1920): m'd 30 Jun 1859 GEORGE, Hugh Mickerson; d/o Demas and Arminta (Franklin) Beach; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
BEACH, Demas (21 Nov 1810-21 Dec 1875): m'd 1835 FRANKLIN, Arminta L.; m2. 06 Sep 1853 WATSON, Maria E.; s/o Moses and Margaret (Cooley) Beach; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
DLC: #1625 Linn County (1859 Benton County); Demas Beach b. 1811/12 Vermont; arrived Oregon 10 Sep 1852; settled claim 29 Aug 1854; m'd Mariah E. (Maria) 06 Sep 1853 Linn County, Oregon. Affidavit: Nelson N. Young, J.B. Forsythe, Isaac Young."
BEACH, Edward N. (23 Feb 1840-21 Dec 1914): m'd 04 Jun 1863 MILLER, Rebecca; s/o Demas and Arminta (Franklin) Beach; buried Greenwood Memorial Terrace, Spokane, Spokane County Washington
BEACH, Franklin (1850 -1878): m'd 1871 WHITCOMB, Mary Livonia; s/o Demas and Arminta (Franklin) Beach; burial location unknown
BEACH, John "Milton" (03 Nov 1837-14 Dec 1904): m'd [ ], Laura M.; s/o Demas and Arminta (Franklin) Beach; buried Greenwood Cemetery, Palouse, Whitman County, Washington
BEACH, Mary Ellen (1845-08 Jun 1873): m'd 1870 HAND, William M.; d/o Demas and Arminta (Franklin) Beach; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
BEACH, Theresa (1842-1865): m'd 08 Apr 1858 RANKIN, James Makesome; d/o Demas and Arminta (Franklin) Beach; burial location unknown
BEACHEL, Catherine: m'd BEACHEL, David; maiden name unknown at this time
BEACHEL, David (1809- ): m'd [ ], Catherine
DLC: #739 Coos County?; David Beachel
BEACHEL, William (1832- ):
DLC: #740 Coos Co; William Beachel
BEAL, Esther Isabelle Tupper: see TUPPER, Esther Isabelle
BEALL, Robert Vinton (16 Jun 1831-17 Jul 1915): m'd 19 Apr 1864 RIDDLE, Anna Maria "Molly";
s/o Thomas and Dorcas (Beadlow) Beall; settled Douglas Co;brother of Thomas F. Beall;
Jacksonville Cemetery, Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon
DLC: #563 Jackson Co, b. 1828; DLC: #564 Jackson Co b. 1831
BEALL, Thomas Fletcher (27 Aug 1827-19 Apr 1886): m'd 10 Nov 1859 HALL, Ann; s/o Thomas and Dorcas (Beadlow) Beall; settled Douglas Co; brother of Robert V. Beall; buried Jacksonville Cemetery, Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon;
Thomas emigrated with mule teams; settled in the Rogue River Valley at Central Point; was packer between Jacksonville and Scottsburg in 1853-1856; stock raiser and farmer; he and his brother the largest wheat growers in Jackson County at that time, jointly owning 2548 acres; father of (Benjamin, Asbury, Clara, Carrie, Thomas, Lee, Tyson and Lucinda)
BEALL, Tolbert V.: see BEALL, Robert Vinton
BEAMIS, George E. (03 Dec 1834- 07 Nov 1906 ): m1. 23 Sep 1871/06 Oct 1871 WILLIAMSON, Mary Jane (divorced); m2. 20 Jul 1884 HARVEY, Adelia Oni; s/o Jonathan and Lucy (Bishop) Beamins; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
BEARD, John (22/27 Dec 1811 -14 Feb 1894): m'd 13 Dec 1838 FAGAN, Mary; s/o John and Mary (Russell) Beard; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
"DLC #3747 Linn County, Oregon; John Beard, b. 1811 Lancaster County, Pennsylvania; arrived Oregon 01 Oct 1851; settled claim 15 Jan 1853; m'd Mary 13 Dec 1838/39 Grundy County, Illinois. Affidavit: Winslow P. Powers, John Fagan, John Wheaton"
BEARD, John Francis (06 Jun 1850-30 Aug 1912): m'd 04 Sep 1875 KIBLINGER, Alice J.; s/o John and Mary (Russell) Beard; burial location unknown
BEARD, Mary Jane (1847-21 Jul 1887): m'd 1864 THOMAS, John Sidwell; d/o John and Mary (Fagan) Beard; died Washington; burial location unknown
BEARD, Thomas ( -1852): died on trail; from Iowa County, Iowa
BEARD, Thomas Jefferson (16 Aug 1839-04 Apr 1902): m'd 11 May 1865 VERNON, Minerva Ellen; s/o John and Mary (Fagan) Beard; buried Riverside Memorial Park, Spokane, Spokane County, Washington
BEARLY, Jane ( - 07 Jun 1852): died on trail; from Wisconsin
BEATTY, James A. (1852 - ): s/o John and Mary (McCraken) Beatty
BEATTY, John M. (1826-11 Nov 1901): m'd 13 Sep 1849 MCCRAKEN, Mary; buried Evergreen Cemetery, Yreka, Siskiyou County, California
DLC: #2081 Lane County; John M. Beatty
BEAUCHAMP, Tilden (04 Jul 1824-04 Jun 1896): m'd 1847 FRANCIS, Mary J.; s/o John and Elizabeth (Thomas) Beauchamp; buried Jacksonville Cemetery, Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon
"DLC: #4305 Washington County; Tilden Beauchamp, b. 1827 Illinois; arrived Oregon 06 Sep 1852; m'd Mary J. Dec 1847 Illinois. Affidavit: Alex Stewart, Valentine Hay, John Wood, Jacob Minter, H. Wehring, R.E. Wiley."
BEAUMONT, Susan (15 Feb
1812-09 Mar 1885):: m'd 17 Mar 1831 MORGAN, James P.;
Masonic Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
BECK, William Gilpin (28 Mar 1849-24 Feb 1922): m'd 24 Oct 1871 THORNTON, Anna Belle; s/o William and Ann (Hills) Beck; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
BECK, William Ahl (02 Nov 1817-24 Oct 1889): m'd 16 Mar 1846 HILLS, Ann Elizabeth; s/o John Christian and Magdalene (Ahl) Beck; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
"Gunsmith, bridge builder and Porland justice of the peace, was born in Roxberry, Pa., the son of Christian and Lena (Ahl) Beck. He had little if any schooling but in a well-regulated home learned the rudiments of vital subjects, which coupled with high ambitions and a native willingness to work, enabled him to succeed as an expert gunsmith. Leaving his native state as a youth he settled for a time in Missouri, where he worked at his trade, and in 1837 [sic-1846] married Ann Elizabeth Hills, also from Pa. With his young family he came to Portland in 1852, where he opened a shop and gained a reputation as a gun expert. In 1880 he was chosen president of a company organized to construct a bridge across the Willamette River at Portland. In the face of much opposition he clug to his convictions that such a feat was possible, and after seven years saw his efforts crowned with achievement: the first Morrison Street Bridge was opened to the public use April 21, 1887. The Becks had three children. William Beck died in Portland, where he is buried." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 24]
BECKNER, John B. (15 Apr 1820-23 Jan
1902): m'd 15 May 1845
STANTON, Rosetta; s/o John and Elizabeth (Gish) Beckner; buried
Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
DLC: #944 Lane Co; John P. Beckner
BECKNER, William Stanton (1846-20 Apr 1906): m'd 10 Oct 1875 LAFORE, Harriet S..; s/o John and Rosetta (Stanton) Beckner; buried City View Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
BECKWITH, Marvin T. (1833-aft 1860): m'd 29 Aug 1855 WARNER, Mary Annis; s/o Samuel and Mercy (Higgins) Beckwith; burial location unknown
DLC: #1356 Linn?? County; Marvin T. Beckwith
1860 Chetco, Curry County, Oregon Marvin Beckwith, 27, farm laborer, wife Mary 22, Adelaide, 2, Anna, 1; does not appear in later census records
BECKWITH, Sidney Henry (29 Apr 1830-22 Feb 1907): m'd May 1855 TAYLOR, Harriett Emily; s/o Samuel and Lydia (Gridley) Beckwith; buried Elma IOOF Cemetery, Elma, Grays Harbor County, Washington
"DLC #4443 Clackamas County, Oregon; Sidney H. Beckwith, b. 1831 Indiana; arrived Oregon 14 Aug 1852; settled claim 31 Aug 1855; m'd Harriett E. May 1855 Oregon Territory. Affidavit: Robert McMiller, N.W. Randall, Peter Petty."
BEDFORD, H. A. ( -1852): died on trail
BEDFORD, Thomas ( - 1852): died on trail
BEDWELL, Henry Franklin (21 Jan 1842-20
Jan 1918): m'd
31 Jan 1864 PERKINS, Elizabeth Anne "Lizzie"; s/o Elisha and Sarah Ann
(Davis) Bedwell; buried
North Yamhill Cemetery, Yamhill, Yamhill County, Oregon; came west with his grandparents
(Henry and Lavina McBride Davis) in 1852; his father and stepmother had
emigrated in 1847
BEDWELL, Mary Jane (18 Feb 1847-16 Jan 1920): m'd LANE, Charles B.; d/o William and Sarah (John) Bedwell; buried Olney Cemetery, Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon
BEDWELL, William Carroll (20 Dec 1826-04 Mar 1885) m1. JOHN, Sarah A. (1830-1848); m2. 21 Dec 1849 ORRILL, Elizabeth; s/o Isaac and Charity Bedwell; buried Pioneer Park Cemetery, Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon
BEELER, Almira (13 Aug 1843 -29 Aug 1933): m'd 1860 POMEROY, Lyman Walker; d/o
John and Jane (Powell) Beeler; buried
Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
BEELER, Anna; m'd POWELL, Joab
BEELER, Charles H. (Oct 1846-16 Nov 1919): m'd 1872 BRANSON, Elmira; s/o John and Jane (Powell) Beeler; buried Bow Cemetery, Bow, Skagit County, Washington
BEELER, Charlotte (12 Jul 1839-04 Nov 1921): m'd 1855 CARTER, Benjamin Franklin; d/o John and Jane (Powell) Beeler; buried San Juan Cemetery, Friday Harbor, San Juan County, Washington
BEELER, children: 10 of 17 children of John and Ann (Powell) Beeler
BEELER, Elmina (1843- ): m'd POMEROY, Lyman
BEELER, Joab Powell (19 Nov 1829-13 Feb 1899 ): m1. [ ], America Jane; m2. 1881 DICKEY, Mrs. Alice (BOOTH); s/o John and Jane (Powell) Beeler; buried Amity Cemetery, Amity, Yamhill County, Oregon
"DLC: #2084 Linn County; Joab P. Beeler b. c 1829 Tennesee; arrived Oregon 05 Oct 1852; settled claim 30 Dec 1852; m'd America Jane 07 Nov 1852 Yamhill County, Oregon Territory. Affidavit: William T. Moore, James McDowell, Bartlett Curl, John Thomison"
BEELER, John W. (08 May 1802-1864): m'd 16 Oct 1864 POWELL, Jane; s/o Peter and Barbara (Petre) Beeler; buried Providence Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon; some of the older children remained in the East
BEELER, Joseph L. (Apr 1845-25 Jul 1921): m'd 1868 O'HARA, Maria W.; s/o John and Jane (Powell) Beeler; buried Bayview Cemetery, Bellingham, Whatcom County, Washington
BEELER, Lauretta Bernard (22 Dec 1847-09 Dec 1947); m'd 13 Apr 1879 HILLHOUSE, William Valentine; d/o John and Jane (Powell) Beeler; buried Omak Memorial Cemetery, Okanogan, Okanogan County, Washington
BEELER, Lucinda Rosella (08 Aug 1848-05 Feb 1933): m'd 1864 STRINGER, Ephraim; buried Evergreen Memorial Park, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
BEELER, Martha Jane (12 Jan 1836-1901): m'd 1857 LEEVER, Cornwell Thacker; d/o Peter and Barbara (Petre) Beeler; buried Providence Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
BEELER, Peter Washington (28 Feb 1833-08 Jun 1895): m'd 13 Nov 1855 BERKLEY, Martha Pamela; s/o John and Jane (Powell) Beeler; buried Weston Cemetery, Weston, Umatilla County, Oregon
DLC: #4958 Linn Co; Peter W. Beeler, b. 27 Feb 1833 Jackson County, Missouri; arrived Oregon 25 Aug/05 Sep 1852; settled claim 20 Apr 1855; m'd Martha P. Berkley 13 Nov 1855 Linn County, Oregon Territory; 1873 J.L. Chapman paid fee for the certificate of this claim. Affidavit: Abraham Zell, John N. Beeler, Robert Watkinson.
BEELER, Rebecca H. (13 Dec 1837-04 Oct 1924): m'd 1854 WATKINSON, Robert; d/o John and Ann (Powell) Beeler; buried Bow Cemetery, Bow, Skagit County, Washington
BEELER, Sarah Ann (20 Apr 1840-20 Oct 1859): m'd POMEROY, Lyman; d/o John and Jane (Powell) Beeler; buried Providence Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
BEELER, William Ferial (25 May 1842-12 Jun 1924): s/o John and Jane (Powell) Beeler; buried Linkville Pioneer Cemetery, Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon
BEESON, Sarah Jane (1852-1922): m'd LARSON, [ ]; born on the plains
BEEZLEY, Frances Ellen (02 Feb 1843-04 Oct 1876): m'd 1858 SMITH, William Tollman, d/o Joseph and Mary (Barr) Beezley; buried Park Lawn Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
BEEZLEY, Infant Son (1851-1852): s/o Joseph and Mary (Barr)
Beezley; reportedly died on the trail
BEEZLEY, Joseph (11 May 1819-Nov 1892): m'd 02 Apr 1842 BARR, Mary Jane; s/o Joseph and Phoebe (Reeves) Beezley; originally buried in the Masonic Cemetery at the Dalles but reinterred in Park Lawn Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon; traveled with Moores Party; settled Umatilla, Wasco and Benton County, Oregon
DLC: #1844 Umpqua-Douglas County, Joseph Beezley
BEEZLEY, Mary Elizabeth (1847-1926): m'd SMITH, Ferdinand "Fred" Milliken (1847-1919); d/o Joseph and Mary (Barr) Beezley; 1880 Wasco County, Oregon; 1900 and 1910 Crook County, Oregon; 1920 Clackamas County, Oregon; burial location unknown
BEEZLEY, Mildred P. (1845 -bef 1870): m'd 14 Aug 1860 DURBIN, William; d/o Joseph and Mary (Barr) Beezley; burial location unknown
BEEZLEY, William Joseph (1849-05 Nov 1897): m'd ALDERMAN, Emma; s/o Joseph and Mary (Barr) Beezley; settled Wasco County, Oregon; burial location unknown
BELCHER, Thomas C.:
BELGER, John (1831-1877):
BELKNAP, Electa Elizabeth (Jan 1820-01 Sep 1863): m'd 01 Jan 1838 HOWELL, Stephen; d/o Jonas and Mary Ann (Garlinghouse) Belknap; buried Alpine Cemetery, Alpine, Benton County, Oregon
BELL, Archibald Henderson(28 Apr 1814 -30 Apr 1890): m'd 29 Oct 1834 BAKER, Harriet Lillybridge; s/o James and Eleanor (Henderson) Bell; buried Molalla Memorial Cemetery, Molalla, Clackamas County, Oregon
BELL, Carolina A. (14 Oct 1845-16 May 1873): m'd HARRIS, James L.; d/o John and Lurana (Nickerson) Bell; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
BELL, Elizabeth Talbot (06 Nov 1842-25 Aug 1920): m'd THOMAS, Roderick R.; d/o Archibald and Harriet (Baker) Bell; buried Molalla Memorial Cemetery, Molalla, Clackamas County, Oregon
BELL, G. W. Mrs. (1821-1920):
BELL, Isaac:
BELL, James Henry (23 Oct 1834-24 Mar 1912).: m'd 05 Apr 1854 WRIGHT, Eliza Jane; s/o Archibald and Harriet (Baker) Bell; died Pierce County, Washington; burial location unknown
BELL, John Wilmet (26 Apr 1816-21 Jan 1901): m'd 1842 NICKERSON, Lurana; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
BELL, Laura Ward : See 1854 w/o GRAY, John Henry Dix; d/o John and Sarah (Ward) Bell; not emigrant of 1852; emigrated with family in 1854
BELL, Mary Frances (29 Aug 1807-13 Jun 1889): m'd 27 Jul 1837 RIGDON, John; d/o Simeon and Mary (McLean) Bell; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
BELL, Mary Francis (23 Feb 1837-13 Dec 1916): m1. 1862 MCCASLIN, John W. m2. 1879 CALDER, Alexander Wallace; m3. LETT, Capt; d/o Archibald and Harriet (Baker) Bell; buried Wilhelm's Portland Memorial Mausoleum, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
BELL, Matthew:
BELL, Elizabeth (15 Apr 1821-28 Dec 1891): m'd 23 Apr 1840 GRUBB, Samuel B.; buried Ashland Cemetery, Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon
BELL, Rebecca Nancy (20 Feb 1843-16 Jan 1920): m'd 1868 HOPE, Joseph Holmes Pheris; d/o John and Lurana (Nickerson) Bell; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
BELL, Samuel (1818- ):
"DLC #369 Linn County, Oregon Territory; Samuel Bell, b.1818 Ohio; arrived Oregon 23 Sep 1852; settled claim 20 Nov 1854. Affidavit: Robert Buck, Samuel Brown, James H. Ritchey, Solomon Bend."
BELL, Samuel Levi (29 Dec 1838 - ) m'd 28 Apr 1891 BROOKS, Mary Elizabeth; s/o Archibald and Harriet (Baker) Bell; died Washington
BELL, Sarah Ellen (02 Nov 1840-03 Sep 1921): m'd 04 Mar 1856 PARKER, Edmund Alexander, d/o Archibald and Harriet (Baker) Bell; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
BEMFIELD, Eli: driver for John Wigle
BEMING, Eliza (1832-08 Jun 1852):
*16) BENEFIEL, Albert Gatalin (01 Jan 1851-01 Apr 1881): s/o Jesse and Lydia (Montgomery) Benefiel; by 1870 living in California
*16) BENEFIEL, Bennett Wiley (07 Jul 1850-Jul 1894): m'd BROOKS, Elizabeth; s/o John and Mary (Darmer) Benefiel; buried Greenwood Cemetery, Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho
*16) BENEFIEL, Elizabeth Frances (09 Apr 1839-21 Dec 1908): m1. 28 Jul 1856 PARSONS, Hiram; m2. 06 Dec 1906 RUNION, Abraham Claborn; d/o Jesse and Lydia (Montgomery) Benefiel; buried Forest View Cemetery, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon; mother of five children (Eliza Jane , Ellen; Minnie L.; William L, Clarissa G. (1874- )
*16) BENEFIEL, Florence (12 Oct 1848-16 Jul 1853): d/o Jesse and Lydia (Montgomery) Benefiel
*16) BENEFIEL, Francis Marion (30 Oct 1845-22 Nov 1921): m'd HENDERSON, Myrtle; s/o Jesse and Lydia (Montgomery) Benefiel; born 30 Oct 1845 Putnam Co, IN; buried Multnomah Park Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
*16) BENEFIEL, George Washington (14 Nov 1846-1902): s/o Jesse and Lydia (Montgomery) Benefiel; born 14 Nov 1846 Louisa Co, IA and died c1902 probably California
*16) BENEFIEL, James Irvin (05 Sep 1826-13 Sep 1920): m'd BRANSON, Mary Louisa; s/o John and Mary (Darmer) Benefiel; buried Sun Rise Cemetery, Wasco, Sherman County, Oregon
*16) BENEFIEL, Jesse (20 Mar 1818-18 May 1902): m'd 04 May 1838 MONTGOMERY, Lydia; s/o Robert and Mary (Montgomery) Benefiel; settled in Jackson Co for a time but by 1870 is found living in California where he remained until his death May 18, 1902 in San Luis Obispo County, California; father of eight children (Elizabeth Frances, Mary A., Sidonah Jane, Francis Marion, George Washington, Thomas, Albert Gatalin and William Louis)
"DLC: #3766 Polk County; Jesse Benefiel, b. 1818 Indiana; arrived Oregon 30 Sep 1852; settled claim 28 Apr 1854; m'd Lydia Amanda 04 May 1838/9 Indiana. Affidavit: David Garrison, Lewis P. Pratt, Barnet Haggard, Henry W. Lamson."
*16) BENEFIEL, John Wesley (13 Jan 1817- 19 Aug 1888): m1. 1835 DARMER, Mary Louisa; m2. WEST, Leacy Ann "Lucy"; s/o Robert and Mary (Montgomery) Benefiel; first wife died on trail; m2. 21 Jul 1853 WEST Carnes, Leacy Ann; buried Union Point Cemetery, Banks, Washington County, Oregon
DLC: #2211 Yamhill County; John W. Benefield b. 1817 Wayne County, Indiana; settled claim 10 Nov 1852; m'd Lacy Ann 21 Jul 1853 Marion County, Oregon Territory. Affidavit: James P. Morgan, Robert Sullinger, Jesse Yocum, James A. Yocum.""
*16) BENEFIEL, Mary Ann (24 Jan 1841-20 Nov 1881): m'd 16 Jul 1857 PARSONS, Allison (divorced 1861); m2. 1862 WILLIAMS, A. K.; d/o Jesse and Lydia (Montgomery) Benefiel;
*16) BENEFIEL, Mary E.: d/o John and Mary (Darmer) Benefiel
BENEFIEL, Nancy (30 Oct 1831-11 Feb 1907): m'd 08 Feb 1849 MENEFEE, William Reynolds; d/o Robert and Mary (Montgomery) Benefiel; buried Dufur Community Cemetery, Dufur, Wasco County, Oregon
*16) BENEFIEL, Sidonah Jane (28 Jan 1843-07 Jun 1912): m'd 22 Jun 1858 KINGERY, Samuel; d/o Jesse and Lydia (Montgomery) Benefiel; born 28 Jan 1843 Louisa Co, IA and died 07 Jun 1912 San Luis Obispo Co, CA; mother of two children (Luis J. and Lydia)
*16) BENEFIEL, Thomas (1848-1853): s/o Jesse and Lydia (Montgomery) Benefiel; born 12 Oct 1848 Louisa Co, IA and died 16 Jul 1853 OR
*16) BENEFIEL, William Harrison (19 Aug 1847-14 Aug 1919): s/o John and Mary (Darmer) Benefiel; buried Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
*16) BENEFIEL, William Louis (24 May 1852-23 Oct 1926): s/o Jesse and Lydia (Montgomery) Benefiel
BENJAMIN, Ann Elizabeth (Aug 1847-05 Nov 1931): m1. 13 Dec 1865 GASTON, Henry; m2. 02 Dec 1869 BUKER, John H.; d/o Richard and Elmira (Baiser) Benjamin; died Sherman County, Oregon; burial location unknown
BENJAMIN, Caroline Abigail (16 Oct 1849-28 Feb 1931): ; m1. 1868 LAKE, John Russell; m2. 1882 COSTELLO, William Philben; d/o Richard and Elmira (Baiser) Benjamin; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington
BENJAMIN, Elisabeth J. (13 Jun 1845-19 Jul 1887): m'd PULLEN, Thomas Frances; d/o Richard and Elmira (Baiser) Benjamin; buried Lonerock Cemetery, Lonerock, Gilliam County, Oregon
BENJAMIN, Henry Harrison (Feb 1852-01 Mar 1927): m'd DORAN, Elizabeth J.; s/o Richard and Elmira (Baiser) Benjamin; died Seattle, King County, Washington; burial location unknown
BENJAMIN, Mary Indiana/Isabelle (28 Aug 1840-03 Aug 1925): m'd 08 Jul 1866 PRESTON, James Harold; d/o Richard and Elmira (Baiser) Benjamin; buried Gresham Pioneer Cemetery, Gresham, Multnomah County, Oregon
BENJAMIN, Richard Manning (09 Mar 1818-08 May 1898): m'd 26 Sep 1839 BAISER, Elmira; s/o Ezekiel and Elizabeth Benjamin Sr; buried Fairmount Memorial Park, Spokane, Spokane County, Washington
DLC: #4307 Lane County; Richard M. Benjamin
BENJAMIN, William Wallace (26 Aug 1842-20 Jan 1922): m1. Sep 1864 MANSFIELD, Anna Mary; m2. 1876 BENJAMIN, Mary F.; s/o Richard and Elmira (Baiser) Benjamin; buried Phillipsburg Cemetery, Phillipsburg, Granite County, Montana
BENKELP, George W. (1829- 06 Jun 1852) died on trail from Henry County, Missouri
*16) BENNETT, Dolly Agnes (1848-29 Mar 1921): m'd 04 Oct 1880 LEARY, William; d/o
Thomas and Phoebe (Creswell) Bennett; buried
South Yamhill Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County,
Oregon; mother of one son that died in infancy
BENNETT, Elizabeth Jane (29 Jul 1846-06 Oct 1898): m'd 1859 PATTON, Robert Jesse; d/o George and Lourania (Price) Bennett; buried Cherry Grove Cemetery, Cherry Grove, Washington County, Oregon
BENNETT, George Washington. (03 Jan 1805- c1867): m'd 21 Oct 1828 PRICE, Lourania; died Yakima, Yakima County, Washington; burial location unknown
"DLC #2800 Yamhill County, Oregon Territory; George W. Bennett; born 1805/1815 Harrison (now Floyd) County, Indiana; arrived Oregon 06 Sep 1852; settled claim 03 Apr 1853; m'd Levina (Lorene/Lurena) 21 Oct 1828 Posey County, Indiana; 10 Feb 1864 Willim M. Russell signed Oath of Allegiance as purchaser of claim. Neigbor, J. Shaw. Affidavit: John N. Thomas, Thomas M. Wright, Wm. B. Daniels, John R. McBride."
BENNETT, James Russell (09 Jun 1831-17 Jun 1888 ): m'd 22 Feb 1859 SCHOLL, Sarah Helen; buried Lewis Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon
DLC: #1378 Washington County; James R. Bennett b. 1827 Ohio; arrived Oregon 01 Oct 1852; settled claim 04 Feb 1855; m'd Sarah 22 Feb 1859 Clackamas County, Oregon. Affidavit: William A. Starkworth, William T. Matlock, Alexander Gustin, John B. Kellogg."
BENNETT, John (07 Oct 1852-17 Oct 1906 ): m'd 28 Jul 1874 GARRISON, Minnesota Hull; s/o Thomas and Phoebe (Creswell) Bennett; born 07 Oct 1852 shortly after arrival in Oregon and died 17 Oct 1906 McMinnville, Yamhill Co, OR; buried South Yamhill Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill Co, OR; father of two children (Winifred Gertrude and Lloyd Abraham); name was later spelled as Bennette
BENNETT, John Wesley (1848 - ): s/o George and Lourania (Price) Bennett; died Yakima, Yakima County, Washington; burial location unknown
*16) BENNETT, Mary Elizabeth (Lizzy) (1851- ): d/o Thomas and Phoebe (Creswell) Bennett
BENNETT, Minerva (23 Aug 1830-05 May 1907): m'd 28 Aug 1848 PAYNE, Almon; d/o Andrew and Catherine (Osborn) Bennett; mother of 5 children (Juliana, Mary Caroline, Rufus M., Harriet and Minerva Jane); died Clark County, Washington; burial location unknown
*16) BENNETT, Thomas (23 Mar 1806-30 Jun 1852): m'd 31 Aug 1848 CRESWELL,
Phoebe; born 23 Mar 1806 in Derbyshire, England and died on Oregon Trail 30 Jun
1852; father of three children (Dolly Agnes, Mary Elizabeth and John).
location unknown
BENNETT, William Legro (14 Aug 1850- 04 Apr 1924): m'd 1877 EDWARDS, Mary Minerva; s/o George and Lourania (Price) Bennett; buried Tahoma Cemetery, Yakima, Yakima County, Washington
BERG, Johannes "John" (23 Nov 1819- ): m'd Jul 1852 DONLEY, Margaret; married July 1852 in California which makes it seem like he probably emigrated earlier or came by ship in 1852
"DLC #4316 Polk County, Oregon; John Berg, born 1821/2 Somerset County, Pennsylvania; however one document gives Germany; arrived Oregon 08 Aug 1852; settled claim 10 Oct 1852; m'd Margaret D. Jul 1852 San Francisco, California. States he is a citizen by virtue of his father's naturalization. Affidavit: Wm C Brown, John Nichols, Nicholas Lee, D. M. Guthrie."
BERGEN, Samuel Ryker (22 Jun 1825-05 Nov 1912): m'd 26 Sep 1854 HARPER, Armilda H.; s/o George and Deborah (Ryker) Bergen; buried Anderson Cemetery, Anderson, McDonald County, Missouri
"DLC: #2856 Linn?? County; Samuel R. Bergen. b. 1826"
BERNARD, Sandy: See BARNARD, Landy
BERRY, Elizabeth Frances (02 Feb 1842-26 Nov 1926): m'd 1858 FRYREAR, John Burr; d/o Francis
and Pamelia (Mahan) Berry; husband was emigrant of 1853; both are buried at
Camp Polk Cemetery,
Cloverdale, Deschutes County, Oregon
BERRY, Evelyn (24 Aug 1824-10 Apr 1881): m1. 1842 MILLER, C.C.; m2. 1861 CUSICK, Robert George; d/o Francis and Pamelia (Mahan) Berry; buried Pietrock Cemetery, Lyons, Linn County, Oregon
BERRY, Francis "Frank" (14 Oct 1792-06 Nov 1880): m1. 01 Sep 1818 PENNINGTON, Polly; m2. 02 Nov 1823 MAHAN, Permelia; s/o Francis and Sarah (Sharp) Berry; buried Pietrock Cemetery, Lyons, Linn County, Oregon
"DLC: #4193 Linn Co; Francis Berry, b. 14 Oct 1792 Sullivan County, Tennessee; arrived Oregon 14 Oct 1852, settled claim 25 July 1853; m'd Pamelia Oct 1824 Kentucky; Affidavit: J.P. Berry, Charles Tindall, John P. Berry, Thomas M. Humphreys, John P. Humphreys"
BERRY, Harriet S. (20 Mar 1844-01 Jul 1932): m'd 1865 HENNESS, Isaac Newton; d/o Francis and Pamelia (Mahan) Berry; buried Russellville Community Cemetery, Clackamas County, Oregon
BERRY, James Monroe (30 Apr 1838-12 Sep 1925): m'd 1872 GARDNER, Sarah Ann; s/o Francis and Pamelia (Mahan) Berry; buried Fox Valley Cemetery, Lyons, Linn County, Oregon
BERRY, John Preston (10 Jun 1829-15 Aug 1905): m'd 04 Feb 1852 MCCROSKY, Marcia Frances; s/o Francis and Pamelia (Mahan) Berry; buried Fox Valley Cemetery, Lyons, Linn County, Oregon
BERRY, Josephine Amanda (1846-1906): m'd 1865 MCLANE, Samuel Marcus "Mark"; d/o Francis and Pamelia (Mahan) Berry
BERRY, Leander (05 Nov 1825-28 Sep 1881): s/o Francis and Pamelia (Mahan) Berry; burial location unknown
BERRY, Martha A.:
BERRY, Sarah (21 Jan 1831-1852): m'd 29 Mar 1848 IRVINE, Robert
Armington; d/o Francis and Pamelia (Mahan) Berry; died on the Oregon Trail near
the Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon;
location unknown
BERRY, William Marshall Owen (13 Aug 1848-16 Jul 1932 ): m'd 1874 BRANNAN, Mary Ann; s/o Francis and Pamelia (Mahan) Berry; buried Sunset Park Cemetery, Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon
BESSER, Luzerne Bates (1833-15 Sep 1905): m'd 10 Nov 1850 LAKE, Sarah; s/o Bates and Huldah (Hollenbeck) Besser; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
"BESSER, LUZERNE--Born in Buffalo. New York, in October, 1833, but was "raised" in Illinois. Married Miss Sarah Lake in 1852, and came to Oregon the same year, locating in Portland. Owned and conducted various saw mills in the early years, with various degrees of success. Held a municipal office in 1868; became chief of the police of Portland in 1879.[History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 752]
BESSER, Mary Chilton (08 Oct 1851-17 Mar 1931): m'd 22 Dec 1869 ALLARD, James John; d/o Luzerne and Sarah (Lake) Besser; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
BETCHER, Henry: [maybe Heinrich Betcher; was in Indiana 1857 and California 1860]
BETTS, Paul ( - ): m'd ,
BEVANS, Pro: Mentioned in Samuel Woodruff Diary.
BIDDLE, Arthur Platte (Jun 1852-29 Nov 1852): s/o Benjamin and Maria (Evans) Biddle, born on trail at Ash Hollow; died shortly after arrival at Albany, Benton County, Oregon; burial location unknown
BIDDLE, Benjamin "Robert" (02 Jul 1808 - 18 Sep 1882): m'd 13 May 1834 EVANS, Maria; s/o Benjamin Robert and Mary Ann (Capell) Biddle; buried Oak Mound Cemetery, Healdsburg, Sonoma County, California; to California 1849
Benjamin eloped in 1834 with Mariah Evans; tailor; friend of Abraham Lincoln; formed a company with John Weber and three other men to ship supplies to miners in CA during the gold rush; set out for CA in spring of 1849; set up business near what later became Shasta and prospered; Benjamin missed his family so sold out with the intention of returning east. He stopped in OR on way home to visit his sister, Harriet. After arriving home he convinced his family to emigrate to OR; they traveled in the Biddle-Cardwell train; settled in Benton Co upon arrival in Oregon; youngest daughter, Alice was one of first three graduates of Oregon State University in 1870.
BIDDLE, Edwin Webber (11 Aug 1849-01 Jul 1928): m'd ALLEN, Delora Belle; s/o Benjamin and Maria Biddle; buried Oak Mound Cemetery, Healdsburg, Sonoma County, California
BIDDLE, James Henry (22 Jun 1837-10 Jun 1858): s/o Benjamin and Maria (Evans) Biddle; buried IOOF Cemetery, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon
BIDDLE, Mary Ann (11 Dec 1812-18 Jul 1894): m'd 25 Dec 1829 CARDWELL, William Lee; d/o Benjamin Robert and Mary Ann (Capell) Biddle; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
BIDDLE, Matilda "Puggie" (23 Feb 1846-25 Aug 1927): m'd PORTER, Orville Tracy; d/o Benjamin and Maria Biddle; buried IOOF Cemetery, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon
BIDDLE, Robert Evans (20 Dec 1838-31 Aug 1859): s/o Benjamin and Maria (Evans) Biddle; buried IOOF Cemetery, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon
BIDDLE, Sarah Emma (01 Dec 1842-26 May 1868): d/o Benjamin and Maria (Evans) Biddle; buried IOOF Cemetery, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon
BIDWELL, Harriet Manton (05 Nov 1851-10 May 1902): m'd Wheatley, John; d/o John and Matilda (Hayburn) Bidwell; buried Millville IOOF Cemetery, Millville, Shasta County, California; cut off for California
BIDWELL, John Horace (09 Apr 1822-17 Jan 1875): m'd HAYBURN, Matilda; cutoff for California; buried Millville IOOF Cemetery, Millville, Shasta County, California; cut off for California
BIDWELL, Martha Cairns (25 Dec 1846-05 Aug 1936): m'd GREENE, Thomas Jefferson; d/o John and Matilda (Hayburn) Bidwell; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Red Bluff, Tehama County, California; cut off for California
BIDWELL, William James (30 Nov 1844- 21 Mar 1899): m'd HARRINGTON, Mary Ann; s/o John and Matilda(Hayburn) Bidwell; buried Millville IOOF Cemetery, Millville, Shasta County, California; cut off for California
BIGHAM, David Holt (05 Aug 1841-18 Nov 1870): m'd 29 May 1863 KEYES, Mary Olive; s/o James and Martha (Evans) Bigham; died Farmersville, Tulare County, California; burial location unknown
BIGHAM, James Columbus (12 May 1836-08 Apr 1903): m'd 1874 WEISE, Elizabeth Jane; s/o James and Martha (Evans) Bigham; buried Woodville Cemetery, Woodville, Tulare County, California
BIGHAM, James White (18 Apr 1810-21 Feb 1880): m'd 1840 EVANS, Martha Todd; s/o Nathaniel and Rebecca (White) Bigham; buried Deep Creek Cemetery, Farmersville, Tulare County, California
"DLC: #4889 Benton County;James W. Bigham; b. 1810 Franklin County, Tennessee, arrived Oregon 20 Sep 1852; settled claim 11 Oct 1852; m'd Martha T. Evans 03 May 1840 Platte County, Missouri. William Burgett purchased this claim from Bigham. Affidavit: Gabriel Long, David Grubbs, William Burgett."
BIGHAM, John Williams (Sep 1844-aft 1910): m'd HILL, Adaline; /o James and Martha (Evans) Bigham; 1910 enumberated in Visalia, Tulare County, California, John Bigham, uncle, age 64, single, MO MO KY; in William A. Miller household
BIGHAM, Lewis Sylvester (Mar 1842/45-31 Jul 1909): m'd 1874 EVANS, Ellen L.; s/o James and Martha (Evans) Bigham; buried Redding Memorial Park, Redding, Shasta County, California
BIGHAM, Mary Jane (13 May 1850-10 Apr 1907): m'd 15 Aug 1867 HALL, James Vail; d/o James and Martha (Evans) Bigham; buried Exeter District Cemetery, Exeter, Tulare County, California
BIGHAM, Samuel B/N. (1843 -06
Jun 1852): d/o James and Martha (Evans) Bigham; died on plains; from Platte County, Missouri
BIGHAM, Sarah / Susan Ann (30 Oct 1847-20 Aug 1852): d/o James and Martha
(Evans) Bigham; died on plains; from Platte
County, Missouri
BIGHAM, William (1831- ):
BILES, Mrs. J.D.: see KELLY, Mary Elizabeth
BILLS: see 1853 BILLS, Cincinnatus and BILLS, Lemuel
BILYEU, Andrew Jackson "Jack" (07 Feb 1830-19 Oct 1896): m'd 05 Aug 1855 TERRY, Sarah A.; s/o William and Dianna (Coker) Bilyeu;
Bilyeu Den Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
"BILYEU, ANDREW J.--Born in Sangamon County, Illinois, February 7, 1830. Present residence, Scio, Linri County; occupation, farming. Married Sarah A. Terry and their children are Martecia, William, E. A., Aurena, Joseph L., Lucetta, Hugh, Frederick, and Flo, now living." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 752]
BILYEU, Francis Lucinda (Nov 1846-17 Sep 1923): m'd 1863 MACK, William T.; d/o George and Hester (Reed) Bilyeu; buried Lone Oak Cemetery, Stayton, Marion County, Oregon
BILYEU, George Washington (09 Mar 1820-06 Feb 1898): m'd 24 Jul 1839 REED, Hester Jane; s/o William and Dianna (Coker) Bilyeu; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
DLC: #4685 Linn County; George W. Bilyew, b. 1820 Tennessee; arrived Oregon 15/16 Sep 1852; settled claim 20 Sep 1853; m'd Jane 24 Jul 1839/40 Missouri. Affidavit: John Bryant, John P. Blalock, Henry Burmester, H.W. Bilyew."
BILYEU, Hubbard P. (18 Dec 1825-24 May 1908): m'd 1850 WARTHEN, Mary Ann; s/o William and Dianna (Coker) Bilyeu; buried Mitchel Cemetery Upper, Mitchell, Wheeler County, Oregon
BILYEU, Hubbard W. "Hub" (25 Jun 1849-19 Mar 1921):: m'd 1868 GUM, Julia Ann; s/o George and Hester (Reed) Bilyeu; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
BILYEU, Jackson Andrew (12 Feb 1851-13 Sep 1918): m'd 31 Dec 1875 TERRY, Arrena Jane; s/o George and Hester (Reed) Bilyeu; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
"BILYEU, J. A.--Born in Missouri in 1851 and was brought to Oregon the next year. Settled in Linn County, and was a farmer for some time, then a stock raiser in Washington Territory. In 1884 he purchased the Scio hotel and livery stable and now conducts both. Married Miss A. J. Terry on December 31, 1875. Their children are C. C., Ivy Maud, Annie Pearl, and Nellie E." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 752]
BILYEU, Jacob Marion (20 Jun 1842-09 May 1929): m'd 16 Oct 1870 CECIL, Susan Elizabeth; s/o George and Hester (Reed) Bilyeu
BILYEU, James M. (20 Apr 1852-17 Jun 1857): s/o Hubbard and Mary (Warthen) Bilyeu; buried Bilyeu Den Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
BILYEU, John Martin (1822-1903): m'd 1844 WASSON, Hannah J.; s/o William and Dianna (Coker) Bilyeu; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
"DLC: #2745 Linn County; John M. Bilyeu; b. 1822 Jackson Purchase, Kentucky; arrived Oregon 16 Sep 1852; settled claim 20 Oct 1852; m'd Hannah J. 20 Feb 1844 Pulaski County, Missouri. 05 Feb 1864 Isaac Arnold signed Oath Of Allegiance as owner of 3/4 of John M. Bilyew claim. Affidavit: Peter Bilyew, Andrew J. Bilyew, John Bilyew."
BILYEU, John Thomas (26 Aug 1841-22 Nov 1904): m'd GUMM, Mary Jane; s/o George and Hester (Reed) Bilyeu; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
BILYEU, Julia Ann (10 Jun 1821-18 Jan 1904): m'd 27 May 1845 KINDER, William; d/o William and Diannah (Coker) Bilyeu; buried Juniper Haven Cemetery, Prineville, Crook County, Oregon
BILYEU, Lucinda (16 Mar 1828-30 Jul 1904): m'd 1847 BRYANT, John; d/o William and Dianna (Coker) Bilyeu; buried Masonic Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
BILYEU, Martin Fisher (24 Feb 1849-25 Mar 1932): m'd 18 Dec 1872 HILTON, Margaret Ellen; s/o George and Hester (Reed) Bilyeu
BILYEU, Martin Van Buren (02 Mar 1841-07 Oct 1911): m'd 1862 MASSEY, Rebecca Ellen; s/o William and Dianna (Coker) Bilyeu; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
BILYEU, Nancy (27 Jan 1819-06 Feb 1901): m1. 02 Oct 1838 SMATHERS, John; m2. Sep 1842 MCCUBBIN, William R.; d/o William and Dianna (Coker) Bilyeu; buried Logan Pleasant View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon
BILYEU, Peter (05 Aug 1837-18 Oct 1901): m'd 1859 BRENNER, Elizabeth; s/o William and Dianna (Coker) Bilyeu; buried Bilyeu Den Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
"BILYEU, PETER--Is a farmer, and lives in Scio, Linn County; was born in Miller County, Missouri, August 5, 1837; came overland to Oregon. Married Elizabeth Brennan in 1859, and their children are Nancy C., James M., Evert, Laura, and Brennan." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 752]
BILYEU, Rhoda (1834-10 Dec 1913): m'd 1853 THOMAS, George B.; d/o William and Dianna (Coker) Bilyeu; buried Cliffside Cemetery, Sandy, Clackamas County, Oregon
BILYEU, William Henry "Widd" (11 Jul 1840-21 Jul 1920): m'd 27 Jun 1865 DENNIS, Martha Margaret; s/o George and Hester (Reed) Bilyeu; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
BILYEU, William M. (17 Mar 1795-25 Jun 1879): m'd 30 Dec 1816 COKER, Diannah; s/o John and Tryntje (Berents) Bilyeu; buried Bilyeu Den Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
DLC: #1965 Linn County; William Bilyeu; b. 1795 Kentucky; arrived Oregon 16 Sep 1852; settled claim 01 Oct 1853; m'd Dianna 30 Jan/Dec 1817 Tennessee. Affidavit: John P. Blaylock, Henry Burmester,William Bilyeu Jr."
BILYEU, William Jr. (15 Jan 1832-26 Nov 1907): m'd 1858 TURNER, Sarah Catherine; s/o William and Dianna (Coker) Bilyeu; buried Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
"BILYEU, WILLIAM--Is a farmer by occupation, and resides at Scio, Linn County. Born in Tennessee, January 15, 1832; came overland to Oregon. Married Sarah C. Turner, and their children are John R,, Sarah D., William Mack, Jacob T., Rose J., Elizabeth H., Matilda A., Charles N., and Otto. Mr. Bilyeu was in the Indian war in 1856 in Eastern Oregon and Washington Territory." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 752]
*31) BINGAMAN, Lydia (1795-08 Jun 1871): m'd 1812 MORGAN, Jonathan; maiden name seen as Bingham/Bingerman; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
BINGHAM, James (c1832- ); travleing with the Sprenger family; he was engaged to marry Abigail "Abbie" Sprenger but she died of cholera near Ft. Kearny
BIRCH, Maria F. (1822 -1852): died 5 days west of Ft. Kearney; from Erie County,
BIRD, Maria (08 Jun 1804-21 Jul 1885): m'd 08 Apr 1827 SPRENGER, Nicholas; buried Crystal Lake Cemetery, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon
BIRD, Marion : see HENDRICK, Marion B.
BIRD, Martha Jane (03 Mar 1817-20 Jul 1902): m'd 05 Feb 1840 CUMMINS, Irwin Stephen; d/o Robert and Rachel (Allen) Bird who came in 1847; settled Washington County, buried Robert Bird Cemetery, Wilsonville, Clackamas County, Oregon
BIRD, Thomas ( -1852): died on plains;
from Iowa County, Iowa
BIRKS, Cynthia Jane (01 Feb 1821-16 Feb 1901): m1. 1836 MANN, John Lucas (1818-1852): m2. 1853 ALBRIGHT, Charles; d/o Richard and Cynthia (McCracken) Birks; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Cleackamas County, Oregon
BISHOP, Charles Guy (03 Nov 1829-01 Feb 1910): m1. 30 May BARMON, Sophia; m2. 1855 MOORE, Elzina Elizabeth; m3. 11 Feb 1897 JOHNSON, Nancy Permelia; s/o James and Anna (Hill) Bishop; buried Fern Hill Cemetery, Chehalis, Lewis County, Washington
BISHOP, James (1796-1853): m'd 1831 HILL, Ann; s/o Ebenezer and Anne (Banister) Bishop; died Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon; burial location unknown
BLACK, Addison (20/21 Jan 1822-25 Jul 1908): 11 Sep 1850 RIGDON, Maria Jane; buried Lone Fir Cemetery, Long Beach, Pacific County, Washington
"DLC: #5076 Marion County; Addison Black; b. 1822 Greene County, Ohio; arrived Oregon 17 Sep 1852; settled claim 22 Nov 1852; m'd Maria Jane 11 Sep 1850 Lenora County, Iowa. Affidavit: James F. Guerin, George C. Guerin, Ezekiel Hendry, James McRay, Thomas H. Norton."
BLAIN, Mary E.: see MILLER, Mary
BLAIN, Mary Pierce (28 Nov 1839-22 Jan 1910): m'd HAINES, William W.; d/o Samuel and Margaret (Cowan) Blain; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
BLAIN, Samuel (06 Dec 1806-14 Nov 1873): m'd 27 Sep 1833 COWAN, Margaret Peggy Cowan; s/o James and Mary (Barr) Blain
BLAIN, Sarah Ann (15 Apr 1836-11 Dec 1909):: m'd 12 Sep 1849 BARNES, William Taylor; d/o John and Charity (Turner) Blain; buried Dixie Cemetery, Dixie, Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington
BLAIN, William Barr (07 Apr 1808-12 Jul 1874): m'd 11Aug 1840 NYE, Rachel; s/o James and Mary (Barr) Blain; buried Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon
BLAIN, Winfield Scott (01 Sep 1847/8-17 May 1916): m'd BRYANT, Mary "Polly"; s/o William Barr & Rachel (Nye) Blain; buried Rosalia IOOF Evergreen Cemetery, Rosalia, Whitman County, Washington; note names is spelled as Blaine on headstone
BLAKE, David Alexander (08 Dec 1826-16 Sep 1915): m'd 1854 STEWART, Emily; s/o George and Matilda (Starret) Blake; buried Locke Cemetery, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon
DLC: #2230 Benton County; David A. Blake; b. 1827/8 Washington County, Indiana; arrived Oregon 22 Oct 1852; settled claim 19 Sep 1854; m'd Emily 06 Aug 1854 Benton County, Oregon. Affidavit: Jacob Allen, Thomas M. Read, E.M. Hupey, James Granes."
BLAKE, John Harvey (1830- 27 May 1906) m'd 24 Jan 1870 MAHON, Frances; cut off for California under Gen. J.C. Tolman, reached Yreka in 82 days and then crossed Siskiyous into the Rogue River valley arriving the last of August; buried Canyon City Cemetery, Canyon City, Grant County, Oregon
BLAKELY, Samuel Plumb (24 Aug 1830-06 Feb 1913): m'd 15 Mar 1865 THOMPSON, Mathilda Mallard;
s/o Roswell and Anna (Richards) Blakely; settled in Douglas Co; buried
Creek Cemetery, Glide, Douglas County, Oregon
BLAKELY, William W. (26 Aug 1837-26 Feb 1918): s/o Roswell and Anna (Richards) Blakely; appears to have returned east and was wounded in Civil War; buried Shaffton Cemetey, Clinton County, Iowa
BLANCHARD, Dean (20 Dec 1832-09 May 1918): s/o Merrill and Eunice (Weston) Blanchard; buried Wilhelm's Portland Memorial Mausoleum, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; emigrated to California in 1852 and to Oregon Territory in 1854
BLANCHARD, Mary Bixby (26 Dec 1839-17 Jul 1890): m'd LEARY, John; d/o Merrill and Lucy (Paul) Blanchard; buried Lake View Cemetery, Seattle, King County, Washington
BLANCHARD, Merrill (18 Jul 1807-03 May 1889): m1. 08 Nov 1830 WESTON, Eunice (1804-1841); m2. 1842 PAUL, Lucy Ann; s/o Dean and Anna (Merrill) Blanchard; buried Lake View Cemetery, Seattle, King County, Washington;
"Some of the children resided in New Brunswick, Canada where Merrill Blanchards second wife moved and where she died 01 Jun 1879"
BLANCHARD, Sarah Weston (20 Jan 1836-26 Dec 1928): m'd 13 Nov 1862 DIBBLEE, John; d/o Merrill and Eunice (Weston) Blanchard; unknown if she emigrated in 1852 with father
BLANDON, George: arrived by sea from CA
BLANK, Stephen (26 Dec 1829-13 Aug 1914): m'd 09 Oct 1850 MCMILLAN, Parthenia
Emeline; s/o Jonas and Salone (Moore); buried
View Memorial Gardens, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon
BLASDELL, Julia Ann (24 Aug 1817-11 Jan 1889): : m'd 23 Jan 1834 BROWN, Benjamin Franklin; d/o Ezra and Lydia (Ransdal) Blasdell; buried Greenwood Cemetery, Arcata, Humbolt County, California
BLEDSOE, Harriet (1842 - bef 1860): d/o Smith and (1st wife) Bledsoe;
"1850 Bates County, Missouri census shows Harriet Bledsoe, age 8 in household of her parents; not found in 1860 census; may have died prior to emigration or shortly after arrival"
BLEDSOE, James Franklin (02 Feb 1851-15 Feb 1932): s/o Smith and Margaret (Baker) Bledsoe; father's DLC says they came in 1852 but family says 1854; buried Masonic Cemetery, Coquille, Coos County, Oregon
BLEDSOE, Smith (08 Sep 1820-28 Feb 1909): m1. Unknown; m2. 10 Jun 1848 BAKER, Margaret; buried Union Point Cemetery, Banks, Washington County, Oregon
"DLC: #5246 Washington County; Smith Bledsoe; b. 1824 Missouri; arrived Oregon 01 Nov 1852; settled claim 01 Sep 1855; m'd Margaret 10 Jun 1848 Missouri. Affidavit: Samuel B. Rafferty, John Lyons, Herman Harms."
BLEVINS, James Delot Jefferson (05 May 1829-15 Aug 1913): m'd 12 Apr 1860 SMALL, Elizabeth Jane; s/o Stephen and Nancy (Kirkland) Blevins; died Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon; burial location unknown
BLEVINS, Mary "Polly" (19 Dec 1812-: ) m'd 26 Dec 1833 DUNCAN, Henry Osborn; d/o Stephen and Nancy (Kirkland) Blevins; died California; burial location unknown
BLODGETT, Benjamin Franklin (Dec 1830-26 Jun 1901): m'd 29 Dec 1859 HARDMAN, Sarah Ann; s/o Benjamin and Margaret (McCuskey) Blodgett; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
*4) BLODGETT, Margaret Hamilton (Dec 1826-29 Nov 1885): m'd 1846 MCDONALD, John Nelson; d/o Benjamin and Margaret (McCuskey) Blodgett; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
BLOUNT, Dudley Richard/P. (03 Dec1851-28 Jul 1910): m'd 01 Nov 1890 BOWMAN, Minnie Tennessee (STEWART); s/o William and Carrie (Ellis) Blount; six months old at time of emigration; buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon
BLOUNT, William S. (18 Feb 1829-05 Feb 1916): m'd 12 Jan 1851 ELLIS, Carey; buried Wilhelm's Portland Memorial Mausoleum, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
"DLC: #2456 Clackamas County; William Blount b. 1828 Ohio; arrived Oregon 15 Sep 1852; settled claim 01 Dec 1853; m'd Carla 12 Jan 1851 Illinois. Affidavit: James R. Leabo, William Thompson, Jacob Ranch, Ervin Carothers."
BLOXSON, Cynthia A. (08 Jan 1832-04 Feb 1914): m'd 1852 GWINN, Norman; d/o James and Anna (Robinson) Bloxson; buried Howell Prairie Cemetery, Howell Prairie, Marion County, Oregon
BLOYD, Finis (1832-1852) s/o William and Cynthia (Wolf) Bloyd; died near the Big Blue River in Kansas [Deaths On The Oregon Trail, Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois University]
BLOYD, James B. (1836-1906): m'd 21 Apr 1861 GILBREATH, Sarah Jane; s/o William and Cynthia (Wolf) Bloyd;
came to Oregon in 1852 with the Craig/Winn train that was comprised of
friends and family; returned back to Arkansas where he married and later
died. In a letter written by Wilson M Tigard to the grandparents of James
Bloyd, Eli and Mary Bloyd, it states:
: “James Bloyed is living with
me. When he got in the valley he got in with a doctor for 1 year, 5 days
afterward he was taken very sick and like to have died. They was all so ill that
he left as soon as he could walk. He came to my house Oct. 18th looking like a
corpse. He has not been able to do anything since worth mentioning until lately.
James says he doesn't want any of his folks to move to Oregon till he gets back
with money enough to buy him a farm. Then he says some of the prettiest girls
may look out.”
BLUMAUER, Simon (02 Mar 1822-28 Apr 1908): m'd 02 Feb 1854 RODELSHEIMER, Mollie; s/o Solomon Blumauer; died Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; born Germany, arrived America 1850; burieal location unknown
BOARDMAN, William F. (1844- ): came by sea
BOATMAN, Willis (06 Oct 1826-02 Jan 1926): m'd 1851 RICHARDSON, Mary Ann; buried Woodlawn Abbey Mausoleum, Sumner, Pierce County, Washington
BOBO, John: see John Bubo
BODINE, Daniel Harvey (24 Sep 1827-09 Sep 1869): m'd 13 Sep 1857 FOSTER, Mararetta Young; s/o William and Matilda (Hunter) Bodine; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
BOGART, Abraham G. (25 Jun 1844-17 Jul 1911): m'd 07 Nov 1875 WITHERS, Catherine "Mabel"; s/o Garret and Elisabeth C. (Embrey) Bogart; buried Gillespie Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
BOGART, Charles Henry (30 Oct 1832-05 Oct 1916): m'd 1874 LIGGETT, Amanda Virginia; s/o Garret and Elisabeth C. (Embrey) Bogart; buried IOOF Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
BOGART, Emma Ann (25 Oct 1846-14 Apr 1890): m'd YANCEY, Alonzo T.: d/o Garret and Elisabeth C. (Embrey) Bogart; buried IOOF Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
BOGART, Garret (14 Dec 1808-13 Sep 1887 ): m'd 1832 EMBREY, Elizabeth C.; s/o John Peter and Jemima (Hopper) Bogart; buried Gillespie Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
DLC: #1921 Lane County; Garret Bogart; b. 1808 Bergen County, New Jersey; arrived Oregon 17/23 Oct 1852; settled claim 15 Aug/Sep 1853; m'd Elizabeth Embry 15 Jan 1832 Hamilton County, Ohio. Affidavit: Charles H. Bogart, Alexander Goodpasture, John W. Bogart."
BOGART, Isaac T. (08 Jun 1849-24 Oct 1874): never married; s/o Garret and Elisabeth C. (Embrey) Bogart; buried Gillespie Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
BOGART, John Whitiker (07 Mar 1834-26 Feb 1910): m'd 07 Mar 1861 ALLEN, Catherine; s/o Garret and Elisabeth C. (Embrey) Bogart; buried Inman Cemetery, Elmira, Lane County, Oregon
BOGART, Nancy Catherine (30 Sep 1838-20 Nov 1921): m'd 1859 MYRTLE, Horace Downing; d/o Garret and Elisabeth C. (Embrey) Bogart; buried IOOF Cemetery, Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon
BOGART, William Miller (13 Mar 1842-28 May 1920): m'd 22 Dec 1864 SPORES, Mary Elizabeth; s/o Garret and Elisabeth C. (Embrey) Bogart; buried Coburg IOOF Cemetery, Coburg, Lane County, Oregon
BOHANNON, William Elliott (08 Sep 1831-29 Sep 1901): m'd 19 Apr 1860 NEWTON, Mahala K.; buried Mount Union Cemetery, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon
"DLC: #247 Benton County; William E. Bohannon; b. 1831 Kentucky; arrived Oregon 20 Sep 1852; settled claim 27 Feb 1854. Affidavit: Silas Newcomb, Dennis Hathorn, Isaac H. Newton."
*8) BOLEY, Eliza Jane(13 Feb 1849-02 Mar 1931): m'd
10 Mar 1867 BARTMESS, Francis Marion; d/o John and Mary (Richardson) Boley;
River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; mother of 10 children (Jacob Leroy, George Marion, Dilla, Anna, Carrie, Charles E., Jess P., Maud L., Clara E and Harry E.)
*8) BOLEY, John S. (1818-bef 1860): m'd 13 Feb 1840 RICHARDSON, Mary Jane; s/o Nicholas and Nancy (Watson) Boley; born 1818 Harrison County, Indiana, appears to have died prior to the 1860 census; in the 1860 census the Boley children are living in the Howard household with no mention of their parents. The mother shows up again in the 1870 census but John S. does not appear in Oregon records, it is unknown what happened to him; father of 3 known children (Sarah, Nickoles D. and Elizabeth Jane)
*8) BOLEY, Nickoles D. (1846-1934): never married; s/o John and Mary (Richardson) Boley; buried Pine Haven Cemetery, Halfway, Baker County, Oregon
*8) BOLEY, Nicholas: + family
*8) BOLEY, Sarah (1844- ): d/o John and Mary (Richardson) Boley; 1850 Census says Sarah Boley age 6; 1860 census says Nancy Boley age 13; burial location unknown
BOLIN, Columbus (1850-bef 1870): s/o
Daniel and Lucinda (Moser) Bolin; burial location unknown
BOLIN, Daniel William (01 Jan 1819-03 Apr 1890): m1. 07 Feb 1838 SHELTON, Levina (1818-1840); ms. 02 Mar 1841 MOSER, Lucinda; s/o Jacob and Mary Isabel (Shultz) Bullin/Bolin; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington; settled in Marion County, later moved to Grant County and then to Umatilla County. father of 15 known children (William Jacob, Isabelia, Esther Belle, Joseph Henry, Mary Elizabeth, Columbus, Margaret, Amanda Caroline, Malinda, Louisa Evelyn, George W., Daniel Webster, Ida E., Emma and Henry C.)
BOLIN, Esther "Belle" (1844-26 Dec
1921): m1. 26 May 1861 MCHALEY,
Henry; m2. 1871 MINKLER, Barnabas; m3. c1910 CHASE, Mr; d/o Daniel and Lucinda (Moser) Bolin;
Olney Cemetery, Umatilla County, Oregon
BOLIN, Isabella (04 Jun 1843-07 Dec 1918): m'd 16 Jul 1857 STANTON, Buford; d/o Daniel and Lucinda (Moser) Bolin; buried Milton Freewater IOOF Cemetery, Milton-Freewater, Umatilla County, Oregon
BOLIN, Joseph Henry (12 Oct 1845-13 Feb 1934): m'd Jun 1874 VAUGHAN, Olive; s/o Daniel and Lucinda (Moser) Bolin; buried Coburg IOOF Cemetery, Coburg, Lane County, Oregon
BOLIN, Margaret (14 Jan 1852-13 Mar 1928): m1. BERRY, James J.; m2. MURRELL, Mr.; m3.10 Mar 1908 REYNOLDS, William Riley Jordan; buried Riverside Memorial Park, Spokane, Spokane County, Washington
BOLIN, Mary Elizabeth (24 Jul 1847-26 Apr 1927).: m'd 16 Jul 1866 COFFEY, James Bluford.; d/o Daniel and Lucinda (Moser) Bolin; buried Milton Freewater IOOF Cemetery, Milton Freewater, Umatilla County, Oregon
BOLIN, William Jacob (03 Jan 1842-13 Nov 1910): m'd 22 Dec 1870 BLABON, Nancy Adeline, s/o Daniel and Lucinda (Moser) Bolin; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
BOLLENBAUGH, Daniel Jackson (09 Apr 1831-31 May 1918): m'd 30 Oct 1853 SWARTS/SWARTZ, Catherine/Kathryn Jane; s/o Moses and
Sarah (Miller) Bollenbaugh; buried
Briggs Cemetery, Canyonville, Douglas County, Oregon; father of 10 known
children (Simon, George Moses, Mary, Albert, Sarah Jane, Harriet Emelia, Henry,
Lorenzo, Daniel Otis and Printha J.)
BOLTON, Absalom: see 1851
BOLTON, Daniel: see 1851
BOLUS, Susanna: see BOWLES, Susanna
*10) BOND Ann (05 Sep 1825-10 Oct 1881): m'd 14 Apr 1841 TONG, James John; d/o John and Sarah (Chastain) Bond; parents and siblings came in 1853; died Clackamas County, Oregon; burial location unknown
*10) BOND, Susana Iona (20 Feb 1830-25 Jun 1872): m'd 12 Feb 1851 DAVIS, Harmon C.; d/o John and Sarah (Chastain) Bond; parents and siblings came in 1853; died Springfield, Lane County, Oregon; burial location unknown
BONEBRAKE, John Starr (23 Jan 1830-08 Aug 1909 ): m'd 27 Nov 1856 ARNOLD, Mary
Elizabeth; s/o John
and Catherine (Starr) Bonebrake;
Cemetery, Dixonville, Douglas County, Oregon; appears that John Bonebrake
returned east to marry his wife and emigrated again in about 1863 to California
and by 1864 was in Douglas County, Oregon
BONEBRAKE, Rhoda (Apr 1823-08 Jan 1896): m'd 08 Jan 1846 COCKELREESE, Walter Nathaniel; d/o John and Catherine (Starr) Bonebrake; appears she came with husband and family around 1862 not 1852
BONNELL, Alice (14 Dec 1839-08 Nov 1874): d/o Allison and Catherine Hough (Looker) Bonnell; came via Isthmus; buried Woodlawn Memorial Park, Colma, San Mateo County, California
BONNELL, Allison Clarke (16 Mar 1801-16 Aug 1875): m'd 01 Nov 1833 LOOKER, Catherine Hough; came via Isthmus; buried Woodlawn Memorial Park, Colma, San Mateo County, California
BONNELL, Edwin (23 Sep 1836-28 Nov 1912 ): m'd 1865 HALEY, Mary A.; s/o Allison and Catherine Hough (Looker) Bonnell; came via Isthmus; buried Woodlawn Memorial Park, Colma, San Mateo County, California
BONNELL, Henry (18 May 1838-11 Apr 1913): s/o Allison and Catherine Hough (Looker) Bonnell; came via Isthmus; buried Woodlawn Memorial Park, Colma, San Mateo County, California
BONNELL, Kate (24 Jan 1845-07 Sep 1890 ): d/o Allison and Catherine Hough (Looker) Bonnell; came via Isthmus; buried Woodlawn Memorial Park, Colma, San Mateo County, California
BONNELL, Lucy (Oct 1846- ): d/o Allison and Catherine Hough (Looker) Bonnell; came via Isthmus; died California; 1860 San Francisco census shows Lucy Bonnell, age 13 at home
BONNELL, Mary A. (23 Dec 1842-18 Jun 1916): came via Isthmus; buried Woodlawn Memorial Park, Colma, San Mateo County, California
BONNELL, Rufus (22 Sep 1841-22 Dec 1868): s/o Allison and Catherine Hough (Looker) Bonnell; came via Isthmus; buried Woodlawn Memorial Park, Colma, San Mateo County, California
BONNER, Dr. Capt.:
BONNEY, James: hired to drive team for Mathews family after death of Mathew parents and oldest son, John Mathews.
BONSER, Clinton (20 Apr 1829-27 Feb 1902): m'd 05 Dec 1856 MCQUINN, Mary "Polly" Ann; s/o Samuel and Hannah (Mead) Bonser; buried Fairfiew Cemetery, Columbia County, Oregon; other Bonser relatives came in 1847
*2b) BOOTH, Alice (11 Jun 1824-17 Sep 1878): m'd
1843 RICHEY, Caleb; s/o John and Sarah (Snowcroft) Booth; buried
Pioneer Cemetery, Gresham, Multnomah Countoy, Oregon; a brother (Richard)
emigrated in 1847
*2b) BOOTH, Caleb Ritchey (1852-aft 1920): m1. 1873 DICKEY, Elizabeth Mary; m2. 03 Feb 1884 RUSH, Mary C.; s/o Luke and Phoebe (McClintock) Booth; died in Red Bluff, Tehama County, California; burial location unknown
BOOTH, Charles (1827- ):
"DLC: #427 Douglas County, Charles F. Booth; b. 1827 New York, arrived Oregon 16 Dec 1852, settled claim 24 Jun 1854, m'd Marsilla 05 Oct 1852 Oregon Territory, 05 June 1855 settled claim. Affidavit Lanville Laye, John McGrath, 03 Dec 1863 Thomas Banks and Albert Tibbetts, both of Douglas County. Affidavit: Booth abandoned claim about 01 Aug 1856. Civered by HD certificate 39 & 99, cash 594 & 943" [Rejected Oregon Donation Land Claims filed in Roseburg Land Office, Vol iv Genealogical Material in Oregon Donation Land Claims. p.73]"
BOOTH, David (1827-1871 ): m'd 1851 LEE, Elizabeth Ann; m2. 17 Oct 1864 HALE, Idelia; buried Noble Pioneer Cemetery, Newberg, Yamhill County, Oregon
"DLC: #2186 Yamhill County; David Booth b. 1827/8 Shenandoah County, Virginia; arrived Oregon 15 Oct 1852; settled claim 05 Aug 1855; m'd Elizabeth 10 Jun 1851 Tazewell County, Illinois. Affidavit: James Lee, Francis King"
*2b) BOOTH, George Minor Rev. (02 Jan 1852-14
Jul 1905): m'd
03 Jan 1878 STAATS, Clara Ellen; s/o Robert and Mary (Minor) Booth;
Mission Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
*2b) BOOTH, John Owen (13 Jan 1848-26 Jan 1910): m'd
Mrs. Ann Eliza (ROWLEY); s/o Robert and Mary (Minor) Booth;
Pass Masonic Pioneer Cemetery, Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon
*2b) BOOTH, Luke (15 May 1817-17 Feb 1904): m'd 02 Mar 1842 MCCLINTOCK, Phoebe Ann; s/o John and Sarah (Snowcroft) Booth; buried Buck Hollow Cemetery, WIllamina, Yamhill County, Oregon; a brother (Richard) emigrated in 1847
*2b) BOOTH, Mary Lucinda (14 Sep 1846-15 Sep 1916): m'd 11 Oct 1886 TONEY, Jonathon; d/o Robert and Mary (Minor) Booth; buried Toney Cemetery, Mitchell, Wheeler County, Oregon
*2b) BOOTH, Milton D. (19 Aug 1847-28 Sep 1925): m'd 17 Sep1885 SCOTT, Marilda; s/o Luke and Phoebe (McClintock) Booth; buried Buck Hollow Cemetery, Willamina, Yamhill County, Oregon
*2b) BOOTH, Robert Asbury (04 Aug 1820-11 Jul 1917): m'd 28 Aug 1845 MINER, Mary; s/o John and Sarah (Snowcroft) Booth; a brother (Richard) emigrated in 1847; Robert went to CA in 1850, returned east and emigrated with family in 1852; father of 12 children; buried Grants Pass Masonic Pioneer Cemetery, Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon
"BOOTH, ROBERT--The Reverend Robert Booth, a well-known minister of the Methodist persuasion, removed from Lee County, Iowa, to Oregon, in 1852, coming across the plains. He, with his wife and family, located near the Grande Ronde Reservation, in Yamhill County; there remained until 1864, when they removed to Sheridan, and in 1867, to Douglas County. Mr. Booth s present residence is Wilbur." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 752-3]
"Methodist Episcopal minister and early day circuit rider, was born in Lancashire, Eng., the son of John and Sarah Booth, and was ten years old when the parental family emigrated to America eventually settling in Iowa. In 1849, following a monimal education, he crossed the plains by ox-tream to California, from which he returned via sea and Nicaragua, and with his family recrossed the plains, arriving in Yamhill County in 1852; in the fall of 1853, he settled on a land claim near the Grand Ronde Reservation. In 1858, ordained a minister of the gospel by the Oregon Conference of his denomination, he held pastorates at Wilbur, Ochoco, Monroe, Turner, Jacksonville, and Grants Pass, closing his active ministry there in 1895. During these years he frequently rode circuit to remote settlements, preaching to scattered and small congregations eager for worship and the Christian word. In this service, like other os the cloth in similar enterprise, he was much loved. He was father by his first wife of 12 children, several of whom became prominent in Oregon affairs. A son, Robert A. Booth in 1924, as a gift to memory of his father, presented to the State of Oregon an equestrian statue of The Circuit Rider; it stands on the Capitol grounds at Salem." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 32-3]
*2b) BOOTH, Robert Lorenzo (20 Jan 1844-11 Nov 1935): m1. 11 Mar 1869 BROWN, Elizabeth A.; m2. 19 Jan 1905 HIBBS, Sophia; s/o Luke and Phoebe (McClintock) Booth; buried Friends Cemetery, Newberg, Yamhill County, Oregon
*2b) BOOTH, Samuel "Harrison" (Sep1849-20 Feb 1934): m'd 27 Jan 1874 WOOD, Sarah A.; s/o Luke and Phoebe (McClintock) Booth; buried IOOF Cemetery and Mausoleum, Tillamook, Tillamook County, Oregon
BOOTH, Susan (1851-1852): d/o David and Elizabeth (Lee) Booth; said to be buried on trail
*2b) BOOTH, William Andrew (08 Sep 1849-08 May 1922): m1. 1877 CAREY, Lucy S.; m2. 1916 LARSON, Mrs. Anna; s/o Robert and Mary (Minor) Booth; buried Masonic Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
BOOTHE, Abijah Harrison (25 Aug 1830-17 Feb 1904): m'd 03 Mar 1852 HALL, Anna; s/o Austin and Lucy (Harris) Boothe; buried Dayton City Cemetery, Dayton, Columbia County, Washington; married in March just prior to emigration
DLC: #2917 Marion County; Abijah Boothe; b. 1830/32 Virginia; arrived Oregon 2/20 Oct 1852; settled claim 30 Nov 1853; m'd Anna 2/3 Mar 1852 Jackson County, Missouri. Boundary adjustment with Rosannah Simpson 22 Oct 1864; William H. Gibbs signed Oath of Allegiance as purchaser of claim. Affidavit: Henry White, Tero Coolidge, James R. Boothe, Thomas R. Hudson."
BOOTS, Elijah (1819 - 17 Jul 1901): m'd JONES, Sarah Rebecca; s/o Martin Boots; buried Roscoe Cemetery, Honeydew, Humboldt County, California
"DLC: #5232 Linn County; Elijah Boots; b. 1819/20 Franklin County, Ohio; arrived Oregon Oct 1852; settled claim 01 Jan 1854; m'd Sarah Aug 1838/40 Randolph County, Indiana; Affidavit: Edward H Lofftus, Cyrus Lundy, Robert Watkinson"
BOOTS, Harriet (02 Jun 1845 - 21 Jun 1931): m1. JONES, Stanton H.; m2. 1904 HARRIS, William Henry; m3. 1910 FAB, Jacob; m4. 1913 TURK, Henry W.; d/o Elijah and Sarah Rebecca (Jones) Boots; buried Washougal Memorial Cemetery, Washougal, Clark County, Washington
BOOTS, John (14 Dec 1847 - 17 Jul 1908): s/o Elijan and Sarah Rebecca (Jones) Boots; buried Roscoe Cemetery, Honeydew, Humboldt County, California
BOOTS, Susannah "Susan" (01 Jan 1843 - 31 Jan 1923) : m'd BURGEN, Thomas; d/o Elijan and Sarah Rebecca (Jones) Boots; buried IOOF Mountain View Cemetery, Goldendale, Klickitat County, Washington
BORDERS, Sarah (23 Nov 1797-30 Dec 1878): m'd 03 Mar 1818 HALE, William D.; d/o Michael and Elizabeth (Yeast) Borders; buried in Simison-Hale Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
BORING, Joseph H. (04 Sep 1829-28 Apr 1910): m'd 25 Jun 1859 HOUGLAND/HOUGHMAN, Sarah J. s/o Dausy and Mary Boring; buried Crescent Grove Cemetery, Tigard, Washington County, Oregon
ODLC: #1318 Clackamas; Joseph H. Boring b. 1829 St. Clair Co, IL; arr 06 Oct 1852; sc 26 Apr 1855. Affidavit: Geo W. Rourk, Charles R. Rourk
BOTSFORD, Charles ( -28
Jun 1852):
"June 30 "We passed today seven graves. Two were placed tolerably near each other one bearing the inscription "Charles Botsford murdered June 28th 1852:, The murderer lies in the next grave": The other bears the inscription of "Horace Dolley hung June 29th 1852". It appears Dolley had contracted a grudge towards Botsford with regard to some little difficulty between them--had persuaded him to accompany him in a excursion and while alone with him he dealt the blow at which humanity would at any time recoil. Vengeance however quickly followed him and he was doomed to the penalty which his conduct so complety deserved" [Covered Wagon Women, Vol 5 Journal of Abigail Jane Scott p.79]
BOOTON, Martha (1835-1907): m'd 25 Sep 1851 MCFARLAND, James Cornelius; settled with husband in Wasco County; reportedly rode side saddle to Oregon during emigration; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
BOWDEN, Samuel Smith (01 Aug 1831-16 Jan 1884); s/o George and Jane (Smith) Bowden; buried Ashland Cemetery, Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon; traveled with Isaac McFarland family as a driver
BOWERING, William C. (c1813-c1859): m'd 1833 AMSLEY, Isabel; he reportedly died while on a trip to Stockton, CA; it appears his wife did not come west and is shown living in Illinois
ODLC: #524 Clackamas; William C. Bowering; b. 1811/16 England; arrived 10 Sep 1852; settled claim 16 Jun 1854; m'd Isabel Amsley Oct 1838 Onondaga Co, New York; his father, Joseph Bowering was naturalized while Williamm was a minor at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; William Bowering later applied for citezenship in Washington County, Oregon 11 Sep 1854 and it was awarded 23 Oct 1857 Portland, Oregon; one document states he was single on 25 Aug 1858; paper dated 10 Aug 1870, Isabel Bowering swears William C. Bowering is dead; stated he left Oregon in 1859 for CA and he died soon after at Stockton, California; she states she married him 24 Oct 1833 Manlins, Onandaga County, New York; she probably never came west but received land while residing at Plainfield, Illinois. Affidavit: Thomas Kelly, V.W. Schaeffer, J.H. Friendly, James B. Stephens.
BOWERS, Phillip (09 Nov 1830-17 Mar 1911): m'd 04 Jul 1858 GEER, Samantha; buried Mount Hope Cemetery, Waldo Hills, Marion County, Oregon; born Germany
BOWLBY, John Quincy Adams (Aug 1843-14 Feb 1930): m'd BROWN, Georgianna; s/o Wilson and Lydia (Jones) Bowlby; buried Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon
BOWLBY, Sarah E. (12 Nov 1851-15 Feb 1934): m'd BENTLEY, Milton S.; d/o Wilson and Lydia (Jones) Bowlby; Buried Greenwood Memorial Terrace, Spokane, Spokane County, Washington
BOWLBY, Wilson (04 Jul 1818 -15 Jan 1895): m1. 1841 JONES, Lydia Ball; m2. 1884 BURLINGAME, Ellen Louisa; s/o Joseph L. and Sarah (McPherson) Bowlby; buried Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon;
"ODLC: #537 Washington County; b. 1818 Hunterdon County, New York; arrived Sep 1852; settled claim 06 Apr 1853; m'd Lydia B. 04 Jul 1841 New York City, New York. Affidavit: James H. Bramwell, Henry Canaday, F.M.T. Ewing, Francis DeWitt."
Dr. Wilson Bowlby.....is a native of New Hampton, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, born on the 4th of July 1818...... was raised and educated in New Hampton... graduated form the Eclectic Medical College in Cincinnati...began the practice of medicine in Fairfield, Franklin County, Indiana, where he continued seven years, until his health gave out...came to Oregon and settled in Wash Co., purchased 320 acres in South Tualatin where he resided and practiced his profession until 1860, when he removed to Forest Grove for the school advantages for his children...1875 he purchased the drug business of Dr. Saylor and continued the business with success... 1880 he built a new store .......making it one of the finest business corners in the city.... 1883 he built a beautique residence, a credit alike to the city and to the taste of the family for whom it was built... made all the improvements on it, planting the trees and shrubs himself... elected a member of the last territorial Legislature of Oregon, as well as one of the first State Legislature......He served with like credit in the State Senate and has the honor of having been President, 1868, of that body... has also served in the councils if his city.... Mrs. Bowlby died on the 29th of April, 1883, and Dr. Bowlby was married again on the 24th of March, 1884, to Miss Ellen Louisa Burlingame, the widow of Mr. Randall Burlingame, of Wisconsin.....member of the IOOF since 1840...member of the AF&AM since 1850..he and his wife are both Methodists. [abstracted from Illustrated History of the State of Oregon, by Rev. A. K. Hines, D. D., 1893]
"BOWLBY, WILSON, M.D.--Doctor Bowlby settled in Washington County, Oregon, in 1852, and has continued his medical practice ever since. At the time of his arrival there were but two physicians in the vicinity, those being Drs. Belknap and H. V. V. Johnson, whereof the former occupied a farm below Hillsboro, and the latter was located at Springtown (Middleton). These came a short time preceding Doctor Bowlby's arrival. Doctor Bowlby was born in Fairfield, New Jersey, in 1818; acquired his medical education in New York City; practiced in Indiana, and finally left for Oregon, crossing the plains in the usual way. The Doctor was married previously to Miss Lydia Jones, who accompanied him to this State, bringing their three children. The lady died in 1883. Doctor Bowlby still practices medicine at Forest Grove. He represented Washington County in the State Legislature in 1868, and was elected president of the Senate." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 753]
BOWLES, J.M. (1852- ):
BOWLES, Jesse Thomas (12 Jun 1830-20 Jun 1906): m'd 08 Aug 1861 WILSON, Minerva Catherine; s/o David and Julia (Mackay) Bowles; buried Old Vancouver City Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark County, Washington
"ODLC: Washington County #3177; Jesse T. Bowles, b. 1830 Jefferson County, Missouri; arrived Oregon 19 Sep 1852; settled claim 03 Apr 1853; Affidavit: Nathan Bowles, Lewis M. Parrish, William White."
BOWLES, Joseph:
BOWLES, Susannah (18 Sep 1798-22 Aug 1867): m'd 12 Dec 1822 WHITE, Thomas D. V. Dr.; d/o Jacob and Anna (Beckenbaugh) Bowlus; buried in Butteville Cemetery, Butteville, Marion County, Oregon
BOWMAN, Nancy (15 Jul 1825-21 Aug 1887): m'd 11 Nov 1838 WHITTEMORE, Thomas McDonough; d/o Cosby and Nancy (Price) Bowman; buried Olney Cemetery, Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon
BOWYER, John P. (Sep 1831- 01 Mar 1909): m'd 17 Jan 1850 WRIGHT, Lucy; s/o Jesse and Elizabeth (Tyre) Bowyer; wife buried in Asotin County, Washington; 1860 Douglas County, Oregon census listed as John Bowers; John burial location unknown
"DLC #772 Douglas County, John P. Boyer, born 1830 Linn County, Missouri, arrived Oregon 20 Oct 1852, settled claim 01 June 1853, m'f Lucy 16 Jan 1849 Linn County, Missouri. Affidavit, Hay B. & Jones Flournoy, John H. Hartin, John M. Wright, Washington Ward."
BOWYER, Mary E. (02 Nov 1850-06 Feb 1872): m'd 29 Sep 1867 WHITEACKER, Joseph R.; d/o John and Lucy (Wright) Bowyer; buried Waitsburg City Cemetery, Waitsburg, Walla Walla County, Washington
BOX, Hannah (11 Mar 1816 - 18 Nov 1867): m'd 1837 CROXTON, Thomas; buried Grants Pass Masonic Pioneer Cemetery, Grants Pass Josephine County, Oregon
BOYCE, Alice Louise (30 Nov 1841-28 Jun 1923): m'd 20 May 1857/8 MILLER, Samuel Haup; d/o Joseph and Alice (Fawcett) Nessly; buried IOOF Mountain View Cemetery, Goldendale, Klickitat County, Washington
BOYCE, AlcinousYoung (21 May 1838- 02 Nov 1898): m'd. 1872 LANGWORTHY, Lucina J.; s/o Joseph and Alice (Fawcett) Nessly; buried Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon
BOYCE, John R. Dr. (07 Dec 1832-12 Sep 1868): s/o Joseph and Alice (Fawcett) Nessly; buried Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon
BOYCE, Joseph W. Dr. (24 Jun 1803-18 Jun 1874 ): m'd 1830 NESSLY, Alice Fawcett; s/o Richard and Rachel (Lesnett) Boyce; buried Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery, Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon
"ODLC: #2174 Linn; Joseph Boyce b. 1803 Allegheny County, Pennsylvania; arrived 09/10 Nov or 07 Dec 1852; settled claim 23 Apr 1853; m'd Alice 06 Apr 1830 Jefferson County, Ohio. Affidavit: William Terry, Leonard M. Wheeler, E. H. Randall, E. E. Wheeler."
BOYCE, Margaret Elizabeth (20 Nov 1847-19 Oct 1941): m'd 1867 KELLOGG, Edward; d/o Joseph and Alice (Fawcett) Nessly; buried Siskiyou Memorial Park, Medford, Jackson County, Oregon
BOYD, James (1827 - 30 Jun 1852): from Illinois
BOYD, John Nixon Rev. (20 Feb 1814-25 Mar 1888): m'd 21 Aug 1833 GOODNOUGH, Lavina E.; buried Young Cemetery, Junction City, Lane County, Oregon
"ODLC: #1603 Lane County; John N. Boyd (Boyer); b. 1814 New Madrid County, Missouri; arrived 10 Oct 1852; settled claim 28 Oct or 01 Feb 1853; m'd Lavina E. 21 Aug or 10 Sep 1833 Cooper County, Missouri. Affidavit: John M. Crooks, Edward W. Bagby, Andrew J. Campbell, George Humphrey."
BOYD, John Robert ( -1852): died on trail
near Chimney Rock
BOYD, John Robert (20 May 1837-19 Jun 1921): m'd SHULTZ, Margaret; s/o John and Lavina (Goodnough) Boyd; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
BOYD, John Orville (Jun 1834-08 Jun 1905 ): m'd 09 Nov 1856 TEDROW, Hannah; s/o James and Mary (Davis) Boyd; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
"ODLC: Polk County #3064: John O. Boyd, b. 1834 Greene County, Tennessee, arrived Oregon Oct 1852; settled claim 04 Jul 1855, m'd Hannah 09 Nov 1856 Polk County, Oregon Territory. 23 Nov 1865 James Bidwell (Bridwell) signed Oath of Allegiance as purchaser of claim. Affidavit: James A. Caldwell, Arch Holman, John W. Tedrow, Richard J. Grant."
BOYD, Joshua Camp Rev. (Jan 1845-07 Jun 1916): m'd 09 Nov 1865 KIME, Elizabeth; s/o John and Lavina (Goodnough) Boyd; 1900 living in Klamath County, Oregon; burial location unknown
BOYD, Lavina Francis (09 Sep 1852-11 Oct 1919): m'd RAINS, William Thomas; d/o John and Lavina (Goodnough) Boyd; buried Mount Vernon Cemetery, Mount Vernon, Skagit County, Washington
BOYD, Martha J. (Jul 1849- ): m'd 13 Oct 1867 SHAKLEE, William; d/o John and Lavina (Goodnough) Boyd; 1900 census living in Douglas County, Oregon
BOYD, Nancy E. (Sep 1842-13 Feb 1918): m'd 1858 LEMON, William L.; d/o John and Lavina (Goodnough) Boyd; died Spokane County, Washington; burial location unknown
BOYD, Sarah Ann Harriet (10 Jun 1834-09 Apr 1916): m'd 15 May 1853 KENT, William Wilshire; d/o John and Lavina (Goodnough) Boyd; died Whitman County, Washington; burial location unknown
BOYER, John P.: see BOWYER, John P.
BOYES, Angeline A. (16 Feb 1849-): d/o Samuel and Diadamia (Spurr) Boyes; may have died prior to emigration
BOYES, Charles Babcock (06 Feb 1844-27 Jan 1890): m'd 30 Nov 1875 COMBS, Margaret Jane; s/o Samuel and Diadamia (Spurr) Boyes; buried Little Shasta Cemetery, Montague, Siskiyou County, California
BOYES, Julia E. (1839 - ): d/o Samuel and Diadamia (Spurr) Boyes; may have died prior to emigration
BOYES, Lucinda Maria (20 Apr 1842-14 Jan 1928): m'd 25 Jul 1858 SOULE, Stephen Hogeboom; d/o Samuel and Diadamia (Spurr) Boyes; buried Little Shasta Cemetery, Montague, Siskiyou County, California
BOYES, Samuel Bassett (25 Jul 1809-20 Dec 1884): m'd 30 Nov 1837 SPURR, Diadamia; s/o Ethan and Lola (Bassett) Boyes; buried Little Shasta Cemetery, Montague, Siskiyou County, California
"ODLC: #734 Clackamas County; Samuel B. Boyes, b. 1809 Columbia County, New York, arrived Oregon 01 Sep 1852, settled claim 01 May 1855, m'd Deedmra (Deidmea), no date, New York. 1869 Andrew Soules gave affidavit that he knew Boyes in New York and Illinois and that Deiadema was and is his wife, having known them imtimately for 20 years. Affidavit: James W. Murray, John Norris, John Card, Samuel Foster."
BOYLES, James "Wallace" (1848-27 Jun 1935): m'd 11 Mar 1903 VANORDER, Clara Elnora; s/o William and Safrona (Hopson) Boyles; buried Fern Hill Cemetery, Menlo, Pacific County, Washington
BOYLES, Mary Caroline (20 Aug 1846-24 Mar 1923): m1. 22 Jul 1863 SACKRIDER, Solomon Cyrus; m2. Aug 1871 KOGER, John; d/o William and Safrona (Hopson) Boyles; buried Cove Cemetery, Cove, Union County, Oregon
BOYLES, Richard Haynie Rev. (22 Feb 1842-24 Aug 1906): m'd 04 May 1871 RECORD, Delora Lydia; s/o William and Safrona (Hopson) Boyles; buried Pine Haven Cemetery, Halfway, Baker County, Oregon
BOYLES, Thomas H. (Jan 1844-05 Oct 1937): m'd 22 Jun 1872 SMITH, Gelina Elizabeth; s/o William and Safrona (Hopson) Boyles; buried Fern Hill Cemetery, Aberdeen, Grays Harbor County, Washington
BOYLES, William Noble (05 Jun 1819-26 Aug 1908): m'd 27 Jan 1841 HOPSON, Safrona Caroline; s/o Archibald and Phebe (Tuttle) Boyles; buried Pine Haven Cemetery, Halfway, Baker County, Oregon
BOZARTH, William N. ( - ):
BRACKETT, M. J. (1828 - 02 Aug 1852); m'd CLAYSON?CLASON, John H.
BRADEN, Alice (18 Dec 1844-08 Mar 1923): m'd 12 Nov 1866 LIVINGSTON, Jasper D.; d/o Samuel and Susanna (Crobarger) Braden; buried Roseburg IOOF Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
BRADEN, America agnes (30 Nov 1841-28 Dec 1878): m'd 26 Oct 1861 GILES, Daniel; d/o Samuel and Susanna (Crobarger) Braden; buried Myrtle Point Cemetery, Myrtle Point, Coos County, Oregon
BRADEN, Francis Asbury. (02 May 1835-21 Jan 1894): m'd 24 Feb 1864 BUELL, Sarah Caroline; s/o Samuel and Susanna (Crobarger) Braden; buried Myrtle Point Cemetery, Myrtle Point, Coos County, Oregon
BRADEN, John Jacob Astor (12 May 1851-14 May 1929): m'd 20 Jun 1878 EAGAN, Dora Maria; s/o Samuel and Susanna (Crobarger) Braden; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Red Bluff, Tehama County, California
BRADEN, Missouri Margaret (1849-28 May 1876): m'd 09 Oct 1868 ROWLEY, Thomas Jefferson; d/o Samuel and Susanna (Crobarger) Braden; buried Myrtle Point Cemetery, Myrtle Point, Coos County, Oregon
BRADEN, Rebecca Catherine (22 Jul 1833-Apr 1892 ): m'd 15 May 1856 DECKER, Phillip Arthur; d/o Samuel and Susanna (Crobarger) Braden; buried Looking Glass Community Cemetery, Looking Glass, Douglas County, Oregon
BRADEN, Samuel Creswell (11 Oct 1811-11 Aug
1895): m'd 28 Jan 1834
Looking Glass Community Cemetery, Looking Glass, Douglas County, Oregon; s/o
John Braden
BRADEN, Virginia Susanna (18 Feb 1847-23 Dec 1925 ): m'd BUELL, Franklin Cyrus; d/o Samuel and Susanna (Crobarger) Braden; buried Myrtle Creek IOOF Cemetery, Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
BRADLEY, Henry (26 Dec 1823-17 Aug 1909): m'd 17 Apr 1847 MALLORY, Nancy "Jane"; s/o Daniel and Betsey (Sturgis) Bradley; buried Hazel Ridge Cemetery, Elkhorn, Walworth County, Wisconsin
Henry and Jane Bradley left a handwritten journal titled "Journal of an overland trip to California 1852" that is held at the Beinecke Library, Yale. In that account Henry and Jane completed their 1852 overland crossing to California and returned to Elkhorn Wisconsin in 1855 via Greytown Nicaragua. In 1859 Henry travelled alone to Oregon, returning home in 1860. They went on to live long and successful lives back in Elkhorn, Wisconsin [Per Bradley researcher Dr. John Bradley, England]
BRADLEY, James (1829- ): m'd [ ], Almeda 15 Aug 1850; 1860 Chehalem Center, Yamhill County, Oregon; James Bradley, 31, farmer, b. KY; Almeda, 32, b. IL; Uriah,9, IA; William, 4, OR; Eliza, 2, OR; Anna, 1, OR
"DLC #3160 Yamhill County; James Bradley, b. 1829 Kentucky, arrived Oregon Fall of 1852, settled claim 29 Oct 1854; m'd Almeda 15 Aug 1850 Iowa. 01 Dec 1854 Daniel Herron released claim and vacated. Affidavit: William Gregg, Philip Winters."
BRADLEY, Jay (11 Jan 1852-25 Oct 1893): m'd MERRIMAN, Laura Alice; s/o Lawson and Angeline (Terrill) Bradley; 1860 family living in Adams, Wapello County, Iowa; later found in Oregon
BRADLEY, John Volney (03 Dec 1829-06 May 1913): m'd 22 Mar 1857 TIPTON, Cyntha Subrena; s/o Granville and Mariah (West) Bradley; buried Fair Oaks Cemetery, Sutherlin, Douglas County, Oregon
"DLC #516 Douglas County: John V. Bradley, b. 1829 Callaway County, Missouri; arrived Oregon 01 Jun 1852; settled claim 15 Jun 1852"
BRADLEY, Luzerne (12 Apr 1816-Dec 1879): s/o Selah and Patty (Smith) Bradley; buried Bradley Family Cemetery, Medford, Jackson County, Oregon
"DLC #853 Jackson County: Luzerne Bradley; b. 12 Apr 1816/7 Berton, Geauga County, Ohio; arrived Oregon 02 Jan 1852; settled claim 15 Apr/11 Oct 1853"
BRADLEY, W. A. (1794 - 1852): died on trail; from Pulaski County, Missouri
BRADLEY, William Pollard. (22 Mar 1833 -16 Jan 1915): m'd 04 Mar 1869 BOOTHBY, Permelia Ann; s/o James and Ann (Skidmore) Bradley; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
BRADSHAW, Charles M.. (1822- ): m'd 1841 [ ], Malvina
"DLC #2074 Lane County: Charles Bradshaw, b. 1822 Morgan County, Illinois; arrived Oregon 30 Sep 1852; settled claim 15 Oct 1852; m'd Malvina E. Dec 1841 Morgan County, Illinois. Affidavit: Michael Shelly, William R. Jones, McElroy Worten."
BRADSHAW, Charles Miner (09 Aug 1831-03 Mar 1897): m'd 1870 HOLMES, Florence; buried Laurel Grove Cemetery, Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington; collector of customs at Puget Sound, opened a law office in Port Townsend in 1867; held numerous public offices
BRADSHAW, Malvina: m'd 1841 BRADSHAW, Charles; maiden name unknown at this time
*7) BRADSHAW, Mary (10 Jul 1812-01 Nov 1880): m'd 12 May 1829 MAYS, Elijah Jefferson; d/o Joel and Mary (McBride) Bradshaw; buried Rest Lawn Memorial Park, Junction City, Lane County, Oregon
BRALLIER, Henry (21 Feb 1830-09 Oct 1915): m'd 12 Sep 1861 COLEMAN, Elizabeth; m2. `878 DEFFLER, Mrs. Charlotte (SMITH); s/o Jacob and Sarah (Fite) Brallier; buried Clatsop Plains Pioneer Cemetery, Warrenton, Clatsop County, Oregon; reportedly arrived Oregon 01 Jan 1852 indicating he may have either come up from California or arrived by ship
BRAINARD, William Ebenezer (05 Dec 1832-22 Jul 1911): m'd 31 Oct 1867 BROOKS, Eliza Maria; s/o John and Sarah (Sherman) Brainard; buried Rose City Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; Capt. and owner of steamboat "Washington"
BRAMLET, Elizabeth Ann "Betsey" (04 Mar 1823-1854): d/o Nathan and Jane (Gober) Bramlet; burial location unknown
"Elizabeth is shown in 1850 census with parents but may not have emigrated with family; some sources say she died in 1854 in Texas so she may have gone to Texas with her brother Henry and his family.
BRAMLET, Francis Clayton (26 Jun 1827-15 Mar 1911): m'd 27 Jun 1867 TOWER, Martha Ellen; s/o Nathan and Jane (Gober) Bramlet; buried Bramlet Memorial Cemetery, Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon;
"Francis became ill on the trail with cholera but survived and eventually settled in Wallowa County, OR; first post master in the county, was a minister"
BRAMLET, George Washington (12 Aug 1835-16 Apr 1910): m'd 18 Nov 1869 SMITH, Mary Melissa; s/o Nathan and Jane (Gober) Bramlet; moved around for a period of time, eventually settling in Lake County, California; buried Hartley Cemetery, Lakeport, Lake County, California
BRAMLET, Henry Merritt/Monroe (12 Nov 1829-30 Jan 1908): m'd 1854 DAVENPORT, Martha Eliza; s/o Nathan and Jane (Gober) Bramlet; buried Trimble Cemetery, Paradise, Wise County, Texas
"It is believed that Henry Bramlett did not emigrate with the family. By 1860 he and his family had moved to Wise County, Texas with his wife's family. Some sources give Monroe as his middle name and some say Merritt"
BRAMLET, Martha Lorena (14 Apr 1838-14 Dec 1899): m'd 06 Apr 1854 RICE, Ica Foster; d/o Nathan and Jane (Gober) Bramlet; buried Roseburg Memorial Gardens, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
BRAMLET, Nancy Jane (10 Sep 1832-1853): m'd 28 Dec 1852 RICE, Moses Preston, d/o Nathan and Jane (Gober) Bramlet; married Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon; died 1853 Douglas County, Oregon; burial location unknown
BRAMLET, Nathan Hull (15 Sep 1794-14 Aug 1852): m'd 17 Feb 1820
GOBER, Jane; s/o Henry and Elizabeth (Moss) Bramlet;
burial location unknown
"The family left from MO in the spring of 1852 and joined 72 wagons in Kansas. The train crossed the summit of the Rockies on July 4. The train split at Salt Lake. Nathan Hull died of cholera near Caldwell, Idaho on Aug 14, 1852. Jane died of cholera on Aug 17, 1852 and was buried near Payette, Idaho.; after arriving in Portland the children stayed with the Rice family for a time."
BRAMLET, William Henry (22 Aug 1841-11 Jan 1908): m1. KENNEDY, Mary; m2. 17 Nov 1878 SMITH, Emma R. s/o Nathan and Jane (Gober) Bramlet; buried Phoenix Pioneer Cemetery, Phoenix, Jackson County, Oregon
BRANT, George W. (1851-14 Oct 1923): m'd 11 Sep 1885 SHINDLEY, Caroline F.: s/o Joseph and Louisa (Burgett) Brant; died Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; burial location unknown
BRANT, Joseph Adolphus (1824-31 Dec 1872): m'd 06 Jun 1848 BURGETT, Louisa Frances; s/o Jacob and Margaret Brant; buried Mother Joseph Catholic Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark County, Washington
BRANT, Louis Philip (12 Sep 1849-11 May 1924): m1. 11 Nov 1875 PAULDING, Grace Mauran; m2. 1913 [ ], Antonia F.; s/o Joseph and Louisa (Burgett) Brant; buried San Francisco National Cemetery, San Francisco, San Francisco County, California
BRASHEAR, Cynthia Ann (21 Mar 1816-10 Feb 1892): m'd 05 Jan 1843 MONROE, James Stewart; d/o John Brashear and first wife; died Glenn County, California; burial location unknown
BRASHEAR, John Carlton (23 Nov 1790-07 Jul 1860): m1. 1818 [ ], Unknown; m2. 02 Jul 1854 MCPHERSON, Phoebe; s/o John and Elizabeth (Leach) Brashear; buried Mulkey Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
"DLC #1376 Lane County: John Brashear, b. 1790 Montgomery County, Missouri; arrived Oregon 04 Sep 1852; settled claim 20 Apr/01 May 1854; m'd Phebe 02 Jul 1854 Lane County, Oregon. Boundary dispute with A.J. Carpenter, 16 Nov 1869 James B. McPherson gave affidavit he was Administrator of Estate for John C. Brashear, deceased and had sold part of the claim (no date given). Affidavit: Milton Belcher, Joseph B. McPherson, Montgomery C. Barger."
BRASHEAR, Lemuel F. (1818-15 May 1876 ): m'd 03 Jun 1850 ADAMS, Hannah Ramsey; s/o John Brashear and first wife; s/o John Brashear and his first wife; burial location unknown
"DLC: #1552 Washington; Lemuel F. Brashere b. 1818 Missouri; arrived Oregon 21 Sep 1852; settled claim 26 Nov 1855; m'd Hannah R. 03 Jun 1850 Howard County, Missouri. Affidavit: Peter Brugger, Jacob Brugger, Robert Freeman, Jesse Cornelius."
BRASHEAR, Martha Alice (12 Sep 1851-12 Nov 1922): m1. 11 Mar 1868 CHAMBERLIN, Aaron Lemuel; m2. 1893 FLEMING, John H.; d/o Lemuel and Hannah (Adams) Brashear; buried Hilltop Cemetery, Independence, Polk County, Oregon
*8) BRATTAIN, Alfred (12 Aug 1832-03 Nov 1905): m'd 18 Feb 1858 EASTER, Ruth Matilda; s/o Paul and Elizabeth (Carter) Brattain; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
"Alfred Brattain was born 12 Aug 1832 Morgan County, Illinois and died 03 Oct 1905 Eugene, Lane County, Oregon; father of 3 children (Charles E., Edgar Easter and Mary E.); about 1857 he returned to Iowa, was in the Civil War and appears in the Cedar, VanBuren County, Iowa 1870 census as a farmer. by 1880 he had returned to Lane County, Oregon where he was a rancher on the McKenzie river"
*8) BRATTAIN, Elizabeth Jane (11 Sep 1830-20 Jul 1902): m'd 15 Dec 1853 EBBERT, James Armstrong; d/o Paul and Elizabeth (Carter) Brattain; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon; it appears she had no children
*8) BRATTAIN, Emelia Ann (12 Oct 1840-28 Feb 1927): m'd 15 Jan 1868 SMITH, Franklin J.; d/o Paul and Elizabeth (Carter) Brattain; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
"Emelia Brattain was born 1840 VanBuren County, Iowa and died 28 Feb 1927 Springfield, Lane County, Oregon; after the death of her sister Martha Jane, she raised Martha's only child, Paul Hadley but it appears she had no children of her own"
*8) BRATTAIN, Francis Marion (27 Dec 1842-04 Oct 1904): never married; s/o Paul and Elizabeth (Carter) Brattain; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
"Francis Brattain was born 27 Dec 1842 VanBuren County, Iowa and died 04 Oct 1904 Eugene, Lane County, Oregon; he appears in most of the census records as a miner; member of legislature in 1899"
*8) BRATTAIN, James Cyrus (14 Nov 1844-05 Sep 1912): never married; s/o Paul and Elizabeth (Carter) Brattain; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
"James Brattain was born 14 Nov 1844 VanBuren Co, IA and died 05 Sep 1912 Springfield, Lane County, Oregon; in the 1860 and 1870 census he is listed as a miner with his brother Francis; later was organizer and President of the First National Bank, Springfield, Lane County, Oregon"
*8) BRATTAIN, John (1827-17 Aug 1893): s/o Paul and Elizabeth (Carter) Brattain;
"John Brattain was a pioneer merchant in Baker City, Baker county, OR; the 1880 census lists him as divorced but no record has been found of the marriage or the divorce"
*8) BRATTAIN, Martha Jane (1838-c1868): m'd c1866 HADLEY, Robert; d/o Paul and Elizabeth (Carter) Brattain; buried Pioneer Memorial Cemetery Park, Springfield, Lane County, Oregon
"Both Martha and her husband appear to have died prior to the 1870 census; at that point in time their 3 year old son is living with Martha's sister, Elizabeth"
*8) BRATTAIN, Mary Ann (17 Mar 1834-10 Apr 1910): never married; d/o Paul and Elizabeth (Carter) Brattain; born 17 Mar 1834 Morgan County, Illinois and died 10 Apr 1910 Springfield, Lane County, Oregon; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
*8) BRATTAIN, Paul (30 Dec 1801-29 Aug 1882): m'd 1826 CARTER, Martha Elizabeth; s/o Benjamin and Mary (Hill) Brattain; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
"Paul Brattain was born 30 Dec 1801 Randolph County, North Carolina and died 29 Aug 1892 Lane County, Oregon; wife died 07 Mar 1846 prior to emigration and is buried in Spencer Cemetery, Stockport, VanBuren County, Iowa; father of 10 children (John, Thomas Jefferson, Elizabeth J., Alfred, Mary Ann, William Cullen, Martha Jane, Amelia Ann, Francis Marion and James Cyrus); held several offices including Lane County clerk; member of constitutional convention; son, Thomas Jefferson Brattain had emigrated to Oregon in 1851"
*8) BRATTAIN, William Cullen (08 Jan 1836-24 Jan 1922): m'd 30 Jun 1870 McCalley, Agnes; s/o Paul and Elizabeth (Carter) Brattain; buried Tonasket Cemetery, Tonasket, Okanogan County, Washington
"William Brattain was born 08 Jan 1836 Hancock County, Illinois and died 24 Jan 1922 Tonasket, Okanogan County, Washington; father of 5 children (Leslie Livingston, Frances Clare, Ross Rudolph, Cora Evelyn and Paul Andrew)"
BRAYTON, Lucy: m'd 1827 BRAYTON, William H.; maiden name unknown at this time
BRAYTON, William H. (1804- ): m'd 1827 [ ], Lucy
"DLC: #5244 Marion County; William H. Brayton; b. 1804 Saratoga County, New York; arrived c01 Oct 1852; m'd Lucy A. 16 Dec 1827 Oneida County, New York; Affidavit: Aaron Mercer, Henry Smith, Rubin Lewis, J.L. Eoff (death aff of Wm. H. Brayton as c1867/8)"
"1860: Sublimity, Marion County, Oregon, July 18, 1860; W. H. Brayton, 56, orchardist, $1000 $422, born New York; L. A., 53, born Massachusetts"
BREITBARTH, Henry Adam (1832-1913): m'd 25 Dec 1864 HOPWOOD, Julia; Henry was born Jan 1832 Germany and died 24 June 1913 Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; buried Wilhelm's Portland Memorial Mausoleum, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon;
"Henry Breitbarth was the father of 5 children (Kate L., Bertha Beatrice, Rudolph Ralph, Henry Adam and Bernice F.); Henry was a saloon keeper in Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon in the 1860 and 1870 census prior to moving to Portland. While living in Portland he was active in the Consolidated German Speaking Society of Oregon and served in various offices associated with that organization."
BRENT, Lawson Mann (1831-27 Jan 1862): s/o Lawson and Sophia (Riley) Brent; born Harrison County, Indiana; resided in Clackamas County, Oregon; burial location unknown
*5: BRENTS, Adaline (1835-13 Dec 1859): m'd 01 Jan 1854 BROWN, William J.; d/o James and Narcissa (Lucas) Brents; buried Rock Creek Cemetery, Canby, Clackamas County, Oregon
*5: BRENTS, James Deal (05 Dec 1806-28 Mar 1858): m'd 08 Sep 1830 LUCAS, Narcissa; s/o James and Ann (Hurley) Brents; died of tuberculosis; buried Rock Creek Cemetery, Canby, Clackamas County, Oregon
"James Brents married Narcissa Lucas in Sangamon Co., Illinois and removed to Pike County, Illinois in 1832, where they continued to live until heading west in 1852"
"DLC: #5181 Clackamas County; James D. Brents, b. 1806 Cumberland County, Kentucky, arrived Oregon Oct 1852, settled claim 26 Nov 1853, m. Narcissa 08 Aug 1830 Sangamon County, Illinois. Allen Sanders abandoned this claim in fall of 1852 and removed from neighborhood. Aff: Wm. J. Brown (knew this as H & W since 1847), James S. Vinson, Charles W. McCown, John M. Bacon"
*5: BRENTS, James Roberts (1842-1860): s/o James and Narcissa (Lucas) Brents; buried Rock Creek Cemetery, Canby, Clackamas County, Oregon
*5: BRENTS, Rebecca (1838 - 07 Feb 1860): d/o James and Narcissa Brents; buried Rock Creek Cemetery, Canby, Clackamas County, Oregon
*5: BRENTS, Thomas Hurley (24 Dec 1840-23 Oct 1916): m'd 10 Aug 1868 MCCOWN, Isabel; s/o James and Narcissa Brents; worked with cattle for several years; went to Baker City mines; rode for Pony Express and served several terms in Congress; died at Walla Walla, Washington; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington
BREY, Philippina (31 Aug 1847-13 Sep 1919): m'd 31 Dec 1866 WARNER, James; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
BRIDGES, Samuel (Feb 1790-c1860): m'd 15 May 1817 HERNS, Elizabeth W.; s/o James and Nancy (Cheek) Bridges; died Lane County, Oregon
"DLC #2921 Lane Co: Samuel Bridges, b. 1790/2 Bedford County, Pennsylvania; arrived Oregon 15 Sep 1852; settled claim 19 Sep 1853; m'd Elizabeth Herns 15 May 1817 Dearborn County, Indiana. Boundary dispute with George Meek. 20 Sep 1853 Lenoir Reves for $800 all my improvements made on claim bounded by William Mounts claim on N, W. H. Brice's claim on S & proved up on the 22 August 1853; sold to Samuel Bridges. 21 July 1862 signed Oath of Allegiance which was witnessed by W.H. Brice. Affidavit: Gabriel Johnson, William D. Mounts, George C. Smith, Thomas Butler."
"1860 Briees, Lane County, Oregon, Samuel Bridges, 70, farmer, $3000 $500, born Pennsylvania; Elizabeth W., 63 housewife, born New York; David, 20, farmer, born Iowa; Sally, 14, born Iowa
BRIEDWELL, John Wesley (17 Feb 1831-30 Nov 1903): m'd 01 Oct 1850 EDMONDSON, Nancy Sarah; s/o George and Sarah (Maize) Briedwell; buried Amity Cemetery, Amity, Yamhill County, Oregon
"BRIEDWELL, JOHN W.--Born in Lawrence County, Indiana, in 1831. In 1844 moved to Davis County, Iowa. In 1852 came to Oregon and settled in Yamhill County, and now lives at Amity. He is proprietor of a warehouse and a farmer by occupation. He married Nancy Edmonson in Missouri in 1851, and their children s names are-Sarah M., Mary A., George W., John W., Edward M., Ellis E., and Minnie V." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 753]
BRIEDWELL, Sarah Margaret (07 Oct 1851-20 Feb 1920): m'd 16 Jun 1870 MCCARTY, James St. Clair; d/o John and Nancy (Edmondson) Briedwell; died White Salmon, Klickitat County, Washington; buried Amity Cemetery, Amity, Yamhill County, Oregon
BRIGGS, Wesley Whiten (04 Dec 1832-05 Jun 1917): m'd 03 Jul 1859 TOMPKINS, Harriette Wilson; s/o Stephen and Elizabeth (Reed) Brigs; buried Masonic Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon
*30) BRIGHAM, Nancy (1816-1852): m'd 25 Jan 1838
MERCER, Thomas
Dickerson; died in early September at the cascades of the Columbia, 1 day
before reaching final destination. Left four young daughters and husband;
memorial Lake
View Cemetery, Seattle, King County, Washington
BRISBINE, Joseph (27 Oct 1829-26 Feb 1910): m'd 03 Jul 1853 ALLEN, Elizabeth; buried Cornelius Methodist Cemetery, Cornelius, Washington County, Oregon; emigrated to California gold fields 1850
"DLC: #4778 Yamhill County; Joseph Brisbine; b. 1829 Pennsylvania; arrived Oregon 01 Sep 1852; settled claim 08 Aug 1853; m'd Elizabeth 03 Jul 1853 Oregon Territory. Affidavit: W.S. Ayres of Washington County, Wm. Kane, John Brisbine, A.C. Kenney"
BRISCOE, Catherine Hope (1836-13 Jul 1864): m'd 1857 HUSTED, Samuel; d/o John and Lucy (Keeler) Briscoe; died Washington Territory; burial location unknown
BRISCOE, John (15 Aug 1812-03 Mar 1901): m'd 14 Sep 1834 KEELER, Lucy A.; m2. 27 Nov 1883 HUMPHREY, Julia Jennette; s/o John and Charity (Hubbell) Briscoe Sr; buried Briscoe Family Cemetery, Pacific County, Washington
BRISCOE John Jr. (1851-1869 ): s/o John and Lucy (Keeler) Briscoe; buried Briscoe Family Cemetery, Pacific County, Washington
BRISCOE, Joseph K. (1849-aft 1880): s/o John and Lucy (Keeler) Briscoe; 1880: Clatsop, Clatsop County, Oregon Census; b. c1849 Indiana; single, laborer in Bartholomew Kindred household, Joseph b. Indiana, father b. Connecticut; mother b. Ohio; burial location unknown
BRISCOE, Lucy Henrietta (1842-11 Feb 1896): d/o John and Lucy (Keeler) Briscoe; burial location unknown
BRISKEY, Frank: see BUSKEY, Francis X. "Frank "
BRISTOW, Delilah Cherry: (26 Jan 1822-14 Jun 1887): m'd 1840 GILFRY, John Thompson; d/o Elijah and Susan (Gabbert) Bristow; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
BRISTOW, Elijah J. (31 Oct 1847-21 Apr 1928):; s/o John and Emiline (Hatch) Bristow
BRISTOW, Hattie Mrs: see HILL, Harriet Eugenia "Hattie"
BRISTOW, John Kennedy (26 Mar 1814- 28 Jan 1887): m1. 26 Nov 1846 HATCH, Emeline M. (1825-1849); m2. 11 Nov 1850 MASSIE, Josephine (1831-1852 died on trail); m3. 24 Mar 1857 STONE, Mary Ann (1822-1901); so Elijah and Susan (Gabbert) Bristow; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
BRISTOW, Josephine E.; see: MASSIE, Josephine
BROCK, Mrs. E. A.: see BROWN, Elvira Ann
BROCK, Levi (1816-11 Mr 1885): m'd 12 Mar 1848 DOWNING, Mary Ann; s/o Oddy Adrian and Mary (Williams) Brock; buried Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
"DLC: #1614 Yamhill County; Levi Brock b. 1816 Belmont County, Ohio; arrived Oregon 12 Aug 1852; settled claim 12 Apr 1853; m'd Mary 12 Mar 1848 Andrew County, Missouri. Affidavit: Samuel Y. Cook, John B. Davis, William G. Davis"
BROCKWAY, Beman Rostwick (12 Feb 1829-03 Mar 1905): m1. 21 Jun 1870 FEATHERS, Margaret Ann; m2. 1883 COCKELREAS, Mary Francis; s/o Horace and Eliza (Morse) Brockway; buried Civil Bend Cemetery, Winston, Douglas County, Oregon
BRONSON, Wait (c1800- ): found in Washington County, Oregon for several years then not found in records; burial location unknown
"DLC: #3314 Washington County; Wait Bronson; b. 1800/01 Connecticut; arrived Oregon 01 Dec 1852; settled claim 30 Sep 1854. Aff: Smith Bledsoe, Samuel B. Rafferty, Felix J. Hoover"
BROOKS, John Emalus (29 Oct 1822-11 Apr 1906): m'd 13 Apr 1852 RAY, Julia A.; s/o Cooper and Sophia (Tuttle) Brooks; buried Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
"DLC: #1989 Yamhill County; John E. Brooks b. 1822 St. Lawrence County, New York; arrived Oregon 05 Oct 1852; settled claim 20 Dec 1852; m'd Julia A. 13 Apr 1852 Muscatine County, Iowa. Affidavit: Amasa Brooks, John H. Berry."
BROTHERS, Tycer ( - ):
BROTT, Jacob (1812-29 May 1886): m'd 18 Jun 1853 WHITE, Virginia Q. [divorced 27 Nov 1858]; buried Old Vancouver City Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark County, Washington
"ODLC: #971 Marion county; Jacob Brott b. 1812 New York; arrived Oregon 03 Nov 1852; settled claim 01 July 1853; m'd Virginia Q.18 Jun 1853 Marion County, OregonR; temporarily absent from claim beginning 26 Oct 1854; in CA 3-4 mos in 1855 on business; 27 Nov 1858 Virginia Q. Brott vs. Jacob Brott "bonds of matrimoney dissolved"- papers transmitted to Washington Office with certificate. Affidavit: L.L. Thomas, John Nelson, Macky W. Smith, J.B. Nelson."
BROUGHTON, William (04 Jan 1827-07 Jan 1876): m'd 1853 WILLIS, Sarah Ann; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon
"BROUGHTON, WILLIAM--Born in England, January 4, 1827; was a carpenter by occupation; married Sarah N. Willis, and their children were Emma J., Mary, George, Walter (deceased), Clara S., Annie E., Hattie, Nellie F., Elmer (deceased), and Fred (deceased). Mr. Broughton died at Oregon City, January 7, 1876." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 753]
"DLC: #3425 Clackamas County; William Broughton, b. c1826 England; arrived Oregon Aug 1852; settled claim 17 Sep 1855; m'd Sarah Ann 04 Jan 1853 Oregon Territory. Declared intention to become citizen 16 Mar 1852, Milwaukie County, Wisconsin, stating he landed at Port of New York Feb 1850. Citizenship awarded 13 Sep 1861 Clackamas County, Oregon; Affidavit: Charles H. Vandervent, Geo. W. Jackson, Wm. H. Vandervent"
BROWN, Abigail (Nov 1851-23 Dec 1936): m'd 04 Feb 1871 CARLL, William; d/o Jonathan and Sarah (Hanks) Brown; buried Rose City Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
BROWN, Amanda E. ( -30 May 1852):
BROWN, Anderson Hugh "Hug" (03 Nov 1832-04 Oct 1916): n'd BURT, Minerva; buried Burt Cemetery, Dixonville, Douglas County, Oregon; s/o John and Malinda (Owen) Brown
BROWN, Ann: m'd BROWN, Peter
BROWN, Benjamin Franklin (24 Apr 1804-05 May 1875 ) m'd 23 Jan 1834 BLASDELL, Julia Ann; s/o Oliver and Sarah (Wiltse) Brown; buried Greenwood Cemetery, Arcata, Humboldt County, California
"DLC: #3877 Washington Co; Benjamin Brown; b. 1804 "believes he was born in Upper Canada during temp. residence of parents"; arrived Oregon Sep 1852; settled claim 09 Nov 1854; m'd Julia Ann 24 Jan 1834 Upper Canada. Parents were born in US & resided before and after his birth in New York. 15 Feb 1871 Benjamin Brown wrote William Pattof of the Land Office regarding data to clear up his naturalization. States he was never at The Dalles or Wasco County & had never applied for naturalization at any time or place. His parents were both natives of New York state & went to Canada for a few years then back to New York while he was still a minor. His father had not lost his citizenship & voted and held office there (New York). Also states there was a Benjamin Brown living at the Cascades when the Indians captured that place during the Klicitat war & he had heard some of the family was killed by indians. Has known Dr. Kellogg of Portland & his brother Capt. Joseph Kellogg for 30 years & he has held office of J.P. and County Commissioner. Aff: Jeduthan Torrance, W.S. Torrance, Edward Jackson, Wm. New, Joseph Kellogg,"
BROWN, Benjamin (19 Feb 1844-01 Jan 1858): s/o John and Mary (Graham) Brown; probably buried in unmarked grave in Mulkey Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon with rest of family
BROWN, Columbus M. (1846-bef 1900): m'd 26 May 1868 ADAMS, Elizabeth Z.; s/o Manaweather and Clarissa (West) Brown; died San Francisco, California; burial location unknown
BROWN, David (May 1798-15 Jun 1882): m'd 15 Apr 1828 WHITE, Ann; s/o John and Margaret (Henning) Brown; buried Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon
BROWN, Edward:
BROWN, Eliza Clarissa Jane (1834-21 Mar 1859): m'd c1855 LOONEY, John Clinton; d/o Manaweather and Clarissa (West) Brown; burial location unknown; children taken in by parents; husband died 24 Apr 1892 in Oregon State Asylum at Salem, Oregon
BROWN, Elizabeth (14 Jul
1838-14 Jan 1858), m'd 24 Jan 1853 VALLELY, John; d/o of John and Mary Eleanor
(Graham) Brown;
location unknown; husband died 04 Mar 1869
BROWN, Elvira Ann (16 Mar 1831-30 Aug 1906): m'd Sep 1854 BROCK, Russell Wilbur
Sr.; d/o Manewether and Clarissa (West) Brown;
Sun Rise
Cemetery, Wasco, Sherman County, Oregon
BROWN, Emily (07 Jan 1835-08 Oct 1919): m'd 28 Apr 1854 PARKER, Thomas Coke; d/o Jonathan and Sarah (Hanks) Brown; buried Lompoc Evergreen Cemetery, Lompoc, Santa Barbara County, California
BROWN, Ezra (1842-13 Dec 1901): s/o Benjamin and Julia (Blasdell) Brown; buried Blue Lake Cemetery, Blue Lake, Humboldt County, California
BROWN, Frances Wright (12 Nov 1839-10 Mar 1921): Never married; s/o David and Ann (White) Brown; buried Brainard Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
BROWN, Francis A. (1829-1858): s/o Manaweather and Clarissa (West) Brown; does not appear to have emigrated west; died in Knox County, Illinois
George B. (16 Jan 1837-13 May 1852): d.13 May 1852 on Oregon Trail; s/o John and Mary (Graham)
burial location unknown
BROWN, Granville Marion (04 May1849-23 Jun 1924): m'd 16 Jul 1877 WEGER, Nancy Caroline; s/o Manaweather and Clarissa (West) Brown; buried Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon
"BROWN, G. M.--Lives in Brownsville, Linn County, and is a butcher by trade. Was born in Knox County, Illinois, May 4, 1849; married Nancy C. Weger, in 1876, and their children are Effie, Bessie, Laura, and Clara." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 754]
BROWN, Harvey M. (1836- ): s/o Manewether and Clarissa (West) Brown
BROWN, Henry R. (15 Nov 1829-17 Jun 1891): m1. 1853 ROUNDTREE, Sarah; m2. 22 Feb 1860 BEAMSLEY, Martha Mary; s/o Richard and Cecila (Thompson) Brown; buried Brownsboro Cemetery, Brownsboro, Jackson County, Oregon; crossed the plains in 1852 with brother Robert; [father of Jennie C., Mary, Emogene, Henry Lee, Olive E., and George R. Brown]
BROWN, Hobart H. ( -1915):
BROWN, Inez Jane (16 Jul 1848-16 Jul 1926): m'd 15 Sep 1867 ARMSTRONG, William L.; m2. 05 Dec 1891 JACOBS, Frank Bailey; d/o Benjamin and Julia (Blasdell) Brown; buried Greenwood Cemetery, Arcata, Humboldt County, California
BROWN, Jacob S (1840-07 Nov 1875).: m'd 22 Jul 1875 WEGER, Nancy Caroline; s/o Manewether and Clarissa (West) Brown; after his death his wife Nancy married his brother Granville, burial location unknown
BROWN, James (1821- ):
BROWN, James (19 May 1796-24 Nov 1868): m'd 1837 LEWIS, Mrs. Catherine (CARROLL); s/o Abel and Sally (Stoddard) Brown; buried Viola Pioneer Cemetery, Clackamas County, Oregon
"DLC: #1727 Clackamas county; James Brown b. 1796 Vermont; arrived Oregon Oct 1852; settled claim Jan 1853; m'd Catharine Nov 1837/8 Ohio. Affidavit: James S. McCord, Allan Mattoon, John P. Mattoon"
BROWN, James (1826- ): s/o Manaweather and Clarissa (West) Brown; same as below?
BROWN, James Henry (1826-11 Mar 1898): m'd 27 Feb 1853 JAMES, Nancy (READ); (widow of Elijah P. James who died on trail); buried Buck Hollow Cemetery, Willamina, Yamhill County, Oregon
"DLC: #4797 Polk County; James H. Brown; b. 1826 Mercer County, Kentucky; arrived Oregon 20 Oct 1852; settled claim 01 Jan 1854; m'd Nancy 27 Feb 1853 Polk County, Oregon Territory. Affidavit: Thomas J. Dickey, John Dickey, Hankanson F. Read, Isham Cox, Thomas R. Blair"
BROWN, James Monroe (26 Jan 1820-10 Sep 1870 ): m'd 19 Mar 1840 GIBSON, Abigail; moved to CA by 1865; died Silver Mountain, Alpine County, California; burial location unknown
"DLC: #4413 Clackamas County; James M. Brown; b. 1820 Illinois; arrived Oregon Sep 1852; settled claim 10 Apr 1853; m'd Abigail 19 Mar 1840 Illinois. Affidavit: Wm Johnson, Seth Palmeteer, Thomas H. Forrester (gave aff. Brown had moved to CA by 1865)"
BROWN, Jane (16 Oct 1830-23 Sep 1908): m'd 22 Jan 1850 MERRICK, Ross; d/o David and Ann (White) Brown; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
BROWN, Jemima (24 Feb 1828-04 Feb 1904): m'd CASEBEER, Samuel; buried Melrose Cemetery, Melrose, Douglas County, Oregon; d/o John and Melinda (Owen) Brown; emigrated with husband and settled in Douglas County at present day Roseburg
BROWN, Jesse (1818-21 Jun 1852): died on
trail; from Sheboygan County, Wisconsin
BROWN, John: s/o Peter and Ann Brown
BROWN, John ( -1852): s/o John and Sarah
(Kirkpatrick) Brown; died 13 May 1852 on Big Nemeha River
BROWN, John (19 Apr 1814- 10 Jul 1895): m'd 06 Dec 1837 DODSON, Mary Ellen; s/o Clark and Tabitha (Moffatt) Brown; buried Sloan Cemetery, Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon
"DLC #64 Douglas County: John Brown, b. 1814 Kentucky, arrived Oregon 15 October 1852, settled claim 14 Aug/18 Sep 1853, m'd Mary 06 Dec 1837 Benton County, Arkansas. Patent delivered 06 Aug 1869 "
BROWN, John ( -20 May 1852): died on trail, from Clark County, Illinois
BROWN, John (1831-14 Jun 1852): died on trail
BROWN, John (15 Nov 1828-02 Sep 1866): Never married; s/o David and Ann (White) Brown; died in Colusa County, California
BROWN, John (26 Dec 1810-01 Jan 1894): m'd 29 Nov 1835 GRAHAM, Mary Eleanor "Mary Ellen"; s/o Thomas Brokenberry and Elizabeth (Allison) Brown;
"Settled originally near Irving; moved to Eugene in 1870; died at his residence in Eugene, Lane Co, OR Jan 1, 1894 of paralysis;.buried Mulkey Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. The Brown, McBee and Matheny families were neighbors in Ray Co, MO and the families apparently maintained contact after arrival in Oregon because children and grandchildren of these pioneers of 1852 married. In addition to Rosanna Brown's daughter, Berilla Brown's (1859-1931) granddaughter Berilla Briggs m'd Floyd Anthony McBee, grandson of Samuel Edward and Sarah Catherine (Wilcox) McBee"
BROWN, John Bozier (31 Aug 1837-24 Sep 1926): m'd 21 Apr 1870 WALKER, Harriett Eugenia Pyburn; s/o Jonathan and Sarah (Hanks) Brown; died Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington; burial location unknown
BROWN, John Daniel "JD" (19 May 1849-02 Mar 1928): m'd 20 Sep 1874 POINDEXTER, Ella; s/o John and Mary (Graham) Brown; settled in Lane Co, OR; moved to the Pendleton area in 1887 where he lived for 41 years until his death; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
BROWN, John J. (1826-1916):
BROWN, John James
(1826-1852): m'd 09 Feb 1852 KIRKPATRICK, Sarah Emeline; died on plains
BROWN, Jonathan Bosier/Bozarth. (30 Sep 1811-13 Jan 1887): m'd 23 Oct 1827 HANKS, Sarah; s/o Reuben and Mary (Bozarth) Brown Jr.; buried Oakland Masonic and Old Town Oakland Cemeteries, Oakland Douglas County, Oregon
"DLC: #80 Douglas County; Jonathan B. Brown, b. 1809 Grayson County, Kentucky; arrived Oregon 28 Aug 1852; settled claim 14 Mar 1853; m'd Sarah 05 Oct 1829 Sangamon County, Illinois"
BROWN, Joseph Warren
(04 Aug 1820-28 Sep 1852) : s/o James and Catherine (Lewis) Brown; family
reportedly arrived in October so it appears Joseph Brown died just prior to
arrival or shortly after
BROWN, Joshua Benjamin (1843-15 Mar 1878): m'd 03 May 1865 BARKER, Nancy Ann; s/o Jonathan and Sarah (Hanks) Brown; buried Canyonville Cemetery, Canyonville, Douglas County, Oregon
BROWN, Larkin (1820- ):
"DLC: #1361 Marion County; Larkin Brown b. 1820 Giles County, Tennessee; arrived Oregon 09 Oct 1852; settled claim 01 Aug 1854. Affidavit: John B. Crews, George Shirts"
BROWN, Lorietta (1840-06 Sep 1914): d/o Jonathan and Sarah (Hanks) Brown; died Walla Walla County, Washington; burial location unknown
BROWN, Louisa ( -1852): of
Kane Co, IL died on trail
BROWN, Louisa (10 Jul 1846-27 Jan 1930): m'd 15 Sep 1866 MCCONNELL, William J.; d/o Benjamin and Julia (Blasdell) Brown; buried Moscow Cemetery, Moscow, Latah County, Idaho
BROWN, Loyal Parson (26 Sep 1829-09 Apr 1896): n'd 24 Oct 1854 CRUSEN, Sarah T.; s/o Samuel and Caroline (Bishop) Brown; buried Mount Idaho Cemetery, Mount Idaho, Idaho County, Idaho
"DLC: #81 Douglas County, Loyal Parson Brown, b. 1829 Coos County, New Hampshire, arrived Oregon 10 May 1852; settled claim 17 Oct 1855; m'd Sarah T. 24 Oct 1854 Douglas County, Oregon Territory"
BROWN, Lydia A. (1845-25 Apr 1926): m'd HARLOW, Florian Chester; buried River Veiw Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
*18) BROWN, Malinda Jane
(1829-1852): m'd GOUDY, William H.; Malinda was born 11 Aug 1829 and died 02
Oct 1852 at the Dalles on the Columbia River; burial location unknown
BROWN, Manaweather (25 Dec 1801-27 Jun 1883): m'd
18 Dec 1822 WEST, Clarissa;
Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon
BROWN, Margaret (27 Aug 1833-09 Apr 1916): m'd MORRIS, John Deveric; d/o David and Ann
(White) Brown;
Vancouver City Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark County, Washington
BROWN, Martha (08 Dec 1824-08 Dec 1874): m'd 18 Feb 1844 HOSS, Peter; buried Colfax Cemetery, Colfax, Whitman County, Washington
BROWN, Martha (17 Jul 1837-16 Aug 1912):Never married; d/o David and Ann (White) Brown; buried Brainard Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
BROWN, Mary (1851-1931): m'd PHILIPS, [ ]
BROWN, Mary A. Mrs (1851-1916):
BROWN, Mary Barsheba (14 Aug 1838-07 Jan 1929): m'd ROBNETT, Joseph; d/o Manewether and Clarissa (West) Brown; buried Normal Hill Cenetery, Lewiston, Nez Perce County, Idaho
BROWN, Mary Elizabeth (06 Apr 1848-01 Apr 1929): d/o James and Abigail (Gibson) Brown; died Boise, Ada County, Idaho
BROWN, Mary Emmeline (20 May 1833-26 Nov 1910): m'd 06 Aug 1848 ARMSTRONG, John Marion
BROWN, Mary Jane (08/30 Aug 1848-21 Nov 1912): m'd HIGENBOTHUM, William; m2. BARNEY, E.N.; d/o Joseph and Ann (Chambers) Brown; buried Maryhill Columbus Cemetery, Maryhill, Klickitat County, Washington
BROWN, Mary Polly (23 Nov 1844-02 Apr 1923): m1. 17 Apr 1857 SUTHERLIN, John Sampson; m2. EUBANKS, Presley G.; d/o Jonathan and Sarah (Hanks) Brown; buried Valley View Cemetery, Sutherlin, Douglas County, Oregon
BROWN, Nancy Caroline (1844-20 Dec 1903): m1. 29 Jan 1865 PRESLEY, Charles Ransom; m2. 1878 VINSON, George Mustella; d/o Manaweather and Clarissa (West) Brown; buried Pleasant Point Cemetery, Morrow County, Oregon
BROWN, Olive Evelyn (05 Sep 1839-23 Oct 1922): m'd 12 Mar 1854 MCCORD, James Sterling; d/o James and Catherine (Lewis) Brown
BROWN, Pherna (1830-1913): m1. BAIN, Daniel (1816-1853); m2. STRONG, Elijah; buried Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR
BROWN, Robert or Richard (1836- ): crossed the plains in 1852 with brother, Henry R, Brown; s/o Richard and Cecelia (Thompson) Brown
BROWN, Rosanna (26 Oct 1846-03 Jan 1891) m'd 22 Feb 1863, Lane Co, OR, WILCOX, Philo; buried Mulkey Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon; d/o of John and Mary Eleanor (Graham) Brown. Rosanna told her children and grandchildren stories about crossing the plains, including an anecdote regarding a pair of knit stockings that she was drying by the fire when they were stolen by Indians. Philo Wilcox emigrated from Vermont to Oregon in 1857 via ship and the Isthmus of Panama. Their daughter, Sarah Catherine Wilcox, married Samuel Edward McBee, son of John Wesley and Elizabeth Jane (Matheny) McBee and grandson of William McBee and Elizabeth (Milligan) McBee.
BROWN, Sarah Ann (11 Jun 1818-07 Aug 1895): m'd 23 Mar 1845 BRYANT, Zephaniah Stout; settled Washington County, Oregon; after death of wife he moved to Dodge County, Minnesota to live with family
BROWN, Sarah Eliza (20 Jan 1842-09 Mar 1918): m'd 13 May 1877 LONG, Daniel; d/o David and Ann (White) Brown; buried Brainard Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
BROWN, Sarah S. (1848-1886): m'd 05 Jul 1874 ADAIR, Charles Henry; d/o Jonathan and Sarah (Hanks) Brown; buried Colusa Community Cemetery, Colusa, Colusa County, California
BROWN, Susan: m'd 1856 MCCLENDON, C.C.; d/o John and Mary Brown
BROWN, Susan Jane: m'd 1848 BROWN, William M.; maiden name unknown at this time
BROWN, Thomas (30 Sep 1841-16 Dec 1917): m'd 29 Jan 1863 BASKETT, Sophronia Jane; s/o John and Mary (Graham) Brown; buried Mulkey Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
BROWN, William ( 1825-29
May 1852): s/o Manaweather and
Clarissa (West) Brown; died while fording cattle across the Snake River
BROWN, William H. (1831- ):
"DLC: #423 Linn county; William H. Brown; b. 1831 Ohio; arrived Oregon 25 Aug 1851; settled claim 15 Jul 1854. Affidavit: Samuel Brown, Samuel Bell"
BROWN, William M. (1816- ): m'd 1848 [ ], Susan Jane
"DLC: #1073 Washington County; William M. Brown b. 1816 Jefferson County, New York; arrived Oregon 14 Oct 1852; settled claim 15 Nov 1854; m'd Susan Jane 07 Dec 1848 Platte County, Missouri. Affidavit: Thomas Whetstone, Stephen N. Wilcox, R.E. Wiley, C.S. Silvers, R. Wilcox"
BROWNING, Clarissa (08 Feb 1810-08 Apr 1898 ): m'd 1829 BROWN, Hugh Leeper; d/o David and
Vashiti (West) Browning; buried
Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon
BROWNING, David Gilmore (07 Dec 1846-11 Dec 1915): m'd 29 Sep 1872 CONGER,
Martha Elizabeth; s/o Edmund and Nancy (Callison) Browning; buried
Long Creek Cemetery, Long Creek, Grant County, Oregon
BROWNING, Edmund Green Dr. (19 Aug 1816-23 Mar1888): m1. 1840 CALLISON, Nancy; m2.
24 Jan 1853
ALLYN, Nancy; s/o David and Vashiti (West) Browning; wife died on trail;
continued on to Linn county with his six children where he married for a second
time; father of 10 more children by his second wife (Elizabeth, Josephine,
Laura Katherine, Olive, Julia, Alexander Campbell, Clarissa Miranda, Walter
Scott, Edmond Green, Gilbert Leroy); buried
Myrtle Creek Cemetery,
Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon; researcher is interested in comparing notes on children of second
BROWNING, John M. (13 Apr 1843-16 Dec 1863): s/o Edmund and Nancy (Callison) Browning; died Myrtle Creek, buried in Pioneer Cemetery, Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
BROWNING, Linneaus Nathan (14 Dec 1844-16 Dec 1903): m1. 12 Aug 1869 CONGER, Nancy Chiarette; m2. 25 Jul 1900 HOWARD, Fidelia A.;s/o Edmund and Nancy (Callison) Browning; buried Browning Cemetery, Place, Josephine County, Oregon
BROWNING, Louisa (05 May1841-27 Feb 1885): m'd 09 Dec1855 GABBERT, Francis Marion; d/o Edmund and Nancy (Callison) Browning; buried Myrtle Creek IOOF Cemetery, Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon; first child of Louisa was named Keeler, he started the first newspaper in Grants Pass Oregon
BROWNING, Martha (1852-1852): d/o Edmund and Nancy (Callison) Browning; buried at Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon
BROWNING, Susan Sera (09 Feb 1849-20 Jun 1919): m'd DUNNIVAN, James S.; d/o Edmund and Nancy (Callison) Browning; buried Myrtle Creek IOOF Cemetery, Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
BROWNSON, Sarah Ann: m'd 1849 BROWNSON, Winslow
BROWNSON, Winslow (1816- ): m'd 1849 [ ], Sarah Ann
"DLC: #1314 Washington County, Winslow Brownson, b. 1824 New York, arrived Oregon 1852, settled claim 15 Nov 1855, m'd Sarah Ann 01 Feb 1849 (no place given). Affidavit: William McClerg, W. H. Bennett, John Hilleary, Lewis Day, William Severck"
BROYLES, Samuel A. (1833- ):
"DLC: #493 Clackamas County; Samuel Broyles, b. 16 Oct 1833 Missouri; arrived Oregon 1852; setled claim 21 Apr 1855. Affidavit: Samuel Job, Robert Greer, Elijah Weddle, Mathew Whobry (W. Heobery)"
BRUCE, John Hamilton (c1851-1896): m'd 22 Mar 1881 Maggie Hartman; s/o William and Caroline (O'Neal) Bruce; born c1851 Indiana and died 21 Nov 1896 Washington.
BRUCE, William Perry (1825-1888): m'd 10 Feb 1850 O'NEAL, Caroline Adelia; born 25 Apr 1825 Knox County, Indiana and died 17 Nov 1888 Waitsburg, Walla Walla County, Washington; settled Lane County but by 1870 was residing in Waitsburg, Walla Walla County, Washington; father of 6 children (John Hamilton, Mary Ellen, James William, Isadora Elizabeth, Edward L. and Caroline A.)
BRUCK, Christina (24 Mar 1824-20 Sep 1899): m1. 06 May 1842 GEISEL, John; m2. 10 Jul 1858 BERGY, Frank; m3. 12 Mar 1879 EDSON, Avery Johnson; buried Geisel Family Cemetery, Gold Beach, Curry County, Oregon
"In 1856 the home of John and Christina Geisel, lately arrived in Elizabeth Town, an Oregon coast settlement five miles south of Rogue River, was attacked by a band of To-To_Tuna Indians, and father and three sons, John, Henry and Andrew were slain. Mrs. Geisel, attempting to defend herself and two daughters, Mary thirteen, and Anna, an infant, was stabbed in the hand, and then taken prisoner. After a period of captivity, Mrs. Geisel and her two daughters were released. Although then escaping a tragic fate, Mrs. Geisel, living alone in 1896 at the edge of Gold Beach, was robbed, murdered and burned to death in her home. The Geisel family crossed the plains to Oregon in 1852 and for a short period of time prior to removing to the Curry County coast lived in Portland. Geisel Monument State Park perpetuates the name of the massacred family." [Dictionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p. 98]
BRUMFIELD, George P. ( -1896):
BRUMMER, Henry ( - ): m'd 1851 YONKER, Agnes
BRUMMET, Banner (1818- ):
"DLC: #588 Umpqua County; Banner Brummet"
BRUNK, Maria ( - ): m'd RAMSAY, William Sr.
BRUNTON, Infant ( -1852): infant died on
trail 11 Sep 1852 [Note per
Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois Univ
BRYANT, Elihu Granger (07 Apr 1804- 05
Jan 1891): m1. 27 Jun 1827
CRANE, Nancy; m2. 18 Jun 1865 OAKSHOTT, Ellen; m3. JOHNSON, America Evans; settled Columbia County;
s/o James and Catherine (Stout) Bryant; buried
Cedar Hill Cemetery, Clatskanie, Columbia County, Oregon; brother of
Zepahniah Stout Bryant
"DLC: #1685 Columbia County; Elihu G. Bryant b. 1804 New York; arrived Oregon 23 Oct 1852; settled claim 24 Feb 1853; m'd Nancy, Jun 1827 Indiana. Affidavit: James Hill, Thomas Hodgkins"
BRYANT, Elihu Stout (22 Mar 1844-03 Mar 1923): m'd 26 May 1871 MURRAY, Mary Cornelia; s/o Elihu and Nancy (Crane) Bryant; buried Cedar Hill Cemetery, Clatskanie, Columbia County, Oregon
BRYANT, Elvira Ann (1841-29 Apr 1894): m'd 05 May 1859 BEERS, Newell D. [note: some records list him as Noel Beers]; d/o Elihu and Nancy (Crane) Bryant; buried Asylum Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon; by 1870 Newell Beers is living with parents in Green Lake County, Wisconsin; the children are shown in 1880 living with grandparents in Wisconsin; it is thought that perhaps Elvira was committed to the Oregon State Hospital c1870 resulting in the husband leaving with children Mary Eva and Frank A. to live with his parents
BRYANT, Hannah (17 Dec 1835-14 Jun 1909): m'd 1853 CONYERS, Enoch Ward; d/o Elihu and Nancy (Crane) Bryant; buried Maplewood Cemetery, Clatskanie, Columbia County, Oregon
BRYANT, Hubbard (16 Sep 1848-09 Jul 1924): m'd KIRKPATRICK, Eliza Ada, s/o John and Lucinda (Bilyeu) Bryant; buried Masonic Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
BRYANT, John (03 Oct 1827-Apr 1903 ): m'd 19 Aug 1847 BILYEU, Lucinda; buried Masonic Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
"DLC: #4370 Linn County; John Bryant, b. 1827 Virginia, arrived Oregon 16 Sep 1852, settled claim 01 Nov 1852; m'd Lucinda 19 Aug 1847 Missouri; Affidavit: Hubbard Bilyeu, Jno P. Blalock, Geo W. Bilyeu, J.B. Irvin"
BRYANT, Mary Crane (17 Sep 1830-05 Mar 1923): m'd 27 Jul 1855 LOCKWOOD, Reuben T.; d/o Elihu and Nancy (Crane) Bryant; dettled in Clark County, Washington; buried in Lincoln Memorial Park, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
BRYANT, Omar J. (19 Oct 1829-Apr 1909): m'd 28 May 1872 RICE, Mrs. Margaret J. (Polson); s/o Elihu and Nancy (Crane) Bryant; buried Cedar Hill Cemetery, Clatskanie, Columbia County, Oregon
BRYANT, Susan Margaret (06 Mar 1852-11 Apr 1915 ): m1. 17 Mar 1867 HUMPHREYS, Joseph M.; m2. 28 Aug 1870 GOODMAN, Thomas P. m3. 1911 MURPHY, G.W.; d/o John and Lucinda (Bilyeu) Bryant; buried Lone Oak Cemetery, Stayton, Marion County, Oregon
BRYANT, Zephaniah S. (03 Nov 1825-16 Jan 1903): m'd 1862 CREIGHBAUM, Luvina; s/o Elihu and Nancy (Crane) Bryant; buried Cedar Hill Cemetery, Clatskanie, Columbia County, Oregon
BRYANT, Zephaniah Stout (04 Apr 1812/13-05 Jul 1902): m1. 15 Feb 1838 WALKER, Hannah; m2. 23 Mar 1845 BROWN, Sarah Ann; s/o James and Catherine (Stout) Bryant; brother of Elihu Granger Bryant
"DLC: #1489 Washington County; Zephaniah S. Bryant b. 1813 Ontario County, New York; arrived Oregon Nov 1852; settled claim 13 May 1853; m'd Sarah A. 23 Mar 1845 Van Buren County, Iowa. Affidavit: W.M. Tigard, James T. Crawford, Solomon Richardson, John Thomas Jacob. I Mitchell, surveyor"
BRYFOGLE, Solomon (1817-1852): "died 15 Jun 1852 on Platte River [death info per Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois Univ.]
BUBO, John ( -02 May 1852): [ "On May 1, William
Hubbard Palmer saw and talked with Bobo. Later that night Bobo was so sick
"his mind was shattered" his speech could not be understood. He died on May 2."
"On May 1, Thomas C. Lewis was near a wagon that had "John Bubo, of Dayton,
Ohio" in it. "He died the next morning." This was on the St. Joe road 1 day west
of the Mission." ][Deaths On The Oregon Trail, Richard Rieck, Professor
Emeritus, Western Illinois University]
BUCHANAN, Louise F. Mrs. (1851-1925): m'd BUCHANAN, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
BUCHANAN, Winfield S. (1847-1919): m1. 1876 RHOADES, Mary H.; m2. CHOATES, Susan M.; settled Washington Territory
BUCHTEL, Joseph (22 Nov 1830 -10 Aug 1916): m'd 1853 LATOURETTE, Josephine;
buried Whilhelm's
Memorial Mausoleum, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
"Buchtel was one of Portland's leading citizens, serving as fire chief and Sheriff of Multnomah County, and was the city's foremost photographer for many years. He produced photographs in all the popular formats, including stereoview."; amongst his many accomplishments he was credited with a natural mechanical ability and patented many useful inventions that can be viewed by going to Patents He died on Aug 10, 1916 at Portland, Multnomah Co, OR and is buried in Lone Fir Cemetery in that city; traved with Moores company
"BUCHTEL, JOSEPH--Born in Stark County, Ohio, November 22, 1830; moved to Illinois in 1839. Arrived in Portland in 1852. Engaged in steam boating on the Willamette. Opened a photograph gallery in Portland. Was elected sheriff of Multnoniah County in 1880. Married Josephine Latourette in Oregon City in 1853." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 754]
"Early daguerrian artist and pioneer Portland photographer, rode into
Oregon from the overland trail in September, 1852. The following year
he purchased the photographic business of L. H Wakefield, briefly resident
at Portland before him. By 1855 he was well established as 'stump
town's' only photographer, had married Josephine Latourette of Butteville,
and was serving his second term as Multnomah County sheriff. He had
also patricipated in the establishment of the Masonic order locally.
Vigourously active in the years that followed, he organized Portland's first
baseball team (1866); serving as pitcher and captain; supervised the
equipping of the city's first fireboat; and was a leader in the agitation
for a bridge across the Willamette. As official photographer, with
much bulky equipment, he accompanied the first United States hydrogrphic
survey of the Columbia gorge. Meanwhile, he continued to conduct a
growing photographic business; by 1884 he had at his Portland gallery
upwards of 25,000 negatives of Oregon scenes and Oregonians, including
nearly all of the state's illustrioud--'a treasure of art, biography,
history and social life'. Unfortunately, the great bulk of this
priceless collection was thoughtlessly destroyed by Buchtel's successor in
the owner's absence abroad. In time the gallery ceased to operate
under the Buchtel name. But its creator lived on into an age that
sometimes remembered him as the best photographer of Portland's first fifty
years. The Buchtels had six children."
BUCK, Catherine (1826- ): m'd BUCK, Samuel; maiden name unknown at this time
BUCK, Samuel ( -1853): m'd [ ], Catherine; died 13 Mar 1853 OR
BUCKLES, John W. (1830-1870): Never married; s/o [ ] and [ ] Clawson Buckles; (John's mother was a sister to Ephriam Clawson, pioneer of 1852); born: February 11, 1830 Warren County, Indiana; never married; died: January 1870 Waitsburg, Walla Walla County, Washington of diabetes; He spent most of the years from 1855 to 1865 in the military in various locations in Oregon and Washington
BUCKLEY, Martha A. ( -1905): m'd 1851 LENT, Oliver P.
BUCKLEY, Susan E.: m'd 1847 JENNE, Lemuel L.
BUCKLEY, William S. (c1829- ):
"DLC: #4006 Clackamas County; William S. Buckley, b. 1829/30 Virginia; arrived Oregon Oct 1852; settled claim 01 May 1853. Affidavit: S.W. McMahan, Sylvester Hathaway, Marion Phillips, Wm. Phillips"
BUCKNER, Coleman (1816- ): m'd 1833 [ ], Rebecca
BUCKNER, Rebecaa: m'd 1833 BUCKNER, Coleman; maiden name unknown at this time
BUCKS, Christina: m'd GEISEL, John; husband
and sons killed by indians Feb 22, 1856
BUDD, Dewitt Clinton (1813 -1913):
BUELL, Almon S. (03 Mar 1854-10 Feb 1931): m'd CARTER, Sarah
Elizabeth; s/o Leonard and Julia Ann (Giles) Buell;
Roseburg IOOF Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County,
BUELL, Alonzo Leonard "Dodd" (01 Jan 1846-08 Jul 1929); m'd 1869 LIVINGSTON, Martha; s/o Leonard and Julia Ann (Giles) Buell; buried Catching Creek Cemetery, Myrtle Point, Coos County, Oregon
BUELL, Elizabeth Eunice (03 Feb 1840-16 Sep 1895): m1. HIGGINS, WIlliam Smith; m2. 1875 WEST, Josirius; d/o Leonard and Julia Ann (Giles) Buell; buried Tenmile Cemetery, Tenmile, Douglas County, Oregon
BUELL, Franklin Cyrus (21 Apr 1838-16 Sep 1914): m'd BRADEN, Virginia Susanna; s/o Leonard and Julia Ann (Giles) Buell; buried Myrtle Creek IOOF Cemetery, Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
BUELL, James Bancroft (12 Oct 1841-27 Jul 1905): m'd PEARCE, Florence; s/o Leonard and Julia Ann (Giles) Buell; buried Myrtle Point Cemetery, Myrtle Point, Douglas County, Oregon
BUELL, John Henry (05 Dec 1836-21 Dec 1862): s/o Leonard and Julia Ann (Giles) Buell; buried Hermann Family Cemetery, Broadbent, Coos County, Oregon
BUELL, Leonard Samuel (04 Jul 1814-26 Jan 1899 ): m'd 17 Mar 1836 GILES, Julia Ann; settle in Douglas County; buried Looking Glass Community Cemetery, Looking Glass, Douglas County, Oregon
BUELL, Orson Hyde (09 Dec 1847-13 Oct 1908): m'd 1870 GOBLE, Ophelia Ann; s/o Leonard and Julia Ann (Giles) Buell; buried Looking Glass Community Cemetery, Looking Glass, Douglas County, Oregon
BUELL, Peter Marion (02 Sep 1851-11 Jun 1915): s/o Leonard and Julia Ann (Giles) Buell; buried Looking Glass Community Cemetery, Looking Glass, Douglas County, Oregon
BUELL, Sarah Caroline (05 Oct 1843-09 Oct 1896): m'd 24 Feb 1864 BRADEN, Frances Asbury; d/o Leonard and Julia Ann (Giles) Buell; buried Myrtle Point Cemetery, Myrtle Point, Coos County, Oregon
BUELL, Sylvester Lorenzo (25 Sep 1849-26 May 1928): m'd McGEE, Esther E.; s/o Leonard and Julia Ann (Giles) Buell; buried Myrtle Creek IOOF Cemetery, Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
BUFF, Elizabeth: m'd c1841 BUFF, Martin; maiden name unknown at this time
BUFF, Elizabeth (1842- ): m'd CHANDLER, John; d/o Martin and Elizabeth Buff
BUFF, Elizabeth A. (1848- ): m'd 1864 BANE, Jacob M.
BUFF, Elizabeth ( -1852): m'd MATHEWS,
James, d/o John Buff; died on trail of cholera at Ash Hollow on the Platte; from
Johnson County, Missouri
BUFF, Francis M. ( -1852): died on trail, from Platte County, Missouri
BUFF, George (c1838-1898):
BUFF, James Knox (1843-1910): m'd 1875 PENDLETON, Emma;
BUFF, John Jr. ( -1852): m'd 1847 HICKS,
Elizabeth; s/o John and Margaret Buff; died 22 Aug 1852 on plains
BUFF, John P. (1794-1869): m'd 1814 [ ] , Margaret
BUFF, Joseph B. (1823- ): m'd CARTER, Elizabeth; wife died on the plains leaving 4 children
BUFF, Lucinda ( -1852) died on trail, from Johnson County, Missouri
BUFF, Margaret (1840- ): m'd STEPHENS, James H.
BUFF, Martin (1815- ): m'd 1855 [ ] , Elizabeth
BUFF, Mary ( - ): d/o John and Elizabeth (Hicks) Buff
BUFF, Newton J. (1834-1901): s/o John and Margaret Buff
BUFF, Thomas Jefferson "Jeff (1830-1902): m1.; m2. Buff ( HICKS), Elizabeth (widow of brother)
BUFFAM, William:
BUFORD, Jay (1847- ):
BUFORD, Jeremiah (1805-1852): died on
trail of cholera (aka Burford??)
BUHR, Almira ( -1933): m'd POMEROY, [ ]
BULLIN, Daniel (1810- ): m'd 1840 [ ], Lucinda
BULLIN, Lucinda: m'd 1840 BULLIN, Daniel; maiden name unknown at this time
BUNCH, David (15 Oct 1838-22 May 1907): m1. 1864 MAUPIN, Lenora Alice [divorced
1879]; m2. 20 Sep/Nov 1879 WATSON, Mrs Isabella (BUNCH) CUPP;
s/o George and Narcissa (Moxley) Bunch; buried
Looking Glass Community Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
BUNCH, George William Jr. (21 May 1816-08 Nov 1867): m1. c1837 MOXLEY, Narcissa (1820-c1841) m'd 13 May 1843 FOX, Phoebe; s/o George and Martha (Morris) Bunch Sr; father of 10 known children: David by first marriage; James Riley, William Madson, Mary Elizabeth, Eliza Ann, Sarah Jane, John Buchanan, settled in Linn County; Andrew Jackson, Rachel Melvina and Amanda Ellen by second marriage; buried Laurel Cemetery, Cave Junction, Josephine County, Oregon
DLC #646 Linn County, George W. Bunch, b. 1816 Clay County, Kentucky; arrived Oregon 31 Aug 1852; settled claim 23 Sep 1852; m'd Phebe 13/16 May 1843 Macon County, Missouri. Affidavit: John M. Fox, Ephraim Fox, James W. Bunch."
BUNCH, James Riley (04 Mar 1847-05/06 Mar 1922): m1. 29 Nov 1869 PICKENS, Amanda Matilda; m2. FOX, Rosa E.; s/o George and Phoebe (Fox) Bunch; buried Allegany Cemetery, Coos County, Oregon
BUNCH, James W. (1820-aft 1880 ): m'd 13 Jul 1851 FOX, Nancy Jane (divorced 03 Nov 1866); m2. 21 Nov 1868 WOODFIN, Lydia Parke; s/o George and Nancy (Maupin) Bunch; probably died buried in Crawfordsville Union Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
"DLC #644 Linn County, James W. Bunch, b. 1820 or 1828 Washington County, Tennessee; arrived Oregon 31 Aug 1852; settled claim 23 Sep 1852; m'd Nancy Jane 13 Jul 1851 Macon County, Missouri. Affidavit Geo. M. Bunch, Ephraim Fox."
BUNCH, Mary Elizabeth (01 Nov 1850-29 Jan 1870): m'd c1869 PATTERSON, Thomas G.; d/o George and Phoebe (Fox) Bunch; buried Laurel Cemetery, Cave Junction, Josephine County, Oregon
BUNCH, William Madson (25 Feb 1849-17 Aug 1932): m'd 14 Jan 1869 PARKS, Mary Francis; settled Josephine County; s/o George and Phoebe (Fox) Bunch; buried Laurel Cemetery, Cave Junction, Josephine County, Oregon
*18) BUOY, Evaline (1824-1909): m'd 22 Nov 1849 SWEARINGEN, Isaac "Stull"; from Mt. Sterling, Brown Co, IL; born 24 Dec 1824 and died 20 Feb 1909
*18) BUOY, John: from Vermillion Co, IL; appears to be brother of Mrs. Evaline Swearingen; settled in Lane Co; other Buoys who came a year later in 1853 settled nearby
BUOY, Noah ( -1916):
BURCH, Margaret ( -24 May 1852):
BURDETT, Charles C. (1830 -14 Jun 1852):
*25) BURFORD, Elizabeth A: d/o Hezekiah and Levinia (Sears) Burford
*25) BURFORD, George Washington: s/o Hezekiah andLevinia (Sears) Burford
*25) BURFORD, Hezekiah (1811-1884): m'd SEARS,Levinia; settled on a DLC in Willamina, Yamhill Co prior to moving to Polk Co and then to Marion Co where he died; founder of Monmouth University, now known as Western Oregon State College; traveled to Oregon with the John E. Murphey train.
*25) BURFORD, James Monroe: s/o Hezekiah andLevinia (Sears) Burford
*25) BURFORD, John Milton: s/o Hezekiah andLevinia (Sears) Burford
*25) BURFORD, Julia Ann C. (1844-1920): m'dSIMMONS, [ ];d/o Hezekiah and Levinia (Sears) Burford
*25) BURFORD, Martha E.: d/o Hezekiah and Levinia(Sears) Burford
*25) BURFORD, Mary Jane: d/o Hezekiah and Levinia(Sears) Burford
*25) BURFORD, Thomas Jefferson: s/o Hezekiah andLevinia (Sears) Burford
BURGEN, John S. (1827-1899); m'd 1846 SIMPSON, Susannah; s/o Dennis & Letha (Munsey) Burgen
BURGEN, Mary (1839-1927) m'd WALTERS,
BURGEN, Thomas (1849 - 1932); m'd HASKETT, Jessie; s/o John S. & Susannah (Simpson) Burgen
BURGEN, Thomas (1827-1897); m'd 1856 BOOTS, Susan; s/o Dennis & Letha (Munsey) Burgen
BURGETT, Louisa Frances (12 Jul 1828-Sep 1880): m'd BRANT, Joseph Adolphus; d/o Jehoiakim and Catherine (Patterson) Burgett; buried Mother Joseph Catholic Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark County, Washington
BURKE, John (1832- ): died by 1884
BURKHART, Minerva (1824-1904): m'd 23 Feb 1841 INGRAM, James; born 08 Feb 1824 Bledsoe Co, TN and died 09 Jul 1904 Coburg, Lane Co, OR; mother of 11 children (Berry, Green, Louis, Matilda Jane, Joseph, Lloyd, George Washington, James Wilson III, Polly Ann, John Calvin and Robert Lee)
BURMISTER, Henry (1811- ): m'd 1835 [ ], Wilhelmina
BURMISTER, Wilhelmina: m'd 1835 BURMISTER, Henry; maiden name unknown at this time
BURNS, Alexander (1827- ): m'd 1856 [ ], Elizabeth Ann
BURNS, Edward:
*18) BURNS, George: joined company at St. Joseph, MO; paid $50 to join company and helpted drive Scott family wagon; left company August 15th "To day 5 of our company concluded to go on by water. They accordingly fitted up two wagon beds for the purpose and launded them into the Snake, they seem to answer a good purpose and if no accident befalls them they will reach the dalles in ten days or less." (They planned on floating to Fort Boise and then travel afoot on account of the river rapids and falls. The party included John Dixon, Robert Dixon, Frank Gay, Robert King and George Burns.)
BURNS, William E. (1823- ): m'd CONYERS, Millicent
BURNS, William P. (1840-1917): m'd 1884 BLAINE, Martha Elvira
BURNSIDE, D. W. (1826- ):
BURR, Samuel Beebe (1822-1901): m'd 03 Dec1848 LAKIN, Mary Spur; buried Little Shasta Cemetery, Montague, Shasta County, California
BURRIS, Nancy: m'd TOMPKINS, John
*11) BURROWS, D.: [Polly Coon Diary: Jul 29 we left some of our company who are going to CA, Mr. D. Burrows, Mr. Webs & Mr. Peak - also part of Mr. Goodrich's Co- Mr. Peck, Mr. Palmiter & Hemphil (Hemphis?)]
BURT, Minerva (1839-1918): m'd BROWN, [ ]:
BURTON, Georgina Martin (1843-1918): m'd 1860 PITTOCK, Henry
BURTON, Helen E.:
BURTON, Mary "Polly" (1808-1888): m'd 12 May 1825 RIGGS, Jonathan; d/o John and Polly Mary (May) Burton; buried Penland Cemetery, Lexington, Morrow County, Oregon
BURTON, R.A. Mrs. ( -1896): m'd BURTON, [ ]:
*4) BUSEY, David S. (1830 - ): m'd 1855 PORTER, Nancy; s/o L.W. and Jane (Penney) Busey
BUSH, D. W. (1833- ):
BUSHARD, Mary ( -1915): m'd BUSHARD, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
BUSHNELL, Linus (1815- ):
BUSKEY, Francis X. "Frank" (Feb 1845-1923): m'd 1870 BOWERS, Elizabeth Ann; buried St. Lukes Cemetery, Woodburn, Marion County, Oregon
BUTLER, America ( - ):
BUTLER, Ashmun J. ( -1859): m'd 1850 ROLLINS, America E.; emigrated to Yreka, CA in 1852; in Feb 1853, accompanied by his wife, he removed to Rogue River Valley and settled near the present site of Medford (America E. Rollins Butler diary available Oregon Historical Society Quarterly, Dec 1940 p.337-366)
*25) BUTLER, Cynthia Ann:
BUTLER, Douglas:
*25) BUTLER, Elijah:
BUTLER, Grace: m'd LANGSTON, Sampson; widowed in 1850 in
Missouri; traveled west with three married children;
the daughter lost her
husband and two children, a son lost his wife and the other son died leaving a
wife and child.
BUTLER, Hilory (1819-1896): m'd 1848 HICKMAN, Catherine; died in Seattle, WA; travled with the Hays-Cowan Train
*25) BUTLER, Isaac:
BUTLER, Jonathan (1831- ):
BUTLER, Martha Jane: m1. HENDERSON, Daniel;
m2. 02 Dec 1852 OWNBERY,
William; Martha's first husband and two children, Mary (5) and Middleton (3),
died on the Trail. Martha remarried to Rev. William OWNBEY, son of Nicholas
OWNBEY of the 1845 Train. Martha Jane and Daniel had four children at time of
1850 Census (Sampson, John, Mary and Middleton). After her marriage ro
Rev. Ownbey she named their first born, a girl, Grace Ann.
BUTLER, Matilda (1830-1905): m'd 1851 BUTLER, Thomas; maiden name unknown at this time
*18) BUTLER, Mr.: driver for Scott family; this may be the man who left the company June 7th to drive a wagon for a family whose driver had died; this company went on to CA
BUTLER, Rachel ( -1852): m'd RAFFETY, Mr; died on the Snake in 1852 of cholera [Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois Univ Researching Death on the Oregon Trail]
BUTLER, Sarah ( - ):
Sarah BUTLER/WARDEN, my 3rd
great grandmother, had a sister who was Grace/Gracie/Gracy BUTLER who married a
Sampson LANGSTON and they had 4 children but only three survived and those three
were married, In 1850 she was Widowed in MO and they decided to come to the
Oregon Territory. The travel took its toll because the daughter lost her
husband and two children, a son lost his wife and the other son died leaving a
wife and child.
BUTLER, Thomas (1824- ): m'd 1851 [ ], Matilda
BYARS, Irijah (1832-1899): m'd HUFF, Elizabeth
BYERLY, Absalom (1833- ): m1. ALLEN, Mary Florence; m2. CROW, Dolly; s/o Martin and Elizabeth (Sears) Byerly; father of 10 children including Henry, Leroy, Arabella, Frank, Otto, Eugene, Edward, William, Maude and Mary
BYERLY, Catherine D. ( -1917): m'd BYERLY, Henry; maiden name unknown at this time
BYERLY, Henry (1830- ): m'd 1852 [ ] , Catherine D.; s/o Martin and Elizabeth (Sears) Byerly
BYERLY, Martin (1810-1893): m'd SEARS, Elizabeth; father of 6 children including Absalom, Henry, Jane, Michael, Jefferson and Adelaide; emigrated with 2 horse carriages, 12 yoke oxen and 3 wagons
BYERLY, Michael ( -1852): s/o Martin and
Elizabeth (Sears) Byerly; died on trail
BYLAND, Madison D. (1821- ): m'd 1854 [ ], Elizabeth Jane
BYLAND, Orville (1848-1932): s/o Madison D. Byland
BYRD, Andrew F.: settled at Steilacoom Lake at the headwaters of Chambers Creek in WA
BYRD, Agnetta Larson (1834- ): m1. CHAMBERS, Thomas McCutcheon; m2. Fredrick Meyer
BYRD, Daniel H. (1827- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Maria
BYRD, Maria: m'd 1850 BYRD, Daniel H.; maiden name unknown at this time
BYRON, John (c1828- ):
CADWELL, Americus V. T. (c1821- ):
*18) CAFFEE, Charles Clifford (1843-1925): s/o Levi and Martha (Roelofson) Caffee; Charles was born 02 Feb 1843 and died 18 Sep 1925
*18) CAFFEE, Edward Taylor (1848-1917): s/o Levi and Martha (Roelofson) Caffee; Edward was born in 1848; he was a bridgetender on the Steel Bridge in Portland for 14 years. He died 08 Jan 1917
*18) CAFFEE, Levi (1814-1867): m'd ROELOFSON, Martha; Levi was born 16 Nov 1814 and was a cousin of the Scott family; he drove the Scott's camp equipment wagon; was a first cousin of John Tucker Scott, an orphan brought up by Tucker's father, James, who was his guardian. He came west to cure his alcoholism. Levi Caffee had been addicted to drink in Illinois, and John Tucker Scott had forbidden him to use liquor, as a condition to his coming to Oregon in the Scott party. Levi Caffee was a son of John Tucker Scott's aunt. When the party was met by relative, Lawson Scott (an emigrant of 1847), bringing supplies it was with horror that he also produced a bottle of "oh, be joyful". Levi got gloriously tipsy, and engaged in a carnival of drunken songs, much to the diversion of the children, to whom it was all very funny." He ran hotels at Champoeg and Lafayette, was a teamster, had a stage from Champoeg to Salem, and later a dairy near Lafayette. Levi died 16 Jan 1867
CAHOON, Mary Ann (14 Dec 1829-01 Jun 1902): m'd 16 Mar 1851 ANDERSON, Charles Perry; Mary was born Dec 14, 1829 OH and died June 1, 1902 Lewis Co, WA; she is buried in the Pioneer Cemetery, Centralia, Lewis Co, WA; she was the mother of nine children (John Albert, Andrew J., Charles Perry, George W., Eliza Jane, Minnie, Annie and two unknown); buried Pioneer Cemetery, Centralia, Lewis County, Washington
CAINE, Jack M. (c1825- ):
CALDWELL, Ancyra (1850-1861): d/o Washington and Cynthia (Sullins) Caldwell
CALDWELL, Caledonia: d/o Washington and Cynthia (Sullins) Caldwell
CALDWELL, Capt. ( -1852): died on trail of
CALDWELL, Janetta A.F. (1848-1864): d/o Washington and Cynthia (Sullins) Caldwell
CALDWELL, Langden M.: s/o Washington and Cynthia (Sullins) Caldwell
CALDWELL, Nancy: d/o Washington and Cynthia (Sullins) Caldwell
CALDWELL, Valentine H. (1831- ): m'd GRIER, Sarah; s/o John and Mary (Stockton) Caldwell; nephew of Washington J. Caldwell mentioned below; father of 17 children (John H., Mary S., George, Seth, Jackson, Nellie, Charles, Fannie, Martha, Lydia, William, Frank, Fred, Jane, James, Media and Almetia)
CALDWELL, Washington J.: m'd 1842 SULLINS, Cynthia
CALDWELL, William (1824- )
"CALDWELL, WILLIAM--Born in Virginia in 1824; his first residence in Oregon was in Yamhill County. His present residence is four miles north of McMinnville, and occupation, farmer. He married Mary E. Hathaway in 1866, and their children s names are Melissa, Malinda, and M. Floyd. Mr. Caldwell served with Captain Fowler s company under Colonel Ross in the Indian war of 1853." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 754]
CALHOON, David (1824- ): m'd 1848 [ ], Margaret
CALHOON, John (1796- ):
CALHOON, Margaret M.: m'd 1848 CALHOON, David; maiden name unknown at this time
CALLAWAY, Charles (06 Mar 1819-25 Aug 1904): m'd 15 Apr 1846 WARE, Elizabeth Jane; s/o John and Milly (Eubanks) Callaway; buried Mulkey Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
CALLAWAY, Charles Henry (19 May 1850- 26 Dec 1937): m'd RICHARDSON, Madora Ann; s/o Charles and Elizabeth (Ware) Callaway; buried Mulkey Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
CALLAWAY, James Harrison (06 Oct 1852-26 Dec 1924): m'd BAILEY, Mary; s/o Charles and Elizabeth (Ware) Callaway; born in Portland 2 weeks after family arrived; buried Mulkey Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
CALLISON, Amanda Elizabeth (26 Jul 1848 - 09 Dec 1938): m'd 13 Nov 1864 MCCLURE, William Henry Harrison; d/o Gilmore and Elizabeth (McClure) Callison; buried Eden Valley Cemetery, Palouse, Whitman County, Washington
CALLISON, George Hardin (24 Feb 1842 - 13 Jul 1931): m'd FISHER, Mary Ellen; s/o Gilmore and Elizabeth (McClure) Callison; buried Eden Valley Cemetery, Palouse, Whitman County, Washington
CALLISON, Gilmore (22 Dec 1808 - 22 May 1869): m1. c1830 MCCLURE, Elizabeth; m2. 1853 FLEENOR, Eliza; s/o Joseph Callison; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Pleasant Hill, Lane County, Oregon
CALLISON, John Joseph (c1830 - 23 Aug 1852): s/o Gilmore and Elizabeth
(McClure) Callison; died on trail near Grande Ronde (LaGrande) of cholera; the
Diary of John Joseph Callison is available from the Lane County Historical
Society--10 pages and incomplete due to his death;[Deaths On The Oregon Trail,
Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois University]
CALLISON, Nancy (1812-1852): m'd 1840
BROWNING, Edmund; died on trail
CALLISON, Rufus Gilmore (24 Dec 1839 - 07 Jul 1915): m1. 1868 WILLIS, Martha; m2. 1914 ADAMSON, Sarah Jane; s/o Gilmore and Elizabeth (McClure) Callison; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Lane County, Oregon
CALLISON, Susan A. (11 Mar 1835 - 09 Dec 1898: m'd LINDER, Levi; d/o Gilmore and Elizabeth (McClure) Callison; buried Gavilan Hills Memorial Park, Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California
CALLISON, William Thomas (14 Oct 1832 - 05 Dec 1869) m'd LINDER, Rebecca Jane; s/o Gilmore and Elizabeth (McClure) Callison; buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Shasta County, California
CALVERT, Elizabeth: m'd 1842 CALVERT, Mark; maiden name unknown at this time
CALVERT, Mark (1820- ): m'd 1842 [ ], Elizabeth
CAMBY, Charles (1818- 12 Jul 1881): buried Grand Mound Cemetery, Rochester, Thurston County, Washington
CAMBY, James (16 Sep 1816-12 Oct 1903): m'd PIERCE, Elizabeth Cornell; s/o Samuel and Mary (Prather) Camby; buried Union Cemetery, Tumwater, Thurston County, Washington; reportedly arrived in Oregon in 1853 from California but believed to have emigrated with brothers in 1852
CAMBY, Russell Dore (21 Dec 1820-12 Jul 1891): m'd 30 Apr 1869 MONTGOMERY, Elizabeth (ZUMWALT); s/o Samuel and Mary (Prather) Camby; buried Grand Mound Cemetery, Rochester, Thurston County, Washington; emigrated in 1845 with brother, Thomas; may have returned east and returned in 1852 with brother, Charles
CAMERON, Robert James (27 Jun 1831-06 May 1910): LEFEVRE, Esther J.; s/o James and Emeline (Kendall) Cameron; buried Jacksonville Cemetery, Jackson County, Oregon; parents and siblings emigrated after 1860
CAMERON, Theodoric "Todd" (21 Jun 1829-09 Jun 1914): m'd Mar 1892 KROUSE, Mrs. Mary Susannah (BILGER); s/o James and Emeline (Kendall) Cameron; buried Jacksonville Cemetery, Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon; parents and siblings emigrated after 1860
CAMPBELL, Andrew W. ( -1852): died on
CAMPBELL, Benjamin:
CAMPBELL, C. ( -1852): died on trail
CAMPBELL, Elizabeth M.: m'd 1840 CAMPBELL, John; maiden name unknown at this time
CAMPBELL, Emma E. (1848-1883):
CAMPBELL, George ( -1916):
CAMPBELL, George S. (1840- ): m'd 1880 JACK, Amelia
"CAMPBELL, GEORGE S.--Was born in Illinois in 1840; at twelve years of age came to Oregon; settled six miles south of Hillsboro on M farm, and still resides there; is a farmer and blacksmith by occupation. He married Amelia Jack in 1880, and they have one child named Mintie." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 754]
CAMPBELL, John (1801- ):
CAMPBELL, John (1817- ): m'd 1840 [ ], Elizabeth M.
CAMPBELL, John E. (1799- ): m'd c1824 [ ], Nancy
CAMPBELL, Levi (1836-1890):
CAMPBELL, Margaret Jane: m'd FINLEY, James Washington
CAMPBELL, Marshall:
CAMPBELL, Mary: m'd 1821 CAMPBELL, John
CAMPBELL, Mary ( -1852): died on trail {Note
Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois Univ
CAMPBELL, Mary: d/o Andrew W. Campbell; helped found the town of McCloud, CA
CAMPBELL, Nancy: m'd c1824 CAMPBELL, John E.; maiden name unknown at this time
CAMPBELL, Susan: m'd JACKSON, [ ]
CAMPBELL, Teresa J. (1846-1927): m'd CAMPBELL, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
CAMPBELL, W. C. (1842- ):
"CAMPBELL, W. C.--Born in Illinois in 1842; on his arrival in Oregon he settled six miles south of Hillsboro; now resides at Gaston, a blacksmith and wagon-maker by occupation. He married Margaret W. Hill in 1869, and they have one child named George O." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 754]
CANADAY, Henry (1807- ): m1. 22 Oct 1828 HUSSEY, Drucilla; m2. 1850
(LININGS) Prouty, Mary; first wife died in 1849 and he married Mrs. Mary
(Linings) Prouty 20 Dec 1850 IA
CANADAY, John: s/o Henry and Drucilla (Hussey) Canaday
CANADAY, Joshua Walter: s/o Henry and Drucilla (Hussey) Canaday
CANADAY, Louisa Etta: m'd RICE, Ica F.; d/o Henry and Drucilla (Hussey) Canaday
CANADAY, Madison (21 Oct 1831-14 Dec 1918): m'd 20 Sep 1857 ABBOTT, Sarah Elizabeth; s/o Henry and Drucilla (Hussey) Canaday; was a phsician in Lane County; he is buried Gates Cemetery, Crow, Lane County, Oregon
CANADAY, Mary Emily: m'd MARSH, Henry S.; d/o Henry and Drucilla (Hussey) Canaday
CANADAY, Nathan: s/o Henry and Drucilla (Hussey) Canaday
CANADAY, William Riley (1829- ): s/o Henry and Drucilla (Hussey) Canaday
CANN, Thomas M. ( -1916):
CANNON, Jane: m'd c1832 CANNON, Thomas; maiden name unknown at this time
CANNON, Thomas (1806- ): m'd c1832 [ ], Jane
CANNUTT, Alexander (1822- ): m'd 1842 [ ], Sally
CANNUTT, Sally: m'd 1842 CANNUTT, Alexander; maiden name unknown at this time
CANNUTT, William (c1828- ):
CANTY, Catherine (1812-1894): m'd 1836 EGAN, Patrick
CAPLES, Henry Rush (1851-1926):
CARBARY, William (1816- ):
CARDWELL, Byron Perrin (03 Mar 1832-26 Nov 1903): m'd 02 Apr 1856 CLARKE, Abigail M. s/o William and Mary Ann (Biddle) Cardwell; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; raised blooded horses and cattle in Benton Co, opened a photography studio in Portland and was appointed a Deputy Collector of Revenue in 1861 by President Lincoln; served a number of years as the police commissioner of Portland and in 1894 was elected to the State Legislature; (father of two children (Alice and Dr. Herbert W.)
CARDWELL, Charles H. (1852-17 Feb 1935); s/o William and Mary Ann (Biddle) Cardwell; born 24 Mar 1852 Morgan Co, IL; died 17 Feb 1935 Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; probably buried at Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery with rest of family but no listing found so he may be unmarked.
CARDWELL, James Robert Dr. (11 Sep 1830-15 Nov 1916): m1. 09 Sep 1863 ATWOOD, Marion; m2. 09 Sep 1866 BLOOMFIELD, Cornelia Nellie; m3. 1895 WHITNEY, Mae (HARRINGTON); s/o William and Mary Ann (Biddle) Cardwell; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; settled in Portland, Multnomah Co, OR where he was a well known dentist and horticulturist.
"Dentist, horticulturist, author, was
born in Springfield, Ill., the son of William Lee and Mary Ann (Biddle)
Cardwell. Securing a classical education at Illinois College,
Jacksonville, he practiced as a dentist at 19 years of age, receiving his degree
two years later. In 1852 he moved to Oregon where he became Portland's
first dentist, wrote extensively for dental journals, and was for many years
chairman of the Oregon board of dental examiners. He was married in 1865.
A nature lover, he owned a large geological and botanical collection; was a
taxidemist and ornithologist; and made the first collection of birds and animals
in the Willamette Valley, som of his mountings going to Smithsonian Institution.
He wrote extensively on the flora and fauna of Oregon, had a prune ranch and
nursery near Milwaukie and a fruit ranch at Corvallis. He was active in
organizing the State Horticultural Society, the Oregon Humane Society, North
Pacific Dental College and the Portland Rose Show (1893). An accomplished
musician, he helped organize the Portland Philharmonic Club, with which he
played the flute for 20 years."
CARDWELL, Martha Angeline (21 Feb 1839-19 Sep 1913): m1. 28 Dec 1854 BARNHART, James; m2. DALTON, Frank d/o William and Mary Ann (Biddle) Cardwell; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
CARDWELL, Mary E. (13 Oct 1836-10 Feb 1875).: m'd 09 Oct 1853 COLE, George Edward; d/o William and Mary (Biddle) Cardwell; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; mother of two children (Ella and George Frederick)
CARDWELL, Orlena M. (18 Dec 1834 - 29 Apr 1906): m1. 06 May 1855 JOHNSON, Charles F.; m2. 27 Jun 1863 MURRAY, George W; d/o William and Mary Ann (Biddle) Cardwell; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon;; mother of Lillie Cora Johnson
CARDWELL, Richard H. (19 Jul 1843-07 Sep 1926): m'd 03 Feb 1870 YOUNG, May J.; s/o William and Mary Ann (Biddle) Cardwell; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
CARDWELL, William B. (18 May 1841-10 Feb 1883): s/o William and Mary Ann (Biddle) Cardwell; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
CARDWELL, William Lee (22 Dec 1802-09 Oct 1863]: m'd 15 Dec 1829 BIDDLE, Mary Ann; s/o Perrin and Elizabeth (Worsham) Cardwell; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; father of nine children (James Robert, Byron Perrin, Orlena M., Mary E., Martha Angeline, William B., Richard H., Charles H. and Ida)
CARLAND, Daniel (1795- ): m'd 1818 [ ], Rebecca
CARLAND, Rebecca: m'd 1818 CARLAND, Daniel; maiden name unknown at this time
CARN, Martha Maria: m'd 1849 CARN, William; maiden name unknown at this time
CARN, William: m'd 1849 [ ], Martha Maria
CARNER, C. S. ( -05 Jun 1852): died on trail (Garner??)
CARNAHAN, J. William (c1823- ):
CARR, Isaac Watson (16 Jan 1831-06 Jan 1903): m'd 03 Dec 1856 HUTCHESON, Delilah Clara; s/o James and Catharine (Tice) Carr; this is believed to be the Isaac Carr that emigrated to Oregon in 1852 with the Watson brothers and others. It is believed he went to California with the Watsons and then returned to Iowa where he remained until his death.
“We had employed a company of young men, consisting of the three
Watsons, and Isaac Carr to haul some of our things".....
“Isaac Carr, is a nephew of Jeremy Mansur, formerly a merchant of Richmond, and
with whom you are acquainted. The Watsons are his cousins, and were honorable
men, more steadfast friends, or more faithful and obliging companions never
travelled the road to Oregon, or any other road"....“The rainy season had
commenced, and we had to go down the river in an open boat—Andrew and Abram
Watson went on the boat with me and the children. They took the wagon to
pieces, and put them on the boat, and Caleb Thatcher, John and Isaac Watson, and
Isaac Car went with the cattle down the pack trail."
[Letter by Lydia
Simmons published in the Richmond, Indiana Palladium newspaper March 4, 1853]
CARRINGTON, Prudy: m'd 1822 COAKLEY, John
CARROLL, Catherine (12 Jan 1798-02 Sep 1876): m1. 1815 LEWIS, [ ]; m2. Nov 1838 BROWN, James; d/o William and Margaret (Lewis) Carroll; buried Viola Pioneer Cemetery, Clackamas County, Oregon
CARROT, J. ( -24 May 1852): died on trail
CARRUTHERS, John (1839-1851): s/o Richard and
Mary Elizabeth (Faint) Carruthers; died age 12 in Booneville, MO prior to emigration;
remains were moved from Missouri by Robert Carruthers and reburied in
Oysterville Cemetery, Oysterville, Pacific County, Washington with other
family members
CARRUTHERS, Mary Jane (26 Jul 1847-01 Jul 1919): m1. 1882 WOOD, William Henry; m2. PIKE, [ ]; d/o Richard and Mary Elizabeth (Faint) Carruthers; buried Washougal Memorial Cemetery, Washougal, Clark County, Washington
CARRUTHERS, Richard (21 Aug 1811 -12 Nov 1896): m'd FAINT, Mary Elizabeth; crossed the plains in 1852, stopped for a period of time in Portland, OR and then removed to Pacific County, WA where they settled in 1854; had three more children after arriving in Oysterville; died in Oysterville in 1896; buried Oysterville Cemetery, Oysterville, Pacific County, Washington
CARRUTHERS, Robert (08 Apr 1845-13 Feb 1917): m'd HUNTER, Harriet; s/o Richard and Mary Elizabeth (Faint) Carruthers; buried Ocean View Cemetery, Warrenton, Clatsop County, Oregon
CARRUTHERS, Sarah Ann (19 Dec 1843-09 Nov 1915): m'd HUNTER, John Lloyd; d/o Richard and Mary Elizabeth (Faint) Carruthers; buried Ilwaco Cemetery, Ilwaco, Pacific County, Washington
NOTE: Other CARSNER siblings listed under CASNER
CARSNER, Andrew Jackson (10 Oct 1836-17 Mar 1890): m'd 10 Jan 1856 FIELDS, Catherine; s/o Henry and Jincy Jane (Fields) Casner; buried Kalama IOOF Cemetery, Kalama, Cowlitz County, Washington; note siblings spelled name Casner, Carsner, Carsoner
CARSNER, Nancy Jane (25 Jan 1839-21 Feb 1892): m'd 1854 FIELDS, Harvey; d/o Henry and Jincy Jane (Fields) Casner; married her cousin; buried Moon Creek Cemetery, Mount Vernon, Grant County, Oregon
CARSON, Catherine: m'd 1829 CARSON, Hugh; maiden name unknown at this time
CARSON, Hugh (1802- ): m'd 1829 [ ], Catherine
*8) CARTER, Amos Henry (1842-1926): m'd CONNER, Eliza Ann; s/o Robert and Eleanor (Howard) Carter; born 27 Jun 1842 Cedar, VanBuren Co, IA and died 30 May 1926 Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; buried Noble Cemetery, Newberg, Yamhill Co, OR; father of 3 children (Bonita Estella, Robert Amos and Roy Elmer)
CARTER, Benjamin (c1827- ):
CARTER, C. ( - 1852): died on trail
CARTER, Elinor: m'd 1841 CARTER, Felix W.; maiden name unknown at this time
CARTER, Elizabeth ( -1852): m'd BUFF, Joseph;
died on trail leaving 4 children
CARTER, Felix W. (1820- ): m'd 1841 [ ], Elinor
CARTER, Isaac L. (1836-1917):
CARTER, John H. (1830- ): m'd 1852 [ ], Nancy E.
CARTER, Louise Uzaforage (1840-1920): m'd CARTER, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
CARTER, Martha Jane (1820-1890 ): m'd 1837 SEARS, Carroll Jackson
CARTER, Mary Elizabeth ( -1854): m'd 1839 BRATTAIN, Jonathan Hill
*8) CARTER, Miranda Jane (1850-1929): m'd 1878 HINKLE, William Lewis; d/o Robert and Eleanor (Howard) Carter; born 08 Aug 1850 VanBuren Co, IA and died 26 Dec 1929 Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; no known children; twin of Miranda Jane Carter; both girls were only a year old when their father died and later took on the surname of their step-father, Charles Adams.
CARTER, Nancy E.: m'd 1852 CARTER, John H.; maiden name unknown at this time
*8) CARTER, Robert (1818-18 Jun 1852): m'd c1841 HOWARD, Eleanor; father of 4 children (Amos Henry, William RIce, twins-Samantha Ann and Miranda Jane).
Robert died June 18, 1852 north side of Platte, 7 miles west of Skunk Creek,
Nebraska [Deaths On The Oregon Trail,
Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois University]
*8) CARTER, Samantha Ann (1850-1941): m'd Sep 1876 FRENCH, Daniel Mead; d/o Robert and Eleanor (Howard) Carter; born 08 Aug 1850 VanBuren Co, IA and died 05 Aug 1941 Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; buried IOOF Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco Co, OR; mother of 5 children (Elizabeth Eleanor, Walter M., Paul Millard, Ruth Constance and an Infant); twin of Miranda Jane Carter; both girls were only a year old when their father died and later took on the surname of their step-father, Charles Adams.
*8) CARTER, William Rice (1845-1909): m'd [ ], Mary; s/o Robert and Eleanor (Howard) Carter; born 19 Mar 1845 VanBuren Co, IA and died 15 Jul 1909; buried Noble Cemetery, Newberg, Yamhill Co, OR; father of 3 children (Ranna, Lena and Rodney)
CARTER, William (1793- ): m'd 1828 SYLVESTER, Rebecca
CARTER, William B. (1831- ):
CARTNER, Rebecca ( - 1852): died on trail
CARTWRIGHT, Charles M.: m'd 1887 TERWILLIGER, Charlotte Ann
CARTWRIGHT, Elizabeth (1843-1865): m'd COOPER, Philemon; d/o James and Mary (Ingram) Cartwright
CARTWRIGHT, James (1820-1891): m'd 17 Jul 1841 INGRAM, Mary Jane
CARUS, ? ( - ): m'd ,
CARVER, Isophena: m'd 1843 WALKER, Jesse F.
CARY, Abner J (1834-1904): s/o Armenius and Annie (James) Cary
CARY, Armenius (1801-1887): m'd JAMES, Annie s/o Kemp & Rebecca (Butler) Cary; born 1 Jun 1801 Richmond, Chesterfield, VA; died 20 Feb 1887 Prineville, Crook, OR
CARY, David (1836-1903): s/o Armenius and Annie (James) Cary
CARY, Dorothy Ann (1841-1873): d/o Armenius and Annie (James) Cary
CARY, George W. (1850-1920): s/o Armenius and Annie (James) Cary
CARY, James Tolbert (1847-1932): s/o Armenius and Annie (James) Cary
CARY, Mary Jane (1845-1915): d/o Armenius and Annie (James) Cary
CARY, Miles (1826-1906): s/o Armenius and Annie (James) Cary
CARY, Peter Minor (1843-1927): s/o Armenius and Annie (James) Cary
CARY, Robert (1829-1903): s/o Armenius and Annie (James) Cary
CARY, Thomas Benton (1839-1891): s/o Armenius and Annie (James) Cary
CARY, William Henry (1832-1871): s/o Armenius and Annie (James) Cary
CASEBEER, Elizabeth A. (28 Oct 1847-09 Dec 1891):
m'd CARTER, Isaac Lee; d/o Samuel and Jemima (Brown) Casebeer; buried
Point Cemetery, Myrtle Point, Coos County, Oregon
CASEBEER, Samuel (19 Jun 1827-03 Apr 1870): m'd 24 Oct 1847 BROWN, Jemima; buried Melrose Cemetery, Melrose, Douglas County, Oregon; emigrated from Cedar County, IA; came via Barlow Road and settled in Douglas County taking up DLC #90 at present day Roseburg
CASEBEER, Sylvester ( 08 Nov 1850-04 Mar 1912): s/o Samuel and Jemima (Brown) Casebeer; buried Burt Cemetery, Dixonville, Douglas County, Oregon
NOTE: "The Casner name morphed
into several spellings. Those that settled in the Pacific Northwest spelled it
Carsner; those in AZ, NM, TX spelled it Casner; those in California spelled it
Carsoner." [findagrave.com]
CASNER, Andrew Jackson: see
Carsner, Andrew Jackson
CASNER, James Alonzo (Dec 1839 - aft 1870 ): m1. 19 May 1858 HAYWORTH, Clementine; m2. 01 Dec 1883 OLNEY, Sarah R.; s/o Henry and Jincy Jane (Fields) Casner; burial unknown
CASNER, John L. (May 1822-1902): s/o Henry and Jincy Jane (Fields) Casner; father died in 1847, mother emigrated with some of children in 1852; burial unknown
CARSNER, Nancy Jane: see Carsner, Nancy Jane
CASNER, Riley (09 Jul 1843): m'd m1. 02 Jul 1864 MILLER, Nancy Maria (FIELDS); m2. Nov 1874 FREZELL, Rebecca Jane; s/o Henry and Jincy Jane (Fields) Casner; buried Middle Verde Cemetery, Camp Verde, Yavapai County, Arizona
CASNER, Mose (1837-1912): m'd 06 Dec 1891 MEADE, Alice; s/o Henry and Jincy Jane (Fields) Casner; father died prior to emigration; buried Middle Verde Cemetery, Camp Verde, Yavapai County, Arizona
CASON, U.W. ( -1914):
CASPER, Polly Mrs. ( -08 Jun 1852): died on trail, from Franklin County,
CASTLE, Emilay:
CASTLE, Adoniram Judson ( -16
May 1852): died on the trail of
cholera; brother of Emily Castle listed above [Note from
Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois Univ
CATES, Mary "Polly" (31 Mar 1805-16 Apr 1873): m'd 10 Dec 1823 HILL, Claiborne; d/o Thomas and Ava Anne (Wilhite) Cates; buried Pleasant Butte Baptist Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon
CATLIN, Sarah C. (1846-1923): m'd CATLIN, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
CATON, Susanna Wright (26 Apr 1826-10 Oct 1912): m'd 24 Jun 1843 MYERS, Thomas Jefferson; by 1860 census was enumerated in Del Norte County, California and by 1870 had returned east with her family to their home in Vernon County, Missouri; she is buried in Ellis Cemetery, Vernon County, Missouri
CATRON, Jonathan (1825- ): m'd 1853 SHELTON, Alvira
"CATRON, JONATHAN--Born in Missouri in 1825; settled in Yamhill County immediately after his arrival in Oregon; moved to Polk County in 1860; owned a farm- near Monmouth. In 1853 he married Miss Alvira Shelton and they had seven children Laura, Walter, Alice, Edgar, Eugene, Lulu (deceased), and Lora." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 754]
CAVINERS, Wesley W. (c1847-1931):
CAYWOOD, James C. (1817- ):
CENNERD, George (1822- 11 Jun 1852): from St. Charles County, Missouri
*18) CHAMBERLAIN, J.B. (1822-1852): m'd [ ], Mary; he joined at Peioria, IL; an Episcopal minister who died 10 May 1852 at St. Joseph, MO; father of two year old son, Sherrill; it is assumed that if his family was with him that they turned back.
CHAMBERS, Aaron (1809- ): m'd 1841 MANNING, W. Ann
CHAMBERS, R. (1806 - 09 Jun 1852)
CHAMBERS, William (c1837-1930):
CHAMBREAU, Barbara (1837-1927): m'd CHAMBREAU, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
CHANCE, James (1844- ): s/o Samuel and Cecelia (Comiskey) Chance; shown in 1850 census, may have died on trail
CHANCE, John Marion (1839- ): s/o Samuel and Cecelia (Comiskey) Chance
CHANCE, Samuel S. (1811-1852): m'd 07 Dec 1835 COMISKEY, Cecelia Elnora; father of 9 children; died near Ft. Laramie during emigration
CHANCE, Sarah E. (1850- ): s/o Samuel and Cecelia (Comiskey) Chance; shown in 1850 census, may have died on trail
CHANCE, William Greene (1849-1919): s/o Samuel and Cecelia (Comiskey) Chance
CHANEY, John M.:
CHAPMAN, Enoch ( -1896):
CHAPMAN, Hannah Elizabeth (1833-1920): m'd 1851 MARCY, William Colwell; d/o
Jesse and Mahala (Hardesty) Chapman; died at Santa Barbara, CA
CHAPMAN, Henry Lensen (1831-1902): m1. 1851 WOODRUFF, Sarah Leonora; s/o Jesse
and Mahala (Hardesty) Chapman; died at Oakland, CA
CHAPMAN, Isaac Newton (1838-1914): m'd 1868 DUDLEY, Harriet June; s/o Jesse and Mahala (Hardesty) Chapman; died at Alameda, CA
CHAPMAN, Jesse James (1836-1910): m1. PRINCE, Mary Ann; m2. WOODRUFF, Mary Eliza; s/o Jesse and Mahala (Hardesty) Chapman; died at Tacoma, WA
CHAPMAN, Jesse Smith (1799-1853): m1. 1817 Wallace, Elizabeth; m2. 1823 HARDESTY, Mahala; s/o William and Hannah (Smith) Chapman. Jesse and his family left from Platteville, WI. He was the father of 11 children, 3 by his first wife (Nancy, Elinor, Lemuel) and 8 by his second wife (Infant son, Mary Ann, William Smith, Nelson Baker, Henry Lensen, Hannah Elizabeth, Jesse James, Isaac Newton). Kesse died at Portland, OR.
CHARMAN, Thomas S. (08 Sep 1829-27 Feb 1907): m'd 1854 DILLER, Sophia; s/o Arthur and Rebecca (Garten) Charman; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon
"Merchant and banker, was born in Surrey Co.,
England, the son of Arthur and Rebecca Garten Charman. Educated in
England, he came to America, 1848, and to Oregon City, 1852. Purchasing
the former mercantile business of the Hudson's Bay Co,, (operated by Allan,
McKinlay & Co.) he entered into partnership with Arthur Warner, 1853, as Charman
& Warner; although this partnership was disolved in 11865, Charman continued in
business thirty years longer. He was one of the organizers of the Oregon
City Woolen Mills, and the Willamette Falls Electric Co. In 1882 he was a
leader in organizing the Bank of Oregon City, becoming its prresident. He
was an organizer of the Republican party in Oregon, and long politically active,
being mayor of Oregon City, 1871-1881. In 1854 he married Sophia Diller;
they had five children. Charman was a major of volunteers Oregon State
Militia, 1865-66."
CHASE, William (c1827- ):
CHASTAIN, William (1831- ): may be emigrant of 1855
CHEADLE, Eveline: m'd 1849 CHEADLE, Raphael; maiden name unknown at this time
CHEADLE, Raphael (1829- ): m'd 1849 [ ], Eveline
CHENOWETH, John (1827-1872): m'd 1849 DIXON, Melinda
CHESHER, James Pryor (14 Oct 1824-08 Nov 1900): m'd 07 Apr 1846 MCCONNELL, Susan; buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
CHILDERS, Henry Marion (1836-1914): m1. 1862 MAUPIN, Sarah Elizabeth; m2. c1883 PAIR, Jane; m3. c1901 MANN-JACKSON, Helen Mrs.; s/o Thomas and Polly (Hinton) Childers
CHILDERS, Sarah Elizabeth (c1843-1886): m'd 1858 RICHARDSON, Richard Clayton; d/o Thomas and Polly (Hinton) Childers
CHILDERS, Thomas Griffin (1810-1885): m1. 1813 HINTON, Polly Ann Mary; m2 1850 MITCHELL, Nancy Jane; s/o William and Elizabeth (Graham) Childers; it is believed that a son, Albert (1835-?) died prior to emigration
CHILDERS, Victoria Winston Valicia (c1839-1917): m'd 1855 BROWN, Simpson S.; d/o Thomas and Polly (Hinton) Childers
CHIPMAN, John (1828- ): m'd 1851 DAVIS, Amanda M.
CHIPMAN, Marshall M. (1822- ):
CHITTENDEN, William Lyman (1833-1914):
*25) CHURCH, H.:
CHURCH, Harriet M. (1833-1925): m1. c1852 RANDALL, David G.; m2. c1857 ALLEN, Andrew Jackson; d/o Stephen and Jerusha (Herrick) Church; Harriet was born 20 Jul 1833 NY and died 03 Jun 1925 Umatilla Co, OR; mother of two children by first husband (Mary A. and William); mother of five children by second husband (Sarah Bell, Lewis N., Almeda Harriet, Edwin S., and John A.)
CHURCH, Nathaniel (1814- ):
CHURCHILL, Alexander H. ( -1914):
CLAGGETT, Benjamin Mason (1819-1859): m'd 17 Apr 1834 IRVINE, Elizabeth Hadley; s/o Thomas and Mary (Mason) Claggett
CLAGGETT, Charles (1813-1902): m'd 03 Jul 1832 IRVINE, Mary South; s/o Thomas and Mary (Mason) Claggett; emigrated with 2 wagons, 7 yoke of oxen and some cows
CLAGGETT, Charles S. (1835-1899): m'd 1879 STEPHENS, Phebe A.; s/o Benjamin and Elizabeth (Irvine) Claggett; father of 1 child (Elizabeth)
CLAGGETT, Elizabeth A. (1844-1858): never married; d/o Charles and Mary (Irvine) Claggett
CLAGGETT, Elizabeth Sophronia (1847-1939): m'd 1868 KERNS, Samuel Flemming; d/o Benjamin and Elizabeth (Irvine) Claggett;
CLAGGETT, Jesse Irvine (1841-1929): m'd 25 Dec 1859 BROWN, Nancy E.; s/o Benjamin and Elizabeth (Irvine) Claggett; father of 5 children (George Woodford, Sarah C., Benjamin F., Harriet E. and Frances S.)
CLAGGETT, John Benjamin (1850-1864): never married; s/o Charles and Mary (Irvine) Claggett; died when accidentally shot himself when out hunting
CLAGGETT, Martha Orena (1848-1884): m'd 21 Aug 1870 SAVAGE, Henry H.; d/o Charles and Mary (Irvine) Claggett; mother of 5 children (Mary Eugenia, John Claggett, Leon Crawford, Ennis Henry and Charles); died of broken neck when thrown from her horse
CLAGGETT, Mary (1837-1908): m'd 1856 KELLY, Arthur; d/o Benjamin and Elizabeth (Irvine) Claggett; mother of 6 children (William, Jane, Araminta, Mary and 2 unknown)
CLAGGETT, Margaret Ann (1838-1908): m'd 12 Sep 1854 WING, Martin; d/o Benjamin and Elizabeth (Irvine) Claggett; mother of 14 children (Charles William, Milton Irving, Leonidas Alonzo, Stephen, James Edward, Rose Ella, Emma Alice, Martha, Mary Elizabeth, Frank L., Harriet Ann, Dollie May, Samuel Patrick Henry and Joseph)
CLAGGETT, Mary Margaret (1835-1879): m'd 21 Dec 1854 MCNARY, Hugh Linza; d/o Charles and Mary (Irvine) Claggett; mother of 10 children (Mary Elizabeth, Sarah E., Martha, Eliza N., Harriet R., John Hugh, Ella, James, Charles L.and Julia M.)
CLAGGETT, Robert A. (1844-1858): s/o Benjamin and Elizabeth (Irvine) Claggett
CLAGGETT, Sarah Ann "Sallie" (1838-1895): m'd 31 Aug 1854 PUGH, John M.; d/o Charles and Mary (Irvine) Claggett; mother of 8 children (Charles W., Mary J., Robert A., Ella A., Agnes, John, Delman and Martha Elva)
CLAGGETT, William D. (1840-1911): m1. HENNESS, Ella; m2. 03 Dec 1871 PARRISH, Eliza J.; m3 1905 MCFARLAND, Elizabeth JACOBS (divorced 1908); s/o Charles and Mary (Irwin) Claggett; father of 2 children by first wife (Anna May and Iva Ellen); father of 9 children by second wife (Mary Amelia, Charles William, Archibald, Thomas, Clyde Cook, Benjamin Lloyd, Margaret, Harriet and Georgie D.)
CLARK, Alexander Carroll (1829-1886): m'd 22 Jul 1849 BAKER, Eliza Jane; s/o James and
Harriett (Stinson) Clark; descended from a prominent Revolutionary War family;
educated in IA; although he settled briefly in Marion Co, OR he spent the
majority of his life in Cowlitz County where he engaged in farming and cattle
raising; fought in Indian uprisings in Washington territory; buried
Catlin Cemetery, Longview, Cowlitz County, Washington
*1) CLARK, Alvin Capt.(1818- ): m1. 30 Aug 1823 GIBBS, Laurinda; m2. c1850 Moore MILLER, Mary; m3. SIMPSON, Effariah "Effie"; led party to Oregon; wife was widow of William M. Moore; went on to Benton Co; wife and one child died on trail of mountain fever
CLARK, Amanda ( -1906): m'd BACON, [ ]
CLARK, Benjamin (1819-1852): m'd SANDERS, Tabitha; Benjamin, his wife and one son died on the trail in Idaho of cholera
*1) CLARK, Bertha Rosetta (1818-1886): m'd 21 Aug 1833 LONG Ransom; d/o John and Anar (Gibbs) Clark
*1) CLARK, Dewitt: s/o Alvin and Laurinda (Gibbs) Clark
*1) CLARK, Emeline: d/o Alvin and Laurinda (Gibbs) Clark
CLARK, Frances V. R.: m'd CLARK, William; maiden name unknown at this time
*1) CLARK, Hannah: d/o Alvin and Laurinda (Gibbs) Clark
*1) CLARK, Helen Clara (1852- ): d/o Alvin andMary (Miller) Clark
*1) CLARK, Henry Clarence (1851- ): s/o Alvin andMary (Miller) Clark
CLARK, Hester A. (1837-1915) m1. 1864 BERRY, Franklin K.; m2. 13 Feb 1872 MURRAY, Isaiah G.; d/o Benjamin Clark and Tabitha (Sanders) Clark
*1) CLARK, Howard: s/o Alvin and Laurinda (Gibbs) Clark
CLARK, Isaac (1807-10 Jun 1852): died on trail
CLARK, J. D. ( -1852): died on trail
CLARK, James A. (1786- ):
CLARK, James G. (1808- ):
CLARK, James T. (1829-1907): m'd 1863 YOUNG, Mary E. "Lizzie"
"CLARK, JAMES T.--Is a resident of Lebanon, Linn County, and a farmer. Born in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1829; married Mary E. Young, and their children are Sciotha E., Ollie C., James T., Mary A., Viola L., and William E." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 755]
CLARK, Jane (1831-1917): m'd CLARK, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
*1) CLARK, John (1836- ): s/o Alvin and Laurinda (Gibbs) Clark
CLARK, John J. (1840-1852) died on the trail in Idaho of cholera; s/o Benjamin Clark and Tabitha (Sanders) Clark
CLARK, Mary ( -1852): m'd TILLOTSON, George
"TILLOTSON, GEORGE--Is a millwright and resides at Dallas, Polk County. He was born in New York in 1816; came to Oregon and settled at Oregon City. He married Mary Clark, who died on the plains in 1852. In 1854 he was married to Eliuira Moore; their children's names are Ellen, William, Lemuel, and Eddie E." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 788]
CLARK, Nancy (1824-1917): m'd CLARK, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
CLARK, Rachel: m'd 1833 CLARK, James G.; maiden name unknown at this time
CLARK, Reece (1844/7-1921): m1. 20 Nov 1867 RICHARDSON, Mary E.; m2. 17 Nov 1876 SMITH, Florence Luella; s/o Benjamin Clark and Tabitha (Sanders) Clark
CLARK, Richard ( - ):
CLARK, Sylvia D.: m'd 29 Jul 1843 DURHAM, D. O.
*8) CLARK, Thomas: + family
CLARK, William ( -1852): m'd [ ],
Frances V. R. ; died on trail
CLARK, William Edward (1834-1912): m'd 23 Dec 1855 TATUM, Lavina; s/o Benjamin Clark and Tabitha (Sanders) Clark; both parents died of cholera on the trail in Idaho
CLARK, W.J. (1836- ):
CLARKE, Abigail M. "Abbie" (22 Jul 1822-22 May 1914): m'd 02 Apr 1856 CARDWELL, Byron Perrin; d/o William and Lucretia (Dexter) Clarke; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
"Early Portland school teacker,
arrived in this 'Stumptown on the Willamette' in Sept. 1852, from her home is
South Hadley, Mass. She taught briefly at Portland Academy and Female
Seminary, but soon accepted an offer to teach in the local free school, where
she became the city's second public school teacher. She had an average
daily attendance of over 90 pupils. With her going in 1853 the school was
closed for more than a year. Thereafter her years in the teaching
profession were few in number. In 1856 she married Byron Cardwell of
Portland; they had one son." [sic-two children-- Alice Cardwell
1859-1863;;Herbert William Cardwell (1867-1905)]
CLARY, Children: children of Barbara Stephenson CLARY
CLARY, J. B. Capt ( -1862):
CLARY, J. V.: with Kerns company
*18) CLASON, John H ( -1852).: born in Maine,
he joined at St. Joseph, MO; paid $100 to travel with Scott company. He
died August 30 on Burnt River.; "Mr. Clason, the young man who has been
sick was still alive when we started this morning, was so near gone we did not
wish to remove him. We therefore left horses and a wagon, a tent and
three men to attend him. he came from the state of Maine, and joined us
at St. Joe; he was highly esteemed among us. Mr. Clason died one and a
half hour later. The men buried him at four o'clock and overtook the
company at 9 o'clock [Covered Wagon Women Vol 5, Journal of Abigail Jane Scott
Note: There are a couple of different
ways to spell Clawson and Clauson, both are used in association with our
family, but Elizabeth Hurshaw Clawson�s tombstone has Clawson and this is the
preferred spelling of the family now.
CLAWSON, David N. (1842-1910): m'd 1877 DENNY, Mary P.; s/o Ephraim and Elizabeth (Hurshaw) Clawson; born April 27, 1842 Fountain County, Indiana; married: January 19, 1877 to Mary P. Denny (1848-1906) in Columbia County, Washington; died: January 27, 1910 Columbia County, Washington; buried: Starbuck Cemetery, Staruck, Columbia County, Washington
CLAWSON, Ephriam (1820-1854): m'd 1832 HURSHAW, Elizabeth; born: 1810 Montgomery County, Ohio; married May 15, 1832 to Elizabeth Hurshaw in Fountain County, Indiana; died: June 9, 1854 on his DLC in Polk County, Oregon; buried on his DLC claim
CLAWSON, Catherine (1835-1924): m1. 1854 HARRIS, Abraham; m2. 01 Mar 1857 STANTON, Benjamin; d/o William Ephraim Clawson and Margaret Elizabeth Hushaw (Hoshaur, Hoshaw, Hurshaw) Clawson; Catherine was b.27 Feb 1835 Fountain county, Iowa. Migrated with parents to Davis county, Iowa and in 1852 across the Oregon trail to Oregon. She married 1) Abraham Harris, a member of her wagon train and 2) Benjamin Stanton who she married 1 Mar.1857. She died 7 Jan.1924 at Walla Walla county, WA. She was the mother of Martha by her first husband and by Stanton she had six more children; Charles, Anna, Belle, Benjamin, Mary and Frank. Ben and Catherine were hotel keepers. buried: Mountain View Cemetery, Walla Walla, Washington
CLAWSON, Hugh G. (1831- ): does not appear to be related to Ephraim Clawson family
CLAWSON, Lois Melissa Louisa Virginia (1848-1930): m'd 1865 STROUD, William A.; d/o Ephraim and Elizabeth (Hurshaw) Clawson; born: 1848 Davis County, Iowa; married: November 5, 1865 to William A. Stroud (1839-1920) in Polk County, Oregon; died: March 6, 1930 in Columbia County, Washington; buried: Newland Cemetery now called Pioneer Cemetery, Dayton, Washington The Hardships of Pioneer Life
CLAWSON, Martha (1833-1891): m'd 1853 BROWN, James Henry; d/o Ephraim and Elizabeth (Hurshaw) Clawson; born: October 2, 1833 Fountain County, Indiana; married: May 20, 1853 James Henry Brown (1821-1872) Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon; married: John Carter in Columbia County, Washington; died: August 1891 Dayton, Columbia County, Washington [photos of daughters Clara and Mary Ellen)
CLAWSON, Milton E. (1845-1915): m1. 1879 MCKEY, Maria C.; m2. 1881 MCKEY, Sarah C.; s/o Ephraim and Elizabeth (Hurshaw) Clawson; born 1845 Fountain County, Indiana; married: June 22, 1879 to Maria C. McKey (1858-1880) in Columbia County, Washington; married: April 7, 1881 to Sarah C. McKey (1859-1925) in Columbia County, Washington; died: April 21, 1915 Hubbard, Marion County, Oregon
CLAWSON, Sophia (1839-1895): m'd 1855 ELWELL, Robert; d/o Ephraim and Elizabeth (Hurshaw) Clawson; born: September 30, 1939 Fountain County, Indiana; married: December 25, 1855 to Robert Elwell (1832-1900) in Polk County, Oregon; died: August 11, 1895 Columbia County, Washington; buried: Newland Cemetery, now called Pioneer Cemetery, Dayton, Washington
CLAYTON, Ashford (19 May 1825-14 Apr 1902): m'd 14 Nov 1847 HARPER, Jemima; settled in Douglas Co; lost two
children to illness on trail; wife also became ill; spent winter in Oregon City
while wife regained health and then moved to Umpqua Valley in Feb 1853 where
they settled
CLAYTON, George H. (1848-05 Jul 1852): s/o Ashford
and Jemima Clayton; died of cholera July 5, 1852 just past Ft. Bridger in Wyoming; buried in East
Central Unita County
CLAYTON, Harriet C. (1851-12 Sep 1852): d/o Ashford
and Jemima Clayton; died in Cascade Mountains on Barlow Pass of yellow fever; buried
near White River
CLEMENS, Hugh G. (1831- ):
CLEMENTS, H. C. (1834- ):
CLIFTON, Jane B.: m'd 1826 CLIFTON, John; maiden name unknown at this time
CLIFTON, John (1805- ): m'd 1826 [ ], Jane B.
CLINE, C. A. Dr. (1850-1926):
CLINE, Richard ( - ): m'd ,
CLINE, William M. (1829-1911): m'd 1853 FULLER, Orinda
CLINTON, Sarah ( -1915): m'd CLINTON, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
CLOVER, Gefelia (1838- ): m'd O'KELLEY, Mr.; d/o Paul and Lucinda (Wilson) Clover
CLOVER, Harriet (1848-1889): m'd CAVINESS, Wesley Walter; d/o Paul and Lucinda (Wilson) Clover; died 05 June 1889 Umatilla Co, OR ; buried in Olney Cemetery, Pendleton, Umatilla Co, OR; mother of (Walter, Orval and Frank)
CLOVER, Isaac (1845 -c1905): never married; s/o Paul and Lucinda (Wilson) Clover; moved from Linn Co in 1880 to Umatilla Co and by 1900 was in Wheeler Co
CLOVER, James (1842-1918): m'd [ ], Elvira;s/o Paul and Lucinda (Wilson) Clover; died 13 Jul 1918 Kerry, Columbia Co, OR; buried Westport Cemetery, Columbia Co, OR; father of two children (Roy and Nellie)
CLOVER, Lousana (1834-1912): m'd 1853 DANNALS, James P.; d/o Paul and Lucinda (Wilson) Clover; born 22 Jan 1834 IN and died 03 Aug 1912 Albany, Linn Co, OR; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn Co, OR; mother of eight children (Lucy, Rosa, Frank, James C., Daisy E., Charles, Oscar P. and Laura Jane)
CLOVER, Mary Jane (1840- ): m'd HOWARD, John; d/o Paul and Lucinda (Wilson) Clover;
CLOVER, Paul (1811-1874): m'd 10 Nov 1831 WILSON, Lucinda; settled in LInn County near Harrisburg; father of eight known children (William W., Lousana, James, Peter, Gefelia, Mary Jane, Isaac and Harriet); county commissioner and Justice of the Peace in Linn County
CLOVER, Peter (1836-c1879): m'd CARNS, Mary; s/o Paul and Lucinda (Wilson) Clover; settled in Linn County; buried at West Point Cemetery, Linn Co, OR; father of three known children (Olive, Damon and Virgil)
CLOVER, William W. (1832-aft 1880 ): m'd CAVINESS, Mahala; s/o Paul and Lucinda (Wilson) Clover; father of three known children (Charles, Frederick and Harriet); settled in Linn County
CLYMER, Christian (1795-1877): m1. 24 Dec 1820 ROBBINS, Elizabeth Wolsey (VANCE)
CLYMER, Christian Jr. (1833-1879): m'd 1854 THOMPSON, Rachel; s/o Christian and Elizabeth (Vance) Clymer
CLYMER, Lucinda (1827-1877): m'd GILMORE, Beverly Ward; d/o Christian and Elizabeth (Vance) Clymer
CLYMER, William (1831-1903): m'd 1859 THOMPSON, Margaret; s/o Christian and Elizabeth (Vance) Clymer
COAKLEY, Andrew (c1829- ):
COAKLEY, John (1800- ): m'd 1822 CARRINGTON, Prudy
COATS, Caroline: m'd 1851 COATS, Thomas; maiden name unknown at this time
COATS, John (1804- ):
COATS, Thomas (1823- ): m'd 1851 [ ], Caroline
COBURN, C. A. Mrs. (1839- ): m'd COBURN, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
COCHRAN, Fannie L. (1839- ):
COCHRAN, James A. (1844-1916):
COCHRAN, Nancy (1810- ):
COCHRAN, Sarah M. ( -1875): m'd 1855 REDFORD, Edward
COCKLEREAS, Mary Francis (1846- ): d/o Nathaniel and Rhoda (Bonebrake)
COCKLEREAS, Nathaniel (1820-Nov 1905): m'd 08 Jan 1846 BONEBRAKE, Rhoda; buried Burt Cemetery, Dixonville, Douglas County, Oregon; was accompanied to Oregon by brother in law, John Starr Bonebrake; it appears this family may returned to Iowa for a time, emigrated again to California and then into Douglas County, Oregon by about 1864.
COCKLEREAS, Sarah J. (1848-1886): m'd 1868
BOND, William Harrison; d/o Nathaniel and Rhoda (Bonebrake) Cocklereas;
Pioneer Cemetery, Gresham, Multnomah County, Oregon
COFFEY, Alexander Lewis. (15 Mar 1831-08 Aug 1913): s/o Joel and Sarah (MacKay) Coffey
COFFEY, Elizabeth Angeline: d/o Joel and Sarah (MacKay) Coffey
COFFEY, Emily J. (19 Dec 1843-16 Dec 1860): d/o Thomas and Louciller (Baker) Coffey
COFFEY, Joel (15 Jun 1789-10 Dec 1855): m'd MACKAY, Sarah "Sally"; s/o Chelsey and Margaret (Baldwin) Coffey; wife died in 1851 and he emigrated to Oregon in 1852 with children
COFFEY, John J. Harden (1847 -1852): died on trail; s/o Thomas and Louciller Jane (Baker) Coffey [Deaths On The Oregon Trail, Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois University]
COFFEY, Child 2 ( -1852): died on trail; c/o Thomas Coffey
COFFEY, Mary Eleanor (17 Feb 1842-04 Nov 1909): m1. 1860 POINDEXTER, Thomas Simpson; m2. 1870 SHEYTHE, Ewalt; d/o Thomas and Louciller (Baker) Coffey; buried Kalama IOOF Cemetery, Kalama, Cowlitz County, Washington
COFFEY, Mary Louise: d/o Joel and Sarah (MacKey) Coffey
COFFEY, Terral "Mac"Mackay (15 Mar 1831-17 Mar 1919): m'd 1875 PATTERSON, Mary Elizabeth; s/o Joel and Sarah (MacKey) Coffey
COFFEY, Thomas C. (27 Oct 1815-01 Jul 1859): m'd BAKER, Louciller Jane; buried Aumsville Cemetery, Aumsville, Marion County, Oregon
COFFIN, Ann: m'd 1845 COFFIN, Vestal W.; maiden name unknown at this time
COFFIN, Esther Jane: d/o Vestal and Ann Coffin
COFFIN, Sarah: d/o Vestal and Ann Coffin
COFFIN, Vestal W. Jr.: s/o Vestal and Ann Coffin
COFFIN, Vestal W. (1817-1854): m'd 1845 [ ], Ann
COFFMAN, George Washington (30 Sep 1845-11 Mar 1913):
m'd 22 Dec 1869 HESS, Mary "Polly"; s/o Jeremiah and Mary (Smith) Coffman;
Historic Columbian Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County,
COFFMAN, Jeremiah (1815-13 Jan 1854): m'd 03 Nov 1844 CONLEE, Mrs. Mary (SMITH); emigrated with wife and 5 children (George W., Levi Daniel, Nathan,Sarah Isabell and step-daughter Polly Conlee)
COFFMAN, Levi Daniel (09 Feb 1847-11 Jul 1922): m'd 14 Jul 1873 CLOUTRIE, Sarah Eliza; s/o Jeremiah and Mary (Smith) Coffman; buried Clatsop Plains Pioneer Cemetery, Warrenton, Clatsop County, Oregon
COFFMAN, Nathan (09 Aug 1850-21 Dec 1922): m'd 28 Sep 1871 WALLENSTEIN, Jane; s/o Jeremiah and Mary (Smith) Coffman
COFFMAN, Sarah (07 Feb 1852-14 Sep 1928): m1. 1867 GWINN/GWYNNE, Holland; m2. 17 May 1881 DONALDSON, Andrew Jackson; d/o Jeremiah and Mary (Smith) Coffman; buried Historic Columbian Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
COHEN, N. (1825- ):
COKER, Diannah (07 Jan 1801-09 Mar 1877): m'd 30 Dec 1816 BILYEU, William M.; buried Bilyeu Den Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
COLBATH, Elijah J.: m'd HAYDEN, Gabriella
COLBERT, George F. (1826- ): m'd 1853 WHIPPLE, Edna A.
COLE, Byron (1825- ):
COLE, Chauncey (1813- ): m'd 1841 KEAN, Elizabeth
"COLE, CHAUNCEY --Is a joiner and farmer and resides at Scio, Linn County. He was born in Erie County, Pennsylvania, June 19, 1813; came from Iowa overland to Oregon; now owns half a section of land, a donation claim. Married Elizabeth Kean, a native of Virginia. Their children are Alonzo, Margaret Jane, James W., and Charles W." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 755]
COLE, John W. (1819-1852): m'd 1852 COX, Mary;
died on trail
COLE, Josiah S. (1846- ):
COLE, Lydia: m'd 1849 COLE, Stephen; maiden name unknown at this time
COLE, Mark H. (1839- ):
COLE, Rufus (1823- ):
COLE, Stephen: m'd 1849 [ ], Lydia
COLLARD, Nancy Anne (1816-1903): m'd 1834 KENT, Lewis Dozier; d/o Charles and Nancy (Carnahan) Collard; settled in Polk Co; moved later to Douglas Co
COLLINS, Emily Rogers: m'd COLLINS, [ ]
COLLINS, J.W. (1831- ):
COLLINS, Lucy Judith Margaret (18 Apr 1822-17 Jul 1896): m'd 09 Sep 1843 FIELDS, Nelson Ambrose; m2. SEBASTION, Daniel Smith; buried Fairview Cemetery, Grangeville, Idaho County, Idaho
COLLINS, Mary: m'd AUSTIN, [ ]
COLLINS, Sarah A. ( -1913): m'd COLLINS, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
COLLVER, Alfred: see 1851
*2a) COULTER, W. A.: [James Akin diary October 14, 1852; all leave the raft and go down the river in an Indian canoe except Uncle Stewart and W. A. Colter]
COLVIN, Caleb. F. (1825- ): m'd 1843 [ ], Caroline L.
COLVIN, Caroline L.: m'd 1843 COLVIN, Caleb F.; maiden name unknown at this time
COLVIN, Jane E.: m'd c1827 COLVIN, Thomas S.: maiden name unknown at this time
COLVIN, Thomas S. (1819- ): m'd c1827 [ ], Jane E.
COLWELL, William (1824- ):
COMBS, Jane ( -1913): m'd COMBS, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
COMBS, Robert G. (1829- ): m'd 1854 [ ], Julia
COMEGYS, Sarah (1849-1917): m'd COMEGYS, [ ]
COMPTON, Malinda (1836-1914): m'd COMPTON, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
COMSTOCK, Croesus Bonaparte (16 May 1828-28 Dec 1896): 09 Nov 1853 SCOGGIN, Martha Jane; s/o Thomas and Tryphena (Carpenter) Comstock; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; some sources indicate he may have come first in 1845 but that appears to be an error
CONANT, M. M. ( -1852): died on trail
CONDON, Thomas (03 Mar 1822-11 Feb 1907): m'd 1852 HOLT, Cornelia Judith; buried Masonic Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon; emigrated via Cape Horn
"Scientist, clergyman, author, was born in Ireland, the son of Mary R. and John Condon, and came to New York City, 1833. Following grade and collegiate schooling, he taught for some years, graduating from Auburn Theological Seminary, N. Y., in 1852. That year he came around The Horn to Oregon, and was ordained as a Congregational minister at Portland, 1853. He was pastor at St. Helens, 1855; at Forest Grove, 1854; at Albany, 1855-61; and at The Dalles, 1862-70. While a resident on the Mid-Columbia he discovered the fossil beds of the John Day Valley, and through succeeding years made may important geological discoveries, publishing books and articles on his findings. His book 'The Two Islands" (1902, was revised as 'Oregon Geology' (1906). In 1873 he was member of Pacific University faculty, and was professor of Geology and Natural History at the University of Oregon, 1876 until his death. Was Oregon's foremost geologist and paleontologist, and contributed much valuable data to scientific records; in later life he was called 'Oregon's Grand Old Man of Science'. Condon Hall and Museum at U. of Oregon, is named for him. He married Cornelia Judith Hold, 1852; they had four children." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 60]
CONEY, John B. (1821- ): m'd 1853 GRIFFITH, Mary M.
CONEY, Samuel T. (1832- ): m'd 1852 DONALDSON, Sarah E.
CONEY, Sarah Ellen (1846-1920): m'd LOGAN, [ ]
CONGER, Charles Washington (13 Dec 1851-15 Jan 1923): m1. SCROGGINS, Samantha; m2. BARR, Alice Adeline; m3. KEMPER, Sarah; s/o Enoch and Pamelia (Hall) Conger; buried Long Creek Cemetery, Long Creek, Grant County, Oregon
CONGER, Enoch (29 Jul 1819-06 Aug 894): m'd 1846 HALL, Pamelia; s/o Zachariah and Tacy (Barr) Conger; buried Long Creek Cemetery, Long Creek, Grant County, Oregon
CONGER, Jesse Martin (11 Nov 1848-Jan 1850): s/o Enoch and Pamelia (Hall) Conger; died of fever prior to emigration in Wapello, Iowa
CONGER, Mary Elmira (03 Mar 1846-18 Apr 1921): m'd CROWLEY, Charles C.; d/o Enoch and Pamelia (Hall) Conger; buried Long Creek Cemetery, Long Creek, Grant County, Oregon
CONGER, Nancy Chiaretta (05 Aug 1850-30 Mar 1894): m'd BROWNING, Linneaus Nathan; d/o Enoch and Pamelia (Hall) Conger; buried Pioneer Cemetery, Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
CONKLETON, Joseph; See Joseph Crankelton
KONKIRK, Rosaniah (1826-23 May 1852): died on trail
CONKWRIGHT, Mary Ann: m'd 1847 KOONTZ, Martin V.
CONLEE, James M. ( -1916):
CONLEE, James Wilson ( -1914):
CONN, Harrison S. (1845-1925):
CONNELL, Thomas (c1850-1907): s/o William and Jane (Dyer) Connell
CONNELL, William (1822- ): m'd 1847 DYER, Jane; s/o Thomas Connell; born in County Cork, Ireland; took up donation land claim in Clackamas County; 1860 Wasco County, Oregon census shows William and Jane with children Thomas, c1850; Margaret, c1854; Emma, c1856 and Mary, c1858.
CONNER, Elsie Jane (17 Sep 1848-07 Sep 1895): m'd CLENDENIN, William Murry; d/o Joseph and Phoebe (Kirkendall) Conner; died Thurston County, Washington
CONNER, Joseph Harrison Sr.:(06 Aug 1814-28 Mar 1856): m'd 07 Jan 1840 KIRKENDALL, Phoebe Martha; s/o James Conner; buried Masonic Memorial Park, Tumwater, Thurston County, Washington
CONNER, Martha Ann (25 Jan 1845-04 Jul 1902): m'd 1865 ELLIS, Issac Chase; m2. 1898 SAPP, William Leroy; d/o Joseph and Phoebe (Kirkendall) Conner; buried Masonic Memorial Park, Tumwater, Thurston County, Washington
CONNER, Martin M. ( - 01 May 1852): died on trail
CONNER, Milton D. (29 Aug 1842-05 Jun 1921): s/o Joseph and Phoebe (Kirkendall) Conner; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Auburn, King County, Washington
*3) CONNOR, Hannah Jane (23 Feb 1831-30 Jan 1875): m'd 1849 DYKSTRA,
Lubbert Jacob; d/o Robert and Nancy (Maxon) Conner; buried
Pleasant Hill Pioneer Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
CONNOR, James ( - 28 May 1852): died on trail
*3) CONNOR, John Robert (22 Feb 1819-Jun 1878), m'd 10 Sep 1843 DAVIS, Catherine Alvira; s/o Robert and Nancy (Maxon) Conner; died Coos County, Oregon; most records list him as Conner
*3) CONNOR, Mary Elizabeth (15 Jul 1823-16 Aug 1898): m'd 1841 METZKER, John; d/o Robert and Nancy Ann (Maxon) Conner; buried IOOF Cemetery, Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon
*3) CONNOR, Rachel Mariah (06 Mar 1833-01 Mar 1853): m'd 1848 SYRON, John Fredrick; d/o Robert and Nancy (Maxon) Conner; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
*3) CONNOR, Robert (09 Jan 1792 -24 Nov 1862): m'd 24 May 1812 MAXON, Nancy Ann; s/o William and Elizabeth (Forman) Conner; wife died in east prior to emigrating; buried Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
CONNETT, Isaac (1840- ): m'd 1870 COOK, May E.
"CONNETT, ISAAC--Isaac, William L., and Jasper Connett, brothers, came to Oregon across the plains in 1852. The first named was born in 1840; the second in 1849, and the third in 1852. They are farmers and reside at Buena Vista, Polk County. Isaac Connett married May E. Cook in 1870, and has Eva A., Irena M., Elsie A., Rosetta E., and Bessie M. William married Harriet L. Cook in 1874, and has Laui;a B., Viola M., Ira W., Nettie L., Effie L., and Delina L." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 755]
CONNETT, Jaspet (1852- ):
CONNETT, Sarah: m'd 1839 CONNETT, T.; maiden name unknown at this time
CONNETT, T. (1809- ): m'd 1839 [ ], Sarah
CONNETT, William L. (1849- ): m'd 1874 COOK, Harriet L.
*27) CONNOR, James A. (1837-1911): s/o James and Eliza (Risk) Connor
*27) CONNOR, James Jr. (1804-1878): m1. 1828 RISK,Eliza Melvina; m2. 1843/44 MARTIN, Martha; settled on DLC in Linn Co
*27) CONNOR, Joseph (c1831-aft 1880): s/o Jamesand Eliza (Risk) Connor
*27) CONNOR, Malvina Amanda (1840-c1865): m'dWILLIAMS, John M.; d/o James and Eliza (Risk) Connor
*27) CONNOR, Martha:
*27) CONNOR, Milton J. (1845- ): m'd 1884JEFFRIES, Martha F.; s/o James and Martha (Martin) Connor
*27) CONNOR, William Risk (1835-1919): m1. 1855BROWN, Susannah Elizabeth; m2. 1873 [ ], Sarah; s/o James and Eliza (Risk) Connor
CONRAD, David (1812- ): m1. CRUZAN, Lucy M.; m2. WOOLEN, McElvy
CONSTANT, Eliza Alice (1851-1866):
d/o Isaac and Lucinda (Merriman) Constant
CONSTANT, Elizabeth Merriman (1839-1900): m'd LEEVER, William Thacker d/o Isaac and Lucinda (Merriman) Constant
CONSTANT, Isaac (1809-1890): m'd MERRIMAN, Lucinda; Isaac was originally a pioneer to OR in 1849; he took a claim under the Homestead Law and returned to IL in 1850, disposed of his property and with his family and neighbors emigrated to OR again in 1852 and settled in at Central Point; during a particularly hard winter he shared his crop of potatoes with the starving Indians of the area; during the Indian wars his kindness was remembered by the local tribes and his family was spared from harassment
CONSTANT, Josephine Frances (1843-1845): d/o Isaac and Lucinda (Merriman) Constant
CONSTANT, Julia Ann (1841-1936): m'd OWENS, William A.; d/o Isaac and Lucinda (Merriman) Constant
CONSTANT, Lavinia Jane (1834-1931): m'd ROBINSON, Jesse; d/o Isaac and Lucinda (Merriman) Constant
CONSTANT, Margery Edmondson (1845-1931): m'd MAGRUDER, Constantine; d/o Isaac and Lucinda (Merriman) Constant
CONSTANT, William Thomas (1836-1868): m'd BLEDSOE, Jessie; s/o Isaac and Lucinda (Merriman) Constant
CONWAY, Clarinda: m'd MURRAY, Alexander Hamilton; settled in Clatskanie area in
1860s; buried in Maplewood Cemetery, Columbia Co, in unmarked grave
CONWAY, Nancy: m'd GREVE, [ ]
CONYERS, Enoch Ward (02 Dec 1818-08 Oct 1923): m'd 12 Oct 1853 BRYANT, Hannah Crane; s/o Enoch and Mary Williams (West) Conyers; buried Maplewood Cemetery, Clatskanie, Columbia County, Oregon
"Pioneer, soldier, politician, was born in Kentucky, the son of Enoch and Mary Williams Conyers. After service in the Mexican War from Illinois, he returned there and studied medicine. Coming to Oregon in 1852 he resided in turn at Portland, Hillsboro, Oak Point, and finally at Clatskanie, where he settled on a donation land claim and for years was the only man with any knowledge of medicine between Portland and Astoria. He served in the State Legislature, 1860, 1862 and 1905. He married Hannah C. Bryant, 1853; they had nine children." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 61]
COOK, Andrew J. (1826-1896):
never married; s/o John McConnell and Nancy Elizabeth (Morton)
“Andrew J. Cook: lives on Applegate; is a farmer and stock grower;
post-office, Applegate; was born in Blunt (sic-Blount) county, Tenn; came to
state in 1852 and to county in 1861.”
[History of Southern Oregon by Albert Walling p. 508]
COOK, Aseneth: m'd 1846 COOK, Henry; maiden name unknown at this time
COOK, Beckwith: see 1851
COOK, Henry (1817- ): m'd 1846 [ ], Aseneth
COOK, Isaac (1828- ):
COOK, James Wilson (1827-1914): m'd 01 Nov 1854 OLDS, Sarah M.
"COOK, JAMES W.--Born in Syracuse, New York, in 1827; in 1832 was taken to Branch County, Michigan; in 1852 he came to Oregon and settled at Lafayette, Yamhill County. His present place of residence is at McMinnville, and his occupation farming and stock-raising. He married Sarah M. Olds, in Lafayette, November 1, 1854, and their children s names are Meldora R., Wilbur M., A. D., Lyman, and Bessie R." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 755]
COOK, John F. (1828-1899): m'd 1860 PROSSER, Esther A.
COOK, Martha: ( -1930): LOGSWORTH, [ ]
COOK, Osmer White: see 1851
COOK, Perry (1828- ):
COOK, Robert A. (1833-1919): m'd 20 Feb 1853 WOOLDRIDGE, Almira Ann; s/o John McConnell and Nancy Elizabeth (Morton) Cook; emigrated in 1852, wintered over in Salt Lake Valley, Utah where he married his wife and continued on to Oregon in 1853, arriving in June 1853
“Robert A. Cook: lives on Foot's creek; is a miner and farmer; P. O. address
Draper: was born in Blunt county, Tenn. 1833; came to state 1853, to county
1859: married Feb., 20,1853 to Almira Wooldridge; children, Sarah E. (dec), John
A., Wm. A., Thos. J. Robert L. and Mary E.” [History of Southern Oregon by
Albert Walling p. 502]
COOK, Seley Mansfield: see 1851
COOK, Sidney:
COOK, Thomas T.: m'd Cook PROSSER, Esther A.; m'd brother, John's widow
COOK, William B. (c1824- ):
COOKE, Leah Arabella (20 Aug 1852-08 Oct 1852): born on trail in Umatilla Valley, died at Champoeg, Marion County, Oregon; d/o William and Martha (Young) Cooke
COOKE, Mary Francis (06 Sep 1849-19 Jan 1896): m'd 28 Dec 1868 FOSTER, Francis William; d/o William and Martha (Young) Cooke
COOKE, Mildred Elvira (06 Mar 1851-22 Jul 1891): m'd 27 Sep 1873 WILLOUGHBY, Mahlon Edward; d/o William and Martha (Young) Cooke
COOKE, Sarah Elizabeth (31 Dec 1847-04 Apr 1936) : m'd 11 Jul 1863 HOWLETT, Alfred Cobb; d/o William and Martha (Young) Cooke
"WOMAN 80 RUNS HOTEL--Mrs. Sarah Howlett of Eagle Point Hale and Vigorous. AIRLIE, Ore., Jan. 8.--(Special.)--Eagle Point long has had a hotel, which is conducted by Mrs. Sarah Howlett, pioneer of 1852. Mrs. Howlett celebrated her 80th birthday December 31. Mrs. Howlett was born in Lafayette County, Mo. She came to Oregon in 1852 with her parents, William W. and Martha Young Cooke. The Cookes settled in Clackamas County at Damascus, where she was married to Alfred Cobb Howlett, July 11, 1863. Mr. Howlett died about four years ago. Shortly after their marriage they moved to Jackson County and have resided there since, excepted for a few years spent in California. She is the mother of a large family, five of whom are living. Mrs. Howlett attended her brother Albert Cooke's golden wedding in Damascus. She has four other brothers, Alfred C. and James Cooke of Portland, and John J. and Henry Cooke of Oregon City. A daughter, Mrs. Grant Shaw, also lives in Portland." [Oregonian, Portland, January 9, 1928, page 3 contributed by Ben Truwe Southern Oregon History]
COOKE, William Willis (19 Oct 1818-15 Mar 1875): m1. 15 Aug 1840 COOKE, Elizabeth S. (1820-1844); m2. 01 Jan 1845 YOUNG, Martha Jane (1824-1871); m3. 30 Nov 1873 WOODLE, Mrs. Rachel Ann (PALMER); s/o Howell C. and Leah (Kearney) Cooke (3 children by first wife all died prior to emigration); father of (Luellen, Sarah Elizabeth, Mary Francis, Mildred Elvina, Leah Arabella, William Henry, Albert Walker, Mariah Clintonia, John Joseph, David Herbert, infant, Alfred Cobb and James Howell Cooke by second wife)
COOLEY, Mary Ann ( -1852): m'd 1844 STORMER,
Isaac; second wife of Isaac Stormer; died on
*11) COON, Cornelia Evelyn: d/o Thomas and Polly (Crandall) Coon; father had emigrated in 1850; her and her mother traveling with her grandparents to OR to be reunited with him
*11) COON, Samuel: half brother of Thomas L. Coon
COOPER, Alexander W. (1847- ): s/o James and Hester (Moxley) Cooper
COOPER, Harbin Miles (1829-1904): m'd STEWART, Ann Jane; s/o Lewis and Mary (Lindsay) Cooper
COOPER, James Abraham (02 Jul 1824-20 Nov 1891): m'd 13 Jan 1850 EVANS, Sena Ann; emigrated in the Evans Train; settled in Benton Co; father of Thomas H., Nancy A., Francis Marion, George W., Mary F. and Robert;C; s/o Thomas and Nancy (Cornelius) Cooper; buried Mount Union Cemetery, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon
COOPER, James Lindsay (1824-1864): m'd 1843 MOXLEY, Hester Ann; s/o Lewis and Mary (Lindsay) Cooper
COOPER, John Robert (1836- ): m'd 1864 WILLIAMS, Lavilla; s/o Louis and Mary (Lindsay) Cooper; father of Roselia, Lillian, John A., Pearl, Earl, Ivy and Lavilla
"COOPER, JOHN R.--Born in Sangamon County, Illinois, in 1837; left that State in 1840, and resided the next twelve years in Missouri; came to Oregon by ox -train; settled in Marion County. Served in the Rogue River Indian war for six months. Married in 1864 Miss Williams, and has four children John, Pearl C., Rosella, and Lillian. Postoffice address, Independence." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 756]
COOPER, John W. Robert (1850-1914): m'd 1874 MULKEY, Emaline Reed; s/o James and Hester (Moxley) Cooper; John died Chehalis, WA
COOPER, Julia Ann (1832- ): MATNEY, [ ]; d/o Lewis and Mary (Lindsay) Cooper
COOPER, Lewis/Louis (1796 -1875): m1. 1823 LINDSAY, Mary Polly; m2. 1853 KEIFFER, Christina Jane (Christina Jane Kieffer Tate Moon Cooper was widowed three times); Lewis died at Cooper Hollow, Polk Co, OR
COOPER, Mary Frances (1844-1882): m'd MATNEY, James Madison; d/o James and Hester (Moxley) Cooper; died Eagle Point, Jackson Co, OR
COOPER, Minerva Jane (1849-1936): m'd ROUNDTREE, Patrick; d/o James and Hester (Moxley) Cooper
COOPER, Nancy: m'd 1849 COOPER, Perry; maiden name unknown at this time
COOPER, Perry (1825- ): m'd 1849 [ ], Nancy
COOPER, Thomas H. (1831- 08 Aug 1852): died on trail
COOPER, Thomas Harrison (09 Jan 1851-14 Aug 1936): m'd 1875 SCOTT, Mary Louise; s/o James and Sena (Evans) Cooper; settled in Benton Co; father of Lewis E., Minnie E., Fred R. and George E.; buried Mount Union Cemetery, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon
COOPER, William ( -04 Jun 1852): died on trail
COPE, Eliza: m'd 1832 MATHEWS, [ ]; mother of David C., Mary Jane, Ellen, Caroline, Andrew J., and Anna
COPP, Mary (1788-1871): m'd McCully, [ ]
COPPLE, John (1825- ):
COPPLE, Susan (1806-1878); m�d 1824 DIXON, James Baughman
CORBUS, Levina: m'd 1851 GANIARD, Peter
CORBY, Warren (1816-1903): m'd 1856 BIRD, Elizabeth Jane; was a cooper and member of the United Brethren Church; father of Charles William, Ella Parmelia, Nettie Harriet and Grant
CORNELL, Bertrand ( -1852): died soon after reaching Portland; cousin of William Cornell
CORNELL, William Rev. (1812-1891): m'd CASTLE, Emily; s/o Sylvanus and Sarah (Carpenter) Cornell; sent for his wife and 5 children in 1854; buried Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR [William Cornell's Journal, 1852, with His Overland Guide to Oregon [OHSQ Winter 1978]
CORNWELL, Francis (1833- ): mother died in 1843 leaving Francis and his 7 brothers parceled out to separate homes; Francis and his brother James left IA on foot with $5 between them; at St. Joseph got positions as teamsters but ended up leaving the train with 6 companions at Ft. Boise when provisions ran low; left a story of hardships and starvation before arriving in Oregon
CORNWELL, James M. (1834- ): mother died in 1843 leaving James and his 7 brothers parceled out to separate homes; James and his 19 year old brother Francis left IA on foot with $5 between them; at St. Joseph got positions as teamsters but ended up leaving the train with 6 companions at Ft. Boise when provisions ran low; left a story of hardships and starvation before arriving in Oregon
CORTRELL, Ann A. ( - 18 Jun 1852): died on trail
CORVAN, Katherine ( -1925): m'd LIGGETT, [ ]
CORWIN, William (1814- ):
CORY, A. J. ( - ):
COSPER, David (29 Oct 1828-18 Feb 1904 ): m'd 05 Apr 1857 FREDERICK, Martha Jane; s/o Daniel and Margaret (Marr) Cosper; buried Salt Creek Cemetery, Dallas, Polk County, Oregon
"COSPER, DAVID--Born in Ohio, October 29, 1828; came to Oregon and lived a short time in Yamhill County, but in 1853 went to Polk County arid has resided there since. Has been engaged in various occupations, namely farmer, druggist, grocer, and hardware dealer. Was a volunteer in the Yakima war and rose to the position of second lieutenant. Was elected sheriff in 1857 and served one term. Married Miss Martha J. Frederick in 1858, and seven children were born to them, four of whom are now living Harry B., Union Meade, Otis John, and Emmett D. Deceased Milton, Frank, and Amos B. Mr. Cosper s residence and post office address are Dallas." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 756]
COSTON, Alfred S. (1804- ): m'd 1826 PHETTEPLACE, Ruth
COTTRELL, James M. (1822- ): m'd 1845 CURL, Elizabeth
COUEY, John B. (1821- ):
COUEY, Sarah Ann: m'd 1852 COUEY, William; maiden name unknown at this time
COUEY, William P. (1823- ): m'd 1852 [ ], Sarah Ann
COUGLE, Abram Constine Dubois(14 Mar 1832-1877): m'd 02 Mar 1858 MITCHELL, Betsy Ann; s/o Martin and Catherine (Williamson) Cougle; cut off for CA where he settled at Crescent City until an Indian uprising ran him out; he came to OR in 1853, stayed a few years in Oregon and returned to IL where he married his wife in 1858. He remained in Illinois until c1876 when he returned to OR with his family; 1880 Josephine Co cenus shows his wife as head of household
COVERDILL, Elizabeth: m'd 1835 COVERDILL, Hiram; maiden name unknown at this time
COVERDILL, Hiram: m'd 1835 [ ], Elizabeth
COW, John ( -02 Jun 1852): died on trail
COWAN, Andrew (1814- ): m'd 1837 [ ], Nancy
COWAN, Margaret "Peggy" (15 Oct 1802-17 Aug 1876): m'd 27 Dec 1833 BLAIN, Samuel
COWAN, Nancy ( - ): m'd 1837 COWAN, Andrew
COWARD, Jane ( -30 Jun 1852): died on trail
COWLS, John W. (1823-1896): m1. MARTIN, Lucretia; m2. Graves (BEWLEY) Lucy E.
"COWLS, J. W.--Born in Onondaga County, New York, in 1823. Came to Oregon in the winter of 1852-53; taught school in Lafayette and near McMinnville from 1852 to 1854; his wages were usually $60 per month and board. No female teachers were employed here at that time, and when he began teaching there were only two schools in the county, and those were supported mostly by subscriptions paid at the rate of $8 per quarter for each pupil. This veteran teacher taught the first school established at Monmouth, Polk County. Judge Cowls became county auditor in 1855, at Lafayette, but continued to teach school, as the office did not pay much. He was married in 1861, to the widow of F. B. Martin, a member of the Territorial Legislature of 1852 and 1853. She came from Platte County, Missouri, in 1845. The Judge was first auditor, then county clerk on the State organization, and was next elected county judge, an office which he held for eight years. In 1871 he became state senator, but resigned after one session. He has also held the office of justice of the peace at sundry times, and has enjoyed popular confidence and esteem to an unusual degree." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 756-7]
COX, Ethan (1819- ): m'd 08 Sep1844 RYNER, Emeline
"COX, ETHAN--Born in Chatauqua County, New York, May 11, 1819. From New York he went to Ohio, and from there to Missouri. In 1852 he came to Oregon and worked for some time as painter in Portland, and in 1858 moved to Polk County, where he has since resided. Now owns property in old Independence, and is engaged in manufacturing the Champion Fruit Dryer, which was invented by W. C. Dougherty in Albany in 1881, and for which Mr. Cox has the sole agency for Benton and Polk counties. He was married to Miss Emeline Ryner, September 8, 1844, by whom one child was born, which died in infancy. Residence, Independence." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 757]
COX, Isabella: m'd 1852 COX, Jacob; maiden name unknown at this time
COX, Jacob (1832- ):
COX, Jacob (1834- ): m'd 1852 [ ], Isabella
COX, James (1815- ): m'd 1833 [ ], Sarah
COX, Mary: m'd 1852 COLE, John W.
COX, Mary Elizabeth (1814-1888): m'd 1831 MARLATT, Peter
COX, Nancy Caroline (24 Jan 1831-17 Sep 1909): m'd 31 Dec 1848 ADAMS, Stephen Barlow; d/o Elizabeth VanGilder
COX, Sarah: m'd 1833 COX, James; maiden name unknown at this time
COX, Thomas (1825- ):
COY, Matthew (1830- ): m'd 1853 [ ], Matilda Ann
COYLE, Alexander James (05 Feb 1817-08 Apr 1897): m1. 1842 SCOTT, Charlotte; m2. LEONARD, Elizabeth; first wife died at Platt River, Laramie County, Wyoming; buried Saint Paul Catholic Cemetery, Saint Paul, Marion County, Oregon
COYLE, Alexander (15 Apr 1849-14 Jul 1913) : m'd 1877 EVERHARD, Helen E.; s/o James and Charlotte (Scott) Coyle; buried Hubbard Cemetery, Hubbard, Marion County, Oregon
COYLE, James Joseph (26 Feb 1847-26 Oct 1917): m'd RAY, Eliza Henrietta; s/o Alexander and Charlotte (Scott) Coyle; buried Saint Paul Catholic Cemetery, Saint Paul, Marion County, Oregon
COYLE, Mary Ellen (07 Sep 1846-21 Jun 1898): m'd VAN WASSENHOVE; d/o James and Charlotte (Scott) Coyle; buried Saint Paul Catholic Cemetery, Saint Paul, Marion County, Oregon
CRABTREE, Sarah (1832-25 May 1852): died on trail; from Jackson County, Missouri
CRABTREE, Sarah (1829 - May 1852): died on trail; from Missouri (same as
CRAFT, Charles (07 Oct 1834-04 Jul 1917): m'd 1871 FAIRCLOD, Clarice Ann; s/o William E. and third wife, Rachel (Spencer) Craft; brother of Sarah Craft
CRAFT, Sarah (03 Oct 1819- ): m'd 18 Apr 1844 PARKER, Joseph Patch; d/o William E. and first wife, Hannah (Allen) Craft; mother died shortly after birth of Sarah
CRAFT, Susanna (Jun 1823-28 Sep 1910): m'd 01 Jan 1844 MCCALLISTER; William; d/o William E. and second wife, Lydia (Beck) Craft; sister of Sarah Craft
CRAIG, Daniel (12 May 1824-14 Feb 1879): m1. 19 Jun 1945 SWEM, Margaret; m2. 08
Mar 1853 PHILLIPS, Sarah Ann; s/o William and Margaret (Walters) Craig; appears
to be no relationship to other Craigs in the 1852 emigration
CRAIG, Ewing P. (10
Mar1809-18 Aug 1852): m'd 1832 HARER, Jemima
Jane (1817- 14 Aug 1852); died on the Snake River 4 days after death of
wife leaving three children orphans;
Capt of train until his death and then John Winn took over responsibility
*29) CRAIG, Hester "Hettie" Almerinda (06 Apr 1840-02 Jun 1870): m'd 11 Nov 1855 RICHARDSON, William Claybourne (1835-1908); d/o Ewing P. and Jemima Jane (Harer) Craig
*29) CRAIG, John William (23 Oct 1844-12 May 1933): m'd c1865 WOOD, Lydia Ann (1846-c1888); s/o Ewing P. and Jemima Jane (Harer) Craig
CRAIG, John Templeton (01 Mar 1821-01 Dec 1877):
"Cascade mountain road builder and mail carrier, was born at Wooster, Ohio, and came to Oregon in 1852. Settling at Camp Creek in the McKenzie Valley, he was one of those employed by Felix Scott, Jr., in building the first trail through the Cascade Range at this point in the early 1860s. Later in the 60s on a relocated summit route, he built trail, doing much of the new grading, often working alone for weeks. In 1865-66 he carried the mail across the summit to Camp Polk, near later-day Sisters. In 1871 the Scott-McKenzie trail came into possession of Craig and others, as the McKenzie Sale Springs and Des Chutes Wagon Road Co., with Craig as president in 1872. That year the road was opened as a toll road. In 1877 Craig again carried the mail from Camp Creek, or McKenzie Bridge, to Camp Polk and that Christmas season froze to death at his summit cabin. A monument to his memory stands nearby." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 66]
On the summit of U.S. 28, the McKenzie Highway, rests a monument and slab of rock - the headstone of John Templeton Craig who died from exposure in his lonely cabin on the summit of the McKenzie Pass . The monument and rock are a short distance from another rock that marks the spot of the cabin and near the present McKenzie Highway.
*29) CRAIG, Sarah Elizabeth (11 Apr 1842-26 Jan 1894): m'd 10 Dec 1855 GOODMAN, John B. (1835-1929); d/o Ewing P. and Jemima Jane (Harer) Craig
CRAIN, Mary (c1787-aft 1860): m'd ADAIR, William; settled Clackamas County
CRAM, Chauncey C. (1823- ): m'd 1844 [ ], Sally Maria
CRAM, Ephraim (15 Sep 1793-12 Jun 1852) m'd 1815 [
], Clarinda C.; reportedly died near Salt Lake City on his way to California;
unless he wintered over it seems to be too early to be at Salt Lake City [Deaths
On The Oregon Trail, Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois University]
CRAM, F. ( -1852): died on trail; possibly the same as above
CRAM, Sally Maria: m'd 1844 CRAM, Chauncey C.; maiden name unknown at this time
*11) CRANDALL, Amanda (1840-May 1859): m'd HUTTON, John Patterson; d/o Paul and Sally (Stillman) Crandall; mother of one child [Ida]
*11) CRANDALL, Clark Paul (17 Dec 1827-25 Aug 1893): m1. DUNBAR, Eliza Ann; m2. LAEHY, Mollie C.; s/o Paul and Sally (Stillman) Crandall; buried Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia
*11) CRANDALL, Daniel Webster (02 Mar 1838-12 Apr 1904): m'd 1852 [ ], Jane; wife died on trail; m2. 1874 HURLBERT, Anna E.; m3. HUTTON, Rachel; s/o Paul and Sally (Stillman) Crandall; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
*11) CRANDALL, Jane (c1835-1852): m'd 1852
CRANDALL, Daniel Webster; died in Idaho Aug 21, 1852; maiden name unknown
*11) CRANDALL, Emily Jane Belle (31 Oct 1846-09 Aug 1882): m'd Jul 1864 CRAWFORD, Henry; d/o Paul and Sally (Stillman) Crandall; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
*11) CRANDALL, Luke Stillman (13 Apr 1843-Dec 1923): s/o Paul and Sally (Stillman) Crandall; grew up in Oregon but spent his adult life in Colorado; buried Evergreen Cemetery, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Colorado
*11) CRANDALL, Paul Clark (20 Sep 1802-09 Jan 1889): m'd 24 Apr 1824 STILLMAN Sally (1809-1862); m2. 15 Dec 1869 SMITH, Orlena Mrs.; s/o Silas and Rebecca (Beebe) Crandall; born at Waterford, CT; 1823 moved to Alleghany Co, NY; in later years moved to Salem to live with his daughter, Polly; where he died 09 Jan 1889; Paul and Sally are buried in Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR
*11) CRANDALL, Phoebe G. (1837-03 Apr 1857): m'd 25 Dec 1853 GEER, Isaiah Walter; d/o Paul and Sally (Stillman) Crandall; buried Silverton Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
*11) CRANDALL, Polly Lavina (24 Nov 1825-21 Oct 1898): m1. 01 Jan 1845 COON, Thomas L.; m2. 27 Sep 1855 PRICE, Stephen; first husband emigrated to CA in 1850 and moved into OR in 1851; Polly joined him at what is now Silverton in 1852; Thomas died in 1854; Polly and second husband moved to Salem in 1861; in later years they moved to Hood River where he died on 25 Sep 1896 and two years later Polly died on 22 Oct 1898; Polly is buried in Idlewilde Cemetery, Hood River, Hood River County, Oregon with her second husband
*11) CRANDALL, Ray William (24 Jun 1829-19 Nov 1896); m'd 1851 HOYCK, Jane Margaret; s/o Paul and Sally (Stillman) Crandall; turned back at the Mississippi in 1852 and emigrated in 1853; stopped at Salt Lake City in 1853 where his son, Joseph Burton Crandall died; Ray was buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
CRANE, C. ( -Jun 1852): died on trail
CRANE, Nancy (26 Dec 1807-29 Nov 1859): m'd 1827 BRYANT, Elihu Granger; d/o Elihu Crane; buried Cedar Hill Cemetery, Clatskanie, Columbia County, Oregon
CRANKELTON, Joseph ( -20 May 1852):: died on trail, from Delaware County, Ohio
CRANSTON, Warren (c1826- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Susan A.
CRAVEN, Amanda Elizabeth (1822-1899);
m 1838
Benjamin Washington; born
Jun 1822 Fleming,
Kentucky; died 27 Oct 1899
Linn, Oregon;
nurse midwife
on the trail. She and Benjamin came with 8 children: Rezin, Margaret, Martha,
Amanda, James, Mary, Benjamin F., and Priscilla. Burial: Franklin Butte
Cemetery, Scio Linn Co.,Or, d/o John Cravens & Harriet Earle.
CRAVEN, Mary Ellen (06 Mar 1834-11 Sep 1897): m'd 04 Aug 1850 MARSHALL, Alfred; settled in Linn Co; buried Ucon Cemetery, Ucon, Bonneville County, Idaho
*29) CRAWFORD, Archibald B. (1849-aft 1870): s/o James and Lucinda (Harer) Crawford
CRAWFORD, Elizabeth "Eliza" (1802 -1870): m'd 1829 MOORE, Christopher Wilkinson; born near Dublin, Ireland; died September 26, 1870 Salem, Marion Co, OR
CRAWFORD, George Fisher Dr. (1818-1897): m'd 1848 GILMOUR , Mary Elizabeth; settled in Benton Co; buried at Sand Ridge Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
"CRAWFORD, GEORGE F.--Born in Grayson County, Virginia, in 1818; removed to Warren County, Illinois, in 1844; studied medicine and became a physician, and practiced for some time. Coming to Oregon he located in Albany, where he has remained ever since. Was chosen President of the Farmers Warehouse Company. Has twice represented Linn County in the Legislature. Was married in 1845, his wife's former name having been Miss Mary Ellen Gilmour. Their children's names are Georgians, James G., William W., Orville, and Helen. Mr. Crawford has extensive property interests in Linn County." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 757]
CRAWFORD, Georgia Ann (1846-1921): m1. 1864 HENDERSON, Phillip Pleasant; m2. 1872 DUGGER, Thomas L.; d/o George and Mary (Gilmour) Crawford
*29) CRAWFORD, Infant (1851-1852): c/o James and Lucinda
(Harer) Crawford; died on trail
CRAWFORD, James Gilmour (1850-1929): m'd 1871 MCDONALD, Clara Dillon; s/o George and Mary (Gilmour) Crawford; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn Co, OR; wife was also an emigrant of 1852
*29) CRAWFORD, James Thomas (1823-21 Dec 1900): m'd 27 Apr 1848 HARER, Lucinda; by 1880 was living in California
CRAWFORD, John (1824 - 18 May 1852): died on the trail
CRAWFORD, Jorasny (c1811- ): m'd 1833 [ ], Louisa
CRAWFORD, Louisa: m'd 1833 CRAWFORD, Jorasny; maiden name unknown at this time
CRAWFORD, Robert H. Dr. (1808-1890): m'd 1838 HENRY, Elizabeth M.
"CRAWFORD, R. H., M.D.--Lives in Brownsville, Linn County, and has long been a resident of that town, having the honor of being the first medical man in it. Graduated at the Medical College at Cincinnati in 1837. Served eight years in the Oregon State Senate, taking his seat in 1866. Married Miss Elizabeth Henry, and their children are Thomas H. (city superintendent of the Portland public schools), Andrew B. deceased), Robert E., Elizabeth R., and Rovia." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 758]
CRAWFORD, Thomas Henry (1840- ): m'd 1864 CRANDALL, Emily B.; m2. 1891 GROUNDS, Eva; s/o Robert and Elizabeth (Henry) Crawford
"CRAWFORD, THOMAS H.--Born in Clarksburg, Indiana, June 24, 1840; son of the preceding; crossed the plains with his parents and settled near Brownsville, Linn County. Was educated at the Santiam Academy and the Willamette University; graduated from the latter in 1863. Profession, teaching. Married Miss Emily B. Crandall in 1864, who died in 1882. Residence, Portland." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 758]
*16) CRESWELL, Donald Cargill (1830-1916): m'd 30 Nov 1851 RUSH, Mary Ann; s/o John and Mary Agnes (Boal) Creswell; born 22 Jan 1830 Tazewell Co, IL; settled in Marion County, where Creswell Canyon near Jefferson is named for him; was divorced in 1878; died 20 Mar 1916 Milton Freewater, Umatilla Co, OR; father of six children (James Edwin, Donald Fulton, Mary Agnes, John Louis, Eva Prudence and Frederick Lincoln)
*16) CRESWELL, Jabez Remick (1824 -1898): m'd 17 Apr 1852 GIBBS, Minerva A.; s/o John and Mary Agnes (Boal) Creswell; born 25 Jul 1824 Jefferson Co, IN; settled initially in Marion County and later moved to Umatilla County; died 29 Nov 1898 Pendleton, Umatilla Co, OR; father of nine children (James A., Martha A., John Isaac, D., J. Cargill, Thomas C., Addison G., Juniatti and Alfred B.)
*16) CRESWELL, Phoebe (02 Aug 1827-02 May 1863): m1. 31 Aug 1848 BENNETT, Thomas; m2. 17 Dec 1854 DELASHMUTT, John K.; d/o John and Mary Agnes (Boal) Creswell; born 02 Aug 1827 Franklin Co, IN; first husband died on trail in 1852; mother of three children by first husband (Dolly Agnes, Mary Elizabeth and John); mother of five children by second marriage (Josephine D., Millard Fillmore, Douglas, Clara Katherine and Elsworth Lincoln); died 02 Mar 1863 Polk County, Oregon; burial location unknown
CRIBBINS, William (1822- ):
CRIDER, A. (1805 - 07 Jun 1852): died on trail, from Missouri
CRIDER, Thomas ( -1852):
died on trail, from Miller County, Missori
CRIST, Richard (c1827- ): Wagons From Wapello
CRITTENDEN, Martha: m'd 1844 EVERSALE, William
CROBE, Mary C. S. ( - 12 Jun 1852) died on trail
CROBARGER, Susanna (29 Aug 1809-23 Oct 1882): m'd 1834 BRADEN,
Samuel Creswell;
Glass Community Cemetery, Looking Glass, Douglas County, Oregon
CROCKETT, Thomas David (25 Jan 1826-01 Aug 1914): m'd 16 Mar 1858 SMITH, Sarah Hunter; was hired as a single man to drive a team but was left behind when he got cholera; was picked up by a second wagon that he drove for when he became well enough; large frontiersman at 6"1 1/2 with fair complexion, medium brown hair and blue eyes; buried Providence Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
CROOK, George Gen (23 Sep 1829-21 Mar 1890): m'd 1865 DAILEY, Mary Tapscott; s/o Thomas and Elizabeth (Mathews) Crook; buried Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia
"Soldier and Indian fighter, was born on a farm near Dayton, Ohio, of Scotch-German ancestry. Graduating from West Point Academy, 1852, as a lieutenant, he served in the Oregon Country from 1852 to 1860, protecting white settlers from periodic Indian raids. His command was in the Yakima country, the Rogue River Valley, and at points in the Umpqua, along the Oregon coast, and in the Klamath Basin. Returning east in 1860, he served with distinction in the Civil War, gaining the rank of major-general. From 1868 to 1871 he was again on the Oregon frontier, this time in the eastern portions, including the Harney Basin, where he was instrumental in settling the Bannock-Piaute War. He married Mary Dailey and died in Chicago, while in command of the Division of the Missouri."
CROSLEY, Amanda Jane (1852-1932): m'd TETHEROW, James Polk Knox; d/o John C. and Ann (Bennett) Crosley
CROSLEY, Bennett (1817- 1869): m1. 1839 MELTON, Lucinda; m2. 11 Mar 1869 MCCANN, Susan (Cox); s/o John C. and Ann (Bennett) Crosley
CROSLEY, Nancy Jane (1849-1929): m'd 20 Apr 1865 TETHEROW, Solomon Southwood; d/o John C. and Ann (Bennett) Crosley
CROSLEY, Reuben P. (1846-06
Aug 1852): s/o Bennett and Lucinda
(Melton) Crosley; died on trail 06 Aug 1852
CROSS, Caleb Erastus (07 Mar 1851-08 Jun 1928): m'd 18 Jan 1876 NICHOLS, Lauriette E. "Laura"; s/o Lorenzo and Dorcas (Fairman) Cross; buried Damascus Pioneer Cemetery, Damascus, Clackamas County, Oregon
CROSS, Caroline M. "Cara" (25 Oct 1841-02 Sep 1907): m. 05 Feb 1860 WRIGHT, John Garrison; d/o Thomas and Malinda (Gowen) Cross; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
"Death of Pioneer Woman of Salem-- Salem, Ore, Sept. 3, Mrs. Caroline Wright, wife of John G. Wright of this city, died today at Seattle of heart failure. Deceased was a well-known and highly esteemed pioneer resident of Salem. Caroline Cross was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cross, and was born in Danville, Ill., in 1841. She crossed the plains with her parents in 1852, and lived in Salem since that time. In 1858 she was married to John G. Wright, a pioneer Salem merchant. She leaves two children, Mrs. Ella Rosenberg of Seattle and State Senator George S. Wright of McMinneville. She was a sister of William Cross of Portland, James Cross of Tacoma, Mrs. Edna [sic?] O'Donald of Salem and half-sister of E.C. Cross of Salem. [The Spokesman Review, Sept 6, 1907, Spokane, WA]
CROSS, Eliza A. (02 Aug 1839-03 Feb 1918): m'd O'DONALD, Jonathan; d/o Thomas and Malinda (Gowen) Cross;
CROSS, Isaac James (Oct 1849- ): m'd 03 Feb 1870 MARTIN, Francis Emma; s/o Thomas and Malinda (Gowen) Cross;
CROSS, Lorenzo Dow (24 Oct 1822-24 Oct 1872): m'd 19 Nov 1848 FAIRMAN, Dorcas; buried Baker Prairie Cemetery, Canby, Clackamas County, Oregon; headstone reads Loranzo but records list as Lorenzo
"CROSS, L. D.--Born in Ohio in 1822; was a minister of the Gospel. Died in Oregon City in 1872. Wife s previous name Dorcas Fairman. Children Caleb E., Jasper M., Harvey E., Thomas M., Martha J., Elinor E., William A., Truman, Charles W., and Frank A., of whom two are deceased Jasper M. and Martha J." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 758]
CROSS, Thomas (01 Apr 1816-05 Feb 1884): m1. 05 Apr 1838 GOWEN, Malinda (1820-1851); m2. 01 Jun 1851 SLATEN, Pluma Fidelia (1822-1872); m3. 1874 SCHWATKA, Catherine Maria (1845-1893); s/o Thomas and Ann (Noble) Cross; arrived in America from Pickering, England in 1837; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon; established a successful butcher shop in Salem, Marion County, Oregon
CROSS, William Thomas (01 Apr 1848-12 Dec 1925): m'd 07 Apr 1865 BACHMAN, Christina Lena; s/o Thomas and Malinda (Gowen) Cross; buried Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
CROUCH, Ebenezer: driver for Wigle family
CROUCH, Shipman H.:
CROW,m Abraham N. (1846-1898): s/o Michael and Harriet (Foley) Crow; born 22 Sep 1846 MO and died Aug 1898 OR
CROW, Benjamin Franklin (1835-1909): s/o John and Mary (Kent) Crow
CROW, Christina ( -1852): m'd CROW, Andrew;
died on trail
CROW, David L. (1833-1868): m'd 08 Sep 1859 MITCHELL, Louisa; s/o Michael and Harriet (Foley) Crow; born 04 Mar 1833 Polk Co, MO and died 02 Dec 1868 Douglas Co, OR; father of 4 children (Albert James, Amanda Jane, Francis Marion and Robert William)
CROW, Elijah G. (1844- ): s/o Michael and Harriet (Foley) Crow; born 1844 MO
CROW, Elizabeth ( -1852): died on trail
CROW, Euphrates J. (1849-1913): s/o Michael and Harriet (Foley) Crow; born 22 Jul 1849 and died 06 May 1913
CROW, Francis Marion (1835-1917); s/o Michael and Harriet (Foley) Crow; born 29 Sep 1835 MO and died 06 Mar 1917 Lane Co, OR; buried Coles Valley Cemetery, Coles Valley, Douglas Co, OR
CROW, George W. (1848-1863):
CROW, Henry G. (1839-1911); m1. 11 Jan 1870 BANNING, George Ann (1855-c1875); m2. Unknown; s/o Michael and Harriet (Foley) Crow; born 13 Jun 1839 MO and died 03 Nov 1911 Douglas Co, OR; father of 4 children by first marriage (Eldon A., Robert Emmitt, Michael Nathaniel and David G.)
CROW, John (1796-1869): m'd 1824 KENT, Mary McClure
CROW, John Hardy (1845-1928): m'd 1871 LANDRITH, Martha L.
CROW, Laura ( -1851):
CROW, Laura S. (1850-1903): m'd 1872 FOLSOM, Frederick W.; d/o John and Mary (Kent) Crow
CROW, Lucinda ( -1852): died on trail
CROW, Lucy Emeline (1842- ): m'd 1860 THOMPSON, William J.; d/o John and Mary (Kent) Crow
CROW, Michael N. (1798-1887): m'd 1834 FOLEY, Harriet S.; born 1798 MO and died 1887 Douglas Co, OR; buried Coles Valley Cemetery, Coles Valley, Douglas Co, OR; father of 9 children (David L., Francis M., Elizabeth J., Henry G., Elijah G., Abraham N., Euphrates J., Auzella Ophelia and Josephine Ella)
CROW, Nancy Jane (1831-1892): m'd 1848 NORRIS, Daniel
CROW, Richard "Dick" (1833-1916): m'd 1857 THRUSH, Sarah Jane; s/o John and Mary (Kent) Crow
CROW, Samuel T. ( -1852): died on trail
CROW, Sarah (1836-1926): m'd GIBSON, [ ]
CROW, Sarah Aroline (1837-1881): m'd 1856 COLEMAN, David Hesto
CROW, Susan C. ( -1852): died on trail
CROW, Thomas Nelson (1829-1899): m'd 1853 TRIMBALL, Susan B.
CROW, Whorton Henry (1826- ):
CROW, William M. (1838-1919):
CROW, William Nathan (1840-1907): m'd 1883 HARRIS, Lillie S.; s/o John and Mary (Kent) Crow
CROW, Zerelda (1826-c1850): m'd GORSLINE, William
CROWLEY, Louisa (1813-1855): m'd GAINES, Willis
CROWLEY, Louisa (1819-05 Feb 1908): m'd 1844 HUTSON, William; d/o Samuel Crowley Sr; buried Myrtle Creek IOOF Cemetery, Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon
CROWLEY, Matilda: m'd SHIELDS, James
CROWLEY, Samuel (1830- ):
CROWLEY, Sarah: m'd 1846 HAYTER, George
CROWLEY, Solomon Kimsey (1833-1915): m'd 1855 FULKERSON, Hannah Rebecca; father of Mary Virginia (1857-1932); James Monroe (1859-1936); John F. (1861-1897); Nancy Jane (1863-1899); Solomon Holt (1866-1945); Manson Kimsey (1869-1946); Ada Beulah Catherine (1871-1943); Effie Lelah (1874-1951): Ora Priscilla (1878-1956)
"CROWLEY, SOLOMON K.--Born in Missouri in 1833, the son of John Crowley, one of the first white settlers of Northwestern Missouri. S. K. Crowley crossed the plains in 1852, and traveled considerably on the Pacific Coast. Was in the California mines, and bore a part in the Indian troubles. Settled in Polk County in 1855, and still lives there, farming at Oak Grove. Married in 1855 Miss Hannah R. Fulkerson, by whom he has nine children Mary V. (Mrs. W. Fawk), James M., John F., Nancy J., Solomon H., Manson, Ada B., Effie, and Ora P." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 758]
CROXTON, Elijah (18 Jul 1822-09 Oct 1872 ): m'd 1848 GILLENWATER, Hester Ann; s/o Walter and Margaret (Griffin) Croxton; buried Huntsville Cemetery, Huntsville, Schuyler County, Illinois
CROXTON, Levina Frances (31 May 1847-16 Mar 1872): m'd FENDER, Eli; d/o Thomas and Hannah (Box) Croxton; buried Millville Masonic Cemetery, Millville, Shasta County, California
CROXTON, Margaret C. (10 Nov 1838-31 Oct 1914): m'd 1854 TUFFS, James Priestley; d/o Thomas and Hannah (Box) Croxton; buried Grants Pass Masonic Pioneer Cemetery, Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon
CROXTON, Margaret Mary (05 Oct 1827-20 Feb 1858): m1. 1848 DIMICK, Thomas Jackson; m2. 1854 VANNOY, James N.; d/o Elijah and Hester Ann (Gillenwater) Croxton; buried Sloan Cemetery, Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon
CROXTON, Mary Amanda (07 May 1851-19 Dec 1913): m'd 1874 GRAHAM, Amos N.; d/o Elijah and Hester Ann (Gillenwater) Croxton; buried Byron Amorita Cemetery, Byron Township, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma
CROXTON, Sarah Jane (08 Aug 1844-08 Jul 1915): m'd 1861 DIMICK, Ebenezer; d/o Thomas and Hannah (Box) Croxton; buried Croxton Memorial Park, Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon
CROXTON, Thomas (15 Feb 1817- 09 Dec 1868): m'd 1837 BOX, Hannah; came from Shelton Co, Stafford, England; settled near Salem, OR in 1852; family later settled near Grants Pass; pictures of Croxton family hanging in foyer of Newman Church in Grants Pass; buried Grants Pass Masonic Pioneer Cemetery, Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon
CROXTON, Thomas Frederick (12 Aug 1850-28 Mar 1932): m1. 1876 CRANFILL, Emma (1852-1925); m2. 1929 NYE, Mrs. Lois (HAMBLIN); s/o Thomas and Hannah (Box) Croxton; buried Wilhelm's Portland Memorial Mausoleum, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
CROXTON, Walter (29 Nov 1792-Sep 1852): m'd 10 Oct 1814 GRIFFIN, Margaret; died on trail in Big Sandy, Wyoming of mountain fever; wife died on trail May 1852 of cholera; born in England
CROXTON, Walter (13 May 1840-29 Apr 1900): m'd 1870 BAIRD, Nancy Lucinda; s/o Thomas and Hannah (Box) Croston; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
CROXTON, William Alfred (08 Jan 1852-13 Dec 1934): m'd 1881 WILLIAMS, Susan Alice; s/o Thomas and Hannah (Box) Croxton; buried Granite Hill Cemetery, Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon
CROXTON, William Phipps (26 Apr 1849-23 Jun 1930): m'd 1873 NELSON, Nancy Ann; s/o Elijah and Hester Ann (Gillenwater) Croxton; buried Mount Sterling Cemetery, Mount Sterling, Brown County, Illinois
CRUSE, Henry ( -1852): died on trail
CRUSON, George W. (1810- ):
CRUZAN, Carolina (1847-1918): m'd CRUZAN, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
CULLOCH, William ( - ):
CULP, Charity (10 Jul 1827-21 Apr 1927): m'd 1846 BAKER, George Washington; d/o John and Rachel (Baker) Culp; buried Bayview Memorial Cemetery, Warren, Columbia County, Oregon
CULVER, William B. (1823-1890): m'd GLOVER, Louisa J.; arrived via ship
CUMMINS, Anna Maria (25 Nov 1843-12 Aug 1930): m1. 01 Jul 1860 WIRTZ, Ash; m2. 03 Nov 1866 FULLER, John Lewis; d/o Erwin and Martha (Bird) Cummins
CUMMINS, Irwin Corwin Stephen (14 Sep 1818-07 Apr 1885): m'd 05 Feb 1840 BIRD, Martha Jane; buried Robert Bird Cemetery, Wilsonville, Clackamas County, Oregon
CUMMINS, Steuben C. "Ben" (06 Oct 1841 -04 Apr 1891): m'd 19 Jan 1866 WEEKS, Corrina S.; s/o Erwin and Martha (Bird) Cummins; buried Robert Bird Cemetery, Wilsonville, Clackamas County, Oregon
CUNNINGHAM, J. (1826 - 01 Aug 1852): died on trail
CURL, Elizabeth: m'd 1846 COTTRELL, James M.
CURTIS, John (1813-1877): 06 Aug 1835 MOORE, Annie
"CURTIS, JOHN--Born in Kentucky January 7, 1813. Settled in Linn County, Oregon, in 1852. Was married August 6, 1835, to Miss Annie Moore, and by her his children are William, Robert, Elizabeth, Ellen, Mary A., Almira, James, Eliza, Laura and Katie. Mr. Curtis died April 2, 1877." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 758-9]
CUSTARD, Mary: m'd 1822 LITTELL, Thomas
CUTLER, J. ( - 24 May 1852): Died on trail, from Missouri
DALE, Chauncey:
DALTON, Martha A. (1852-1913): m'd DALTON, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
DALY, D.H. (1837- ):
DANIEL, Francis M. (1826-1901): m'd GAINES, Mary Elizabeth
DANIEL, James (1830- ):
DANIEL, Rebecca: m'd TOMPKINS, William M.
DANNALS, James P. (1825-1911): m'd 1853 CLOVER, Lousana; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn Co, OR; father of eight children (Lucy, Rosa, Frank, James C., Daisy E., Charles, Oscar P. and Laura Jane); prominent in Linn County history
DANSON, Andrew (1832- ):
DARBY, B. F. ( - ):
DARBY, James D. (1850-1927):
DARBY, J.P. (1847-1923): s/o Oliver and Louisa (Webb) Darby
DARBY, Oliver H. Perry (1825-1902): m'd 1844 WEBB, Louisa E.; s/o William and Ruth (Vier) Darby
DARBY, Samuel T. (1846-1913): s/o Oliver and Louisa (Webb) Darby
DARBY, Thomas C. (1849-1908): m'd JETER, Sarah A.; s/o Oliver and Louisa (Webb) Darby
DARBY, William H. (1852-1875): s/o Oliver and Louisa (Webb) Darby
DARBY, William: m'd VIER, Ruth
DARMER, Mary Louse (1811-20 Jun 1852): m'd 20 Oct 1836 BENEFIEL, John
Wesley; died 20 Jun 1852 Fort Hall; d/o John Christian and Christianna (Hurst)
Darmer (death information
provided by Richard Rieck, Professor
Emeritus, Western Illinois Univ); buried
Good Shepherd Cemetery, Fort Hall, Bingham County, Idaho
DART, Charles B. (1820- ): m'd 1843 [ ], Isabella E.
DART, Isabella E.: m'd 1843 DART, Charles B.; maiden name unknown at this time
DAUGHERTY, Giles (1808- ): m1. 1854 [ ], Alsey; m2. 1861 HENDERSHOTT, Lydia
DAUGHERTY, R. ( - ):
*24) DAVENPORT, Elizabeth (1830- ): m'd 1848 JONES, Abraham
*24) DAVENPORT, Jesse (1833- ):
DAVENPORT, Martha J. (1834-1926): m'd DAVENPORT, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
DAVIDSON, Amanda Frances (09 Mar 1820-10 Mar 1905): m'c c1854
LINVILLE, William Jamison; d/o Carter and Elizabeth (Shirley) Davidson;
Pioneer Memorial Cemetery, San Bernadino, San Bernadino
County, California
DAVIDSON, Carter Tarrant (26 Oct 1802-30 Nov 1881): m'd 08 May 1828 SHIRLEY, Elizabeth; s/o Elijah and Margaret (Muphy) Davidson; buried Fircrest Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon; parents emigrated in 1850
"DAVIDSON, C. F. (sic-T)--Born in Kentucky in 1802 and moved to Illinois in 1830. Settled on the Luckiamute, Polk County, Oregon. Occupation, farm ing. Married Elizabeth Shirley. Children Amanda F. (Mrs.Linnville), Benjamin F.,Mary M., Margaret (Mrs. Allingham), M. A., Arabella, William M., Martha (Mrs. Stump), Isaac N., and Emma (Mrs. Washburn). Mr. Davidson died in 1881. His widow still survives." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 759]
DAVIDSON, Emeline (07 Dec 1844-09 Jun 1900): m'd 08 Jun 1871 WASHBURN, James Harrison; d/o Carter and Elizabeth (Shirley) Davidson; buried Fircrest Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon
DAVIDSON, Franklin (1842-1927):
DAVIDSON, Green C. ( - ): m1. MILLION, Nancy; m2. 1878 Mary Brown in Clackamas Co; son of an English father who became a captain on the side of the US in the War of 1812, and a mother descended from a VA family; was a circus juggler in his youth and met his future wife while on the circuit in KY; an injury led him to give up juggling for farming and store keeping in IL; 1852 he and family crossed the plains to OR by horse teams; settled on French Prairie and suffered great losses from floods; wife died leaving six children; had two children by second marriage
*25) DAVIDSON, Henry (1818- ): m'd 1840 MONTGOMERY, Sarah
"DAVIDSON, HENRY--Born, May 28, 1818, in Wayne County, Ohio; moved to Michigan, and in 1840 to Indiana; coming to Oregon he settled at Halsey, Linn County, and has since remained there. Is a farmer and stock-grower. Married, in 1841, to Sarah Montgomery, while in Fulton County, Indiana. Their children are Lucretia (now Mrs. Murphy), William M., Theodore B., Francis M. (deceased;, Thurston, and Mary E. (now Mrs. Nelson)." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 759]
DAVIDSON, Isaac Newton (16 Jun 1842- 20 Apr 1908): m'd 1865 DEMPSEY, Chestina E.; s/o Carter and Elizabeth (Shirley) Davidson; buried Tahoma Cemetery, Yakima, Yakima County, Washington
"DAVIDSON, ISAAC N.--Born in Illinois in 1842, and came with his father, C. F. (sic-T) Davidson, to Oregon, and has since lived in Polk County. Occupation, farming; residence, near Buena Vista. Married Miss C. E. Denipsey, in 1865. Children Dell, Nellie, and Chester." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 759]
*25) DAVIDSON, John P. (1818- ):
*25) DAVIDSON, Lucinda (1842-1917): m'd MURPHY, [ ]
*25) DAVIDSON, Margaret E. (1816-1887): m'd MASON,William
*25) DAVIDSON, Margaret Jane (07
Dec 1835-14 Aug 1908): m'd 26 Jun 1853 ALLINGHAM, David W.; d/o Carter and Elizabeth
(Shirley) Davidson;
Pine Grove Cemetery, Peoria, Linn County, Oregon
*25) DAVIDSON, Martha Ann (05 Apr 1840-05 Jan 1917): m'd
STUMP, Jesse B: d/o Carter and Elizabeth (Shirley) Davidson;
Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County,
*25) DAVIDSON, Mary: m'd CUNNINGHAM, R.; d/o Henryand Sarah (Montgomery) DAVIDSON
*25) DAVIDSON, Miranda (1847-1927): m'd DAVIDSON,[ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
*25) DAVIDSON, Rebecca Lucretia (1842-1917): m'd 18 Nov 1863 MURPHY, Henderson Warren; d/o Henry and Sarah (Montgomery) Davidson; born Aug 1842 IN and died 20 Jul 1917 Linn Co, OR; buried IOOF Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn Co, OR; mother of 7 children (Sadie, John D., Omer, Nellie, Kate, Carried and Claud)
*25) DAVIDSON, Sarah Jane: m'd 1851 MCCLURE,Lindsay B.; died on the trail
*25) DAVIDSON, Theodora: d/o Henry and Sarah(Montgomery) Davidson
*25) DAVIDSON, Theodore (1849-1932):
*25) DAVIDSON, William Franklin (1843-1927): m'dCOLEMAN, Annie
*25) DAVIDSON, William M. (1845- ): m'd 1867MORRIS, Rosetta; s/o Henry and Sarah (Montgomery) Davidson
DAVIDSON, William M. (1839- aft 1870 ): m'd 1873 MODIE, Martha V.; s/o Carter and Elizabeth (Shirley) Davidson
"DAVIDSON, WILLIAM M.--Born in Illinois in 1840; came to Oregon with his father, C. F. Davidson, and settled in the Luckiamute Valley. Present residence, Buena Vista, and occupation, farmer. He married Martha V. Modie in Oregon in 1873, and their only child s name is Inez C. [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 759]
*4) DAVIES, Edith Pocahantas Virginia (1820-1853): m'd 1851 PLAMONDON, Eugene Michael; d/o Tamerlane W.W. and Jane Smith (Payne) Davies
DAVIES, Harriet (1836-1852): d/o James and Mary (Richardson) Davies; unknown if she died prior to emigration or on trail
DAVIES, Henry Harrison (10 Mar 1843-08 Feb 1924): m'd 21 Jun 1868 SIMMONS, Hester Ellen; s/o James and Mary (Richardson) Davies; buried Washington Veterans Home Cemetery, Retsil, Kitsap County, Washington
DAVIES, James Franklin (08 Jan 1845- 20 Apr 1929): m'd 01 Aug 1866 NOBLE, Jane A.; s/o James and Mary (Richardson) Davies
DAVIES, James Franklin (10 Jan 1800- 29 Aug 1880): m1. 10 May 1827 RICHARDSON, Mary Ann; m2. 1853 BOYLES, Mrs. Sarah Anne; s/o John D. Davies; settled Washington county; buried Crescent Grove Cemetery, Tigard, Washington County, Oregon
DAVIES, Jane (29 Apr 1830-26 Jun 1922): m'd 07 Feb 1852 KELLOGG, John Beldon; d/o James and Mary (Richardson) Davies; buried Crescent Grove Cemetery, Tigard, Washington County, Oregon
DAVIES, Mary Ann ( -1852): m'd 1827 DAVIES, James; maiden name unknown at this time; died shortly after arrival
DAVIES, Melissa (02 May 1847- 01 Dec 1906): m'd 1875 SMITH, David Fred; d/o James and Mary (Richardson) Davies; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
DAVIES, Rachel (21 Apr 1832-18 May 1915): m'd 25 Aug 1853 MCKAY, James; d/o James and Mary (Richardson) Davies; buried Crescent Grove Cemetery, Tigard, Washington County, Oregon
DAVIES, Ruth (11 Sep 1852-16 Nov 1852): born on trail and died soon after arrival; d/o James and Mary (Richardson) Davies; buried Crescent Grove Cemetery, Tigard, Washington County, Oregon
*10) DAVIS, Aaron (1836-1852): s/o Silas and Jane Davis; died on Platte River of cholera
DAVIS, Alvah Isaiah. (Jan 1825 -1913): m'd GEORGE, Emily; buried Providence Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
DAVIS, Amanda M.: m'd 1851 CHIPMAN, John
*3) DAVIS, Catherine Alvira (01 Sep 1825-01 May 1883): m'd 10 Sep 1843 CONN)R, John; d/o Benjamin and Susan (Ayers) Davis
DAVIS, Charles Hezekiah (28 May 1835-12 Jul 1888): m'd 1862 LEMMON, Elizabeth Crocker; s/o Harmon and Martha (Shumate) Davis; buried Wilbur Cemetery, Wilbur, Douglas County, Oregon
DAVIS, Cordelia (1841-1919): m'd BRADEN, [ ]
*10) DAVIS, Daniel S. 15 Jul (1831-22 Mar 1857): m'd BROWN, Frances Hannah; s/o Harmon and Martha (Shumate) Davis; buried Mary Gay Cogswell Pioneer Cemetery, Creswell, Lane County, Oregon
DAVIS, Drury: joined William Cornell party at Soda Springs on Aug 3
DAVIS, Edward E. (31 May 1851-01 Mar 1901 ): m'd 1878 KLINE, Henrietta H.; s/o Henry A. and Hester (Hook) Davis; buried IOOF Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon
"DAVIS, EDWARD E.--The son of Dr. H. A. Davis; was born in Louisa County, Iowa, in 1851 [sic-a852]; came with his parents to Oregon. Since 1865 has lived at Harrisburg, Linn County. Married Miss Henrietta Kline in 1878, and by her has two children Wade H., and Lee V." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 759]
DAVIS, Edward W. (1832- ):
*10) DAVIS, Elisha (1840-1852): s/o Silas and Jane Davis; died on Platte River of cholera
*10) DAVIS, Elizabeth (1834-23 May 1919): m'd MULVANY, Newton Elderbridge; d/o Silas and Jane Davis; buried Leona Cemetery, Douglas County, Oregon
DAVIS, Emeline (1828-03 Mar 1899): m'd NORTON, Thomas Harvey; d/o Jane Dinsmore; buried Simmons Cemetery, Mount Angel, Marion County, Oregon
*10) DAVIS, Francis Marion (06 Feb 1842-10 Jan 1887): s/o Harmon and Martha (Shumate) Davis; died Los Angeles County, California; buried location unknown
*10) DAVIS, Hardin (24 Nov 1829-25 Sep 1912): m'd 1851 MORTON, Iva Jane; s/o Harmon and Martha (Shumate) Davis; buried Wilbur Cemetery, Wilbur, Douglas County, Oregon
*10) DAVIS, Harmon C.(1831-09 Oct 1913): m'd 12 Feb 1851 BOND, Susana Iona; s/o Isaac and Sarah (Cain) Davis; buried Dayton City Cemetery, Dayton, Columbia County, Washington
*10) DAVIS, Harmon Shumate (10 Jan 1839-1884): s/o Harmon and Martha (Shumate) Davis; died in California
*10) DAVIS, Harmon Wallen (02 Feb 1802-29 Sep 1852): m'd SHUMATE, Martha; brother of Silas and Judith Davis; s/o Moses and Winifred (Wallen) Davis; buried Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
DAVIS, Dr. Henry Allen. (02 May 1822-01 Nov 1899 ): m1. 02 Mar 1850 HOOK, Hester; m2. 12 Jun 1865 JONES, Grace; s/o Henry and Lodamia Davis; buried IOOF Cemetery, Harrisburg, Linn County, Oregon
"DAVIS, H. A., M.D.--Born in Genessee County, New York, in 1822; came to Oregon and in 1838 [sic-1852] settled in Linn County; now resides at Harrisburg. Was married in 1850 to Hester Hook, who died July 3, 1863. By her his children were Edward E., Arvilla, Zophar, Virgil, and Homer. He was married again in 1864 [sic-1865], to Grace Jones. The doctor was educated at Rock Island medical school, now known as the Iowa State Medical University." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 759]
DAVIS, Henry Clark (1792-05 Apr 1852): m'd 20 Jun 1820 MCBRIDE, Lavina A.
DAVIS, Isaac (12 Feb 1825-28 Feb 1882): m'd 1849 LEDGERWOOD, Margaret; m2. Jan 1856 HINES, Sarah Catherine; s/o Henry and Lavina (McBride) Davis; may have originally been emigrant of 1847
DAVIS. Isaac Silas (18 Dec 1827-06 May 1870): m'd 1848 BOND, Rebecca; s/o Harmon and Martha (Shumate) Davis; buried Lone Fir Pioneer Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
*10) DAVIS, James (1845-1852): s/o Silas and Jane Davis; died on Platte River of cholera
DAVIS, James J. (c1830-1890): m'd MILLER, Mary A.; emigrated to CA in 1849 and then moved to OR in 1852
DAVIS, James M. (1832- ):
*10) DAVIS, John Judge (19 Jul 1833-17 Jan 1891 ): m'd 1867 HARRIS, Maria; s/o Silas and Jane (Jones)Davis; buried Brick Road Memorial Park, Ellensburg, Kittitas County, Washington
DAVIS, John: Wagons From Wapello
*10) DAVIS, Jonas H. (1843-19 May 1925): m'd ISAAC, Margaret Mary; s/o Silas and Jane (Jones) Davis
DAVIS, Joseph:
*10) DAVIS, Judith (28 Oct 1809-01 Nov 1858): m'd 17 Aug 1833 LONG, David; sister of Harmon and Silas Davis; d/o Moses and Winifred (Wallen) Davis; buried Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
*10) DAVIS, Martha (18 Feb 1833-14 Nov 1921): m'd 1851 RINEHART, George Washington; d/o Harmon and Martha (Shumate) Davis; buried Condon Masonic Cemetery, Condon, Gilliam County, Oregon
DAVIS, Martin : Wagons From Wapello
*10) DAVIS, Mary (1827-1861): d/o Harmon and Martha (Shumate) Davis
*10) DAVIS, Mary (28 Mae 1836-25 May 1874): m'd 04 Aug 1855 BALL, William; d/o Silas and Jane (Jones) Davis; buried Pike Cemetery, Yamhill County, Oregon
*10) DAVIS, Minerva Jane (26 Sep 1847-24 Dec 1932): m'd RAVENS, David Fleming; d/o Harmon and Martha (Shumate) Davis; buried Saint John Cemetery, Saint John, Whitman County, Washington
DAVIS, Moses (1777-20 Sep 1856): m'd 26 Jan 1799 WALLEN, Winifred; died Salem, Oregon; burial details unknown
*10) DAVIS, Nancy Catherine (1842- ): d/o Silas and Jane (Jones) Davis
DAVIS, Nelson Albert (28 Jul 1826-07 Mar 1914): m1. BOND, Elizabeth Rebecca; m2. 1874 FRYER, Sarah Magdalene; s/o Harmon and Martha (Shumate) Davis; buried Colfax Cemetery, Colfax, Whitman County, Washington
*10) DAVIS, Olive (29 Mar 1837-22 May 1892): m1. LOONEY, James C.; m2. 1864 GRAY, Frederick Lutanner; d/o Harmon and Martha (Shumate) Davis; buried Mount Vernon Pioneer Cemetery, Springfield, Lane County, Oregon
DAVIS, Platt A. Dr. (1825-1902): m'd 1849 WOLF, Sophia
*10) DAVIS, Rachel (1851- ): d/o Silas and Jane (Jones) Davis
*10) DAVIS, Sarah Ann (10 Aug 1844-10 Feb 1917): m. 1860 MUSTARD, John; d/o Harmon and Martha (Shumate) Davis; buried Dayton City Cemetery, Dayton, Columbia Coungty, Washington
*10) DAVIS, Sarah E. (1852-1941): m1. 09 Nov 1869 COLLEY, George W.; m2. 27 Feb 1881 SMITH, Charles H.; m3. c1894 SAVAGE, Lewis N.; d/o Harmon and Susan (Bond) Davis; born 09 Dec 1852 shortly after arrival
*10) DAVIS, Silas (1806-1852): m'd 1832 JONES, Jane; brother of Harmon and Judith Davis; s/o Moses and Winifred (Wallen) Davis; burial location unknown; Mary Jane Long, "Crossing the Plains in 1852," 1915, p. 3, has him dying of cholera on the north side of the Platte River, probably in Nebraska [Deaths On The Oregon Trail, Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois University]
DAVIS, William Henry (31 Aug 1852-09 Jan 1854): s/o Dr. Henry Allen and Hester (Hook) Davis; born on trail or shortly after arrival; burial location unknown
*11) DAVIS, Young Man: named in Coon family records
DAVISON, Mary A. (1837-1926):
DAY, John G. ( -1896): m'd 1852 GILLISPIE, Agnes L.; married wife in Marion Co; moved to Lane Co where he took up DLC NW of Springfield which he cultivated until 1861; disposed of it and moved to 320 acres located farther north on the McKenzie river; c1863 he sold land and moved with family to British Columbia where he stayed until c1867 when he returned to Eugene area. He latter left the city and took up residence on what became known as Day island where he remained until shortly before his death
DAY, William (c1824- ): Wagons From Wapello
DEALY, David Jr. (1824-1892): m1.
1847 TUCKER, Diana; m2. 1852 RAY, Mary Jane; m3. 1865 CLEARWATER, Martha; s/o
David and Rebecca (Mills) Dealy Sr.; died in Bellingham, WA
DEALY, Nancy A. (1822-1892): m'd 28 Mar 1839 TUCKER, William Hiram "Buck"; d/o David and Rebecca (Mills) Dealy Sr.; born 22 Dec 1822 in Jackson Co, MO and died 16 Feb 1892 Linn Co, OR; buried Providence Cemetery, near Scio,Linn Co, OR; mother fifteen children (Rebecca Ann, James Patterson, David Mallory, Sarah Jane Elizabeth, William Daniel Woodson, John Thomas, Pleasant Branch, David D. Allen, Martha Francis, Mary J. C., Alcy Melvina, Hannah E., Charles Jefferson and Martin Rober E Lee)
DEAN, Comfort (14 Dec 1807-1858): m'd 15 May 1827 DIMICK Sr., Joseph; buried Alpine Cemetery, Alpine, Benton County, Oregon; note Dimick name of early generations found spelled DIMMICK
DEAN, Francis M. (1827- ):
DEARDORFF, David Harrison (21 May 1827-25 Jul 1904): m'd 10 Feb 1846 ARMENTROUT, Lucinda Amelia; s/o Christian Deardorff; buried Multnomah Park Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
DEARDORFF, George Robeson (20 Oct 1850-11 Aug 1936): m'd COLLINS, Alice Mary; s/o David and Lucinda (Armentrout) Deardorff; butied Multnomah Park Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
DECRUIS, Almon P. (1818- ): m'd [ ], Catherine
DECRUIS, Catherine: m'd DECRUIS, Almon P.; maiden name unknown at this time
DEFFENBACHER, Frederick (1843-1927): s/o Jonas and Priscilla Deffenbacher
DEFFENBACHER, Jonas Conrad (1819-1887): m'd [ ], Priscilla
DEFFENBACHER, Priscilla (1822-1899): m'd DEFFENBACHER, Jonas Conrad; maiden name unknown at this time
DEFORD, Child: c/o Samuel Deford
DEFORD, Jane Deborah; d/o Samuel Deford
DEFORD, Jasper Newton; s/o Samuel Deford
DEFORD, Samuel: I also believe that Samuel Deford came from Iowa. He had three children with him and married a divorcee in Douglas County Oregon before moving to Linn County. Two of his children married Hoskins children. Stanford Howell married Adeline Northrup in Douglas County, Oregon.
DEKUM, Frank (1829-1894): m. March 27, 1859 REINIG, Frances; Frank was
born November 5, 1829 Bavaria, Germany; to California in 1852 by Panama, to
Oregon via ship in 1853; had a fruit and confectionary store; died in Portland
October 19, 1894
DELANCY, Philemon:
DELASHMUTT, Butler Banks (c1851- ): s/o John and Amanda (Hagar) Delashmutt
DELASHMUTT, Elizabeth: m'd c1845 DELASHMUTT, Russell T.; maiden name unknown at this time
DELASHMUTT, Isabel Jane (c1836- ): d/o John and Amanda (Hagar) Delashmutt
DELASHMUTT, John Kay (1814- ): m1. 1837 HAGAR, Amanda; m2. 1854 Bennett, Phoebe (Cresswell); m3. PETTIJOHN, Mary; m4.BILLINGS, Emeline; first wife died shortly before emigration in 1852
"DeLASHMUTT, J. K.--Born in Virginia in 1814; removed to Iowa in 1836, and coming to Oregon in 1852, settled in Polk County. He was elected county commissioner. Had held several civil and military offices in Iowa. Lives now at Amity, and is recorder of that town. Has now retired from his former occupation of farming. While in Iowa in 1837 he married Amanda Harger, who died in 1854; by her he had seven children. Married in 1855, in Salem, Phoebe Bennett, by whom he had five children. She died in 1862, and he took for his third wife Mary PettiJohn, by whom he had two children. His fourth was Emeline Billings." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 760]
DELASHMUTT, Peter (c1846- ): s/o John and Amanda (Hagar) Delashmutt
DELASHMUTT, Russell T. (1820- ): m'd c1845 [ ], Elizabeth
DELASHMUTT, Sarah Elizabeth (c1844- ): d/o John and Amanda (Hagar) Delashmutt
DELASHMUTT, Van Smith (1842-1921): s/o John and Amanda (Hagar) Delashmutt
DEMENT, Russell Cooke: m'd NORRIS, Lucy Ann; s/o Samuel and Caroline (Spencer) Dement; Russell Cook Dement by Ben Truwe
DEMENT, Samuel M.: m'd 1846 SPENCER, Caroline; m2. 1866 [ ], Louisa W.; prior to emigration it appears Samuel Dement spent most of his adult life in Monroe Co, OH; after removing to Oregon he settled at Coos County where he was shown as a blacksmith in the 1860 census. In 1866, after the death of his wife he returned to OH to visit and remarried there, bringing his new wife and her children back to Oregon; Samuel died 15 Nov 1885 at Fallbrook, San Diego county, CA of heart disease. He had gone there to visit to see if a milder climate would be better for his health. Although there is marker for him in the Norway Cemetery at Myrtle Point, OR it appears that he was actually buried in Fallbrook, CA.
DENBY, Capt: mentioned in Kern diary
DENISON, John ( -1852): died on trail
DENNIS, Capt.:
DENNY, Christian (30 May 1813-20 Oct 1852): m'd 28 Sep 1834 NICKERSON, Eliza Blanchard.; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon; father of Laura, Sarah, Owen N., John, Mahala and Presley M.; emigrated with 10 yoke oxen, 7 cows and 3 horses
DENNY, Cyntha (21 Aug 1813-09 Jan 1894): m'd 12 Oct 1829 MILLER, Daniel Posey; buried Missouri Flat Cemetery, Applegate, Jackson County, Oregon
DENNY, John F. (06 Sep 1840-05 Jul 1912): m'd 05 Mar 1867 KESTER, Sarah Fannie; s/o Christian and Eliza (Nickerson) Denny; buried IOOF Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
"Politician, volunteer soldier, farmer, was born in Athens, Ohio, the son of Christian and Eliza Nickerson Denny. In 1852 he came with his parents to Peterson Butte, in Linn County, and was educated at Santiam Academy. He farmed and dabbled in early day politics until 1864, when he enlisted in the First Oregon Infantry. In 1867 he married Sarah F. Kester and returned to farming at Peterson Butte near Lebanon, where in 1881 he received and liberated a shipment of Chinese pheasants, received from his brother, Judge Owen N. Denny, then U. S. consul at TIen-Tien, China. These birds soon multiplied in such numbers as to be prolific everywhere in western America today, and are a favorite game bird of the open fields. The Dennys had two children." [Dictionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p. 72]
DENNY, Laura Ann (1835-05 Nov 1897): m'd 1853 RALSTON, William; d/o Christian and Eliza (Nickerson) Denny; buried Lebanon Pioneer Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
DENNY, Louisa Catherine (20 Oct 1844-22 Mar 1924): m'd 1862 FRYE, George Frederick; d/o Arthur Armstrong and Mary Ann (Boren) Denny; settled King County, Washington
DENNY, Mahala G. (30 Oct 1842-05 Jan 1922): m'd 1871 PIKE, Benjamin Franklin; d/o Christian and Eliza (Nickerson) Denny; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
DENNY, Owen Nickerson (04 Sep 1838-30 Jun 1900): m'd 23 Dec 1868 HALL, Gertrude Jane; s/o Christian and Eliza (Nickerson) Denny; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; wife was a Whitman Massacre survivor;
"DENNY, O. N.--Born in Ohio in 1838. Crossed the plains in 1852 and settled with his parents near Lebanon, Linn County. Was educated at the Willamette University, studied law and was admitted to practice in 1862. Located in Portland about 1870 and began practice. Was elected police judge in 1871 and 1873. In 1875 was appointed collector of internal revenue. Was appointed Consul at Tientsin, China, in 1877, and in 1879 was promoted to Consul-General to China." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 760]
"Lawyer,judge, U. S. Consul, was born in Ohio, the son of Christian and Eliza Nickerson Denny. He came to Lebanon in Linn County, with his parents, in 1852, and was educated at Santiam Academy, and at Willamette University. Admitted to the bar in 1862, he was Wasco County judge, 1864-68; and collector of internal revenue for Oregon and Alaska, 1868-70. In 1877 he was appointed U. S. consul at Tien-TIen, China, moving to Shanghai as general consul in 1880, and returning to Portland four years later. Shortly afterwards he became adviser to the King of Siam, returning to Portland in the early 1890s. Receiver of the Portland Savings Bank for three years, he retired to supervise his several farms. In 1868 he married Gertrude Hall, a survivor of the Whitman Massacre; they had one daughter." [Dictionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p. 72]
DENNY, Presley Melbourne (20 Aug 1845-31 Oct 1900).: m'd 1862 LOW, Isabel; s/o Christian and Eliza (Nickerson) Denny; buried Mount Oliver Cemetery, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah
DENNY, Rebecca Jane (30 May 1819-11 Apr 1909): m'd 17 Apr 1851 FANNO, Augustus R.; d/o Fielding and Jane (Hicklin) Denny; buried Crescent Grove Cemetery, Tigard, Washington County, Oregon; may have emigrated to Oregon earlier based on marriage date
DENNY, Sarah Elizabeth (15 Oct 1836-15 Sep 1916): m'd 05 Apr 1856 GOLTRA, William Henry; d/o Christian and Eliza (Nickerson) Denny; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
DENTON, Charles W. (1830- ): m'd 1851 [ ], Elizabeth
DENTON, Elizabeth: m'd 1851 DENTON, Charles W.
*30) DEPEW, Isaac:
DERBY, James R. (1826- ): m'd 1851 OLDS, Lucy A.
DEVAUL, Mitchell:
DICK, Jeremiah (1818- ):
DICKERSON, Joseph H. (1831- ):
*4) DICKEY, James C. (1830- ):
*4) DICKEY, R.:
DICKEY, Sarah Jane (23 Jun 1826-22 Oct 1900): m'd 04 Oct 1846 ANDREWS, William Jackson; buried Pleasant Hill Pioneer Cemetery, Sheridan, Yamhill County, Oregon
*4) DICKEY, Thomas J. (1825- ): m'd 1849 READ,Narcissa
DICKINSON, Obed: m'd HUMPHREY, Charlotte; arrived by ship; Obed was the 1st minister of the Salem 1st Congregational Church. Obed Dickinson presided over the marriage of America Waldo and Richard Bogle. Charlotte and Obed also hosted the reception, creating quite a scandal. Charlotte was dedicated to expanding literacy for the black people of that time. Charlotte�s shipboard journal was donated to the Oregon Historical Society. Obed and Charlotte Dickinson�s daughter, Cora, was born in Salem. She married Albert N Moores, a son of John and Virginia Lamont Moores, and grandson of Isaac and Jane Alexander Moores (pioneers of 1852)
DICKINSON, Josiah (1805- ):
DICKMAN, C. W. ( -1912): SMITH, Lydia C.
DICKSON, Mahala ( -1912): m'd DICKSON, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
DILLER, Sophia ( -1931): m'd CHARMAN, [ ]
DILLEY, Joseph: m'd [ ], Mary
DILLEY, Mary: m'd DILLEY, Joseph; maiden name unknown at this time
DILLON, Isaac Rev. (1823-1902): m'd 1853 [ ], Mary C.
DIMMICK NOTE: name found as DIMMICK by some and DIMICK by others. One spelling used to avoid confusion
DIMMICK, Ann (31 Jan 1826-04 Aug 1900): m'd STARR, Philip McWilliams; d/o Joseph and Comfort (Dean) Dimmick; buried Pine Grove Cemetery; Peoria, Linn County, Oregon
DIMMICK, Athalinda "Hattie" (24 Sep 1834-06 Apr 1922): m'd 01 Sep 1857 STARR, Azariah William; d/o Joseph and Comfort (Dean) Dimmick; buried Tulare Cemetery, Tulare, Tulare County, California
DIMMICK, Benjamin (05 Nov 1842-30 Nov 1869): m'd BAUMGARTNER, Almina; s/o Joseph and Comfort (Dean) Dimmick; buried IOOF Cemetery, Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon
DIMMICK, David H. (21 Mar 1844-28 Mar 1874): s/o Joseph and Comfort (Dean) Dimmick; buried Croxton Memorial Park, Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon
DIMMICK, Ebenezer (21 Aug 1836-20 Sep 1900): m'd 21 Feb 1861 CROXTON, Sarah Jane; s/o Joseph and Comfort (Dean) Dimmick; buried Croxton Memorial Park, Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon
DIMMICK, Eleanor Ellen (24 Oct 1832-18 Jun 1902): m1. 04 Jan 1853 PETERS, Coleman C.; m2. 10 Nov 1859 VANNOY, James Nathaniel; d/o Joseph and Comfort (Dean) Dimmick; buried Sloan Cemetery, Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon
DIMMICK, Elizabeth "Lizza" (11 Mar 1838-10 Jul 1905): m'd 1854 STARR, George McWilliams; d/o Joseph and Comfort (Dean) Dimmick; buried Bellfountain Cemetery, Bellfountain, Benton County, Oregon
DIMMICK, John Wesley (11 Jun 1849-13 Aug 1918): s/o Joseph and Comfort (Dean) Dimmick; buried Silverton Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon
DIMMICK, Joseph James Sr. (23 Dec 1808-01 Oct 1850): m'd 15 May 1827 DEAN, Comfort; s/o Matthew and Hulda (Ingraham) Dimmick; buried Alpine Cemetery, Alpine, Benton County, Oregon
DIMMICK, Joseph James Jr. (05 Nov 1842-18 Mar 1911): m'd 1867 KRIECHBAUM, Mary Frances; s/o Joseph and Comfort (Dean) Dimmick; buried IOOF Cemetery, Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon
DIMMICK, Lucinda Alice (02 Jan 1846-03 Aug 1924): m'd CAMPBELL, John Charles; d/o Joseph and Comfort (Dean) Dimmick; buried Roseburg Memorial Gardens, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
DIMMICK, Mary (23 Nov 1840-04 Aug 1914): m1. 30 Jul 1863 MCGRATH, George; m2. 1871 SANFORD, Eli Levi; d/o Joseph and Comfort (Dean) Dimmick
DIMMICK, Samuel (17 Jan 1851-07 Feb 1922): m'd BREEDING, Elizabeth Ann; s/o Joseph and Comfort (Dean) Dimmick; buried Riverside Memorial Park, Spokane, Spokane County, Washington
DIMMICK, Sarah Jane (1831-1894): m'd 21 Aug 1849 GILLENWATER, Joseph Cardon; d/o Joseph and Comfort (Dean) Dimmick; died Grant County, Oregon, burial details unknown
DIMMICK, Thomas (07
Dec 1828 -23 Jun 1852): m'd 1848 CROXTON, Margaret Mary; s/o Joseph and Comfort
(Dean) Dimmick; of Shelby Co,
IL died on trail of cholera;
details unknown
DINSMORE, Elizabeth: m'd 1850 DINSMORE, J. C.; maiden name unknown at this time
DINSMORE, James C. (1825- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Elizabeth; name also shown as John C.
DIVERS, Davis (1823- ): m'd 1842 [ ], Patherina
DIVERS, Elizabeth ( -1852): died on trail
DIVERS, Patherina: m'd 1842 DIVERS, Davis
DIXON, Anna (1833-1906); m�d 1854 SHORT, John Lewis; d/o James B. DIXON & Susan COPPLE
DIXON, Elizabeth: m'd 1843 DIXON, Hiram; maiden name unknown at this time
DIXON, Enoch (1844-109); m�d 1858 WELLES, Seletsy M.; s/o James B. DIXON & Susan COPPLE
DIXON, Hiram (1809- ): m'd 1843 [ ], Elizabeth
DIXON, James Baughman DIXON (1803-1895); m�d 1824 Susan COPPLE; Brother of Hiram DIXON In 1853 both he and his brother Hiram DIXON took their families to Douglas County where they settled on the North Umpqua River; was originally an emigrant of 1852 who returned east to bring out family
DIXON, James Riley (1846-1930); m�d 1875 Mary Hester CHAMPAGNE; s/o James B. DIXON & Susan COPPLE
DIXON, Jesse D. (1831- ):
DIXON, Joel (1833- ):
*18) DIXON, John (1832-1896): s/o William Dixon; brother of Robert; paid $50 to join company; helped drive provision wagon for Scott family; "To day (August 15) 5 of our company concluded to go on by water. They accordingly fitted up two wagon beds for the purpose and launded them into the Snake, they seem to answer a good purpose and if no accident befalls them they will reach the dalles in ten days or less." (They planned on floating to Fort Boise and then travel afoot on account of the river rapids and falls. The party included John Dixon, Robert Dixon, Frank Gay, Robert King and George Burns.); first worked at Oregon City as a carpenter; died 29 Feb 1896 at Lafayette, OR
DIXON, Joshua (1829- ): m'd 1852 [ ], Susan Martha; m'd at Ft. Kearney 14 May 1852
DIXON, Melinda (1829-1890); m�d 1849 John CHENOWETH; d/o James B. DIXON and Susan COPPLE
DIXON, Ralph Benton (1846-1929); m�d 1873 Nancy LIVINGSTON; s/o James B. DIXON & Susan COPPLE (I believe it is he for whom Dixonville (6 miles e. of Roseburg was named.)
*18) DIXON, Robert: m'd 22 Nov 1860 SCOTT, Louise J.; s/o William Dixon; brother of John; paid $50 to join company; helped drive provision wagon for Scott family; "To day (August 15) 5 of our company concluded to go on by water. They accordingly fitted up two wagon beds for the purpose and launded them into the Snake, they seem to answer a good purpose and if no accident befalls them they will reach the dalles in ten days or less." (They planned on floating to Fort Boise and then travel afoot on account of the river rapids and falls. The party included John Dixon, Robert Dixon, Frank Gay, Robert King and George Burns.); first worked at Oregon City as a carpenter; died 29 Feb 1896 at Lafayette, OR; did surveying work during summer of 1853
DIXON, Susan Martha: m'd 1852 DIXON, Joshua; maiden name unknown at this time
DIXON, Sylvester (Apr 1841-14 May 1924): m'd GLAZE, Mary Frances; s/o Rley and Nancy (Thompson) Dixon; adopted by James M and Abigail (Gibson) Brown
DIXON, Thomas (1841-1878); killed by Indians in the Steens Mtns., OR while freighting for the family; s/o of James B. DIXON & Susan COPPLE
DOAK, William (c1822- ): m'd 1853 JOHNSON, Sarah E.
DOAN, John (1823- ):
DODSON, Isabella "Belle" (25 Jan 1824-22 Dec 1904): m'd 1842 WINDLE, John Wesley; d/o John and Mary (Dalton) Dodson; buried Historic Columbian Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
DODSON, Joel C. (1839 - ): s/o John and Hannah (Moon) Dodson; may have died prior to emigration
DODSON, John (17 Apr 1791-17 Dec 1871): m1. c1813 DALTON, Mary; m2.15 Jan 1837 ANDERSON, Mrs. Hannah (MOON); s/o Samuel and Sarah (Couts) Dodson; buried Gilmore Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
DODSON, John Jr. (1832 - 21 Feb 1909): s/o John and Mary (Dalton) Dodson; buried Roseburg National Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
DODSON, Lydia Ann (29 Apr 1846 - 09 Nov 1920): m'd 02 Nov 1862 KELLY, Andrew Jackson; d/o John and Hannah (Moon) Dodson; buried Forestvale Cemetery, Helena, Lewis and Clark County, Montana
DODSON, Margaret (08 Oct 1839 - ): m'd 10 Jul 1859 INGRAM, Frances Marion; d/o John and Hannah (Moon) Dodson; living in Douglas County, Oregon in 1880 census; burial location unknown
DODSON, Martha May (11 Nov 1841 - 26 May 1920): m'd 1860 MAY, Thomas Madison; d/o John and Hannah (Moon) Dodson; buried Dayton City Cemetery, Dayton, Columbia County, Washington
DODSON, Nancy (14 Jan 1838 - 07 Sep 1886): m'd WHITSETT, John Jackson; d/o John and Hannah (Moon) Dodson; buried Gilmore Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
DOBSON, Rachel ( -1852): died on trail
DODSON, Samuel Houston (21 Dec 1848 - 18 Jul 1929): m'd HERVEY, Martha Catherine; s/o John and Hannah (Moon) Dodson; buried Gilmore Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
DODGE, James R. (1818- ): m'd 1841 [ ], May A.
DODGE, May A.: m'd 1841 DODGE, James R.; maiden name unknown at this time
DODGE, Pardon M. (1810- ):
DODSON, Isabella "Belle" (25 Jan 1824-22 Dec 1904): m'd 16 Jun 1842 WINDLE, John Wesley; d/o John and Mary (Dalton) Dodson; buried Historic Columbian Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
DODSON, Jeremiah (1791- ):
DODSON, John Oliver Jr. (1832-21 Feb 1909): m'd INGRAM, Adeline; s/o John and Mary (Dalton) Dodson; buried Roseburg National Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
DODSON, John Oliver Sr. (17 Apr 1791-17 Dec 1871 ): m1. 1816 DALTON, Mary Polly; m2. 15 Jan 1837 ANDERSON, Patience Hannah
DODSON, Marcellus Moss Rev. (15 Dec 1819-06 Jul 1887 ): m'd 16 Feb 1843 HARDY, Susan; s/o Oliver and Elizabeth (Ely) Dodson; buried Adelaide Cemetery, Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo County, California
DODSON, Mary Ellen (05 Aug 1816-07 Mar 1905): m'd 06 Dec 1837 BROWN, John; d/o John and Mary (Dalton) Dodson; buried Sloan Cemetery, Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon
DODSON, Sarah (05 Mar 1817-03 Mar 1852): m'd NEIL, L.; d/o John
and Mary (Dalton) Dodson; died in Missouri prior to emigration
DOGGETT, Harvey McHenry (02 Nov 1846-09 Sep 1856): s/o James and Elizabeth (Banks) Doggett; burial location unknown
DOGGETT, James Simms (30 Jul 1812-19 Feb 1868): m'd 1838 BANKS, Elizabeth Rose; in 1860 Contra Costa, California census; buried Rockville Cemetery, Fairfield, Sonoma County, California;
DOGGETT, Leona Peralee (05 Mar 1841-25 Dec 1893): m'd COATS, Felix Grundy; d/o James and Elizabeth (Banks) Doggett; buried Dublin Cemetery, Dublin, Alameda County, California
DOGGETT, Richard Vardaman (19 Jun 1839-03 Nov 1911): s/o James and Elizabeth (Banks) Doggett; buried Grangeville Cemetery, Amona, Kings County, California
DOGGETT, Susan Cassander (12 Mar 1848-19 Sep 1864): d/o James and Elizabeth (Banks) Doggett; burial location unknown
DOGGETT, William Jordan (01 Jun 1843-22 Apr 1905): m'd 02 Sep 1869 LAMBERT, Sarah Ellen; s/o James and Elizabeth (Banks) Doggett; buried location unknown
DOLAN, Mary L. ( -1915): m'd DOLAN, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
DOLBY, Herrod ( -1852): died on trail
DOLLEY, David ( -1852): died on trail
DOLLEY, Horace ( -1852); "June 30 "We passed today seven graves. Two were placed tolerably near each other one bearing the inscription "Charles Botsford murdered June 28th 1852:, The murderer lies in the next grave": The other bears the inscription of "Horace Dolley hung June 29th 1852". It appears Dolley had contracted a grudge towards Botsford with regard to some little difficulty between them--had persuaded him to accompany him in a excursion and while alone with him he dealt the blow at which humanity would at any time recoil. Vengeance however quickly followed him and he was doomed to the penalty which his conduct so complety deserved" [Covered Wagon Women, Vol 5 Diary of Abigail Jane Scott p.79]
DOLMAN, William H. (1830- ):
DONACA, Benjamin (1839-1925):
DONACA, Samuel: m'd COOK, Elizabeth
DONACA, William Bailey (1836- ): m'd 1871 HARBIN, Lenora Jane; father of John Middleton, Lizzie Ellen, William Hayes, Charles Walter, Ferrell Coler and Morton Winford; s/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Cook) Donaca
DONAGHE, Elizabeth Malvina (1827-1903): m'd THOMPSON, Mercer
DONAGHE, Sarah Wiseman ( -1891).: m'd THOMPSON, Joseph; name also seen as Denagree; born in KY and died in Oregon Sept 1891
DONALDSON, T. B. (1839- ):
DONNELL, Camilla ( -1914): m'd 1852 DONNELL, Zelek M.; maiden name unknown at this time
DONNELL, Zelek M. (1829- ): m'd 1852 [ ], Camilla
DOOLITTLE, Harriet O. (1841-1857): d/o Benjamin and Lucy (Shaff) Doolittle; died in Douglas Co, OR
DOOLITTLE, Luther W. (1825- ):
DORETY, Mary ( -1852): died on trail
DOUGHTY, Francis Wright (1810-1891): m'd MURPHY, John Ecles
DORR, Absalom: Wagons From Wapello
DORR, Dudley (c1810- ): m'd [ ], Eliza
DORR, Eliza: m'd DORR, Dudley; maiden name unknown at this time
DORRIS, B.F. (1829- ):
DORSEY, George (1830- ): m'd 1856 VAUGHN, Adaline
"DORSEY, GEORGE--Born in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, in 1830; came to Oregon and settled in Yanihill County, where he still lives. Is a farmer. Married Miss Adaline Vaughn in 1 856. Children David M., Joel P., Fannie A., Austin B., and Hattie." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 760]
DOTY, James Henry ( -1916):
DOTY, Lucinda J. (1835-1922): m'd 15 Mar 1853 AMBLER, John Alex; Lucinda was born 17 Dec 1835 IL and died 11 Apr 1922 Shelton, Mason Co, WA; buried Shelton Memorial Park Cemetery, Shelton, Mason Co, WA; John and Lucinda are divorced; after the divorce John remains in Washington and Lucinda returns to Linn Co, OR; she later returns to Mason Co, WA to live with her daughter, Libby; Lucinda was the mother of five children (Mary M., Elizabeth J. "Libby", Alice A., Barbara and David L.)
DOTY Winnefred S. (1825-1897): m'd 1844 MOORE, William Tandy
DOUGLAS, Fidelia ( -1925):
DOUGLAS, John (1794- ):
DOUGLAS, Levi (1832-1918):
DOUGHTY, Frances Wright (1810-1891): m. 22 Mar 1827 MURPHY, John Ecles; born 14 Nov 1810 Barren Co, KY and died 30 Dec 1891 Monmouth, Polk Co, OR; buried at Fircrest Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk Co, OR; mother of 13 known children (Susan Jane, William Preston, Elizabeth Frances, Henderson Warren, James Thompson, David Newson, Preston Holcomb, Nancy Angeline, Mary Adeline, Sarah Ann, Emma D., Ellen Margaret and Albert)
DOWNER, Henry F. (1847-1931):
DOWNING, Elizabeth (1817 at sea-1883 St. Helens, OR ): m'd 1836 NEER,
Abraham Caleb (1809-1889)
DOWNING, Fred ( -1896):
DOWNING, Harriet (1826 PA � 1859 OR); m�d 1843 Thomas George King; d/o Alexander and Elizabeth (Burns) Downing
DOWNING, James W. (1818- ):
DOWNING, Mary Ann (20 Sep 1830-26 Mar 1903): m'd 12 Mar 1848 BROCK, Levi; d/o Earstus and Margaret (Sutherland) Downing; buried Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon; note: parents may have come in 1852 also
DOWNING, Susannah. (1830-1919): m'd LAFFEY, Bernard
DOYLE, Emma T. (1850-1883): m'd 1872 FOSTER, James W.
DOYLE, R.I.: m'd EMERY, [ ]
DRAIN, Charles Douglas. (28 Dec 1816-14 Jun 1894): m'd 1849 ENSLEY, Nancy Gates; buried East Drain Cemetery, Drain, Douglas County, Oregon
"DRAIN, CHARLES--Born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, in 1816; went to California in 1850, but returned to the East the next year. Coming overland to this State he settled in Marion County and tilled a farm for eight years. In 1854 he became a member of the Territorial Council and again in 1857. On the admission of the State he became state senator and was chosen president of the senate. Removed to Douglas County in 1860. Residence, Drain. Occupation, farming. Married in 1839 to Miss Nancy G. Ensley, by whom he has had eight children, of whom three live John C., Catharine A. (Mrs. Simon Lane), and Charles D." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 760-61]
"Town founder and state senator from Douglas Co., was born in Lancaster Co, Pa., the son of Charles and Esther Wilson Drain. When five years of age, soon after removal to Indiana, both parents died. Adopted by John Duncan, he lived on an Indiana farm until 16, when he left for farm work elsewhere and a limited schooling. From 1836-39 he worked as a plasterer. Marrying in 1849 he engaged in farming until 1842, living in Iowa. In 1850 he set out for the California gold fields but stopped in Nevada instead. Late in 1851 he returned home. The following year, with his family, which included three children, he crossed the plains, this time to Oregon. For eight years he farmed near Albany, but in 1860 removed to Douglas Co. Here he aquired 1,700 acres of land. In 1871 he donated 60 aces to the O. & C. R. R. when the town of Drain was laid out. By his wife Catherine Jane Ensley [error- wife was Nancy Gates Engley] he had eight children. On several occasions, from Linn Co., 1854 and Douglas Co., 1867, he served in the legislature, being president of the senate, 1867." [Dictionary of Oregon History edited by Howard McKinley Corning p. 75]
DRAIN, Catherine Ann (27 Jan 1847-20 May 1919): m'd 1865 LANE, Simon R; d/o Charles and Nancy (Ensley) Drain; buried Roseburg Memorial Gardens, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
DRAIN, John Charles (22 May 1843-05 Apr 1891): m'd 09 Mar KREWSON, Lucy Ann; s/o Charles and Nancy (Ensley) Drain; buried East Drain Cemetery, Drain, Douglas County, Oregon
DRAIN, Josephine (c1851 -1852): d/o Charles and Nancy (Ensley) Drain
*30) DRAKE, Daniel
DRAKE, John Melancthon (1819-1891): m'd 1844 THOMPSON, Elizabeth
DRAKE, William Henry (1847-1923):
DRAY, A. H. ( -1915):
DREKEY, Thomas J. (1830- ):
DRIVER, Isaac Deltz. (27 Aug 1824-30 Oct 1907): m1. 1848 CRUMLEY, Rebecca; m2. 30 Jan 1852 HARDENBROOK, Mary; m3 09 Sep 1869 ILES, Leanna; m4. 01 Mar 1871 NORTHROP, Anna S., m5. 16 Jun 1877 WILLIAMS, Mary Eliza; s/o Thomas and Thankful (Travis) Driver; buried Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
"A life of great usefulness
and of far reaching influence ended when on the 30th of October, 1907, Rev.
Isaac D. Driver was called to his final home, at the age of eighty three years.
For over fifty years he devoted his attention to the study of the Bible and he
became known as one of the most eminent theologians in the country as well as a
debater of nation wide prominence, frequently engaging in theological debate
with Robert G. Ingersoll and other noted agnostics. He also gained prominence as
a writer and lecturer and his work in behalf of the church was of untold
Dr. Driver was born on the Maumee river,
near Fort Defiance, Ohio, August 27, 1824, a son of Thomas and Thankful (Travis)
Driver, natives of Pennsylvania, and of Puritan ancestry. Emigrating to Ohio,
the father became one of the pioneers of that state. He was a loyal and
patriotic citizen and during the War of 1812 he served as a lieutenant under
General William Henry Harrison, being stationed at Fort Meigs. In 1828 he was
commissioned to conduct the Indians across the Mississippi river when the fort
guarded a trading post on the site of the present city of Chicago. In days of
peace he worked at his trade of silversmith and also engaged in the practice of
law. In 1827 he removed to Fort Wayne, Indiana, and in the following year, in
company with his son, Isaac D., he explored the country near South Bend and also
camped on the low lying marsh land and open prairie which was destined to become
the site of the metropolitan center of the west. At Fort Wayne Mr. Driver and
his brother were largely engaged in trading with the Indians and in buying and
selling land. In 1834 they removed to Goshen, Elkhart county, Indiana, where
they engaged in farming and trading for a decade, and in 1844 they went to Noble
county. They engaged in farming in that section of the country until 1852, when
they sold their holdings and started across the plains to Oregon. They reached
Iowa in the fall of that year and spent the winter in that state, continuing
their journey in the spring and reaching their destination in the fall of 1853.
Taking up his abode in what is now Douglas county, the father there engaged in
farming and was thus active until his death in 1861, at the age of eighty seven
years. The mother, however, had died in 1853, while en route to Oregon, and she
was buried on the Bear river.
Dr. Driver was the
seventh in order of birth in their family of twelve children and he attended
school in Indiana to the age of thirteen years, when he began the work of
carrying the mails on horseback between Fort Wayne and South Bend, Indiana. This
was a very hazardous undertaking for a boy of his years, as the country was then
wild and unsettled, harboring many hostile Indians and highwaymen, and for his
bravery, regularity and safe discharge of duty, he was allowed double wages. He
worked at this task for three years and having saved a sufficient sum of money
he reentered school, continuing his studies until he reached the age of twenty
two years and acquiring the best education obtainable at that period. After
completing his schooling he engaged in farming and stock raising.
In 1848 he married Rebecca Crumley, who passed away at the end of a year,
leaving a son, Samuel M, now deceased. In 1849, in company with about four
hundred others, Dr. Driver crossed the plains to California, several of the
company dying of cholera en route, the remainder arriving at Steep Hollow on the
1st of October of that year. In that section of the state he successfully
followed mining until the spring of 1850, when he went to San Francisco, where
he sailed for home, going by way of the Isthmus of Panama. On arriving in
Indiana he resumed his farming operations and in 1852 was united in marriage to
Mary Hardenbrook. In the fall of that year he joined his father and brothers in
the trip across the plains to Oregon, the party consisting of fifteen people,
four ox teams and two wagons drawn by horses. They arrived in the Willamette
valley on the 14th of September, 1853, and on the 4th of October filed on their
claims in the Umpqua valley, in what is now Douglas county. There Dr. Driver
followed farming and stock raising until his health became impaired and then
began studying for the ministry, entering upon the work of preaching the gospel
in the Umpqua valley in 1857, conducting services in his home. In 1858 he united
with the Oregon conference of the Methodist Episcopal church and was first
assigned to Jacksonville and later to Eugene, Corvallis, The Dallies and Oregon
City. In 1867 he was appointed agent of the American Bible Society for Oregon,
Washington, Montana and Idaho, in which connection he traveled throughout the
northwest for the purpose of locating preachers for the distribution of the
Bible, and in accomplishing his work he met with many dangers and difficulties
but never suffered serious injury. In 1867 he was called upon to mourn the loss
of his wife, who passed away leaving five children, of whom three survive, one
residing in Oregon, another in Washington and the third in California. In 1871,
in Eugene, Dr. Driver was united in marriage to Leanna Iles, whose demise
occurred seven months later. He became a presiding elder over the Oregon
Conference of the Methodist Episcopal church and after serving for a period of
seven years as agent for the American Bible Society he resigned and made a trip
to the east, where he wedded Anna Northrup. He returned with his bride to Oregon
and was appointed presiding elder of the Salem district, which office he filled
for two years. In 1875 death again entered his household, removing therefrom his
wife, who had become the mother of a daughter, Anna, who is now Mrs. Hemphill,
living near Stockton, California.
In 1876 be was
assigned to Monroe, Oregon, and in the following year he was wedded Mary E.
Williams, who was born in Illinois, February 18, 1851, a daughter of Smith and
Irenia (Jones) Williams, the former a native of Indiana and the latter of
Illinois. The father was a farmer by occupation and in 1852 he crossed the
plains from Illinois to Oregon, locating in Linn county, where he took up land
east of the present site of Lebanon. This property he later sold and purchased
land near Halsey, which he continued to operate throughout his remaining years.
He passed away in 1870 at the age of forty two years and the mother survived him
for many years, her demise occurring in January, 1899, when she was sixty nine
years of age. To Dr. and Mrs. Driver were born eight children, namely: Grace
Irene, Royal D., Livingston, Lena, Wiley A., Paul S., Ralph A. and Frances E.
After his fifth marriage Dr. Driver preached the gospel at Brownsville and
Eugene and for four years was presiding elder of the latter district. In 1883 he
purchased a farm of one hundred and thirty five acres near Eugene but did not
engage in its active operation, the work being conducted by his sons, who also
engaged very successfully in raising pure bred Clydesdale horses, Jersey cattle
and Berkshire hogs. They continued to cultivate that farm for a period of twenty
five years, transforming it into a valuable and well improved property.
In 1886 Dr. Driver was assigned to the Centenary church at Portland, Oregon,
where he accomplished much good. For over fifty years he was an earnest and
faithful student of divine truths and was greatly assisted in his research work
by his large library, which includes the original translation of the anti-Nicene
library from Christ down through all the Apostolic Epistles. He became known as
one of the most noted authorities on the Bible in the country, and in 1889 when
the Secular Union in session in Chicago issued a challenge to Protestant
denominations to meet them in open discussion, comparing Christianity with
secularism, the Rev. Dwight L. Moody induced Dr. Driver to accept the challenge.
As Dr. Moody's representative he met Charles Watts, Esq., of Toronto, Canada,
the champion of free thought, in a four nights' discussion at the Princess
theater in Chicago. Dr. Driver devoted over fifty years to research work in
order that he might meet the arguments of infidels and agnostics and he gained
recognition as an eminent theologian. Charles Watts was the editor of Secular
Thought and the associate of Charles Bradlaugh and George J. Holyoke, and he was
known as the foremost debater in the "free field". For three months Dr. Driver
remained in Chicago, attending Dr. Moody's School of Churches, and his work in
connection with Bible teaching was of great worth and lasting benefit.
On returning to Oregon he was appointed general agent to build the Portland
Hospital, which he accomplished at an expense of one hundred thousand dollars,
soliciting the subscriptions and purchasing the land. In 1906 he purchased a
farm of three hundred and fifty three acres one and a half miles south of
Tangent, upon which be spent his remaining years. He passed away at the advanced
age of eighty three years but for two years prior to his demise had been in
failing health as the result of his untiring and zealous labors in behalf of the
Christian religion. He was a noted lecturer and writer and a strong and eloquent
speaker, imbued with a firm belief in the doctrines which he taught, and as a
debater he attained nation wide prominence, having as his opponents Robert G.
Ingersoll and other well known agnostics. In his political views Dr. Driver was
a republican and fraternally he was a Mason, holding membership in the Royal
Arch Chapter, of which for many years he served as chaplain, and in his life he
exemplified the beneficent teachings of the order. He influenced many into
choosing the better path of life and his good work goes on in the lives of those
who came under his ministry. His name will ever be an honored one in the annals
of the state and nation, and of him it may well be said: "The world is better
for his having lived in it."
Mrs. Driver and her
sons are still residing upon the home farm, and in connection with its operation
they also conduct a dairy, their interests being most successfully managed. Paul
S. and Ralph A., the younger sons in the family, rendered valuable aid to the
country during the World war, the former serving in the navy and the latter in
the army, and they are proving worthy sons of their distinguished father."
[History of Oregon by Charles Henry Carey Vol 3 p. 438-42; An Illustrated
History of Oregon by Harvey K Hines p. 1028-9]
DRIVER, Samuel Mitchell (14 May 1848 -24 Jul 1915): m1. 06 Jul 1868 CANUTT, Mary Emily; 28 Dec 1873 STARR, Hannah M.; s/o Isaac and Rebecca (Crumley) Driver; died Riverside County, California; burial location unknown
*16) DRURY, Celinda Susan (1847-1937): m'd 21 May 1865 ROBERTS, Albert F.; d/o
Thompson and Rebecca (Newton) Drury; born 22 Dec 1847 Wayne Co, IN; died 08 Feb
1937 Newberg, Yamhill Co, OR; mother of eight known children (John, Minnie,
Roxie, Rosella, William A., Frederick W., Mabel Lillie and Alfred F.); settled
in Yamhill County until later years when she is found living with her son in
Portland, Multnomah Co, OR
*16) DRURY, Dr. Charles (1814-1891): m1. 02 May 1838 PRENTICE, Nancy ( -1839); m2. 20 Mar 1845 MCGREER, Eliza Brandenburg; first cousin to Thompson Drury; born 23 Oct 1814 Wayne Co, IN; returned to IA c1853: Muscatine County, IA bio states that he went to CA in 1852; since he shows up in the Muscatine County, IA census in 1854 it appears he may have stayed only a short time before returning east; he helped tend to the sick on the journey in 1852
*16) DRURY, Emily Frances (1845-1863): m'd 1863 SALING, Edmond Snow (Edmond was also emigrant of 1852); d/o Thompson and Rebecca (Newton) Drury; born 06 Feb 1845 and died c1864; no known children (may have died in childbirth); husband was remarried in Sep 1865
*16) DRURY, Melissa Ellen (1843-1924): m'd 1858 PAYNE, Martin V. d/o Squire Thompson and Rebecca (Newton) Drury; born 24 Feb 1843 IN; died 21 May 1924 Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, CA; mother of five known children (Clairborn "Clay" G., Milford Ammon, Rodham Kenner, Wells Drury and Rebecca Ellen); settled in Yamhill County, OR but was found in later years with her children in ID and CA
*16) DRURY, Newton (1849-1875): s/o Thompson and Rebecca (Newton) Drury; born 20 Nov 1849 IL and died 16 Jan 1875; little is found regarding Newton
*16) DRURY, Squire Thompson (1817-1852): m'd 1843 NEWTON, Rebecca C.; died 31 July 1852 along the North Platte River; his wife died August 3, 1852 along the North Platte River leaving five young children (Melissa Ellen, Emily Frances, Celinda Susan, Newton and Wells W.); the children were taken to Oregon by other Drury and Shortridge family members and place with at least three families in Yamhill County
*16) DRURY, Wells W. (1851-1932): m'd 23 May 1888 BISHOP, Ella Lorraine; s/o Thompson and Rebecca (Newton) Drury; aftter death of parents guardianship was granted to Rev. Alfred R. Elder who saw that he got an education; Wells resided in NV for a time as a reporter and spent later years in CA as a journalist, newspaper editor and well known public figure; father of five children (Newton D., Alfred, Aubrey W., Muriel and Lorraine)
DUCKWORTH, Elizabeth M.: m'd 1847 SALING, Edmund Snow
DUDLEY, Caroline: m'd 1846 DUDLEY, Spencer; maiden name unknown at this time
DUDLEY, Spencer (1823- ): m'd 26 Aug 1846 ALLEN, Caroline
DUNBAR, Eliza Jane (1851-1928): m'd 1867 LARKIN, James Matthew; d/o George and
Mary (Zickafoose) Dunbar
DUNBAR, George Washington (1822 - ): m'd 1845 ZICKAFOOSE, Mary Catherine
DUNCAN, Adeline (15 Oct 1838-29 Nov 1916): m'd 1857 COLLINS, William Jackson; d/o Henry and Mary (Blevins) Duncan; died Stockton, San Joaquin County, California; burial location unknown
DUNCAN, Ann Elizabeth (13 Mar 1847-Sep 1891): m'd 15 Oct 1865 SIMMONS, Jonathan; d/o Robert and Elizabeth (Rolston) Duncan; died Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon; burial location unknown
DUNCAN, Henry Osborn (30 Aug 1806-11 Mar 1885): m'd 26 Dec 1833 BLEVINS, Mary "Polly"; s/o John and Mary (Brock) Duncan; died Santa Clara, Santa Clara, California; burial location unknown
DUNCAN, John Perry (18 Feb 1843-01 Dec 1937): m'd 1891 REITZEL, Salome Elizabeth; s/o Robert and Elizabeth (Rolston) Duncan; buried Oak Creek Cemetery, Glide, Douglas County, Oregon
DUNCAN, Mary Emily 03 May 1844-26 Oct 1910): m'd BARKER, Absalom Y.; d/o Robert and Elizabeth (Rolston) Duncan; buried Roseburg Memorial Gardens, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
DUNCAN, Robert Riley (16 Apr 1816-17 Mar 1890): m'd 1842 ROLSTON, Elizabeth Ann; buried Oak Creek Cemetery, Glide, Douglas County, Oregon
DUNCAN, Sultana Jane (09 Dec 1849-13 May 1930): m'd CORNUTT, John David; d/o Robert and Elizabeth (Rolston) Duncan; buried Riddle Cemetery, Riddle, Douglas County, Oregon
DUNHAM, Amos (1833- ):
DUNLAP, Agnes H. (1832-1921): m'd DUNLAP, [ ]
*5: DUNIWAY, Abigail:
*5: DUNIWAY, Benjamin: m'd [ ], Maria
*5: DUNIWAY, Emily ( -1852): died on trail
*5: DUNIWAY, Mary M. ( -1852): died on trail
"July 15 This day we remained in camp. We have been thrown into considerable excitement in consequence of a murder being committed in a train from Wisconsin, which is now camped one (half) mile from us (in the trial of which the men of our train have been called upon as jurymen). The murder was committed on Hams fork of Green River, and the circumstances connected with it as near as I could learn was as follows: One Daniel Olmstead was taking five men across the plains, and it appears that they had not lived very agreeably together as it was proved in the trial which came off to day that the five had boasted that they had their boss under their thumb and intended to keep him there. It was proved that Olmstead went out in the morning to watch his cattle telling Sherman Dunmore (the murdered man) to make a fire and put on the teakettle so they could have some breakfast. When he returned at breakfast time the other men had finished their repast and he asked where his breakfast was. Dunmore replied that if he wanted any he might cook it himself. This was the result of much abusive language on both sides; however Olmstead prepared his breakfast himself. Dunmore threatening in the most abusive manner to whip him. Olmstead calmly replied that if he did he would not live long to brag about it. Upon this he left him and went into the tent and commenced eating his breakfast, using for the purpose a small sized butcher knife. Dunmore followed him and jumping upon him commenced beating him and endeavored to kick him in the face with his boots. Olmstead called upon the bystanders to take him off saying at the same time that he had a knife. As no one interfered he stabbed him in the lower part of the chest. Upon this Dunmore started back and exclaimed that he was stabbed. He fell and in twenty minutes was a corpse. The jury after an impartial investigation of the tragical affair brought in a verdict to this effect: That the wound was made by the knife of Olmstead caused the death of the said Dunmore and that the same was inflicted by the aforesaid Olmstead in self defense." [Covered Wagon Women Vol 5, Journal of Abigail Jane Scott p. 88]
DUNN, Cecelia Christian (1840-1919):
DUNN, Patrick (24 Mar 1824-29 Jul 1901): m'd 23 Feb 1854 HILL, Mary Minerva
"Jackson County pioneer and public official, was born in Ireland, and after coming to America lived In Penn., Ill., and California before settling near Ashland in 1852. He served in the Rogue River Wars, being wounded in 1853; was a territorial representative, 1854-55; assessor of Jackson County, 1864; and county commissioner several terms, and county clerk, 1872. Among other men of achievement of his day and area, he became locally distinguished and respected. In 1854 he married Mary M. Hill; they had four children." [Dictionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p. 77]
DUNNIGAN, Isiabelia (15 Mar 1806 -21 Mar 1880): m'd c.1823 MOSER, Joseph Sr.; mother of 10 children (John, Lucinda, Mary, Tobias, Solomon, Joseph, Elizabeth, Harriet, Alonzo and William); buried Miller Cemetery, Silverton, Marion County, Oregon; headstone says Isiabelia but most often referred to in records as Isabella
DUNNING, Sarah G.: m'd 1830 DUNNING, Urial H.; maiden name unknown at this time
DUNNING, Uriah H. (1788- ): m'd 1830 [ ], Sarah G.
DUPEERS, Mahala ( -1852): [**RR: DUPEERS in Sylvester & John B Hall, Oregon Statesman, 12-18-1852, p. 1]
DURHAM, Daniel O. (1829- ): m'd 29 Jul 1843 CLARK, Sylvia D.
"DURHAM, D. O.--Born in Ashtabula County, Ohio, December 26, 1829; moved to Illinois in 1836; came to Oregon in 1852 and settled in Washington County. His present residence is McMinnville, Yamhill County, and occupation, farming. He married Sylvia D. Clark July 29, 1843, and their children s names are Ezra J., Walter II., Jessie E., and James E. Mr. Durham was a member of the lower house of the Oregon Legislature in 1878-80, from Yamhill County." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 761]
DUTCHER, John G. (1819- ):
DUVALL, David (1827- ): m'd 1846 HOFFLER, Priscilla
DUVALL, Lewis Howard (1824-): m'd 1854 KIBBEY, Clarinda Cora; conflicting information indicates Lewis may have been emigrant of 1849 or 1852; settled Polk Co
DUVALL, Nicholas (1799- ): m'd 1846 [ ], Mary Ann; wife did not come to OR
*24) DUZAN, Mark ( -1852) traveled to Oregon with Jacob Jones Train; s/o William Duzan; MARK A. DUZAN Was the son of William Duzan, an early settler of Clarkstown. He was born in Tennessee, and come with the family to Indiana in 1834 when he was a lad of fifteen years of age. He worked on the farm, using his spare time in acquiring a good or rather a useful education. He was born about the year 1819 or 1820, for he was barely old enough to take his seat in the state senate in 1844 and 1845, to which he was elected to represent Boone and Hamilton counties. In 1846 he went in the army to Mexico, serving as private with credit. In 1850 he was elected a member of the Constitutional Convention, where he served to the satisfaction of the people. In 1852 he went, or rather started to Oregon, but he died on the plains and was buried there. Mark A. Duzan had one of the happiest make-ups of any man I ever was acquainted with. He could adapt himself to the senate chamber or drive oxen, run, hop, jump, or make a capital speech, as the case required. In person he was perfect; 5 feet 10 inches high, well formed, weighing 175 lbs., with fair complexion and auburn hair. He was elected to the above office as a Democrat. Mr. Duzan was never married. Though he sleeps in an unknown grave he will be remembered by many citizens of Boone County. [Early Life and Times of Boone County, Indiana, published May 1877, republished 1974]
DYER, Alex M. (1830- ): m'd 1851 [ ], Martha
DYER, Anthony (1850- ): s/o Jonathan Dyer
DYER, Jane: m'd 1847 CONNELL, William
DYER, Jonathan (1802- ): m'd 1835 [ ], Nancy; accompanied from Iowa by second wife and 13 children; led train of 21 wagons; settled in Polk Co
DYER, Lauretta (1849-1913): d/o Moses and Sarah (Ross) Dyer
DYER, Martha: m'd 1851 DYER, Alex M.; maiden name unknown at this time
DYER, Moses True (1819-1897): m1. 1847 ROSS, Sarah; m2. c1888 Bartle SMITH, Fletta; s/o Elisha and Ruth (Heath) Dyer; Moses originally came to OR in 1845 and returned east to IL in 1846; emigrated again in 1852 and settled in Douglas County; father of five children by his first wife (Lauretta, Hezekiah, William, Margaret Ann and Douglas) and three children by his second wife (Dottie, Ruth and Ilo); was involved in farming, surveying, brick laying and mining
DYER, Nancy: m'd 1835 DYER, Jonathan; maiden name unknown at this time
*3) DYKSTRA, George Wellington (20 Oct 1850-24 Jan 1933): m1. 1878 PIGG,
Henrietta Talitha; m2. 1913 LIVERMORE, Nancy Jane; s/o Lubbert and Hannah
(Connor) Dykstra; buried
Pleasant Hill Pioneer Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
*3) DYKSTRA, Lubbert Jacob (13 Nov 1814-03 Jan 1884): m'd 1849 CONNOR, Hannah Jane, s/o Jacob and Jetske (VanderLaan) Dystra; buried Pleasant Hill Pioneer Cemetery, Polk County, Oregon
*3) DYKSTRA, Melissa Jane (08 May 1852-03 Aug 1877): m'd JACK, Charles R.; d/o Lubbert and Hannah (Connor) Dykstra; buried Amity Cemetery, Amity, Yamhill County, Oregon
EAKIN, S. B. Jr. Mrs.:
EARNEST, William (1813-1876): m'd 1841MORRIS, Mary
"EARNEST, WILLIAM B.--Born in Kentucky in 1813; was married in 1840 while still a resident of that State to Miss Mary Morris, who was also a native of that State, and was seven years his junior. The couple moved to Missouri two years later, and afterten years residence in that State, crossed the plains to Oregon. They settled in Spring Valley, Polk County, upon a donation claim, where Mrs. Earnest still lives. Mr. Earnest died in 1876. Their children were Jennie (deceased), William D. (deceased), Jasper N. (deceased), Mary E. (Mrs. Thomas Jennings), and two others who died in infancy." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 761]
EARNEST, Willis B.: m'd 1849 SALIND, Martha B.
EASLEY, John (1827- ):
EASTON, John (1809- ):
EATON, Eveline M.: m'd 1849 OLDS, D.G.
"OLDS, D. G.--Born in Ohio in 1823; on his arrival in Oregon he settled at Middleton, and still lives at the same place; he is a blacksmith and wagon maker by occupation. He married Eveline M. Eaton in 1849, and their children s names are Frank M., Hattie T., Fred E., and Mrs. Rose L. Brooks." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 780]
EATON, John R.:
*8) EBBERT, George Washington (1829-1913): m'd 13 Mar 1856 LANDES, Elizabeth; s/o James and Eliza (DeVecmon) Ebbert; born 12 Aug 1829 Fayette Co, PA and died 10 Oct 1913 Monmouth, Polk Co, OR; buried Davidson Cemetery, Monmouth, Polk Co, OR; father of 9 children (Harriet A., Mary Bell, Martin Dempsey, Sarah Melissa, Adna Elizabeth, Idis C., Henry M., Lulu M., and Elbie Monroe)
*8) EBBERT, James Armstrong (1831-1915): m'd 15 Dec 1853 BRATTAIN, Elizabeth Jane; s/o James and Eliza (DeVecmon) Ebbert; born 25 Mar 1831 Uniontown, Fayette Co, PA and died 02 Dec 1915 Lane Co, OR; had no children of their own but raised Paul Hadley, the orphan son of Elizabeth�s sister Martha Jane (Brattain) Hadley; October 1859 bought a farm near Springfield, Lane Co, OR where he lived until his death; he had extended his investments to include over 1000 acres in Whitman Co, WA that he had under cultivation
*8) EBBERT, John William (1832-1917): m1. 12 Feb 1856 BENSON, Margaret Frances; m2. 27 Dec 1860 CRABTREE, Lunica; s/o James and Eliza (DeVecmon) Ebbert; born 21 Aug 1832 Fayette Co, PA and died 12 Jul 1917 Walla Walla, Walla Walla Co, WA; buried Oakhill Cemetery, Eugene, Lane Co, OR; father of 7 children (Margaret Frances, Eliza Jane, Zimri Alvin, Mason D., David LeRoy, William I. and Lillian May); farmed in Lane county through the 1880 census and by 1900 is living at Condon, Gilliam Co; after his wife's death in 1915 he went to Walla Walla to live with his son until his death.
EBY, David (1828 -1917):
EBY, George:
ECCLESTON, Ezra: s/o Dr. Henry Eccleston
"ECCLESTON, EZRA--Is a son of Dr. H. Eccleston, and was born in Indiana in 1833; came to Oregon with his parents and for some time was a farmer. Has been a shoemaker in McMinnville for twenty-one years. Married Miss Sarah J. Southard in 1853, and has six children." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 761]
ECCLESTON, Henry H. Dr. (1811- ): m'd 1832 INGLE, Malinda
"ECCLESTON, H., M.D.--Born in New York in 1811; on his arrival in Oregon he settled in Lane County, and practiced medicine there until his death, which occurred in 1875. Married Miss Melinda Richardson in Indiana, who is also deceased. They had nine children. Dr. Eccleston was a volunteer in the Rogue River war in 1855-56." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 761-62]
ECCLESTON, Marshall M. (1832-1917):
ECCLESTON, Mary ( -1916): m'd ECCLESTON, [ ]; maiden name unknow at this time
*18) ECKLER, Ruth ( 1829-1906): m1. STEVENSON, George ( -1852); m2. 15 Mar 1853 SCOTT, John Tucker; from Mt. Sterling, Brown Co, IL; traveling with husband and five year old son; husband died at Cascades of the Columbia River
EDDINGS, Norton (1852-1925): born on trail
EDDY, Albert (1846- ): m'd 1876 HIGLEY, Anna Christina; s/o Hiram and Amanda (Platt) Eddy
EDDY, Elmira ( -1852): died on the trail of cholera
EDDY, Esther (1831-1872): m'd 1853 THORP, Elvin A.; d/o Hiram and Amanda (Platt) Eddy
EDDY, Fidelia ( - ): m'd , ; d/o Hiram and Amanda (Platt) Eddy
EDDY, Hiram (1804- ): m'd 1830 PLATT, Amanda; settled in Polk Co; buried Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR
EDDY, Richard: s/o Hiram and Amanda (Platt) Eddy
EDELMAN, James (c1826- ): m'd 1853 [ ], Sarah
EDELMAN, L. G. ( - ):
EDMONSON, Nancy Sarah (20 Jan 1831 -28 Apr 1889): m'd 01 Oct 1850 BRIEDWELL, John Wesley; d/o Thomas and Mary Ann (Harty) Edmondson; buried Amity Cemetery, Amity, Yamhill County, Oregon
EDWARDS, Elizabeth: m'd 1850 EDWARDS, William; maiden name unknown at this time
EDWARDS, James (1804-1920):
EDWARDS, Joseph (1837-1923):
EDWARDS, Joseph S. (1833- ):
EDWARDS, Julia J.: m'd 1849 HEATH, Lucien
EDWARDS, Samuel (1829- ): m'd 1850 WILLSON, Rebecca
EDWARDS, William (1832- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Elizabeth
EGAN, John T. (1852- ):
EGAN, M.J. (1838- ):
EGAN, Margaret ( -1852): died on plains
EGAN, Patrick (1815-1903): m'd 1836 CANTY, Catherine
EGAN, William H. (c1849-1924):
EILERS, George Henry (1824- ): m'd 1854 MCREYNOLDS, Sarah
"EILERS, GEORGE H.--Born in Germany in 1824; came to America in 1846, direct to Texas, and joined the American army; served in the quartermaster s department during the Mexican war; was in St. Louis subsequently, from whence he started to cross the plains to California, in 1852, with a band of cattle, but coming to the Soda Springs, where the Oregon and California trails separate, he chose the former. Took a donation claim in Polk County, where his home has been ever since, excepting three years following 1869, when he was in Montana. Resides near McCoy, and is a farmer. Was county commissioner. Married, in 1854, Miss Sarah McReynolds." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 762]
ELBERT, James Armstrong ( -1913):
ELDREDGE, Sarah P. ( -1852): m'd VANBUSKIRK,
Joseph; died on trail
see: Elgin Net
ELGIN, George Franklin: s/o George and Levica (Ruby) Elgin
ELGIN, George Wethers (1808- ): m'd RUBY, Levica Elvira; s/o George and Sophia (Wethers) Elgin
ELGIN, Helen M.: m'd 1852 RUBY, William H.; d/o George and Levica (Ruby) Elgin
ELGIN, James (1831-1920):
ELGIN, James Henry ( -1913): m'd 1858 HUMPHREYS; s/o George and Levica (Ruby) Elgin
ELGIN, Levica Leucotha "Dink": d/o George and Levica (Ruby) Elgin
ELGIN, Martha Sophia ( -1912): m'd 1854 DURBIN, Solomon; d/o George and Levica (Ruby) Elgin
ELGIN, Melvina R. "Mellie": d/o George and Levica (Ruby) Elgin
ELKINS, Charles W. (1847- ): m'd [ ], Ollie; s/o Luther and Philotheta (Williams) Elkins
ELKINS, Clarissa "Clara" (1841-1917): m'd WELCH, George Bingham; d/o Luther and Philotheta (Williams) Elkins
ELKINS, Elizabeth: d/o Luther and Philotheta (Williams) Elkins
ELKINS, James (1831-1920): m'd 1860 MILLARD, Helen; s/o Luther and Philotheta (Williams) Elkins; father of Charles M., Collins W., Luther II, Johnny, Frank, Helen Amelia and James Byrd
ELKINS, Joseph (183-1916): m'd 1866 WILSON, Mary Isabelle; s/o Luther and Philotheta (Williams) Elkins
ELKINS, Julia (1844- ): m'd 1873 FARRELL, Patrick; d/o Luther and Philotheta (Williams) Elkins
ELKINS, Louisa (1835-1892): m'd 1857 CLAYPOOL, Daniel Wayne; d/o Luther and Philotheta (Williams) Elkins
ELKINS, Luther (1809-1887): m'd 1830 WILLIAMS, Philotheta; s/o Samuel and Lydia (Smith) Elkins
ELKINS, William Samuel (1837-1907): m1. 1866 BURKHART, Adaline (1843-1866); 1868 GRANT, Margaret Jane (1847-1900); s/o Luther and Philotheta (Williams) Elkins; s/o Willie Chester by first marriage; father of Attie Eveline, Mattie Winnetta, Arthur Grant, Beatrice Olive, Don William and Ross William by second marriage; buried in Riverview Abbey Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co, OR
"ELKINS, W. S.--Born in Ohio, May 1, 1837, and came with his parents to Oregon in 1852; settled with them in Linn County, being among the first settlers there. He and his brother built the Lebanon flouring mills in 1872, and were in that business until 1878, when they moved to Polk County, where Mr. Elkins followed merchandising for seven years. Was elected a member of the legislature in 1870; was instrumental in building the Cumberland Presbyterian church in Lebanon, and is an elder of the church; also a member of the Masonic fraternity. Married Miss Addie Burkhart, in 1866, who died in 1867, after one child had been born to them, which died in infancy. Mr. Elkins married again, in 1868, to Miss Maggie Grant, and they have now four children Nettie, Eva, Arthur G., and Attie. Resides at Dallas." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 762]
ELLIOTT, Elijah ( - ): m'd ,
ELLIS, Asbury E.:
ELLIS, Carey (1835 -1867): m'd 11 Jan 1851 BLOUNT, William ; died at Canby, Clackamas County, Oregon; burial location unknown
ELLIS, L. T. (1833-1922):
ELLIS, Thomas Etheldred ( - ):
ELMER, George W. (1819- ): m'd 1852 [ ], Elizabeth
ELSTON, Elizabeth Jane (1841-1903) m'd c1858 BURT, Aaron A.; d/o William and Elizabeth (Sweet) Elston; born 05 Feb 1841 IL; died 20 Nov 1903 Magalia, Butte Co, CA; buried Clear Creek Cemetery, Butte Co, CA; a reminiscence of the journey west was written by her in later years and is retained by the family
ELSTON, Mary (1837- ): d/o William E. and (first wife) Elston
ELSTON, William E. (1809-1877): m1.; m2. 30 May 1840 SWEET, Elizabeth; s/o Moses and Thankful (Howard) Elston; born 31 Mar 1809 NY; died 03 Jun 1877 Magalia, Butte Co, CA; buried Clear Creek Cemetery, Butte Co, CA; family appears to have moved on to California and were shown there in several land transactions in the 1860s. I have not been able to find them in the census records for 1860 and 1870.
EMERICK, George (1812- ): m'd 1834 GREENWOOD, Sophia
EMERY, Rachel Adcock (1823- ): m'd 1839 HOSKINS, Dillon; d/oTravis and Elizabeth (Frazier) Adcock; Travis Adcock had the entire families name changed to Emery by the Indiana State Legislature. This is a public record. It is not known why he decided to have the name changed. Rachel Adcock Emery was born January 28, 1823 in Randolph County, Indiana. She married Dillon Hoskins August 11, 1839 in Henry County, Iowa.
EMMENS, Johannas (1820-1902): m'd Garwood ROBB , Eliza
EMMETT, Daniel W. (1814- ):
EMMETT, J. H. (1842- ):
EMMETT, John (1850-1901):
EMMETT, Mary Jane (06 Feb 1828-08 Sep 1902): m'd 07 Nov 1844 ARANT, Jesse Thompson; buried Melrose Cemetery, Melrose, Douglas County, Oregon
EMMONS, Sarah (1803- ): m'd c1820 KIRK, William
ENGLAND, Eliza (09
Jul 1814-13 Jun 1852): m'd STEWART,
Elias; died on trail of cholera at Little Platte River; d/o John and Letitia
(Hall) England
ENGLAND, William E. (1839- ): m'd 14 Jun 1869 STANTON, Olive Jane
"ENGLAND, WILLIAM--Born in 1839; came to Oregon and worked in the mines of Jackson County in the hard winter of 1852-53, when starvation was imminent, and venison was the miners only article of food. In the following years was in the carriage business. As a merchant his career was successful, and turning his attention to banking, he became a member of the firm of Williams & England, able and successful financiers, of Salem. Mr. England is a director of the State Insurance Company, of Salem. Married, June 14, 1869, Olive Stanton. They have one child, E. A. England." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 762]
ENGLE, Edmund M. (1840-1925):
ENNES, Kilyen (1830- ):
ENNES, Mary:
ENNES, Oliver:
ENNIS, James E. (1829-1898): m'd CONDIT, Mary
"ENNIS, JAMES E.--Is a farmer and stock-grower, residing in Scio, Linn County, and was born in Warren County, Kentucky, April 9, 1829; came overland to Oregon. His first wife, Mary Condit, died in 1862, and the second wife, Rebecca J. Richardson, died in 1884. [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 763]
ENSLEY, Eliza Ann: m'd 1844 ENSLEY, Joseph; maiden name unknown at this time
ENSLEY, John (1811- ): m'd 1834 [ ], Lydia
ENSLEY, Joseph (1824- ): m'd 1844 [ ], Eliza Ann
ENSLEY, Lydia: m'd 1834 ENSLEY, John; maiden name unknown at this time
ENSLEY, Nancy Gates (20 May 1817-23 Feb 1892): m'd 1849 DRAIN, Charles; d/o John and Catherine (Gates) Ensley; buried East Drain Cemetery, Drain, Douglas County, Oregon
ESPEY, Julia: m'd ESPEY, Robert; maiden name unknown at this time
ESPEY, Robert (1826-1918): m'd [ ], Julia
*4) ESSLINGER, James ( - ):
*18) ESTES, Charles: from Mt. Sterling, Brown Co, IL
ESTES, John F. (1808- ): m'd 1838 TARTES, Frances
ESTES, Joseph (1833- ):
EUBANKS, Thomas J. (1829- ):
EVANS, Alvaro:
EVANS, Alvaro Mrs.:
EVANS, Amanda (1851-1919): m'd EVANS, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
EVANS, Ann ( -1852): died on trail
EVANS, Catherine: m'd 1830 EVANS, Thomas Jefferson; maiden name unknown at this time
EVANS, Child: d/o Alvaro Evans
EVANS, David (1830- ):
EVANS, Edward (1830- ):
EVANS, Elizabeth M.: m'd 1842 EVANS, William; maiden name unknown at this time
EVANS, Helen Z. ( -1915): m'd EVANS, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
EVANS, I. J. ( -1852): died on trail
EVANS, Margaret (1783-1852): m'd 1825 VANBUSKIRK, William; d/o John and Barbara (Andrew) Evans; died 23 Sep 1852 in Blue Mountains
"VAN BUSKIRK, WILLIAM, Sr.--Born in Maryland in 1796; moved to Kentucky, and thence to Ohio. Was a soldier in the war of 1812. Married in Kentucky in 1825 to Miss Margaret Evans. They had eight children, of whom two are now alive, namely Elizabeth (wife of T. B. Henderson, of Amity), and Daniel. The family came across the plains in 1852, and settled in Yamhill County, where the father died in 1859. The mother died on reaching the Blue Mountains, on the way to the valley." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 790]
EVANS, Maria (29 Nov 1814 -15 Sep 1899): m'd 1834 BIDDLE, Benjamin Robert; buried Oak Mound Cemetery, Healdsburg, Sonoma County, California; husband traveled to California in 1849 during gold rush and prospered in business; sold out and brought his family out in 1852
EVANS, Martha: m'd 1840 BIGHAM, James W.
EVANS, Rebecca Isabell (11 Aug 1835-21 Jun 1912): m'd 1851 KINDER, Franklin Peter; d/o Thomas and Nancy (Cornelius) Evans; buried IOOF Cemetery, Waitsburg, Walla Walla County, Washington
EVANS, Richard (1832- ):
EVANS, Robert W. ( -1852): died on trail
EVANS, Rhoda: m'd 1844 THOMPSON, Jacob
"THOMPSON, JACOB--Born in Kentucky in 1822; lived at Evansville, Indiana, and in Iowa until he emigrated to Oregon; lived in the Waldo Hills for a year, and then moved to Linn County and there remained until the town of Halsey sprang into being, when he removed to it and entered into merchandising. In 1880 he exchanged that occupation for the livery business, which he still follows. Mr. Thompson was married in Indiana to Rhoda Evans. They have two children-James and Henry." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 788]
EVANS, Samuel D. (1827- ):
EVANS, Sarah ( -1914): m'd EVANS, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
EVANS, Sarah (11 Mar 1825-30 Mar 1865): m'd 19 Apr 1846 PICKENS, William Jr.
EVANS, Senath "Sena" Ann (20 Feb 1830-31 Dec 1908 ): m'd 1850 COOPER, James; d/o Thomas and Nancy (Cornelius) Evans; buried Mount Union Cemetery, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon
EVANS, Thomas Jefferson (1807- ): m'd 1830 [ ], Catherine
EVANS, William (1816-1892): m'd 1842 [ ], Elizabeth M.
EVEREST, Maria: m'd 1833 PARROTT, Samuel; arrived on ship Josephine in Feb 1852 from England
EVERHART, B. G. (1807- ):
EVERSALE, William (1819- ): m'd 1844 CRITTENDEN, Martha
FAGAN, Mary (01 Oct 1814-04 Jan 18099): m'd 13 Dec 1838 BEARD, John; d/o Nichalas and Catheine (Bealieu) Fagan; buried Riverside Cemetery, Albany, Linn County, Oregon
FAINT, Mary Elizabeth (21 May 1816-04 Dec 1899): m'd 1838 CARRUTHERS, Richard; buried Oysterville Cemetery, Oysterville, Pacific County, Washington
FAIR, Isabel (1789-1875): m'd LAFFEY, [ ]; emigrated with grown children
FAIRCHILD, Hyman (1832- ):
FAIRCHILD, Joel (1826- ): m'd 1849 [ ], Sarah
FAIRCHILD, Sarah: m'd 1849 FAIRCHILD, Joel; maiden name unknown at this time
FAIRMAN, Dorcas (11 Oct 1833-22 Jun 1906): m'd 19 Nov 1848 CROSS, Lorenzo Dow; d/o Erastus and Amy (Wilinson) Fairman; buried Baker Prairie Cemetery, Canby, Clackamas County, Oregon; surname also seen as Fairmon and Fairmont
FANNING, Charity (1840- ): m'd LUPER, John; d/o Levi and Nancy (James) Fanning
FANNING, Elias E. (1829- ): m'd 1850 GLEDHILL, Mary
FANNING, Levi (1809-1888): m1. JAMES, Nancy (1806-1852); m2. 1853 GILLILAND, Jane; first wife died on trail; father of 2 dau and 1 son by first wife
FARLEY, Lydia: m'd 1847 FARLEY, Robert; maiden name unknown at this time
FARLEY, Robert (1818- ): m'd 1847 [ ], Lydia
FARLOW, Hiram (1822- ): m'd 1845 [ ], Lucinda E.
FARLOW, Lucinda E.: m'd 1845 FARLOW, Hiram; maiden name unknown at this time
FARRELL, Ann Elizabeth (1822-1917): m'd FARRELL, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
FARRENS, Infant (1852- ): d/o Samuel and Martha (Ruby) Farrens; mentioned in some accounts as FARNES
FARRENS, Samuel Preston (1827-1899): m'd 1848 RUBY, Martha J.; m2. 1863 FINLAY, Martha; m3. 1893 OLINGER, Martha M.; s/o John and Nancy (Hickson) Farrens; wife died of cholera on trail after delivering an infant daughter; mentioned in some accounts as Preston FARNES; traveled extensively; had property in Texas and MO; reportedly was accused of wife beating and animal neglect
FARRINGTON, Mariah (1827-1852): m'd 02 Nov 1842 MAYES, Stephen George; d/o Solomon and Susanna (Livengood) Farrington; she and her two young daughters died on the trail
FARRINGTON, Mary Jane (1811-1885), m�d 1825 WASHBURN, Alfred Sr.
FEELING, George (1803- ): m'd 1851 [ ], Mary Maria
FEELING, Mary Maria: m'd 1851 FEELING, George; maiden name unknown at this time
FELDEWERT, Nicholas (1826- ):
FERGUSON, Alexander (1812- ):
FERGUSON, J. L. (1830- ): m'd 1854 BIRD, Permania
"FERGUSON, J. L.--Born in Kentucky in 1830; remained there until 1852 and started for Oregon and settled at Lafayette, Yamhill County. His occupation is farming; he has been a member of the State Legislature (1876-77); was married in 1854 to Miss Permania Bird, daughter of John Bird, of Lafayette, by whom he had Ella, Claude C., R. B., J. L., Maggie J., and Lynian V. Mr. Ferguson resides near Lafayette, and carries on quite extensive farming operations." {History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 763]
*25) FERGUSON, Lycurgus:
FERRELL, George W. (1822- ): m'd 1853 PARKER,Susan Kale
FERRY, Charles (1805- ): m'd c1846 [ ], Ellen
FERRY, Ellen: m'd c1846 FERRY, Charles; maiden name unknown at this time
FICKENS, Katherine (1825-1910): m'd 1843 WEHRUM, Henry
FIELDS, Ambrose (1792-1872): m'd NOWER, Ann; came in 1848; no indication on
whether he returned east to accompany his family in 1852; two of their sons
came prior to 1850; in 1852 three younger children and four married adult
children with families also came
FIELDS, Isabelle Platte (1852-1929): m'd REARDON, [ ]; born on plains; d/o Nelson and Lucy (Collins) Fields
FIELDS, Catherine (1831-1912): m'd 1844/49 LONG, Shelton M.
FIELDS, Isabell Platte (12 Jun 1852-26 Nov 1929): m1. HARDING, Henry James; m2. 1925 REARDON,Timothy Patrick; d/o Nelson and Lucy (Collins) Fields; born on the banks of the Platte River in Nebraska; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon
FIELDS, Jincy Jane (1804-1888): 06 Apr 1822 CASNER, Henry; settled in Oregon until 1875 when she moved with her children to Arizona; buried Casner Family Cemetery, Rimrock, Yavapai County, Arizona
FIELDS, John Henry (26 Oct 1848-10 Jun 1931): m'd 10 Nov 1878 COX, Luella Jane; s/o Nelson and Lucy (Collins) Fields; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, Washington
FIELDS, Joseph Nower (20 Jan 1847-15 Dec 1922): m'd COLLLINS, Luella; s/o Nelson and Lucy (Collins) Fields; buried Vineland Cemetery, Clarkston, Asotin County, Washington
FIELDS, Lucy (1822- ): m'd FIELDS, Nelson; maiden name unknown at this time
FIELDS, Martha Jane (09 Feb 1826-14 Mar 1901): m'd 15 Jul 1844 SHAW, Jefferson Rice d/o Ambrose and Ann (Nower) Fields; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon
FIELDS, Mary Ann (04 Nov 1818-1852): m'd 1836
BAILEY, Thomas; Mary died on trail
FIELDS, Minerva (1835 ): m'd 1853 MILLER, James D. d/o Ambrose and Ann (Nower) Fields
FIELDS, Nelson Ambrose (14 Aug 1821-04 Feb 1856): m'd 09 Sep 1843 COLLINS, Lucy Judith Margaret; s/o Ambrose and Ann (Nower) Fields; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon; father and two brothers emigrated in 1847
FIELDS, Nelson (1851-1852): died on plains; s/o Nelson and Lucy (Collins) Fields
FIELDS, Sarah (1837- ): m'd 1855 EPPERLY, Albert; d/o Ambrose and Ann (Nower) Fields
FIELDS, Thomas R. (1837- ): m'd STICKLER, Clara; s/o Ambrose and Ann (Nower) Fields
"FIELDS, THOMAS R.--Born in Mason County, Kentucky, March 22, 1837; arrived in Oregon September 11, 1852. Occupation, merchant; residence, Oregon City. Wife s previous name, Clara Stickler. Children-Thomas E., and George C.{History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 763]
FIELDS, William Ambrose (1845- 1860): s/o Nelson
and Lucy Fields;
View Cemetery, Hoodview, Clackamas County, Oregon
FIKE, Rachel (1829-1916): m'd BLACKFORD, [ ]
FILKINS, Renshaw (1834- ):
FINCH, Nancy ( -1852): died on plains
FINCH, Sarah Ann: m'd c1849 GRAHAM, Thomas
FINDLAY, Sarah Jane (1842-1925): m'd FINDLAY, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
FINE, Elizabeth Ann (11 Sep 1806-14 Dec 1879): m'd 26 Dec 1826 HILL, Isaac William; buried Hill Dunn Cemetery, Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon
FINLAYSON, J. J. (1820 - ):
"FINLAYSON, J. J.--Born in Scotland in 1820; came to America in 1841. On arriving in Oregon he settled in Clackamas County ; removed to Linn County and became a farmer. His present residence is Forest Grove, where he has recently settled, and his occupation that of a blacksmith. He married Ann Taylor in 1838 and Elizabeth Speedy in 1884, and his family consists of two children Catherine, wife of Judge Powell of Albany, and Christopher, now in Colorado, and two deceased, all of whom are by the first wife." {History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 763]
Finley's Web Page with 1852 Overland Account
FINLEY, Annie Eliza (1849-1925): m'd EMBREE, Thomas VanBuren
FINLEY, James Washington: m'd CAMPBELL, Margaret Jane
FINLEY, John Pettis:
FINLEY, William Asa:
FIREBAUGH, Michael (1808- ): m'd 1838 [ ], Rebecca
FIREBAUGH, Rebecca: m'd 1838 FIREBAUGH, Michael; maiden name unknown at this time
FISCHER, Frederick (1823- ): m'd c1847 [ ], Fredericka
FISCHER, Fredericka: m'd c1847 FISCHER, Frederick; maiden name unknown at this time
FISHER, James N. ( -1915):
FISHER, Rebecca:
FISHER, Stephen (1811- ): m'd 1847 [ ], Susannah
FISHER, Susannah: m'd 1847 FISHER, Stephen; maiden name unknown at this time
FISK Family Website by Mark Goddard
FISK, Amanda Ann (11 Oct 1844-03 May 1898: m'd 17 Apr 1864 McCARTON, Alexander Peter; d/o Nathan and Esther Fisk; buried Evergreen Cemetery, Yreka, Siskiyou County, California
FISK, Esther: m'd 1841 FISKE, Nathan W.; maiden name may be Tripp
FISK, James H. ( -1907):
FISK, John Moffitt (26 Mar 1842-09 Nov 1892): m'd 27 Dec 1870 WILSON, Indiana Amney s/o Nathan and Esther Fisk; buried Canyon City Cemetery, Canyon City, Grant County, Oregon
FISK, Mary Jane (01 May 1849-06 Jul 1908): m1. STARR, Aaron Edward; m2. 1880 HUDSPETH, Thomas H.; d/o Nathan and Esther Fisk; buried Mount Hope Cemetery, Baker City, Baker County, Oregon
*18): FISK, Mountain; shared driving the Scott family "miscellaneous wagon"
FISK, Nathan Taylor (07 Nov 1846-02 Sep 1908): m'd 24 Mar 1871 WILSON, Mary Cornelia; s/o Nathan and Esther Fisk; buried Prairie City Cemetery, Prairie City, Grant County, Oregon
FISK, Nathan Willis (19 Jun 1820-29 Oct 1879 ): m'd 17 Feb 1841TRIPP, Esther; 1852 History of Nathan Willis Fisk and of the Early Pioneer days in Crossing The Plains in The year 1852 contributed by Jane Harris
FISK, William Ralph (02 May 1851-14 Apr 1933): m'd 07 Apr 1872 HARDMAN, Malvina E.; s/o Nathan and Esther Fisk; buried Prairie City Cemetery, Prairie City, Grant County, Oregon
FITCH, Thomas (1833- ):
FITZGERALD, Ildgretta Elizabeth (1835-1916): m'd 23 Dec 1851 SHACKLEFORD, Willis; d/o James and Mahala (White) Fitzgerald; born 04 May 1835 Elm Springs, Washington Co, Ark and died 26 Dec 1916 Stone Ranch, Chico, Butte Co, CA; traveled with Fitzgerald family as far as Fort Hall and then cut off for CA
"FITZGERALD, J. J.--Born in Jefferson County, Iowa; came to Oregon at an early day and settled at Portland. His present residence is at Buena Vista, and occupation, carpenter. He married Alice Thorp in Oregon in 1882."{History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 763]
FITZGERALD, James (1809-1852): m'd 13 Dec 1832 WHITE, Mahala; s/o John and Mary (Couch) Fitzgerald; born 01 Jul 1809 Madison Co, AL and died 1852 on the trail cholera; burried at Emigrant Camp between LaGrande and Pendleton; accompanied by seven children who were taken in by other wagons; father of 9 children (Marcella, Ildretta Elizabeth, Jasper Newton, Minerva Penelope, Malinda Elizabeth, Sanford Carroll, Delilah, Lelitah, Zachariah Taylor, Susan, Nicholas and John Stone); �About five miles east of The Dalles we came to a wagon standing at the side of the road and found there were seven children, the oldest a girl of about 13. Their father and mother, James and Mehala Fitzgerald had died and they didn�t know what to do.� [Diary of Elizabeth Shepard Holtgrieve; Conversations With Pioneer Women by Fred Lockley]
FITZGERALD, John Stone (1852- ): s/o James and Mahala (White) Fitzgerald; born 01 Jun 1852; no additional information found
FITZGERALD, Malinda: m'd MAYCOMBER, Mr.;d/o James and Mahala (White) Fitzgerald; born 09 Jan 1840 Elm Springs, Washington Co, Ark and died Vancouver, Clark Co, WA
FITZGERALD, Minerva Penelope (1839-1900): m1. 13 Mar 1853 FULKERSON, Peter Craig; m2. 1873 TARLETON, John Tarleton; d/o James and Mahala (White) Fitzgerald; born 27 Dec 1839 Elm Springs, Washington Co, Ark and died 14 Mar 1900 Vancouver, Clark Co, WA; buried Old City Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark Co, WA; mother of 4 children by first husband (Josephine, Hannah Elizabeth, Robert Craig and Nellie); mother of 2 children by second husband (Daisy Caroline and Arthur Haines)
FITZGERALD, Nicholas (1850-1877) m'd 03 Jul 1875 VAN NATTA, Elizabeth, s/o James and Mahala (White) Fitzgerald; born 01 Oct 1850 Elm Springs, Washington Co, Ark and drowned 01 Mar 1877 in the Columbia River, one daughter, Talitha, was born a few months after his death
FITZGERALD, Sanford Carroll (1842-1898): m'd 1873 PEASE, Helen L.; s/o James and Mahala (White) Fitzgerald; born 05 Mar 1842 Elm Springs, Washington Co, Ark and died 28 Aug 1898 CA; in Tuolumne Co, CA by 1868 per voter registration records
FITZGERALD, Susan (1848-1924): m'd 13 Sep 1863 SUNDERLAND, Albert; d/o James and Mahala (White) Fitzgerald; born 20 Nov 1848 Elm Springs, Washington Co, Ark and died 15 Apr 1924 Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; buried Historic Columbian Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; mother of 3 children (George, Minnie and one unnamed); husband was Oregon's first Dairy Commissioner
FITZGERALD, Zachariah Taylor (1847-1931); m'd 29 Dec 1874 HOLTGRIEVE, Emma Louise; s/o James and Mahala (White) Fitzgerald; born 09 Jun 1847 per 1900 census and death certificate or 20 Nov 1847 per bible records in Elm Springs, Washington Co, OR and died 25 Jun 1931 Multnomah Co., OR; buried Columbia Masonic Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah Co, OR; father of 9 children (Annie, James Henry, Minnie, Robert Nicholas, Charles Sanford, Lila Marie, Rose Louise, Gertrude Emma and Mae Zola)
FITZGERRILL, Alfred (1820- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Rachel
FITZGERRILL, Rachel: m'd 1850 FITZGERRILL, Alfred
FITZMORRIS, Michael (1826- ):
FLEENER, David Beckman (08 Jan 1848-05 Jan 1932): m'd 30 Jun 1887 TURNER, Jane Jenet; s/o Samuel and Rachel (Barns) Fleener; buried Whelan Cemetery, Pullman, Whitman County, Washington
FLEENER, Isaiah (09 Jul 1837- ): s/o Samuel and Rachel (Barns) Fleener; not enumerated in 1850 or 1860 census so probably died young
FLEENER, Jesse Nicholas (15 Feb 1839-Jul 1852): s/o Samuel and
Rachel (Barns) Fleener; died on trail in Idaho
FLEENER, Mary Jane (24 Jan 1841-18 Nov 1921): m'd RICKETTS, Richard Allen; d/o Samuel and Rachel (Barns) Fleener; moved to California; buried Turlock Memorial Park, Turlock, Stanislaus County, California
FLEENER, Nancy Caroline (16 May 1843-09 Aug 1867): m'd 13 Sep 1863 WILLIAMS, Hiram Savage; d/o Samuel and Rachel (Barns) Fleener; buried Miller Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
FLEENER, Rebecca Emily (04 Jan 1850-27 Jan 1927): m'd MEGGINSON, James; d/o Samuel and Rachel (Barns) Fleener
FLEENER, Samuel W. Jr. (02 Jul 1815-06 May 1903): m1. BARNES, Rachel; m2. 06 Mar 1853 ARCHER, Mrs. Mary Eveline (PRIVETT); first wife died on trail
FLEENER, Samuel Thomas (14 Sep 1845-1858): s/o Samuel and Rachel (Barns) Fleener
FLEENER, Samuel W. Jr. (02 Jul 1815-06 May 1903): m1. 16 May 1836 BARNS, Rachel (1817-1852) m2. 06 Mar 1853 ARCHER, Eveline Eliza (PRIVETT); settled Linn County, later moved to Whitman County, Washington; buried Whelan Cemetery, Pullman, Whitman County, Washington
*11) FLEMMING, Henry H. (1811- ): m'd 1854 O'CONNER, Nancy (JONES)
FLEISCHNER, Louis (02 Dec 1827-07 Aug 1896): never married; buried Beth Israel Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
"Portland merchant and philanthropist, was born in Vogelsarg, Austria, and after coming to America in 1842, came to Albany in 1842, where he established a store, with other stores at Oro Fino mines in 1849, and at Lewiston, Ida., in 1860. In 1863 he became a general merchant at Portland, and wholesale drygoods merchant, 1869. He served as State Treasurer, 1870-74, with notable results in collecting old securities held by the state. His philanthrophic activities and gifts were extensive. He never married." [Dictionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p. 85]
FLETCHER, Charlotte (1848-1926): m'd GIBBONS, [ ]
FLINN, John: m'd ROYAL, Mary
FOGLE, George (1826- ):
FOISY, Augustine (1814- ):
FOLEY, Abraham Nordyke Dr. (1797 - ): m'd 08 Aug 1815 RUSSELL, Barsheba; s/o Elijah and Elizabeth (Nordyke) Foley; born c 1797 VA and died 30 Sep 1881 Eugene, Lane Co, OR; settled first in Coos Co and later moved into Lane County. In 1870 Dr Foley purchased rights to Hot Springs in Lane County that he named Bethesda Hot Springs which he used for a medical spa and resort. He later sold out to his son in law, Henry Hill who ran them for a time before also selling out. Abraham was the father of (Harriet S., Elijah G., Elizabeth G., John R., Matilda, Sarah J., Euphratus J., Madison Nordyke and Robert Emmett)
FOLEY, Elizabeth G. (1820-1888): m'd 30 Jul 1848 HILL, Reuben Mason; d/o Abraham and Barsheba (Russell) Foley; born 08 Jan 1820 MO; mother of 8 children (Zarilda, Sarah, Martha E., Benjamin F., Samuel J., Julia D., Adeline and George R.M.)
FOLEY, Elijah G. (1818-1888): s/o Abraham and Barsheba (Russell) Foley; born 16 Apr 1818 and died 1888 Crook Co, OR
FOLEY, Euphrates J. (1828- ):. m'd 16 Jan 1854 [ ], Sarah Elizabeth; s/o Abraham and Barsheba (Russell) Foley; born 01 Apr 1828 MO' father of (Eli T. and Louisa B.)
FOLEY, Harriet S (1816-1888).: m'd 1832 CROW, Michael N.; d/o Abraham and Barsheba (Russell) Foley; born 22 May 1816 VA and died 21 Jun 1888 Douglas Co, OR; mother of 9 children (David L., Francis M., Elizabeth J., Henry G., Elijah G., Abraham N., Euphrates J., Auzella Ophelia and Josephine Ella)
FOLEYm Madison Nordyke (1836-1900): m'd 25 May 1865 WILLIS, Elnore; s/o Abraham and Barsheba (Russell) Foley; born 25 Apr 1836 MO and died 29 Sep 1900 Hood River, Hood River Co, OR; buried Idlewilde Cemetery, Hood River, Hood River Co, OR; father of 6 children (Robert B., Abrham Nordyke, Winthrop Adkins, Bernice Foley, Melville Joseph, two unnamed children and Mary E.)
FOLEY, Matilda (1826- ): m'd LYLE, William; d/o Abraham and Barsheba (Russell) Foley; born 14 Feb 1826 MO
FOLEY, Robert Emmett (1840- ): m'd c1865 [ ], Margaret A.; s/o Abraham and Barsheba (Russell) Foley; born 08 Jan 1840 MO
FOLEY, Sarah J. (1826- ): m'd 13 Aug 1846 HILL, Henry T.; d/o Abraham and Barsheba (Russell) Foley; born 14 Feb 1826 MO; mother of 5 children (Harriet, S.M., Winthrop, Mary C. and Joseph W.)
FOLLIS, Allen Henderson ( - ): m'd c1846 WILLIAMS, Susannah
FOLLIS, William ( - ):
FOLSOM, John E.:
FONG, J. M.:
FORD, Daniel (1827- ):
FORD, Felix H. (1827- ):
FORD, Robert:
FORD, Robison:
FOREN, William Clayborn (1831-1882): m'd 1854 PRINE, Sarah "Sally";
Willim Clayborn Foren he was born 20 Feb 1831 in Hardman County Tennessee and
died 27 Dec 1882 in Prineville, Crook Co, Oregon. He married 01 Jan 1854 to
Sarah (Sally) Prine. Sarah and William were on the same train and she was just
13 years old when she married.
*6) FORGEY, Elias (1833- ): s/o Andrew and Anna (Roller) Forgey
*6) FORGEY, George Washington (1840- ): s/o Andrew and Anna (Roller) Forgey
*6) FORGEY, Jacob Roller (1837- ): s/o Andrew and Anna (Roller) Forgey
*6) FORGEY, James (1825- ): m'd 1847 MILHOLLEN, Mary Emaline
*6) FORGEY, John (1818- ): m'd 1843 MILHOLLEN, Margaret Matilda; s/o Andrew and Anna (Roller) Forgey
*6) FORGEY, Laura (1851- ): d/o John and Margaret (Milhollen) Forgey
FORGEY, Martha A. (1848-1923):
*6) FORGEY, Mary Ann: d/o John and Margaret (Milhollen) Forgey
*6) FORGEY, Nancy: d/o John and Margaret (Milhollen) Forgey
*6) FORGEY, William Andrew (1847- ): m'd 1873 HALSTEAD, Jeannette; John and Margaret (Milhollen) Forgey
FOSTER, Elizabeth (1842- ): d/o William and Margaret (Greenwood) Foster; turned off for CA
FOSTER, Frank (1837- ):
FOSTER, George (1840- ): s/o William and Margaret (Greenwood) Foster; turned off for CA
FOSTER, George (1843-1925):
FOSTER, James William (1829- ): s/o Philip and Fannie (Cummins) Foster; son of Philip Foster of Foster Farm and Philips first wife. Mother died after birth of James and he went to live with his paternal grandparents, William and Lucy Foster. He went to CA in 1852 and then joined his father in Oregon
FOSTER, Jeannette (1843- ): d/o William and Margaret (Greenwood) Foster; turned off for CA
FOSTER, John W. (1825- ):
FOSTER, Margaret (1851- ): d/o William and Margaret (Greenwood) Foster; turned off for CA
FOSTER, Mary Jane ( - ): d/o William and Margaret (Greenwood) Foster; turned off for CA
FOSTER, Peyton ( - ): m'd FOSTER, Mary Jane; was uncle of William Harrison Foster and traveled with his family; after Margaret died he married her daughter Mary Jane Foster.; turned off for CA
FOSTER, Sarah (1846- ): d/o William and Margaret (Greenwood) Foster; turned off for CA
FOSTER, Thomas ( -1852): A letter
written by Robert Bruce, Jr., in the July 23, 1852, [Baltimore] Sun, p. 1, c. 4,
states "Thomas Foster (of Smouse's company) died of cholera on the 18th of May,
in Nebraska territory."
FOSTER, Virginia (1813-1883): m1.WHITE, Peter; m2. 1853 BROTT, Jacob; Virginia's first husband died on the trail of cholera. she arrived in the fall of 1852 with no crops or food available. Their friends who had arrived in Oregon before them (the Jack�s and Eastham�s) gave them potatoes. The story goes that they dug a hole in the earth filled it with the potatoes and built a log cabin around it. The Jack�s and Easthams had saved a plot of land for the White family upon their arrival. It was located on Butte Creek between Monitor, Marquam and Silverton. This farm was in the family until about the mid to late 1980's. Virginia married 1853 Jacob Brott. She divorced him about1859. The story is told that he was a man that liked the liquor and that he was not reliable. That there were many clashes with Virginia and that one day she had had enough and sent him packing firing a rifle over his head.
FOSTER, William Harrison ( - ): m'd GREENWOOD, Margaret; turned off for CA
FOUNTAIN, Matthew (1814- ): m'd 1836 HICKS, Sarah
FOUTS, Jane: m'd 1849 FOUTS, Larkin; maiden name unknown at this time
FOUTS, John T. (1839- ):
FOUTS, Larkin (1810- ): m'd 1849 [ ], Jane
FOWLER, George M. (1824-1884): m'd 1848 VANDERPOOL, Philena; buried Kings Valley Cemetery, Benton Co, OR
*7) FOWLER, Lodema (28 Sep 1833-23 Dec 1910): m'd 27 Sep1849 MAYS, Robert; d/o Benjamin and Mary (Gordon) Fowler; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
FOWLER, Mary Ann (1825-1899): m'd 13 Jun1844 LACY, Ira Wilkes; born PA and married in MI
FOX, Andrew Jackson (04 Feb
1844-29 Jun 1907): m'd BARNES, Irene Caroline; s/o Ephraim Fox (note that his
birth year is wrong -OR- the marriage date for Ephraim is incorrect -OR- he is
the son of a prior marriage
FOX, Charles Nicholas (Nov 1842-10 Oct 1913): s/o Nicholas and Mary (Hammack) Fox;
FOX, Ephraim (14 Mar 1822-13 Jul 1899): m1. 14 Oct/17 Sep 1846 WILLS/WELLS, Louisa Francis "Lucy"; m2. 1871 JOHNSON, Nancy Elizabeth; s/o Nicholas and Mary (Hammack) Fox; settled Linn County, Oregon; buried Fossil IOOF Cemetery, Fossil, Wheeler County, Oregon
FOX, George W. (1849- ): s/o Ephraim and Louisa (Wills) Fox; disappears after the 1870 census so may be deceased
FOX, J. B. ( -1915):
FOX, John Madison (09 Sep 1837-09 Feb 1898): m'd 08 Oct 1863 TAYLOR, Catherine Francis; s/o Nicholas and Mary (Hammack) Fox
FOX, Mary (1796-1852): see Mary HAMMACK
FOX, Nancy Jane (21 Mar 1835-25 Jan 1917): m1. 13 Jul 1851 BUNCH, James W.; m2. c1867 WILKINSON, James M.; d/o Nicholas and Mary (Hammack) Fox;
FOX, Phoebe (16 Jan 1826-1913): m'd 13 May 1843 BUNCH, George William Jr; d/o Nicholas and Mary (Hammack) Fox; d/o Nicholas and Mary (Hammack) Fox
FOX, Samuel ( -1852): died on trail June 17, 1852 near Ft.
Laramie. He was from Wisconsin [death
information per Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois University]
FOX, William J. (1840-26 Dec 1917): s/o Nicholas and Mary (Hammack) Fox;
FRAKES, William (1826-1920):
FRANCIS, Mary Jane (1831-Feb 1898): m'd 1847 BEAUCHAMP, Tilden; died Washington County, Oregon
FRANKLIN, Arminta L. (1813 -27
Jul 1852): died on trail 27/28
Jul 1852 Snake River
*3) FRANKLIN, Benjamin (1819- ): m'd 1846 METZKER, Susannah Zickafoose; s/o
William and Hannah (Hackney) Franklin
*3) FRANKLIN, Celestine (1848-1940): m'd 1865 EMMETT, Phillip; d/o Benjamin and
Susannah (Metzker) Franklin
*3) FRANKLIN, Mary Jane (1828- ): m'd SYRON, Peter Adolphus; d/o William and Hannah (Hackney) Franklin
*3) FRANKLIN, Samuel: s/o William and Hannah (Hackney) Franklin
*3) FRANKLIN, Sarah: d/o William and Hannah (Hackney) Franklin
*3) FRANKLIN, William (1850-1927):
*3) FRANKLIN, William (1784-1886): m'd 1810 HACKNEY, Hannah
*3) FRANKLIN, William Burris (1831- ): s/o William and Hannah (Hackney) Franklin
FRANTZ, John ( -1852): m'd 1835 [
], Susannah; died on trail
FRANTZ, Susannah (1811-): m'd 1835 FRANTZ, John; maiden name unknown at this time
FRAZER, Georgina: m'd 1849 FRAZER, Milton; maiden name unknown at this time
FRAZER, Milton (1831- ): m'd 1849 [ ], Georgina
FREDERICKS, Sarah ( -1852): died on trail
FREEL, Amos Evans (26 Sep 1809- 09 Jun 1852): m'd 23 Jan 1828 REYNOLDS, Elizabeth;
died on trail; memorial
Oregon Trail
Memorial Park Cemetery, Bridgeport, Morrill County, Nebraska
FREEL, Charles Wesley (15 Jan 1852-17 Jun 1852): s/o Amos and Elizabeth (Reynolds) Freel; died on trail; memorial Oregon Trail Memorial Park Cemetery, Bridgeport, Morrill County, Nebraska
FREEL, Elizabeth Lucy (27 Mar 1846-27 Jun 1883): m'd 1867 WRENN, George P.; d/o Amos and Elizabeth (Reynolds) Freel ; buried Crystal Lake Cemetery, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon
FREEL, Francis Marion (27 Sep 1842-04 Jun 1852): s/o Amos and Elizabeth (Reynolds) Freel; died on trail; memorial Oregon Trail Memorial Park Cemetery, Bridgeport, Morrill County, Nebraska
FREEL, Maria (1835-06 Jun 1852): d/o Amos and Elizabeth (Reynolds) Freel; died on trail; memorial Oregon Trail Memorial Park Cemetery, Bridgeport, Morrill County, Nebraska
FREEL, Marquis Lafayette (27 Sep 1841-10 Jun 1852): s/o Amos and Elizabeth (Reynolds) Freel; died on trail; memorial Oregon Trail Memorial Park Cemetery, Bridgeport, Morrill County, Nebraska
FREEL, Martha Ellen (08 Dec 1843-24 Dec 1929): m'd 1859 HAWLEY, David; d/o Amos and Elizabeth (Reynolds) Freel; buried Alpine Cemetery, Alpine, Benton County, Oregon
FREEL, Mary "Polly" (05 Feb 1833-08 Jun 1852): m'd c1850 CASNER, John L.; d/o Amos and Elizabeth (Reynolds) Freel; died on trail; memorial Oregon Trail Memorial Park Cemetery, Bridgeport, Morrill County, Nebraska
FREEL, Nancy Jane (22 Apr 1837-05 Nov 1883): m'd 03 Feb 1853 GATTON, Samuel Arthurston; d/o Amos and Elizabeth (Reynolds) Freel; died Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
FREEL, Sarah Ann (13 May 1829-23 Jun 1911): m'd 1846 KISOR, George Washington; d/o Amos and Elizabeth (Reynolds) Freel ; buried Mount Union Cemetery, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon
FREEL, Sophia (03 Mar 1831-03 Apr 1913): m'd PARKINSON, Jonathan; d/o Amos and Elizabeth (Reynolds) Freel; started with Freel family but turned back; buried Woodlawn Cemetery, Pomona, Franklin County, Kansas
FREEL, Ursula (15 Jun 1851-2 Jan 1917): 1863 NEWTON, Jasper; d/o Amos and Elizabeth (Reynolds) Freel; buried Molson Cemetery, Molson, Okanogan County, Washington
FREEL, William Jasper (22 Apr 1839-29 Oct 1899): s/o Amos and Elizabeth (Reynolds) Freel; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Davenport, Lincoln County, Washington
FREEMAN, Dorcas: m'd 1848 CROSS, Lorenzo D.
FREEMAN, Rachel: m'd 1846 FREEMAN, Walter; maiden name unknown at this time
FREEMAN, Walter (1801- ): m'd 1846 [ ], Rachel
FRENCH, John H. (1831- ):
FRENCH, Samantha Ann ( -1941):
FRENCH, William:
FRIEBERT, Rosannah ( -1914): m'd FRIEBERT, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
FRIZZELL, Almira: d/o Reece and Lillie Frizzell
FRIZZELL, Catharine: d/o Reece and Lillie Frizzell
FRIZZELL, G. Lafayette (1851-1926): s/o Reece and Lillie Frizzell
FRIZZELL, Jason Porter (1848-1917): s/o Reece and Lillie Frizzell
"FRIZZELL, JASON P.-Born in Missouri in 1848, the son of Porter Frizzell, a native of Virginia, who had settled in Missouri at an early day. The family set out to cross the plains, but the father died of cholera on the way, and four other members of the family perished also. The mother, Mrs. Lillie Frizzell, with six children, made her way to Oregon, and settled in Polk County. The children's names were Catharine, William, Joseph, Almira, Jason P., and Lafayette. Jason P. Frizzell is now a farmer near Perrydale. lie was married in 1872 to Louisa Baskett. They have two children Edith and Ethel." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 763-64]
FRIZZELL, Joseph: s/o Reece and Lillie Frizzell
FRIZZELL, Lilly ( - ): m'd 1834 FRIZZELL,Reece Porter
FRIZZELL, Lodisa: turned off for CA
FRIZZELL, Reece Porter (1815-1852): m'd 1834 [ ] , Lilly; Reece died near the John Day River on October 19. His wife and children continued on and settled in Polk Co
FRIZZELL, William (1840-1924): s/o Reece and Lillie Frizzell
FRONK, John W. (1819- ):
FROST, George T. (1828- ):
FROTHINGHAM, Susan: m'd 1834 MASTERS, David; mother of Martha, C.A., James A., Thomas, Eliza, William and David
FRUIT, Elizabeth (1791-1871): m'd WALKER, Samuel H.; widow when emigrated to Oregon with children [see Walker listings]
FRYER, Abel P. (c1826- ):
FRYER, Alexander L. (1829-1918): s/o William and Sarah Fryer
FRYER, Elvira Ann: d/o William and Sarah Fryer
FRYER, Flories Joseph: s/o William and Sarah Fryer
FRYER, Hetty F.: d/o William and Sarah Fryer
FRYER, James J.: s/o William and Sarah Fryer
FRYER, John L. (1823-1877): m'd 1856 DECKER Landess, Diana; s/o William and Sarah Fryer; wife was widow of Abram Landess
FRYER, Sarah: m'd 1822 FRYER, William; maiden name unknown at this time
FRYER, Sarah M.: d/o William and Sarah Fryer
FRYER, William W. (1797- ): m'd 1822 [ ], Sarah
FULBRIGHT, William (1823- ):
FULLERTON, Nancy Jane: m'd WATTS, William
GABRIEL, Rebecca: m'd 1850 GABRIEL, William; maiden name unknown at this time
GABRIEL, William J. (1819- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Rebecca
*12) GAEBHART, Johanna (1821-30 Sep 1852 ): m'd
c1837 ABBOTT, William Young; husband died on trail; d/o John and Mary (Robbins)
Geabhart; mother of Mary Ann, John,
Sarah E., Samuel, William G.; took ill with mountain fever on the Snake River,
died of mountain fever and was buried on the bank of the Powder River a few miles below where
Baker City now stands
*12) GAEBHART, John Capt. ( -1852): m'd 27 Jul 1812 ROBBINS, Mary Ann; veteran of the War of 1812, fought Indians
under General Jackson; died on the North side of the Columbia River of mountain
fever, was buried a few miles above the falls.
1852 Reminiscences of John G. Abbott
GAGE, John Pike ( -1915):
GAINES, James F. (1835-1853): s/o Willis and Louisa (Crowley) Gaines
GAINES, John Wesley (1836-1921): m'd c1860 KIMSEY, Melissa Ann; s/o Willis and Louisa (Crowley) Gaines
GAINES, Louisa (1851-1872): d/o Willis and Louisa (Crowley) Gaines
GAINES, Mary Elizabeth (1846-1888): m'd 1864 DANIALS, Francis M.; d/o Willis and Louisa (Crowley) Gaines
GAINES, Samuel (1843-1934): m'd 1861 SOUTH, Susan; s/o Willis and Louisa (Crowley) Gaines
GAINES, Sarah (1845-1872): d/o Willis and Louisa (Crowley) Gaines
GAINES, Willis (1810-1888): m1. CROWLEY, Louisa (1813-1855); m2. 1857 FULKERSON, Elizabeth Kincaid; s/o John Wesley and Sarah Ann (White) Gaines
GALEY, Emeline (c1823- ): m'd 1854 ALFORD, Thomas; "Emeline Galey is living with Samuel Preston Hamilton (born abt 1814, TN), his wife Malissa (born abt 1820, IL) and daughter Mary (born abt 1843, AR) in the 1850 census in Clear Creek Township, Washington County, Arkansas. Emeline may be the sister of Samuel Hamilton's wife, Malissa. Emeline Galey was the third wife of Thomas Alford (born 1802, VA). He immigrated to Linn County in 1850 and they were married in Linn County, February 1854. It is believed that the Samuel Preston family emigrated with their next door neighbors, the James Wilson Ingrams in 1852." [per Alicia Roundy Houston]
GALLAND, M. ( -1852): died on trail May 1852,
from IL
GALLOWAY, Charles (1798-1884): m'd 1830 HEENEY, Mary
"GALLOWAY, CHARLES--Born in Hampstead County, Virginia, August 20, 1798. Lived subsequently in Missouri and Illinois, and while at Galena married Miss Mary Heeney. They afterwards removed to Wisconsin, and Mr. G. served in the Black.Hawk war. Came to Oregon in 1852 and settled in Yamhill County. Mr. Galloway died September 30, 1884, surviving his wife but two weeks. They were both buried in the cemetery of St. Paul s Catholic Church, Marion County. Their family, at one time, numbered six daughters and five sons, of whom three of the former and all of the latter still live. Father Galloway, as he was called, wras a man of the deepest piety, and possessed the respect of his fellow-men in an extraordinary degree." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 764]
GALLOWAY, Stephen H. (1827- ): m'd [ ], Annie E.
GALLOWAY, William (1845- ): m'd BAKER, Emma; s/o Charles and Mary (Heeney) Galloway:
"GALLOWAY, WILLIAM--Mr. Galloway is the youngest son of Charles and Mary Galloway. He was born in Iowa County, Wisconsin, June 10, 1845, and was brought by his parents to Oregon. Was educated at the common schools and at the Willamette LTniversity, graduating in 1868, with honors. Taught for a time in the North Yamhill Academy, and then studied law with Judge Curl in Salem. On October 18, 1875, he married Emma, daughter of V. Baker. Mrs. Galloway was born in Dodge County, Wisconsin, December 28, 1851. Their children are Zilpha Virginia, and Charles Varranus. Mr. Galloway was elected to the assembly in 1874, and again in 1878 and 1880; held the chairmanship of several important committees, etc. Resides at present in Bellevue Precinct." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 764]
GANIARD, Oscar Ovid (1832-1895): m'd 1858 GANIARD, Lucinda; s/o Peter and
Ruth (Beldon) Ganiard; born in NY; 1834-1838 Ohio; 1838-1852 Michigan;
1852 emigrated to OR and went to Jackson Co to mine for gold; during hard times
that winter he returned to Portland until 1856 when he moved to Josephine Co to
settle; purchased a farm and opened a mercantile business; 1858 returned to MI
to visit parents and married Lucinda Ganiard (d/o Silas and Lucinda (Wilder)
Ganiard; 1872 moved to Jackson Co where he farmed and once again opened a
mercantile; final years spent in Ashland, OR; Oscar and Lucinda both buried in
Ashland Cemetery, Ashland, OR
GANIARD, Peter (c1829- ): m'd 1851 CORBUS, Levina
GANTER, John (1810- ):
GARD, Eliza (28 Mar 1841-28 Jul 1872): d/o Timothy and Mahala (Mozier) Gard
GARD, Kate ( -1916): m'd GARD, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
GARD, John J. "Jack" (06 Apr 1838-24 Apr 1913): m'd LINN, Mary Ellen; s/o Timothy and Mahala (Mozier) Gard; shown as buried in both Clarkes Pioneer Cemetery, Clarkes, Clackamas County, Oregon and Mount Hope Cemetery, Baker City, Baker County, Oregon
GARD, Lovina (22 Aug 1837-12 Aug 1895): d/o Timothy and Mahala (Mozier) Gard
GARD, Marlon Milo Otis (04 Mar 1844-14 Feb 1907): m'd WELSH, Caroline; s/o Timothy and Mahala (Mozier) Gard; buried Milo Gard Cemetery, Madras, Jefferson County, Oregon
GARD, Minerva (09 Sep 1837-14 Oct 1923); m'd 1855 LARKINS, John R.; d/o Timothy and Mahala (Mozier) Gard; buried Clarkes Pioneer Cemetery, Clarkes, Clackamas County, Oregon
GARD, Timothy (25 Feb 1802-11 Jun 1872): m'd 15 Jan 1829 MOZIER, Mahala; s/o Nathan and Eleanor (Pugh) Gard; probably in unmarked garve at Clarkes Pioneer Cemetery, Clarkes, Clackamas County, Oregon
GARD, Zachariah Scott (Dec 1848-21 Feb 1929): m'd JONES, Susan Jane; s/o Timothy and Mahala (Mozier) Gard; buried Mount Hope Cemetery, Baker City, Baker County, Oregon
GARDNER, Lydia Jane (26 Apr 1818-23 Sep 1880): m'd 16 Feb 1843 SIMMONS, Andrew; d/o Libni and Anna (Starbuck) Gardner; buried Luper Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
*31) GARRIGUS, Martha Marguerite (17 Aug 1847-30 Mar 1920): d/o James and Ruth (Morgan) Garrigus; father died prior to emigration and Martha accompanied her mother and step father (William Morgan) to Oregon; she died in San Joaquin County, California
GARLETS, Josiah (1825- ): m'd c1845 [ ], Mary H.
GARLETS, Mary H.: m'd c1845 GARLETS, Josiah; maiden name unknown at this time
GARLICK, Caroline: m'd 1850 GARLICK, William; divorced by Mar 1858; maiden name unknown at this time
GARLICK, William (1827- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Caroline; divorced by Mar 1858
GAROUTTE, Sophia Jane ( -1916): m'd GAROUTTE, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
GARRETT, James (1822- ): m'd 1852 WELCH, Frances M.
GARRETT, Richard (1833- ):
GARRETT, Thomas (1832-1908): m'd c1850 LISENBY, Permelia Ann
GARRISON, Ephraim (1799- ): m'd MODIE, Nancy; s/o Jason and Mary Garrison
GARRISON, Mary ( -1852): m'd MASTERS,
William; died on trail
GARRISON, William M. (1829- ): s/o Ephraim and Nancy (Modie) Garrison
GATES, Albert (1831- ): m'd 1857 STEPHENS, Mary Ann
GATES, Peter Paul:
GATES, Thomas:
GATES, William Harvey (1839-1925): Wagons From Wapello
GATSII [aka GATZ], Anna Johanna Regina (11 Jan 1814-31 Jul 1890): m'd 22 Aug 1831 GUBSER, Joseph Jacob [married Switzerland]; buried Gibbs Cemetery, Yamhill County, Oregon
GATTON, William (1831-1924): m'd 1850 HENDRICKSON, Nancy Jane
GAUIRES, Lydia: m'd MORGAN, Erastus Newton
GAULT, Caroline E. (1849-1852): d/o John and Lucy (McClain) Gault; died on the trail near Green River
GAULT, Daniel McLain. (1842-1912): m1. 1867 HOWELL, Anna Rebecca; m2. 1878 HUMPHREY, Lydia E.; s/o John and Lucy (McClain) Gault
GAULT, Daniel McLain (1844- ): s/o Pembroke and Elizabeth (McLain) Gault
GAULT, Francis (1847-1852): s/o John and Lucy (McClain) Gault; died on the trail near Green River
GAULT, John (1814-1861): m'd 1840 MCCLAIN, Lucy
GAULT, John W. (1845-1908): s/o John and Lucy (McClain) Gault
GAULT, Lucy C. (1847- ): d/o Pembroke and Elizabeth (McLain) Gault
GAULT, Mary: m'd HUMPHREYS, [ ]; d/o John and Lucy (McClain) Gault
GAULT, Mary E. (1845- ): d/o Pembroke and Elizabeth (McLain) Gault
GAULT, Pembroke (1817- ): m'd 1842 MCLAIN, Elizabeth
GAULT, Persis (1849-1852): s/o Pembroke and
Elizabeth (McLain) Gault; died on trail
*18) GAY, Franklin B. (1827- ): s/o Franklin and Debora Gay; born in VT, joined the Scott company in Tazewell Co, IL, traveled with his own wagon; he abandoned his wagon and left by the Snake River August 15th; "To day (August 15) 5 of our company concluded to go on by water. They accordingly fitted up two wagon beds for the purpose and launded them into the Snake, they seem to answer a good purpose and if no accident befalls them they will reach the dalles in ten days or less." (They planned on floating to Fort Boise and then travel afoot on account of the river rapids and falls. The party included John Dixon, Robert Dixon, Frank Gay, Robert King and George Burns.); first worked at Oregon City as a carpenter; died 29 Feb 1896 at Lafayette, OR; earned high esteem from John Tucker Scott; served as the surveyor for the Free Emigrant Road
*12) GEARHART, John W. (1821- ): m'd 1852 WILLIAMS, Rachel Ann
*12) GEARHART, William (1819- ): m'd 1841 BENSON, Matilda
GEISEL, Andrew (1851-22 Feb 1856): s/o John and Christina (Bruck) Geisel; killed by indians Feb 22, 1856; buried Geisel Family Cemetery, Gold Beach, Curry County, Oregon
GEISEL, Henry (1849-22 Feb 1856): s/o John and Christina (Bruck) Geisel; killed by indians Feb 22, 1856; buried Geisel Family Cemetery, Gold Beach, Curry County, Oregon
GEISEL, John (1812-22 Feb 1856): m'd BRUCK, Christina; killed by indians Feb 22, 1856; buried Geisel Family Cemetery, Gold Beach, Curry County, Oregon
"In 1856 the home of John and Christina Geisel, lately arrived in Elizabeth Town, an Oregon coast settlement five miles south of Rogue River, was attacked by a band of To-To_Tuna Indians, and father and three sons, John, Henry and Andrew were slain. Mrs. Geisel, attempting to defend herself and two daughters, Mary thirteen, and Anna, an infant, was stabbed in the hand, and then taken prisoner. After a period of captivity, Mrs. Geisel and her two daughters were released. Although then escaping a tragic fate, Mrs. Geisel, living alone in 1896 at the edge of Gold Beach, was robbed, murdered and burned to death in her home. The Geisel family crossed the plains to Oregon in 1852 and for a short period of time prior to removing to the Curry County coast lived in Portland. Geisel Monument State Park perpetuates the name of the massacred family." [Dictionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p. 98]
GEISEL, John J. (1847-22 Feb 1856):s/o John and Christina (Bruck) Geisel; killed by indians Feb 22, 1856; buried Geisel Family Cemetery, Gold Beach, Curry County, Oregon
GEISEL, Mary (14 Feb 1843-25 Mar 1933): m'd BLAKE, Harrison Gray; d/o John and Christina (Bruck) Geisel; buried Smith River Cemetery, Smith River, Del Norte County, California
GIBBONS, William A. (1830- ):
*16) GIBBS, Minerva A (1831-1901).: m'd 27 Apr 1852 CRESWELL, Jabez Remick; born 13 Nov 1831 Wapato, Louisa Co, IA; died 12 Nov 1901 Walla Walla, Walla Walla Co, WA; mother of nine children (James A., Martha A., John Isaac, D., J. Cargill, Thomas C., Addison G., Juniatti and Alfred B.)
GIBSON, Abigail (04 Jan 1820-06 Sep 1895): m'd
19 Mar 1840 BROWN, James Monroe; died Labette County, Kansas; burial location
*5: GIBSON, Alfred Breese (c1843- ): s/o Daviess and Sophronia (Ingalls) Gibson; got cholera on trail but survived
*5: GIBSON, Almira B. "Myra" (c1845-1930): m'd STARBUCK, Thomas; d/o Daviess and Sophronia (Ingalls) Gibson
*5: GIBSON, Benton: s/o George and Mary Gibson
*5: GIBSON, Cass (c1848- ): m'd MILLER, Melinda; s/o Daviess and Sophronia (Ingalls) Gibson
GIBSON, China (1816 - 1852) m'd MCCUBBINS, James; d/o Valentine and Mary (Wyatt) Gibson; died on the trail
*5: GIBSON, Daviess (1812- ): m'd 1839 INGALLS, Sophronia; s/o Samuel and Tabytha (Kennedy) Gibson; came to OR in 1849 with Ingalls brothers; returned east and brought family out in 1852
"GIBSON, DAVIESS--Born in Missouri in 1812; the son of Samuel Gibson. The father's birth took place in South Carolina about 1780, and he served in the war of 1812. The son left home when twenty-one, went to Illinois and lived there nineteen years. Crossed the plains to Oregon and then went to the California mines in 1849. Returned to the "States"; via Panama, the next year, and in 1852 organized a company of emigrants, of whom his father was one, and set out for Oregon. The old gentleman died on the way, aged 72. Daviess Gibson settled in Polk County, and has remained on his original claim ever since. Has been assessor of his county (1860). Married Sophronia Ingalls in 1839. Children George I), (three years a Union soldier), Albert B., Alrnira B., Cass, Mary D. (deceased), Lyman D., and Sarah. The Gibson farm is in Polk County, five miles northwest of Salem." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 703]
*5: GIBSON, Delila Ann (1824- ): m'd INGALLS, Joseph Wellington; d/o Israel and Mary (Lord) Gibson
*5: GIBSON, Douglas ( -1906): s/o George and Mary Gibson
*5: GIBSON, Eleanor (1820- ): m1. 1842 TAYLOR, William; husband and all but one child died of cholera on trail within 24 hours; d/o Samuel and Tabytha (Kennedy) Gibson; drove her wagon the rest of the way to OR
*5: GIBSON, George D.: m'd HOMESLEY, Laura; s/o Daviess and Sophronia (Ingalls) Gibson
*5: GIBSON, George G. (1806- ): m'd 1835 PORTER, Mary Bowen; s/o Samuel and Tabytha (Kennedy) Gibson
*5: GIBSON, Hulda Zerilda (1831-1912): m'd 1852 HAYDEN, Benjamin F.; grandaughter of Samuel; father had died prior to 1852 (may have been Thomas Kennedy Gibson)
GIBSON, John (1826- ):
*5: GIBSON, Mary Ellen ( -1866): m'd WAIT, Thomas B.; d/o George and Mary Gibson
*5: GIBSON, Porter C. ( -1862): s/o George and Mary Gibson
*5: GIBSON, Samuel (1780-08 Jun 1852): m'd KENNEDY, Tabytha; s/o Guyon and Eleanor Gibson; died of cholera on 08 June just a little beyond Fort Kearney; buried along trail; wife had died in 1847 in IL
*5: GIBSON, Samuel D. (c1836-1897): m'd [ ], Mary E.; s/o George and Mary Gibson
"Samuel D. Gibson.--Born in Pike County, Illinois, in 1836; came to Oregon and set tled in Polk County; still resides there; is a farmer by occupation. Married, March, 1807, to Mrs. Mary Foreman." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 764]
GILBERT, Elizabeth (20 Mar 1836-10 Apr 1910): m1. 19 Sep 1851 BALL, David M. (1831-1855); m2. 07 Sep 1856 SWEARINGEN, Benoni; d/o Richard and Elizabeth (Milbourne) Gilbert; buried Swearingen Cemetery, Happy Camp, Siskiyou County, California
GILBERT, Samuel (1804- ):
GILBREATH, James Craig (20
Sep 1829-1882): m1. 03 Aug 1849 TIGARD, Sarah Ann (1829-1866);
m2. MORRISON, Jane; s/o Cyrus Granger Gilbreath and Sarah Jane Craig (1811-1848);
*29) GILBREATH, John Ewing (23 Mar 1832-17 Nov 1901): emigrated with brother in 1852 but later returned to Arkansas where he married and later died; s/o Cyrus Granger Gilbreath and Sarah Jane Craig (1811-1848)
GILBREATH, Joseph Love (13 Nov 1827-04 Jan 1853): m'd 29 Nov 1849 THOMPSON, Jemima
GILBREATH, Samuel (1814- ): m'd 1849 [ ], Sarah
GILBREATH, Sarah: m'd 1849 GILBREATH, Samuel; maiden name unknown at this time
GILBREATH, William Cameron (08 Sep 1851-18 Jan 1914): s/o Joseph and Jemima (Thompson) Gilbreath
*29) GILBREATH, William Pollock (09 Aug 1850-01 Sep 1921): m'd 1883 Ring OHLSSON, Bertha Adolphena(1851-1940); s/o James Craig & Sarah Ann (Tigard) Gilbreath
GILES, Daniel (16 Sep 1836-03 Jul 1918): m'd 26 Oct 1861 BRADEN, America Agnes Memoirs of Daniel Giles; s/o Henry and Nancy (Moore) Giles Jr.; died Myrtle Point, Coos County, Oregon
GILES, Julia Ann (22 Sep 1816-11 Nov 1898): m'd 17 Mar 1836 BUELL, Leonard Samuel; moved with husband from French Prairie to Deek Creek, Douglas County, Oregon in 1854; buried Looking Glass Community Cemetery, Looking Glass, Douglas County, Oregon ; d/o Henry and Nancy (Moore) Giles Jr.
GILLETTE, Preston Wilson (02 Jun 1825-21 Jan 1905): 20 Aug 1888 MCCABE, Mary; s/o Horatio and Sarah (Wilson) Gillette; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
"First Oregon rose fancier, nurseryman and customs collector, was born in Ohio, the son of Horatio Nelson Gillette (who grafted and introduced the Rome Beauty apple). His schooling was local and at Clermont Academy, following which he studied law , 1851-52. In March 1852 he started overland, arriving at Oregon City in September, but went almost at once to Clatsop Plains, where he purchased property on the Lewis and Clark River, near old Fort Clatsop. In May, 1853, he received three boxes of fruit trees, seeds and ornamental shrubbery from his father in Ohio--the first importation of ornamental shrubbery in the Oregon Country. Inclluded were a number of varieties of roses, the only others then in Oregon being the Mission Rose. From this stock sprang a large proportion of the roses, shrubbery, flowering shrubs and berries seen afterwards in early Oregon. In 1866 he was appointed to the revenue service at Yaquina Bay, and in 1867 sold his Clatsop property and moved to Portland, where he worked for the Oregonian, and engaged in the real estate business. He was a legislator from Clatsop and Tillamook counties, 1862 and in 1865-65 represented Columbia and Tillamook counties. He was instrumental in developing new pilotage laws for the Columbia. In 1864 he served as Collector of Customs at Astoria. In 1888 he married Mary McCabe, they had one son. Throughout his life his love of nature amounted almost to worship--that nature made it possible for man to do much for hmself." [Dictionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p. 99-100 Note: in this bio his name is incorrectly listed as Percy Wilson Gillette]
GILFRY, George L. (1844 - 1929): m'd HAZELTON, Sarah A.; : s/o John and Delilah (Bristow) Gilfry; name also seen as Gilfrey
GILFRY, Henry Harold (04 Nov 1843- 07 Feb 1925): m'd WADE, Margaret; s/o John and Delilah (Bristow) Gilfry; name also seen as Gilfrey
GILFRY, John Thompson (18 Nov 1820 - 25 Apr 1896): m'd 1840 BRISTOW, Delilah Cherry; s/o John and Elizabeth (McHam) Gilfry; name also seen as Gilfrey
*2) *26) GILHAM, Abe ( -1852): died on trail
*2) *26) GILHAM, Jane Anne: d/o Newton and Marecy (Valentine) Gilham
*2) *26) GILHAM, Minerva A.: d/o Newton and Marecy (Valentine) Gilham
*2) *26) GILHAM, Newton Davidson (1811-1887): m'd 1845 VALENTINE, Marecy; noted July 18 in James Akin diary that "Gillhams left the company"; apparently started with Akin party and then left to lead his own group.
*2) *26) GILHAM, Newton Lluallen: s/o Newton and Marecy (Valentine) Gilham
GILLAM, Corbin (1798- ):
GILLAM, Thomas J. (1834- ):
GILLAM, William F.:
GILLENWATER, Frances A. (31 Oct 1846-24 Aug 1878): m'd 1862 DAVIS, William B.; d/o Joseph and Margaret (Lung) Gillenwater
GILLENWATER, Hester Ann (07 Jan 1830-11 Feb 1898): m'd 1848 CROXTON, Elijah; d/o Joel and Margaret (Phipps) Gillenwater; buried Huntsville Cemetery, Huntsville, Schuyler County, Illinois
GILLENWATER, Joseph Cardon (1822-16 May 1894): m1. 1845 LUNG, Margaret; m2. 1849 DIMICK, Sarah Jane; buried Prairie City Cemetery, Prairie City, Grant County, Oregon
GILLESPIE, Jacob (1809- ):
GILLESPIE, Margaret: m'd WITHERS, J.E.P.; d/o Jacob Gillespie
GILLIAM, Alfred: s/o Charles and Mary Gilliam
GILLIAM, Charles (-1852): m'd [ ], Mary
GILLIAM, James J.E.: s/o Charles and Mary Gilliam
GILLIAM, Jasper Newton (1831- ): m'd 1851 GILLIAM, Rosa Ann Elizabeth
GILLIAM, Joseph Grayson: s/o Charles and Mary Gilliam
GILLIAM, Lavinnie: m'd FOSTER, Silas; sister of Jasper Gilliam
GILLIAM, Mary (c1802- ): m'd GILLIAM, Charles; maiden name unknown at this time
GILLIAM, Minerva: d/o Charles and Mary Gilliam
GILLIAM, Nancy Jane: m'd JOHNSON, Carl Ellison; sister of Jasper Gilliam
GILLIAM, Rosa Ann Elizabeth: m'd 1851 GILLIAM, Jasper Newton; d/o Charles and Mary Gilliam
GILLIAM, Sarah Sophronia: d/o Charles and Mary Gilliam
GILLIAM, William H. (1829- ): s/o Charles and Mary Gilliam
GILLILAND, John M. (1802- ):
GILLILAND, John W. (1819- ):
GILLILAND, Mary ( -1913): m'd GILLILAND, [ ]
GILMORE, Beverly Ward (1823-1898): m'd 10 Nov 1845 CLYMER, Lucinda; s/o James and Sarah (Williams) Gilmore
GILMORE, Cynthia Elizabeth (1834-1891): m'd ROBERTS, Joseph
GILMORE, David MacIlwaine (24 Jun 1827-05 Jun 1899): m'd 18 Aug 1858 BARKER, Mary Frances; s/o James and Mary (Poteet) Gilmore; buried Laurel Cemetery, Cave Junction, Josephine County, Oregon
GILMORE, James Modrell (15 Jul 1791-31 Mar 1863 ): m'd 1814 POTEET, Mary; s/o Samuel and Elizabeth (Modrell) Gilmore; father of 13 children; settled where Roseburg is now located; son, Samuel, had emigrated in 1843 with Applegate party
GILMORE, James Logan (1850-1929): m'd 1877 CROFTON, Isabella; s/o Beverly and Lucinda (Clymer) Gilmore
GILMORE, James Paton (18 Apr 1830-04 Jul 1903): m'd 1851 BARNES, Nancy; s/o James and Mary (Poteete) Gilmore;buried in IOOF Mountain View Cemetery, Goldendale, Klicitat County,Washington; father of 13 children; in 1885 moved with their family to Crofton Prairie in Washington
GILMORE, Josephine (12
Jan 1838-25 Jun 1852): d/o James and
Mary (Poteete) Gilmore; died on trail of cholera in what is now Laramie County,
GILMORE, Mahala Elvira (14 Dec 1822-18 Sep 1909): m'd 1855 GILLIAM, William Douglas; d/o James and Mary (Poteet) Gilmore; buried Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery, Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California
GILMORE, Margaret Priscilla (06 Feb 1824-22 Sep 1880): m'd 02 Dec 1847 BARKER, John Murphy; d/o James and Mary (Poteet) Gilmore
GILMORE, Mary Jane (11 Dec 1828-11 Feb 1867): m'd 1849 BARKER, Jesse Nolan; d/o James and Mary (Poteet) Gilmore; buried Gilmore Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
GILMORE, Nancy A.: m'd 1851 GILMORE, Thomas; maiden name unknown at this time
GILMORE, Rebecca Catherine (1816- ): m'd 1839 HARRINGTON, Abel
GILMORE, Robert (1850-1925):
GILMORE, Sarah (1847- ): d/o Beverly and Lucinda (Clymer) Gilmore
GILMORE, Thomas (1830- ): m'd 1851 [ ], Nancy A.
GILMORE, Thomas J. (13 Jun 1836-15 Oct 1858): s/o James and Mary (Poteete) Gilmore; buried Gilmore Cemetery, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon
GILMORE, Virginia Caroline (23 Feb 1825-17 Jan 1891): m'd 1845 WILLIS, William Anderson; d/o James and Mary (Poteet) Gilmore; buried Hahn Cemetery, Dixonville, Douglas County, Oregon
GILMORE, William Henry (1848-1909): m'd 1881 DARLAND, Alsie Alice; s/o Beverly and Lucinda (Clymer) Gilmore
GILMOUR, Mary Elizabeth (1826-1898):
m'd CRAWFORD, George Fisher Dr.; d/o James and Mary (Whitley) Gilmour; settled
with husband in Benton Co; was a cousin of John Wilson Gilmour who emigrated in
1851; buried at Sand Ridge Cemetery, Linn Co, OR
GILPIN, Elizabeth "Betsy" (1800-1863): m'd 09 Jul 1817 WARNER, Jabez; husband died at the second crossing of the Platte River when he got caught under the wheels of their wagon while pushing it up the bank
GILSON, Allen (03 Mar 1817-07 Nov 1870) m'd 1846 JOHN, Elizabeth; buried Hayes Cemetery, Hayes, Clark County, Washington
GILSON, Harriett Louise (04 Nov 1846-29 Mar 1940): m'd 1866 CAPLES, John W.; d/o Allen and Elizabeth (John) Gilson; buried Forest View Cemetery, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon
GILSON, Hiram (05 Aug 1850-04 Sep 1927): m'd 1881 NICHOLS, Mary A.; s/o Allen and Elizabeth (John) Gilson; buried Fort Ripley Cemetery, Fort Ripley, Crow Wing County, Minnesota
GILSON, Sarah Alice (04 Apr 1848-14 Jul 1932): m'd BANZER, Joseph D.; d/o Allen and Elizabeth (John) Gilson; buried Mount Zion Cemetery, LaCenter, Clark County, Washington
*3) GILSTRAP, Isaac (1830- ): m'd 1853 SYRON, Amy Elizabeth
*8) GIMPLE, George Washington (1832- ): never married; may have cut off for CA; settled in Siskiyou Co, CA where it appears he remained farming through the 1900 Siskiyou Co, CA census
GIST, William (1828- ):
GITHENS, George (1828- ): m'd ,
GITHENS, Jane Stout ( - ):
GITHENS, William (1849-1925):
GLAZE, Reuben (1822- ): m'd 1842 SHELTON, Cynthia
GLEASON, Elizabeth J. (1834-1920):
GLEDHILL, Mary: m'd 1850 FANNING, Elias E.
GLENN, George G. (1828-1890): m'd 1855 COX, Malinda; buried Cox Cemetery, Marion Co, OR
GLENN, John G. (1821- ):
GOBER, Jane (20
Oct 1797-17 Aug 1852): m'd 17 Feb 1820 BRAMLET,
Nathan Hull; d/o George and Nancy Gober;
location unknown
"The family left from MO in the spring of 1852 and joined 72 wagons in Kansas. The train crossed the summit of the Rockies on July 4. The train split at Salt Lake. Nathan Hull died of cholera near Caldwell, ID on Aug 14, 1852. Jane died of cholera on Aug 17, 1852 and was buried near Payette, ID.; after arriving in Portland the children stayed with the Rice family for a time."
GOBLE, Daniel B. (1815- ): town of
Goble is named for him although he was not it's proprietor
GODDARD, Lewis A. ( -1915):
*25) GODDELL, Father ( -1852): priest who died on Powder River
GODFREY, Able: Wagons From Wapello
GOLDEN, Delia (1842-1917): m'd EDGERTON, [ ]
GOOD, Susanna (-1915): m'd MORRIS, [ ]
GOODALL, Oliver P. (1828- ): m1. 1853 BELL, Louisa; m2. 1864 GRAY, Grace
GOODELL, William "Abel" (15 Apr 1785 -06 Aug 1852): m1.
NEWELL, Betsey (1785-1851) m2.27 Nov 1851 ADAMS, Eunice;
s/o Edward and Dorcas (Shepard) Goodell; Abel died on trail of cholera on Burnt
River; traveling in Monmouth Company [Deaths On The Oregon Trail, Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois University]
GOODHUE, Martha Jane (1824- ): m'd MCCLURE, John Barnett
GOODMAN, Allen Johnson (1847-1935), m1. 1874 GRIGSBY, Jennie, m2. 1897 FRONK, Mary Margaret; s/o James Henry and Mary Margaret (Locker) Goodman
"GOODMAN, A. J.--Born in Missouri in 1847; the son of J. II. Goodman, who brought his family across the plains in 1852. The father now resides in Eugene City. He was born in Kentucky in 1823. A. J. Goodman went to California in 1869 and remained three years. Farmed near Eugene City for a time, then sold his place and went east of the Cascades. Bought a drug store in Independence in 1882 which he sold and purchased a livery stable, which he now conducts." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 765]
GOODMAN, Charles W. ( -1915):
GOODMAN, Elizabeth A. (1851-); d/o James Henry and Mary Margaret (Locker) Goodman
GOODMAN, James Henry (1823-1906); m�d 1843 LOCKER, Mary Margaret ; brother of John B. Goodman
GOODMAN, John B. (1834-1927); m�d 1855 Sarah E. CRAIG (also 1852 arrival); brother of James Henry Goodman
GOODMAN, John C. (1845- ): s/o James Henry and Mary Margaret (Locker) Goodman; died sometime between the 1850 and 1860 census may have died on trail
GOODMAN, Mary F. (1850-?); d/o James Henry and Mary Margaret (Locker) Goodman
GOODMAN, W.R. (1848-1917):
GOODNOUGH, Lavina Amelia (26 Apr 1815-17 Sep 1890).: m'd 21 Aug 1833 BOYD, Rev. John Nixon; buried Young Cemetery, Junction City, Lane County, Oregon
GOODPASTURE, Alexander (1823-1862): m'd 1844 MOSS, Elizabeth Jane
*11) GOODRICH, Anson: Capt of train from Lima Rock Co, WI
GOODWIN, Edward Carl (c1825-c1869): m'd 14 Mar 1847 OGLE, Nancy Ann; wife shown in 1870 Robert A. Cook household; she remarried in 1871 to Asher Heald; Edward not in 1870 census; Edward probably died in Jackson County, Oregon
GORDON, Isabel: m'd 1850 GORDON, Patrick; maiden name unknown at this time
GORDON, Patrick (1820- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Isabel
GORE, Elizabeth (c1849- ): d/o James and Henrietta (Settle) Gore
GORE, Emerson (1824- ): m'd 1849 [ ], Mary E.
GORE, James (1813- ): m'd c1841 SETTLE, Henrietta B.
GORE, John A. (c1851- ): m'd 19 Dec 1896 BUOY, Martha Cummings; s/o James and Henrietta (Settle) Gore
GORE, Josiah (c1846- ): s/o James and Henrietta (Settle) Gore
GORE, Mary E: m'd 1849 GORE, Emerson; maiden name unknown at this time
GORE, Rachel Jame (c1842- ): d/o James and Henrietta (Settle) Gore
GORE, William (c1844- ): s/o James and Henrietta (Settle) Gore
GORGAS, Solomon A.:
GOSA, Levi Brazil (1848-1922):
GOSA, Samuel T. (1815- ):
GOSSETTE, Abraham (1798- ):
*18) GOUDY, Mary (22 Oct 1851-Jun 1932) d/o William and Malinda (Brown) Goudy
*18) GOUDY, William H. "Bill" (02 Jul 1823-12 Jul 1897): m1. BROWN, Malinda Jane; m2. PURVINE, Rosaline Mrs.; s/o Stinson and Naomi (Roelofson) Goudy; William taught school in Marion County and farmed near Hubbard, OR.
*30) GOULD, George: wife, son, dau
GOULD, Jeremiah (1797- ):
GOULD, John B. (1806- ): m'd 1842 [ ], Margaret
GOULD, Margaret: m'd 1842 GOULD, John B.; maiden name unknown at this time
GOULET, Antoine Samuel (1815- ): returned east in 1859 to bring his family out
GOULET, Mathias (1827-1903): m'd 1855 BAKER, Nancy; m2. 1891 Piett (CAMPBELL), Philmena
*18) GOWDY, John Tucker "Teet" (21
Nov 1835-26 Mar 1917): m'd
04 Feb 1861 KEMP, Anne Eliza; s/o Cyrus Finley and Tabitha (Roelofson) Gowdy; He was the father
of Arthur, Hattie G., Lillian and Elizabeth; came across the plains with his
uncle, John Tucker Scott ; settled in Marion County at Belle Passi; later moved
to Yamhill Co; drove the Scott family's miscellaneous wagon; John's was a
cousin to the Goudy family listed above, his father spelled his name Gowdy as
opposed to his siblings that spelled it Goudy; John served in the 1895 Oregon
Legislature, House of Representatives, from Yamhill County
"GOWDY, J. T.--Born in Illinois in 1835; on his arrival in Oregon settled in Marion County; now lives three miles southwest of Dayton, in the occupation of farming. Married Annie E. Kemp in 1860, and their children s names are Arthur C., Hattie G., Lillian E., and Martha E." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 765]
GRADON, Isabella: m'd 1850 GRADON, Israel; maiden name unknown at this time
GRADON, Israel (1821- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Isabella
GRADY, Elizabeth (02 Jul 1834-17 Apr 1916): m'd 1850 HALE, Andrew; d/o Smith Grady; buried Rock Hill Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
GRAHAM, Harriet: m'd c1841 GRAHAM, William; maiden name unknown at this time
GRAHAM, John (1830- ):
GRAHAM, Robert (1809- ): m'd 1830 [ ], Minerva B.
GRAHAM, Mary Eleanor (26 Apr 1820-25 Dec 1889: m'd 29 Nov 1835 BROWN, John; d/o George and Eleanor (Harrison) Graham; buried Mulkey Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
GRAHAM, Minerva B.: m'd 1830 GRAHAM, Robert; maiden name unknown at this time
GRAHAM, Thomas (c1826- ): m'd c1849 FINCH, Sarah Ann
GRAHAM, William (1818- ): m'd c1841 [ ], Harriet
*16) GRANGER, Elizabeth (1798-1876): m'd c1818 KIRTZ, Zachariah; born 1798 IN and died 16 Aug 1876 Washington Co, OR; buried Union Point Cemetery, Banks, Washington Co, OR; mother of 14 children (William, Barbara, Jacob, Mahala, Mary Elizabeth, Sarah, Levi, John Herman, Frances, Nancy B., Christopher, Catharine, Samuel and Josephus)
GRANT, David (1836- ):
GRANT, David A. (1851- ): s/o Richard and Sarah (Williams) Grant
GRANT, James M. (1852- ): s/o Richard and Sarah (Williams) Grant; born in Dec several months after arrival
GRANT, Josephine (1835-1919): m'd GRANT, Hugh R.
GRANT, Mary Ellen (Aug 1847-14 Jul 1924): m'd BEVENS, Truman O.; d/o Richard and Sarah (Williams) Grant; buried Womer Cemetery, Pedee, Polk County, Oregon
GRANT, Nancy Melvina (1849-1852): d/o Richard
and Sarah (Williams) Grant; died on trail
GRANT, Richard Jackson (1825-1891): m'd 1846 WILLIAMS, Sarah Jane; father of five children (Nancy Melvina, Mary Ellen, David A., James M. and Gilbert M.)
"GRANT, RICHARD J.--Born in Missouri in 1S25; came to Oregon and settled in the beautiful valley of the Luckiamute, and still resides there, engaged in farming. He married Sarah J. Williams, in Davis County, Missouri, in 1846, and they have Mary E., Nancy M., David A., and James M. Mr. Grant represented Polk County in the Oregon Legislature in 1868, 1870, and 1878." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 765]
GRANT, Ulysses Simpson (President) (27 Apr 1822-23 Jul 1885): m'd 1848 DENT, Julia; buried General Grant National Memorial, Manhattan, New York County, New York
"Civil War general and president of the United States, was born at Point Pleasant, Ohio, and following graduation from West Point Academy, 1843, entered Oregon history as a first lieutenant (gained in Mexican War), arriving at Fort Vancouver in Sept., 1852, with the 4th U. S. Infantry. There being then no Indian troubles to cope with, and duties light, he cultivated potatoes and oats which were drowned out by floods. He made numberous friends in the Oregon Country. In Sept., 1853 he was reassigned to California. Following fame in the Civil War, 1861-65, two terms as president (1869-77), he visited Portland briefly, Oct. 15-17, 1879. Grant County and Grants Pass are named for him. He married Julia Dent, 1848; They had four children." [Dictionary of Oregon History by Howard McKinley Corning p. 102]
GRAVES, George A.:
GRAVES, James (1830-1918):
GRAVES, Rebecca: m'd GRAVES, Wesley; maiden name unknown at this time
GRAVES, Milbrey: m'd JOHNSON, Richard
GRAVES, Wesley (1817- ): m'd 1840 SHOEMAKER, Rebecca
"GRAVES, WESLEY--Born in Ohio in 1817; moved to Illinois in 1840, arid carried on for several years a cabinet manufactory; crossed the plains in 1852, and locating at Corvallis, carried on the furniture business, and kept a hotel for a time. Mined for two years at Boise City; went to Salem in 1864, and kept the Union Hotel for live years; has been lessee of the Heed (Commercial), and Chemeketa Hotels, and keeps the latter at present. Is the oldest hotel-keeper in Oregon, probably. Was married in Ohio in 1840, to Rebecca Shoemaker. They have had a large family, of whom but two survive Joanna, and F. A. The names of the deceased were William, Mary, Martha J., George R., and Emma." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 765-66]
GRAY, Caleb (1819- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Jane T.
GRAY, David Milton: s/o James Gray
GRAY, George Washington (1837-1916): m'd 1865 BONNER, Harriet E.; s/o James Gray
"GRAY, G. W., M.D.--Born in Rush County, Indiana, May 22, 1837. Came to Oregon with his father, who settled in Linn County. Commenced the study of dentistry in 1861, and attended the Dental College in Cincinnati, graduating in 1865. Returned to Oregon the same year and located in Albany, where he has since practiced and has been president of the Oregon State Dental Association. Owns a city residence and two farms of four hundred and seventy-six acres. The doctor has been a member of the city council. Married Miss Harriet E. Bonner in 1865, and they have three children-Arthur D., Londa B., and Mary Lena." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 766]
GRAY, James (1797- ): wife died just prior to emigration; settled in Linn Co
GRAY, Jane: m'd GLASS, Robert; d/o John Gray
GRAY, Jane T.: m'd 1850 GRAY, Caleb; maiden name unknown at this time
GRAY, John (1813-1889): brother of James Gray; settled in Linn Co
GRAY, Josephine Selena: d/o James Gray
GRAY, Lorenzo Erasmus: s/o James Gray
GRAY, Martha Jane: d/o James Gray
GRAY, Nancy: never married; sister of James Gray; settled in Linn Co
GRAY, Nancy Elizabeth: d/o James Gray; second wife of Bird Waggoner
GRAY, Samuel Paxton ( -1852): s/o James Gray;
died on trail
GRAY, William Linn Clinkenbeard: s/o James Gray
GREEN, Henry D.:
GREEN, John (1821- ):
GREEN, Mary: m'd SMITH, Michael
GREENE, Martha Ann (1821-1880): m'd
1839 PATTY, William Rooker; d/o Don Felix and Nancy Ann (Drummond) Patty;
buried in Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR
GREENWOOD, John (1804- ): m'd 1851 [ ], Mary Jane
GREENWOOD, Margaret ( -1852): m'd FOSTER, William Harrison; died on the trail
GREENWOOD, Mary Jane: m'd 1851 GREENWOOD, John; maiden name unknown at this time
GREENWOOD, Sophia: m'd 1834 EMERICK, George
GREENWOOD, William L. (1825- ): m'd 1847 WALTON, Martha J.
GREER, George H. (1836- ): m'd 1864 SPENCER, Cornelia Jane
GREER, Henry R. (1797- ):
GREER, James (1809- ): m'd 1832 HAMILTON, Margaret
GREGG, Almeda (04 Nov 1827-07 Aug 1909): m'd 15 Aug 1850 BADLEY, James; d/o John and Elizabeth (Roberts) Gregg; buried Pleasant View Cemetery, Hoodview, Clackamas County, Oregon
B. (12 Dec 1799-1852): m'd May 1822 ROBERTS,
Elizabeth Jane; s/o Phillip and Rebecca (Comber) Gregg; John died on trail; wife died
in 1849 prior to emigration; burial location unknown
GREGG, John (Nov 1830/33-02 Nov 1903): s/o John and Elizabeth (Roberts) Gregg
GREGG, Levi Washington (07 Mar 1825-26 Jun 1902): m1. 17 Oct 1844 SMITH, Susanna (1824-1852); m2. 19 Dec 1861 PARRISH, Jane; first wife died on trail; buried Reedley Cemetery, Reedley, Fresno County, California
GREGG, Louisa (Jun 1821-28 Dec 1903): m'd c1843 OWEN, William RIley; d/o John and Elizabeth (Roberts) Gregg
GREGG, Polly Ann (04 Sep 1829-03 Dec 1913): m'd 13 Jan 1846 WINTERS, Philip; settled Yamhill county; buried Pleasant View Cemetery, Hoodview, Clackamas County, Oregon
GREGG, Samuel (1830- ):
GREGG, William R (Apr 1832-02 Nov 1903): s:/o John and Elizabeth (Roberts) Gregg; buried Pleasant View Cemetery, Hoodview, Clackamas County, Oregon
GREGG, Urania (13 Feb 1826-15 Nov 1867): m'd 25 Oct 1846 MCARTHUR, Washington Perry; buried Mount Pleasant City Cemetery, Mount Pleasant, Sanpete County, Utah
GREGG, Urania Jane (19 Sep 1845-10 May 1937 ): m'd MCCONNELL, James Edward; d/o Levi and Susanna (Smith) Gregg; buried Pleasant View Cemetery, Hoodview, Clackamas County, Oregon
GREINER, Henry (1825- ): m'd 1848 [ ], Phebe Jane
GREINER, Phebe Jane: m'd 1848 GREINER, Henry; maiden name unknown at this time
GRIBBLE, Henry: Mentioned in Samuel Woodruff Diary
GRIER, Ann: m'd 1839 GRIER, John; maiden name unknown at this time
GRIER, Delilah (1832-1892): m'd LEIGH, C.B.; s/o John and Susan Grier
GRIER, Isaac (1828-1899): s/o John and Susan Grier
GRIER, John (1798-1877): m'd [ ], Susan
GRIER, John (1832-186): m'd [ ], Delilah; s/o John and Susan Grier
GRIER, John (1819- ): m'd 1839 [ ], Ann
GRIER, Mary (1828-1921): m'd GRIER, Robert; maiden name unknown at this time
GRIER, Robert (1826-1900): m'd [ ], Mary; s/o John and Susan Grier
GRIER, Susan (1810-1878): m'd GRIER, John; maiden name unknown at this time
GRIER, Sylvester (1830- ): m'd 1865 CLARK, Matilda
GRIFFIN, Margaret ( -May 1852): m'd CROXTON, Walter; died on trail of cholera; husband died on trail Sep 1852 of mountain fever
GRIFFIN, Sarah Wallace (1776-1856): m'd bef 1797 RICHARDSON, George; buried Bethel Cemetery, Polk Co, OR
GRIFFITH, Amos Jr. (1823- ):
GRIFFITH, Elvira Ann: d/o John W. Griffith
GRIFFITH, John W. (1795- ):
GRIFFITH, Maria T. (1846- ):
GRIFFITH, Rebecca ( -1915): m'd GRIFFITH, [ ]
GRIFFITH, Sarah (1831-12 Jul 1855): m'd 15 Aug 1847 ALLEN, Andrew Jackson; mother of four children (Nelson, Wesley Solomon, Ellen Melissa and Joseph A.); died Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; buried location unknown
GRIM, Jacob (1808- ): m'd 1832 [ ], Jane
GRIM, Jane: m'd 1832 GRIM, Jacob; maiden name unknown at this time
GRIM, Sarah: m'd c 1843 HOWARD, Pontius; there has been much confusion over Sarah's last name; some records indicated her name was Sarah Grim while other stated Sarah Prince; legal documents from IL have finally established that her name was GRIM
GRISWOLD, Mr. ( -1852): Was traveling with the Chapman Train. Died June 8, 1852 of cholera.
GROOM, Arson A. (c1821- ):
GROVES, Obijah (1827- ):
GRUBB, John Larkin (13 Mar 1842-13 Apr 1918): m'd 13 Aug 1868 WALKER, Mary Elizabeth; s/o Samuel B. and Nancy Elizabeth (Bell) Grubb; buried Ashland Cemetery, Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon
GRUBB, Margaret Ellen (27 May 1846-23 Oct 1924): m'd 07 Jun 1866 APPLEGATE, Lucian Bonaparte; d/o Samuel B. and Nancy Elizabeth (Bell) Grubb; buried Linkville Pioneer Cemetery, Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon
GRUBB, Nancy Elizabeth (17 Aug 1851-08 Jul 1927): m'd 13 Aug 1873 APPLEGATE, William Henry Harrison; d/o Samuel B. and Nancy Elizabeth (Bell) Grubb; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon
GRUBB, Samuel B. (12 Jan 1815-15 Jun 1883 ): m'd 23 Apr 1840 BELL, Nancy Elizabeth; died Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon; buried Ashland Cemetery, Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon
GRUBB, Sarah Jane (14 Apr 1848-28 Jun 1930): m'd 1886 WALKER, Daniel; d/o Samuel B. and Nancy Elizabeth (Bell) Grubb; buried Ashland Cemetery, Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon
GRUBB, William Bayard (13 Mar 1844-12 Sep 1921): m'd 1868 SPENCER, Frances Ellen; s/o Samuel B. and Nancy Elizabeth (Bell) Grubb; buried Mountain View Cemetery, Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon
GRUBBS, David (28 Nov 1808-31 May 1886): never married; s/o Conrad and Margaret
(Weible) Grubbs; buried
Kings Valley
Cemetery, Kings Valley, Benton County, Oregon
GRUBBS, Elijah Elliot (20 Oct 1844-12 Aug 1874): s/o John Cloud and Susan (Austen) Grubbs Sr; buried Dallas Cemetery, Dallas, Polk County, Oregon
GRUBBS, Francis Herron (24 Mar 1834-28 Mar 1911): m'd LEE, Lucy Ann; s/o John Cloud and Susan (Austen) Grubbs Sr.; graduate of Willamette University; wife was the daughter of the well known missionary Jason Lee, Francis died in Portland, buried Lee Mission Cemetery
GRUBBS, Henrietta (07 Sep 1843-14 Aug 1850): d/o John Cloud and Susan (Austen) Grubbs Sr; died prior to emigration
GRUBBS Sr., John Cloud (07 Jan 1801-07 Jan 1886 ): m'd 1832 AUSTEN, Susan; s/o Conrad and Margaret (Weible) Grubbs; traveled with several of his sons; the remainder of the family came in 1853 via the Isthmus of Panama; buried Masonic Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
GRUBBS Jr., John Cloud (26 May 1836-10 Oct 1878): .m'd 1871 NEALY, Madelia; s/o John Cloud and Susan (Austen) Grubbs Sr; buried IOOF Cemetery, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon
GRUBBS, Josephine (09 May 1847-21 Sep 1893): m'd 21 Jul 1874 MCBEE, John W.; d/o John Cloud and Susan (Austen) Grubbs Sr; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
GRUBBS, Margaret (18 Aug 1840-24 May 1908): m'd ODELL, James Armstrong; d/o John Cloud and Susan (Austen) Grubbs Sr; buried Masonic Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
GRUBBS, Thaddeus Mears (21 Feb 1850-12 Jun 1931): m'd 1880 MCBEE, Martha Jane; s/o John Cloud and Susan (Austen) Grubbs Sr; buried Eugene Pioneer Cemetery, Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
GRUBBS, William (1836 - 18 Jan 1864): s/o David Grubbs; murdered during dispute with neighbor; buried Kings Valley Cemetery, Kings Valley, Benton County, Oregon
GUBSER, Andrew (05 Apr 1841-16 Sep 1918): m'd 1869 SMITH, Letitia C.; s/o Joseph and Anna (Gatsii) Gubser; buried Rose City Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
GUBSER, Anna Catherine (03 Jul 1832 - 10 Sep 1907): m'd 1853 WINTERS, John; d/o Joseph and Anna (Gatsii) Gubser; buried Middleton Pioneer Cemetery, Middleton, Washington County, Oregon
GUBSER, Benedict (16 Jan 1852-02 Dec 1944): m'd 1913 MORROW, Caroline Gertrude; s/o Joseph and Anna (Gatsii) Gubser; buried Conconnully Cemetery, Conconulley, Okanogan County, Washington
GUBSER, George (08 Jan 1847-28 Apr 1924): s/o Joseph and Anna (Gatsii) Gubser; buried Conconnully Cemetery, Conconulley, Okanogan County, Washington
GUBSER, John Christian (12 Nov 1834-31 Dec 1920): s/o Joseph and Anna (Gatsii) Gubser; buried Hopewell Cemetery, Dayton, Yamhill County, Oregon
GUBSER, Joseph Jacob (30 Aug 1807- 1891): m'd 22 Aug 1831 GATZ [aka GATSII], Anna Johanna Regina (married Switzerland); s/o Johannes and Anna (Kessler) Gubser; buried Gibbs Cemetery, Yamhill County, Oregon
GUERIN, George Crane (1826- ): m'd 1852 MORGAN, Drusilla
GUERIN, James F. (1828- ):
GUERIN, Susan Elizabeth (1822- ): m'd 1841 HAYES, Henry; husband died on trail
*24) GUGE, Anna S. (1820- ): m'd JONES, Isaac
*24) GUGE, Jane H. (1819- ): m'd JONES, Jacob
GUILEY, George W. (c1830- ):
GULLIFORD, Ann Eliza (1849-aft 1860): d/o William and Eliza (Shoup) Gulliford
GULLIFORD, Emma Catherine (1844-1941): m'd 1858 ALLEN, William M.; d/o William and Eliza (Shoup) Gulliford
GULLIFORD, Jacob Allen (1834-1922): m'd 1872 VANVERPOOL, Martha Elizabeth; s/o William and Eliza (Shoup) Gulliford
GULLIFORD, Jasper Newton (1847-1920): m'd 1872 HODGES, Elizabeth Catherine; s/o William and Eliza (Shoup) Gulliford
GULLIFORD, John Lewis (1836-1899): m'd c1859 HARDESTY, Julia Ann; s/o William and Eliza (Shoup) Gulliford
GULLIFORD, Sarah E. (1838-1917): m'd 1857 COOPER, William R.; d/o William and Eliza (Shoup) Gulliford
GULLIFORD, William Henderson (1840-1901): m'd bef 1865 HAPTONSTALL, Ellen; s/o William and Eliza (Shoup) Gulliford
GULLIFORD, William M. (1810-1865): m'd 1833 SHOUP, Eliza (1810-1857); the Gullifords settled first in Lane County
GURNEY, R.M. (1814-1878):
GUSTIN, Alexander (1832- ):
GUTHRIE, Robert (1830- ): m'd 1853 , Mary Elizabeth
GWINN, Norman (20 Aug 1818-23 Feb 1901): m'd 1852 BLOXSON, Cynthia A.; buried Howell Prairie Cemetery, Howell Prairie, Marion County, Oregon
GWYNN, Rhys Rev. (1834-1917): note: obituary says he was a pioneer of 1852 which appears to be incorrect. According to the 1900 census he did not arrive in the US until 1861. Other records, including his marriage information, indicates he was not in Oregon until the 1860s.
HACKLEY, Dewitt C. (1826- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Sophia W.
HACKLEY, Francis S. (1779- ):
HACKLEY, Sophia W.: m'd 1850 HACKLEY, Dewitt C.; maiden name unknown at this time
HACKNEY, Hannah ( -1852): m'd FRANKLIN, William; died on Mt. Hood and is buried on the Barlow Trail
HADAWAY, Edward C. (1819-1895): m'd c1846 ROSWELL, Elizabeth Jane; farmer, born
11 Apr 1811 Pittsburg, PA; in 1835 moved to Baltimore, MD; Sgt-at-Arms for
Oregon House of Representatives 1872, 1874, 1880; settled in Dayton, Yamhill
Co, OR; father of seven children (Abraham Lincoln (1864-1924), Edward E.
(1851-1899), George Armstrong (1847-1889), Lewis (1858-1886), Mary Elizabeth
(1849-1934), William (1854-1877) and Charles); buried
Brookside Cemetery, Dayton, Yamhill County, Oregon
"HADAWAY, EDWARD C.--Born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, April 11, 1811); in 1835 moved to Baltimore, Maryland; in 1852 came to Oregon and settled at Dayton, Yamhill County, where he still lives, engaged in farming. He married Elizabeth J. Roswell, and their children s names are-George A., Mary E., Edward, William, Lewis, Charles, and Abraham L. Mr. Hadaway was sergeant-at-arms in the Oregon House of Representatives in 1872, 1874, and 1880." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.766]
HADAWAY, Edward E. (23/28 Jan 1851-03 Feb 1926): m'd BAXTER, Cythia Prudence; s/o Edward and Elizabeth (Roswell) Hadaway; buried Brookside Cemetery, Dayton, Yamhill County, Oregon
HADAWAY, George Armstrong (Jun 1847-27 Apr 1889): s/o Edward and Elizabeth (Roswell) Hadaway; buried Masonic Cemetery, Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon
HADAWAY, Mary Elizabeth (27 Jan 1849-21 Jan 1934 ): m'd 1868 BAILEY, Ambrose; born 07 Jan 1849 and died 21 Jan 1934 in Long Beach, WA; d/o Edward and Elizabeth (Roswell) Hadaway; buried River View Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
HADLEY, Margaret J. (1794-1852): m'd IRVINE, Jesse; husband d. 1844 MO; she died upon arrival and is buried at Lee Mission Cemetery, Salem, Marion Co, OR
HAGOOD, Henry (1815- ): m'd 1842 STONE, Mary
"HAGOOD, HENRY--Born in Virginia, May 15, 1815. Lived in Missouri prior to coming to Oregon, which he did in 1848. Lived in Washington County until 1853, then removed to Polk County, and has lived there since. His occupation has been principally farming, and now owns three hundred acres of land. Also owns a house known as the "Traveler's Rest". Married in 1842 to Miss Mary Stone. Has now seven living children and one deceased. His residence and post-office address are Dallas." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.695]
HAIGHT, Eliza (10 Jul 1825 -15 Dec 1856): m'd 09 Jan 1845 HILL, Eben B.; d/o Cornelius Aaron and Abigail (Atwood) Haight; buried Rickreall, Polk County, Oregon
HAINES, Francis A. (1832-1913):
HALE, Andrew (21 Apr 1831-12 Aug 1909): m'd 1850 GRADY, Elizabeth; s/o William and Sarah
(Borders) Hale; buried
Rock Hill
Cemetery, Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon
*7) HALE, Calvin Thomas (12 May 1827-02 Feb 1887): m'd 12 Aug 1851 MAYS, Milla Catherine; s/o John and Catharine (Dorothy) Hale; originally emigrated in 1848 and drove wagon for Bristow family; after arrival in Oregon he went with William Bristow to gold fields then later returned to Illinois and returned to Oregon in 1852 as captain of a wagon train that included his family; buried Sailor Cemetery, Noti, Lane County, Oregon
HALE, Della A. (1840 -1852): d/o Michael and Jemima (McKinley)
Hale; died of cholera on trail; burial location unknown
HALE, Elias (05 Aug 1827-31 Dec 1853 ): m'd 03 Mar 1851 MCKINLEY, Elizabeth; killed in a card game in Syracuse, Linn County, Oregon in 1853; burial location unknown
HALE, Elias A. (14 Feb 1850-20 Dec 1936): m'd 1875 SPERRY, Mary s/o Michael and Jemima (McKinley) Hale; buried Pleasant Butte Baptist Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon
HALE, Harrison (24 Aug 1840-06 Jul 1878): m'd 28 Oct 1860 ANGEL, Cynthia Jane Doake; s/o William and Sarah (Borders) Hale; buried Pleasant Point Cemetery, Morrow County, Oregon; killer by Indians
HALE, Jefferson (02 Dec 1852-23 Feb 1885): m'd JACK, Sarah Ann; s/o Elias and Elizabeth (McKinley) Hale; born shortly after arrival; buried Pleasant Butte Baptist Cemetery, Brownsville, Linn County, Oregon
HALE, Justina (08 Mar 1803-08 Apr 1857): m'd 22 Mar 1822 MESSERSMITH, Andrew; d/o Francis and Elizabeth (Bourne) Hale; died Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon; burial location unknown
HALE, John (23 Mar 1848-08 Mar 1930): m'd PORTER, Ruth Florence; s/o Michael and Jemima (McKinley) Hale; buried City View Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon
*7) HALE, John Nebraska (07 Jun 1852-02 Feb 1883): m'd RICHARDSON, Mary Elizabeth; s/o Calvin and Milla (Mays) Hale; born near Platte River in Nebraska; buried Sailor Cemetery, Noti, Lane County, Oregon
HALE, Laura (18 May 1851-30 Aug 1910): m1. HILL, Frank Pierce; m2. THOMPSON, William Jasper; d/o Andrew and Elizabeth (Grady) Hale; buried Eight Mile Cemetery, Petersburg, Wasco County, Oregon
HALE, Michael (14 Feb 1819-Jan 1879): m1. 15 Feb 1838 MCKINLEY, Jemima; m2. 21 Oct 1853 SMITH, Nancy; s/o William and Sarah (Borders) Hale; buried Skinner Creek Cemetery, Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon; first wife and daughter died on trail of cholera
HALE, Milton (06 Sep 1821-14 Dec 1911): s/o William and Sarah (Borders); Milton Hale emigrated in 1845; see 1845 emigrant listing
HALE, Milton (08 Nov 1838-14 Mar 1895): m'd SPERRY, Mary Ellen; s/o Michael and Jemima (McKinley) Hale; buried Zillah Cemetery, Zillah, Yakima County, Washington
HALE, Moses (c1821- ): Wagons From Wapello
*7) HALE, Nebraska John (07 Jun 1852-04 Feb 1883): s/o Calvin and Milla (Mays) Hale; buried Sailor Cemetery, Noti, Lane County, Oregon; born on trail
HALE, Sarah (Aug 1847-1915): m'd BAKER, William Rector; d/o Michael and Jemima (McKinley) Hale; buried Arlington Masonic Cemetery, Arlington, Gilliam County, Oregon
HALE, Sarah (02 Feb 1838-08 Dec 1875): m1. 1853 HANNON, Elijah; m2. 1859 SIMISON, Dayton; d/o William and Sarah (Borders) Hale; buried Simison-Hale Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
HALE, Thomas:
HALE, William (05 Jan 1836-19 Apr 1909): m'd 1857 ALLPHIN, Rachel; s/o William and Sarah (Borders) Hale; buried Simison-Hale Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
HALE, William D. (15 Nov 1799-12 Aug 1881): m'd 03 Mar 1818 BORDERS, Sarah; s/o Jesse and Hannah Hale; buried Simison-Hale Cemetery, Linn County, Oregon
HALL, Alfred C. (1843- ):
HALL, Amos Z. (1824- ): m'd 1852 PARRISH, Nancy
HALL, Anna (27 Feb 1835-05 Jun 1921): m'd Mar 1852 BOOTHE, Abijah; buried Dayton City Cemetery, Dayton, Columbia County, Washington
HALL, Daniel O. (1832- ):
HALL, Edna: m'd 1850 MESSNER, Daniel H.
HALL, Elizabeth: m'd c1847 HALL, John; maiden
name unknown at this time
HALL, Essalum M. (1824-1888): m'd 1844 SMELSER, Mahala
HALL, Francis M.: s/o Essalum and Mahala (Smelser) Hall
HALL, Isaiah S.: s/o Essalum and Mahala (Smelser) Hall
HALL, James C. (1799- ): m'd 1818 [ ], Magdalena
HALL, John (c1799- ): m'd c1847 [ ], Elizabeth
HALL, Johnson (1829- ): m'd 1851 [ ], Sarah
HALL, Josiah (1806-1866): m'd 08 Dec 1829 FISHER, Mary Elizabeth; born 21 Dec 1806 Barren County, Kentucky, died 16 Sep 1866 Portland, Oregon
HALL, Lurana: d/o Essalum and Mahala (Smelser) Hall
HALL, Magdalena: m'd 1818 HALL, James C.; maiden name unknown at this time
FISHER Mary Elizabeth (1807-1886): m'd 1829 HALL, Josiah; born 31 Jul 1807 Tennessee, ded 10 Nov 1886 Portland, Oregon
HALL, Rowland (1827- ):
HALL, Samuel (1826- ):
HALL, Sarah: m'd 1851 HALL, Johnson; maiden name unknown at this time
HALL, William ( -1852): died on trail
HALLOGAN, John (1823- ):
HALPAIN, Kitty Ann (29 Jul 1824-23 Apr 1899): m'd 1841 ARRINGTON, James Merville; buried Civil Bend Cemetery, Winston, Douglas County, Oregon
HALSTED, Jacob (1828- ): m'd 1852 MALONE, Brittanna
HALTRUNNER, Caroline V. (1837-1917): m'd JACKSON, [ ]
HAM, Isaac (1842-1925):
HAMBLE, Mary (1828-1921): GREER, [ ]
*27) HAMILTON, John Henry (1826-1909) m�d 1848 ROBBINS, Mary Jane Robbins
*27) HAMILTON, JohnMilton (L) (1850-1894) s/o John Henry and Mary Jane (Robbins) Hamilton, died in a mine collapse in Grant Co., Oregon
HAMILTON, Margaret: m'd 1832 GREER, James
HAMILTON, Melissa A.: m'd 1838 HAMILTON, Samuel Preston; maiden name unknown at this time
*27) HAMILTON, Minerva Elizabeth (1823-1920) m�d 1848 James Anderson Robbins
HAMILTON, Samuel Preston (1816- ): m'd c1838 [ ], Melissa A.; "Samuel Preston Hamilton (born abt 1814, TN), his wife Malissa (born abt 1820, IL) and daughter Mary (born abt 1843, AR) and Emeline Galey (b.c1823) are enumberated in the 1850 census in Clear Creek Township, Washington County, Arkansas. Emeline may be the sister of Samuel Hamilton's wife, Malissa. It is believed that the Samuel Preston family emigrated with their next door neighbors, the James Wilson Ingrams in 1852." [per Alicia Roundy Houston]
HAMILTON, T.J. (1841- ):
HAMILTON, William C. (1823- ): m'd 1854 GHOLSON, Eliza Jane
HAMLIN, Eliza Jane (1849-1897): m'd 1866 ANDERSON, William Thomas (1845-1910);
d/o James and Eliza (Shearer) Hamlin
HAMLIN, Elizabeth Jane ( -1915): m'd HAMLIN, [ ]
HAMLIN, Infant Daughter (1851-1852): c/o James and Eliza (Shearer) Hamlin
HAMLIN, James A. (1815-1894): m'd 1840 SHEARER, Eliza Jane; s/o William and Mary (Smith) Hamlin; James & Eliza Hamlin left Iowa in April, 1852, and arrived in Jackson County, Oregon via the Southern Route in October, 1852. They lost a baby daughter along the way. James was involved in the Indian War of 1853, and during the Indian uprising of 1855, their's was the only cabin that was not burned by the Indians. Supposition is that Grandma Hamlin was friendly with the Indians, so the cabin was spared. Children born after arrival in Oregon (George Washington Hamlin, b. 1853, d. after 1930, m. Mary Elizabeth Lundy 1875, daughter of Cyrus Lundy & Mary Ann James, b. 1857, d. 1941. Married second Lulu May Kinney 1892, she b. 1872, d.1899; Thomas Jefferson Hamlin, b. 1855, d. 1951, m. Ellen Lundy 1878, she b. 1859, d. 1943; Rosanna L Hamlin, b. 1858, d. unknown, m. Jesse Wyatt Wilson 1877, he b. 1847, d. 1937, son of Arthur Wilson & Ulcey Passwater. She m. second John Andrew Jackson Carlile 1898, he b. about 1850, d. unknown, son of John Carlile & Catherine True; James B Hamlin, b. 1860, d. 1861; Lucinda Hamlin, b. 1863, d. 1879; Julia Ann Hamlin, b. 1865, d. 1957, m. Thomas Reese Miles 1884, he b. 1857, d. 1942. Married second Hiram J Doubleday, b. 1865, d. after 1930; and Andrew Jackson Hamlin, b. 1867, d. 1945, m. Elba Helena Fitzwater 1888, daughter of James Bunyard Fitzwater & Mary Ann Randles, b. 1871, d. 1930). Note: A handwritten record (source unknown) lists a daughter, Sarah Mariah Hamlin b. 26 Feb 1845 and a son, James H Hamlin b. 15 Jun 1851. These children do not appear in any other document or record related to James & Eliza Hamlin, and they do not appear on any census records. However, at the foot of the burial plot of James & Eliza Hamlin there are two small concrete blocks with initials scratched in them: "JH" and "SM". I believe these are in memory of these two children who died before the family left Iowa headed for Oregon, and have added them to my Hamlin family tree.
HAMLIN, Martha E. (1846-1861): d/o James and Eliza (Shearer) Hamlin
HAMLIN, Mary (1823-1854): m'd 1843 JOHNSON, John W. (1820-aft 1870); d/o William and Mary (Smith) Hamlin
HAMLIN, Mary Ann (1841-1932): m'd 1857 GRIFFIN, William Marion (1830-1901); d/o James and Eliza (Shearer) Hamlin
HAMLIN, William Henry (1843-1932): m'd 1865 ARMPRIEST, Lavina Ann (1849-1929); s/o James and Eliza (Shearer) Hamlin; William Henry Hamlin's wife, Lavina Armpriest was daughter of William Armpriest & Sarah Bilby. (Lavina's father was in the same 1848 wagon train as Burrel Griffin).
HAMMACK, Mary Sara (24 Jan 1796-Jul 1852): m'd 10 Nov 1814
FOX, Nicholas; died on trail near Boise, Idaho; husband had died prior to
emigration; she was traveling with six of her 10 children and their families
HAMMOND, George:
HAMMOND, Sarah Ann (1835-1925): m'd HAMMOND, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
*8) HAMMONS, Cynthia: m'd WATSON,
James L.
*8) HAMMONS, Nancy ( -1852): m'd SPENCER,
Charles; died on trail 10 June 1852, 16 miles west of Prairie Creek and 16
miles east of Wood River; Nancy's husband died Oct 27, 1852, the day after
arriving at Portland
*18) HANCOCK, John (1828- ): from Groveland, Tazewell Co, IL; in 1853 was living in Milwaukie, OR; not held in high esteem by John Tucker Scott who stated that he was a braggart and yarn teller and "the laziest man I saw on the plains"
HANCOCK, Jonathan (1848-1926):
HANFORD, Cornelius H. (1849-1926):
HANKINS, John: m'd 1840 [ ], Susannah; name often seen in the records as Hawkins; DLC was originally listed as Hawkins but a petition was filed to correct spelling
HANKINS, Susannah: m'd 1840 HANKINS, John; maiden name unknown at this time;
HANKINS, W. H. (1841-1912):
HANKS, Sarah (27 Nov 1810-09 Mar 1884): m'd BROWN, Jonathan Brosier; d/o William and Elizabeth (Hall) Hanks; buried Oakland Masonic and Old Town Cemeteries, Oakland, Douglas County, Oregon
HANLEY, Michael (1824- ):
HANNA, Dolph: cooked and worked for
the Jonathan Jackson family
HANNA, Joseph A. Rev. (1823- ): m'd 1852 MCMILLAN, Esther Belle
HANNA, Precelia Ann (10 Aug 1828-12 May 1895): m'd 06 Dec 1849 ARNOLD, Isaac; buried Providence Cemetery, Scio, Linn County, Oregon
HANNUM, John S. (1825- ):
HANNUM, Lewis L. (1827- ): m'd 1856 RITNER, Mary
"HANNUM, LEWIS L.--Born in Hampton County, Massachusetts, in 1827; moved to Ohio in 1839, to Michigan in 1844, and came to Oregon in 1852, and settled in Polk County. Present residence, Luckiamute Valley, and occupation, carpenter and fanner. He married Mary Ritner in Oregon in 1856, and their children s names are Julius, Sarah H., Andrew, Ann, Lewis L., Eva, and Una." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 766-67]
HANAN, Archimedes (1810- ): m'd 1837 VANWINKLE, Ann Maria
HANSON, George (1819- )
HANSON, N. H ( -1852): mention by F.C. Mack as a friend that died east of Salmon Falls on the Snake River of typhoid fever (contributed by Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois Univ)
HARDEN, John (1824- ): m'd 1846 [ ], Mary A.
HARDEN, Mary A.: m'd 1846 HARDEN, John; maiden name unknown at this time
HARDESTY, Charles (1817- ): m'd 1836 [ ], Mary Jane
HARDESTY, Henderson B. (1811- ):
HARDESTY, Mahala (1803-1895): m'd CHAPMAN, Jesse Smith; d/o Henry and Elizabeth (Matheny) Hardesty; mother of 8 children.
HARDESTY, Mary Jane: m'd 1836 HARDESTY, Charles; maiden name unknown at this time
HARDING, Alwin M. (1816- ): m'd 1840 [ ], Violette O.
HARDING, Violette O.: m'd 1840 HARDING, Alwin M.; maiden name unknown at this time
*1) HARDIE, Hiram: m'd 23 Feb 1837 MILLER, Elizabeth
HARDY, Joshua E. (1833-1925):
HARDY, Susan (1824-1890): m'd 16 Feb 1843 DODSON, Marcellus M.; d/o Samuel and Martha (Hughes) Hardy; buried Adelaide Cemetery, Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo County, California
HARE, N. D. ( - ): m'd ,
HARE, W. S. ( - ): m'd ,
(sometimes spelled HARRER and HARROW, etc.)
HARER, Alfred Franklin (03 Nov 1848-07 May 1894); m'd 18
Nov 1878
BEACH, Minnie Louise (1856-1951); s/o David and Sarah
C. (Standifer) Harer
*29) HARER, Ann Elizabeth (16 Apr 1851-1852);
d/o David and Sarah C. (Standifer) Harer; died on trail
HARER, D. (1847-1852): died on trail on 28
May 1852 age 5 years
*29) HARER, David (02 Dec 1819-17 Jun 1883); m'd 1843 STANDIFER, Sarah C. (1818-1907); s/o Enos S. and Jane (Craig) Harer
*29) HARER, Enos S. (1790-Oct 1852):
m1. c1817 CRAIG, Jane (1795-1847); m2. DALE, Hulda; died
on trail
*29) HARER, Enos Samuel (1836- ); s/o Enos S. and Jane (Craig) Harer
*29) HARER, Evan H. (22 Jul 1822-07 Aug 1870); m'd c1850 TULK, Eliza Jane (1832-1926); s/o David and Mary (McClendon) Harer; nephew of Enos Harer Sr.
*29) HARER, Infant (16 Apr 1851-05 Oct 1852); c/o James and
Jane (Standifer) Harer; died on trail; may have been child of John and Sarah
(Huffmaster) Harer
*29) HARER, James C. (30 Jan 1828-1852);
m'd 1851 STANDIFER, Jane "Mary" (1831-1852); s/o
Enos S. and Jane (Craig) Harer; died on trail of cholera
*29) HARER, Jemima Elizabeth Jane (21 May 1844-31 Aug 1896); m1. 17 Dec 1863 KIRKLAND, Andrew J. (1834-1872); m2. 11 Sep 1888 YOUNG, George Nichols (1830-1914); d/o David and Sarah C. (Standifer) Harer
*29) HARER, Jemima Jane (1817-14 Aug 1852); m'd 27 Dec 1832 CRAIG, Ewing P. (1809-18 Aug 1852); d/o Enos S. and Jane (Craig) Harer; died on the Snake River 15 miles east of Goose Creek of cholera leaving three children orphans
*29) HARER, John W. (Apr 1832-14 Oct 1852); m'd 1849 HUFFMASTER, Sarah (1829-25 Aug 1852); s/o Enos S. and Jane (Craig) Harer
*29) HARER, Lucinda (26 Nov 1829-1898); m'd 1848 CRAWFORD, James T. (1823-1900); d/o Enos S.and Jane (Craig) Harer
*29) HARER, Martha Elizabeth (1849-1923); m'd bef 1866 MULKEY, Albert Greenberry (1838-1900); d/o John W. and Sarah (Huffmaster) Harer
*29) HARER, Mary Elizabeth "Lizzie". (1851-1924); m'd 25 Mar 1868 SAYLOR, Francis A. "Frank"; d/o William Millard "Willis" and Martha Ann (Tulk) Harer
*29) HARER, Sarah Jane (1830-1898); m'd 1849 LEWIS, Stephen Marther (1828-1855); m'd 1856 LETSOM, John Thomas (1828-1922), d/o David and Mary (McClendon) Harer; nephew of Enos Harer Sr.
*29) HARER, Stephen Lafayette (21 Mar 1851-27 Oct 1852); s/o Evan and Eliza Jane (Tulk) Harer; died on arrival
*29) HARER, Temperance (25 Nov 1834-25 Nov 1880):
*29) HARER, William Millard "Willis" (09 Dec 1823-05 Jun 1908); m'd 07 Apr 1850 TULK, Martha Ann (1828-1912); s/o David and Mary (McClendon) Harer; nephew of Enos Harer Sr.
HARGEDINE, Robert B. (1828- ):
HARKLEROAD, James M. ( -1912):
HARLAN, George:
HARLEY, America L.: m'd 1851 HARLEY, William S.; maiden name unknown at this time
HARLEY, William S. (1823- ): m'd 1851 [ ], America L.
HARMAN, Mary: m'd 1852 HARMAN, William; maiden name unknown at this time
HARMAN, William (1804- ): m'd 1852 [ ], Mary
HARMON, Eunice (24 Oct 1798-04 Dec 1883): m1. 06 May 1818 ADAMS, Sebastian Cabot (01 Aug 1789-08 Mar 1847); m2. 27 Nov 1851 GOODELL, Abel; d/o Oliver and Mary (Plum) Harmon; Abel Goodell died on trail of cholera at Burnt River; traveling with the Monmouth Company along with her son and two daughters and their families [Deaths On The Oregon Trail, Richard Rieck, Professor Emeritus, Western Illinois University]
HARMS, Ellen: m'd 1849 HARMS, John; maiden name unknown at this time
HARMS, John (1814- ): m'd 1849 [ ], Ellen
HARPER, Armilda ( Jan 1828-01 Apr 1909): m'd 1846 HILL, John; m2. 26 Sep 1854 BERGEN, Dr. Samuel; d/o William and Sarah (Campbell) Harper; buried Anderson Cemetery, Anderson, McDonald County, Missouri
John Hill married Armilda Harper in Des Moines County, Iowa, 1 August 1846, and they had three daughters, Lurissa Jane, born 22 February 1848; Sarah Anna (my gr. grandmother), born 20 July 1849; and Roseltha Emaline, born 3 March 1851, before they started for Oregon in 1852. John Hill applied for a Donation Land Claim in Linn County, near Harrisburg, and it was there that a son, William Calvin, was born, 19 July 1853. In December of 1853, John Hill wrote a letter to his sister, in Iowa, telling of the birth of William, and extoling the wonders of the Oregon country, also giving news of Dr. Samuel Bergen and Harvey Hill, the brother of John, who came across the plains with them. But on 19 May 1854, William Calvin died, and John Hill died three days later, on 22 May 1854. Family information says that they are buried in a nearby cemetery. John's wife, Armilda, now a widow with three young girls, married Dr. Samuel Bergen, a family friend, 26 September 1854, and they had a son, Aurum Armand Bergen, born August 1855, in Oregon. It is not known when Armilda and Dr. Bergen returned to Iowa, but they are shown in the 1860 Davis County, Iowa, census. They later settled in Anderson, McDonald County, Missouri, where Dr. Bergen practiced medicine. Armilda died there, 1 April 1909, and Dr. Bergen died there 5 November 1912. [submitted by Lillian Stevenson]
HARPER, Jemima (22 Apr 1830-05 Jul 1890): m'd 14 Nov 1847 CLAYTON, Ashford; d/o Alexander and Jemima (Willets) Harper; lost two children to illness on journey and barely survived herself; wintered in Oregon City while she regained her health; finally settled in Umpqua Valley in Feb 1853
HARPER, John (1822- ):
HARRELL, Doddridge (1818- ): m'd 1838 TAYLOR, Miriam
" HARREL, DODDRIDGE--Lives at Scio, Linn County, and is a farmer. Was born in Fayette County, Indiana, December 18, 1818; came overland to Oregon; still owns the farm on which he settled on his arrival; has served in public offices. Married Miriam Taylor, who was born in Knox County, Tennessee, in 1820." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 767]
HARRINGTON, Abel: m'd 1839 GILMORE, Rebecca Catherine
HARRINGTON, Christine: m'd 1836 HARRINGTON, Nelson; maiden name unknown at this time
HARRINGTON, Nelson (1812- ): m'd 1836 [ ], Christine
HARRIS, Abram; traveled with Ephraim Clawson family
HARRIS, Alexander (1833- ):
HARRIS, Child ( -1852): c/o Mary Harris; died
on trail
HARRIS, Eliza (1816- ): m'd ABERNATHY, [ ], came to OR via CA
HARRIS, Ephraim D. (1817- ):
HARRIS, Elizabeth (1850-1918):
HARRIS, George (1820- ): m'd 1843 [ ], Mary Ann
HARRIS, Henry T. (1833- ):
HARRIS, Jane: m'd 1848 HARRIS, John; maiden name unknown at this time
HARRIS, John (1826- ): m'd 1848 [ ], Jane
HARRIS, Johnson Dr.:
HARRIS, Martha ( -1931): m'd SARGEANT, [ ]
HARRIS, Mary ( -1852): m'd HARRIS, [
]; died on trail
HARRIS, Mary Ann: m'd 1848 HARRIS, George; maiden name unknown at this time
HARRIS, Truman (1824-1896): m'd LEWIS, Mary
HARRIS, William H. (1832-1912):
"HARRIS, WILLIAM H.--Born in Adams County, Illinois, in 1832; on coming to Oregon located at Portland. Has been a member of the Legislature of Washington Territory, and was clerk of Multnomah County in 1872. Represented Multnomah County in the Legislature of Oregon in 1882. Is a dealer in ice, belonging to the firm of Harris & Salmon." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 767]
HARRISON, Joseph (c1824- ): m'd 1845 WARREN, Polly,
HARRISON, Robert ( - ): m'd ,
HARRY, John Alva: see 1851
HART, Mary: m'd 1845 HART, Thomas; maiden name unknown at this time
HART, Thomas (1815- ): m'd 1845 [ ], Mary
HARTMAN, John (1816- ): m'd c1846 MOSER, Mary
HARVEY, Auletta (1848-1936)
HARVEY, John W. (1829- ):
HARVEY, Mary Jane: see HERVEY, Mary Jane
HASH, Allen (1817- ): m'd c1838 [ ], Elizabeth
HASH, Elizabeth: m'd c1838 HASH, Allen; maiden name unknown at this time
HASTINGS, A.L. (1829- ):
"HASTINGS, A. L.--Born in Henry County, Tennessee, in 1829; came to Oregon and settled in the Luckiamute Valley, where he still resides; occupation, farming." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 767]
HASTINGS, Henry B. (1819- ): m'd c1842 [ ], Phebe L.
HASTINGS, J.C. (1833- ): m'd 1857 WOODS, Merica M.
"HASTINGS, J. C.--Born in Henry County, Tennessee, in 1833; came from Arkansas to Oregon, and settled in Luckiamute Valley, where he still lives; he is a farmer by occupation. He married Merica M. Woods in 1857, and their children s names are Martha J., Henry Gr., Burris S., Joseph L., Mary A., John F., and Clara O." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 767]
HASTINGS, Lois: m'd c1831 JONES, Justus
HASTINGS, Phebe L.: m'd c1842 HASTINGS, Henry B.; maiden name unknown at this time
HATFIELD, John Nathan (1842-1929):
HATFIELD, Nathan ( -1852): died on trail
HATHAWAY, Jeremiah Smith (1824-1876): m'd 27 Nov1847 BATES, Isabelle Electa; s/o Nadah and Abigail (Beebe) Hathaway; born 11 Jan 1824 Herkimer Co, NY and died 12 Jan 1876 Vancouver, Clark Co, WA; buried in
Old Vancouver City Cemetery, Vancouver,
Clark County, Washington; father of 9 children (Jeeremiah Nadah, Hiel Bronson, Abigail Maria, Emma Jane, Orrin B., Amos Nathan, Alpha Beebe, Alfred Omega and Mary Euretta)
HATHAWAY, Hiel Bronson(25 Dec 1851-13 May 1948): m'd SKEELS, Anna May Mabel; s/o Jeremiah and Isabelle (Bates) Hathaway); born 25 Dec 1851 and died 13 May 1948 Corvallis, Benton Co, OR; buried Sara Union Cemetery, Ridgefield, Clark County, Washington; father of 6 children (Edna Vella, Harvey Delbert, Elmer Clinton, Platt Gifford, Zilda Olas and Burrell Bates)
HATHAWAY, Jeremiah Nadah (16
Mar 1849-23 Oct 1852): s/o Jeremiah and Isabelle (Bates) Hathaway); born 16 Mar 1849 Berrien Co, MI and died 23 Oct 1852 on trail between The Dalles and the Cascades;
reportedly buried near The Bridge of the Gods but memorial in
Old Vancouver City Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark County, Washington
HATHAWAY, Marshall Root (01 Jan 1823-02 Mar 1896): m'd 27 Dec 1848 SMITH, Maria Lucy; s/o Nadah and Abigail (Beebe) Hathaway; born 01 Jan 1823 Herkimer Co, NY and died 02 Mar 196 Vancouver, Clark Co, WA; buried Old Vancouver City Cemetery, Vancouver, Clark County, Washington; father of 6 children (Mary Marie, Homer Marshall, Melissa Jane, Henry Louis, Matilda Lucinda and Caroline Maranda]; traveled in party led by Capt. Johnson.
HATHAWAY, Mary Marie(1850-1852): d/o Marshall and Maria (Smith) Hathaway; born 29 Jun 1850 MI and died 06 Dec 1852 Portland, Multnomah Co, OR
HATTON, Elizabeth (1813-1878): m'd MATTHEWS, John Harvey; d/o Jonah Berget
Hatton; died in Clark Co, WA in 1878
HATTON, Jonah (1848-1926): s/o William and Sarah (Johnson) Hatton
HATTON, Jonah Berget (1781-1852): died on the trail at Burnt River of cholera
HATTON, William D. (1851- ): s/o William and Sarah (Johnson) Hatton
HATTON, William Shannon (1821-1911): m'd 1845 JOHNSON, Sarah; s/o Jonah Berget Hatton; settled in Clark County, WA where he became the father of three additional children (Nancy E. 1854-1941; Alonzo E. 1856-1915; Harriet Dorinda 1858-1940). William died in Bossburg, WA and is buried in Colville WA
HAWK, Al R. (1840- ):
HAWK, Frank: s/o John M. Hawk
HAWK, John M.:
HAWK, John M. Mrs.:
HAWK, John P. (1832- ):
HAWK, Melvin: s/o John M. Hawk
HAWK, Melvin F. (1850- ):
HAWK, Mr. ( -1883): family left DeKalb County, IN 01 Mar 1852; traveled with Samuel Russell family and Elliot Cline; family consisted of parents and 6 boys; traveled north side of Platte River; reached Portland 10 Nov 1852; family settled at Puget Sound in 1853; father went to Astoria in 1854 where he married for a second time; returned to Olympia August and resided there until his death
HAWK, Mrs. ( -1853): mother died 12 Jan 1853
HAWK, Son1:
HAWK, Son2:
HAWK, Son3:
HAWK, Son4:
HAWK, Sarah: d/o John M. Hawk
HAWK, William: s/o John M. Hawk
HAWK, Wilson: s/o John M. Hawk
HAWKINS, Charles (1827- ):
HAWKINS, John S. (1818- ): m'd 1841 LANE, Elizabeth
"HAWKINS, J. S.--Born in New Hampshire; came to Oregon in 1852. Residence, Salem, Marion County." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 767]
HAWKINS, William P. (1825- ):
HAWLEY, Ira (1817- ): m'd RILEY, Elvira
HAYBURN, Annie Martha (02 Nov 1850-17 Nov 1927): m'd BROWN, John Warde; d/o James and Mary (Watters) Hayburn; buried Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery, Colma, San Mateo County, California; cut off for California
HAYBURN, James Cairns (28 Mar 1822-19 May 1886): m'd WATTERS, Mary; s/o Christopher and Martha (Cairns) Hayburn; buried Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery, Colma, San Mateo County, California; cut off for California
HAYBURN, John (17 Jun 1848-30 Jul 1873): s/o James and Mary (Watters) Hayburn; buried Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery, Colma, San Mateo County, California; family cut off for California
HAYBURN, Marilda (28 Sep 1820-12 Oct 1882): m'd BIDWELL, John Horace; d/o Christopher and Martha (Cairns) Hayburn; buried Millville IOOF Cemetery, Millville, Shasta County, California; sister of James C.; family cut off for California
HAYDEN, Allen (1805- ): m'd c1825 [ ], Sarah
*5) HAYDEN, Benjamin (1822- ): m'd 1852 GIBSON, Zerelda
"HAYDEN, BENJAMIN B.--Born in Logan County, Kentucky, September 11, 1822; married to Hulda Gibson, who was born in Lincoln County, Missouri, in 1832. Their children are Dora, Estella, William, Benjamin N., George B., and Samuel Lee." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p.704] Note: Benjamin Hayden was listed in this publication as pioneer of 1849.
*5) HAYDEN, Nancy (1823-1917): m'd 1842 TUCKER, Samuel; m2. 1852 CLARK, James; sister of Benjamin Hayden; accompanied by children from first marriage
HAYDEN, Sarah: m'd c1825 HAYDEN, Allen
HAYDEN, William D. (1832- ):
HAYES, Amanda Jane: m'd SNYDER, John; d/o William and Martha (Huntington)
Hayes; buried at Masonic Cemetery, Coquille, OR
HAYES, Eliza Jane: m'd MCCULLOCH, James; d/o Henry and Susan (Guerin) Hayes
HAYES, Henry (1810- ):
HAYES, Henry ( -1852): GUERIN, Susan
Elizabeth; died on trail about 50 miles west of Fort Hall
HAYES, Henry Taylor (1848-1924): m'd [ ], Hannah Gertrude; s/o Henry and Susan (Guerin) Hayes
HAYES, James A. (1833-1903): m'd 1861 HENKLE, Caroline
HAYES, John Crane (1841-1889): s/o Henry and Susan (Guerin) Hayes
HAYES, Lewis (1791- ):
HAYES, Lewis Eugene (1829-1904): m'd 18 Oct 1853 ABBOTT, Charlotte; s/o Orlando and Nancy (Hull) Hayes; born 01 Mar 1829 in Cuyahoga Co, OH and died 26 Aug 1904; settled first on Long Tom River, east of Eugene; about 1865 settled in Josephine County; father of nine children (Rachel, Nancy Elizabeth, Francis Marion, Jefferson Davis, Samuel Perry, Josie, David Orlando, William Lewis and Ira Eugene); buried Sparlin Cemetery, Murphy, Josephine Co,
HAYES, Maria Lydia: d/o William and Martha (Huntington) Hayes
HAYES, Orlando (1791-c1860): m'd HULL, Nancy; not known at this time if he made 1852 emigration; wife died about 1840
HAYES, Richard B. (1832- ): emigrant to California in 1850
"HAYES, R. B.--Born in Warren County, Tennessee, in 1831, and removed with his parents to Missouri in 1839; crossed the plains to California in 1850, and removed to Oregon two years after. Is a farmer, and has resided on his land in Lane County for many years. Has been elected to the House of Representatives four times. Married Miss Lucy Brown in 1858." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 767-68]
HAYES, Sarah ( -1852): died on trail; d/o
William and Martha (Huntington) Hayes
HAYES, Seth W. (1825-1876):
"HAYES, SETH W.--Born in Ohio in 1825; came from Iowa to Oregon in 1852, and settled near the present site of Halsey, Linn County, two years later. The town of Halsey was laid out in 1871, by the railroad company, partly upon Mr. Hayes land, and that gentleman owned property in it. He was murdered, on November 1, 1876, by Kay Neal. The circumstances of the killing were as follows: Mr. Hayes ardent temperance principles and prominence made him obnoxious to certain ill-disposed liquor dealers and their supporters. The town was incorporated in the centennial year, through the joint efforts of Mr. Hayes, Jacob Thompson, and others, who sought to extirpate the whiskey traffic. Neal sought a quarrel with Hayes, and taking him at a disadvantage, stabbed him, there being no eye-witness. The unfortunate victim lived but a few hours. The assassin attempted to escape, but was taken and imprisoned. When he was brought to trial his lawyers set up a plea of self-defense, but a verdict was rendered, convicting Neal of murder in the first degree. Sentence being pronounced, the murderer was executed at Albany, on the twenty-eighth of January, 1877. This homicide constitutes, probably, the most striking event in the history of the county of Linn. Mr. Hayes was twice married, and his children numbered six, of whom five are living, viz. Daniel, S. S., Frank R., Gertrude, and Irving. The second Mrs. Hayes (formerly Miss Finlay) is now residing on a portion of the Hayes ranch near Halsey." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 768]
HAYES, Theodore Frelinghuysen (1844- ): s/o Henry and Susan (Guerin) Hayes
HAYES, William Albert (1850-1893): s/o Henry and Susan (Guerin) Hayes
HAYES, William B. (1827- ):
HAYES, William J. (1829- ):
HAYES, William Washington (1826-1909): m'd 1847 HUNTINGTON, Martha; s/o James and Amanda (Jackson) Hayes; suffered from cholera; baby Sarah d. and buried in Nev; settled on Cowlitz River near Castle Rock; conducted a mercantile in Monticello; 1868 moved to Oakland, Douglas Co, OR where he had mercantile; 1892 elected Treasurer of Coos County; moved to Bandon, OR after retirement; buried in Masonic Cemetery, Coquille, OR
HAWORTH, Richard (1814- ):
HAYTER, George: m'd 1846 CROWLEY, Sarah
*11) HAYWOOD, Benjamin: m'd KINNEY, Miss
*11) HAYWOOD, Delilah: m'd KINNEY, Giles
HAZELTON, Royal H. (1819- ): m'd 1839 REYNOLDS, Martha Ann
HEADRICK, Frances ( - ): m'd KAYS, John A.
HEALY, William Mrs. (1835-1917): m'd HEALY, William; maiden name unknown at this time
HEARNE, Elizabeth: m'd 1850 HEARNE, Lambert; maiden name unknown at this time
HEARNE, Lambert (1815- ): m'd 1850 [ ], Elizabeth
HEATER, George (c1822- ): m'd 1845 MARION, Sarah; settled Yamhill Co
HEATER, Peter:
HEATH, Lucien (1819- ): m'd 1849 EDWARDS, Julia J.
HEATHERLY, Elizabeth (c1799-1852): m'd ABBOTT, Samuel; died and was buried on the bank of the Powder River, a few miles below where Baker City now stands.
HEBER,Elizabeth: m'd 1837 HEBER, Fredrich; maiden name unknown at this time
HEBER, Fredrich (1811- ): m'd 1837 [ ], Elizabeth
HEDDEN, Abraham (1832- ):
HEDGES, Joseph (1827- ): m'd ALLEN, Ellen J.; came west to join his brother, Absalom (an
emigrant of 1844), at Canemah
"HEDGES, JOSEPH--Resides in Canemah, Clackamas County, and is a carpenter ,by occupation; he was born in Morgan County, Ohio, in 1827. Married Miss Ellen J. Allen, and his children are Mary J., John B., William A., Elizabeth A., Arthur E. (deceased), Joseph E., Francis R., Gilbert L., and Frederick R." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 768]
HEDRIC, John (1826- ): m'd 1852 [ ], Louisa Jane
HEDRIC, Louisa Jane: m'd 1852 HEDRIC, John; maiden name unknown at this time
HEENEY, Mary ( -1884): m'd 1830 GALLOWAY, Charles
HEIPLE, Samuel: emigrated to OH with his parents, returned to PA and then
emigrated to OR; was struck with cholera during emigration but managed to
recover; arrived in Portland in early December; split rails during winter to
earn money for food; in spring went to Puget Sound where he worked until July
1853; lived for a short time in Marion Co and then returned to Portland where
he remained for sixteen years supplying the steamboats with wood
HEISLER, William (1828- ): m'd 1851 MCDONNELL, Martha
*11) HEMPHILL, William; [Polly Coon Diary: Jul 29 we left some of our company who are going to CA, Mr. D. Burrows, Mr. Webs & Mr. Peak - also part of Mr. Goodrich's Co- Mr. Peck, Mr. Palmiter & Hemphil]
*4) HENDERSHOTT, James (1829-1897): m'd 1848 VINCENT, Harriet Jane s/o David and Catherine (Benham) Hendershott; came alone in 1852; family joined him later
HENDERSON, Daniel (1818-1852): m'd BUTLER, Martha Jane; died on the trail along with his two children; his widow later married Rev. William Ownbey
HENDERSON, George ( -1852): Was traveling with the Chapman train. Drowned in the Platte River July 3, 1852.. Initial efforts to find his body were fruitless. The body was found 6 miles down stream from where he had drowned and was buried. He was from Fairfield, IA.
HENDERSON, James H. D. (1810- ): m'd 1839 [ ], Mary Elizabeth
HENDERSON, John: s/o Daniel and Martha (Butler) Henderson
HENDERSON, Louis Payette:
HENDERSON, Lucinda (1844-1926): m'd HENDERSON, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
HENDERSON, Mary Elizabeth: m'd 1839 HENDERSON, James H.D.; maiden name unknown at this time
HENDERSON, Mary E. (1847-1852): died on trail;
d/o Daniel and Martha (Butler) Henderson
HENDERSON, Middleton (1849-1852): died on trail;
s/o Daniel and Martha (Butler) Henderson
HENDERSON, S. J. (1826- ): m'd 1850 MACE, Kate
HENDERSON, Sampson: s/o Daniel and Martha (Butler) Henderson
HENDERSON, Sarah S.: m'd 1837 VANBUSKIRK, John; d/o Nathaniel C. and Elizabeth (Sloan) Henderson
HENDERSON, Thomas B. (1828- ): m'd 1848 VANBUSKIRK, Elizabeth; s/o Nathaniel C. and Elizabeth (Sloan) Henderson
"HENDERSON, THOMAS B.--Born in Pennsylvania in 1828; in 1832 was taken to Knox County, Ohio; in 1851 went to Missouri; came from that State to Oregon the following year, and settled at Amity, Yainhill County, where he still resides. His occupation is that of a blacksmith and farmer. He married Elizabeth Van Buskirk in Knox County, Ohio, in 1848, and their children s names are Urbanus (deceased), Sylvia A. (deceased), Elmus U., Sarah E., Miles T., and Margaret V." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 768-69]
HENDERSON, Urbanus (1851-1852): s/o Thomas
and Elizabeth (VanBuskirk) Henderson; died on trail in Blue Mountains
HENDRICK, Marion Bird (27 Aug 1828-24 Apr 1920): m'd 19 Apr 1855 SAWYER, Ellie/Ellis B.; s/o William and Mariah (Bird) Hendrick; buried Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon
HENDRICKS, Robert Jackson "Jack" (10 Mar 1832-29 Oct 1880): m'd20 Apr 1854 SHERWOOD, Mary Jane; buried Robert Jackson Hendricks Farm Cemetery, Yoncalla, Douglas County, Oregon
HENDRICKSON, Nancy Jane: m'd 1850 GATTON, William
HENDRICSON, William Firman (1824- ) m'd 1848 JACKSON, Sarah; m2. c1893 BROWN, Mary E. (FRANK)
HENDRIX, Harrison Haines (1823- ): m'd 10 Jun 1846 PEDIGO, Zerilda Jane; d/o Harrison and Zerilda (Pedigo) Hendrix;born 20 Jan 1823 Tennessee and died 11 Aug 1908 Elma, Grays Harbor County, Washington
HENDRIX, Julia Eveline (1849-1918): m'd 25 Dec 1869 LINCOLN, Augustus Fitch; born 18 Mar 1849 Iowa and died 23 Mar 1918 Richmond, Contra Costa, California;
HENDRIX, Lorina Catherine (1847-1927): m'd 25 Dec 1864 LINCOLN, Edgar Elijah; d/o Harrison and Zerilda (Pedigo) Hendrix; born 03 Sep 1847 Wappalo County, Iowa and died 29 May 1927 Santa Monica, California
HENLINE, Abi (1818-1891): m'd
HENLINE, Francis
HENLINE, Andrew ( -1888): m'd 1871 WALLACE, Mary; s/o Francis and Abi Henline
HENLINE, Francis (1839-1885): m'd [ ], Abi
HENLINE, Francis M. (1845- ): m'd 1865 COLE, Charlotte Geneva; s/o Francis and Abi Henline
HENLINE, Phoebe: m'd 1867 BURSON, S. H.; d/o Francis and Abi Henline
HENLINE, William H. (1840- ): s/o Francis and Abi Henline
HENNESS, Ephraim Gates (1849- ):
HENNESS, Jane: m'd 1841 HENNESS, Thomas J.; maiden name unknown at this time
HENNESS, Sarah: m'd BRANNON, [ ]
HENNESS, Thomas J. (1821- ): m'd 1841 [ ], Jane:
HENNEY, Catherine ( -1902): m1. WILEY, Elias Keyes; m2. BURKE, Mr.; emigrated from WI with husband and family, settled in Portland after brief stay in Yamhill Co; outlived her children and second husband and died in Portland in 1902
HENRY, Andrew (1828- ):
HENRY, Anson B. (1836- ): m'd 1857 EASTABROOK, Eliza
"HENRY, ANSON B.--Born in Cattaraugus County, New York, in 1836. Settled near Lafayette, in Yamhill County, and tilled the soil. Was superintendent of public schools for a time. Married Eliza Eastabrooks in 1857, and their children s names are Lavinia E., Phoebe C., Mary E., Milton A., Franklin B., Robinson, Alfred F., Anson B., Nellie I., and Charles C. Mr. Henry died in 1882, and his widow, May 30, 1884. Mrs. Henry was born in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, near Towanda, March 19, 1836. With her parents, three sisters and five brothers, she came to Illinois in 1844; thence to Oregon in 1853, overland." [History of the Willamette Valley by Herbert Lang p. 769]
HENRY, Elizabeth M. (1815-1897): m'd CRAWFORD, Robert H. Dr.; s/o Thomas and Margaret (Scott) Henry
*28) HENRY, Thomas (1788-1865): m'd SCOTT, Margaret
HERNS, Elizabeth: m'd 1817 BRIDGES, Samuel; settled in Lane Co
HEROLD, John: (may be HARRELL?)
HERREN, Esther Ann: m'd 1852 HERREN, James; maiden name unknown at this time
HERREN, James (c1827- ): m'd 1852 [ ], Esther Ann
HERRING, Leonora Elizabeth (1829-1900): m'd 17 Apr 1850/51 LACEY, Lewis Allen; Leanora was born 17 Aug 1829 Swansea, Wales and died 1900 Springwater, Clackamas, OR); mother of 4 known children (Helen, Albert, Anna Margaret and Irene)
HERRON, Robert (1827- ):
HERRON, Thomas (1829- ):
HERVEY, Andrew E. (1818- ): m'd 1843 [ ], Caroline
HERVEY, Caroline: m'd 1843 HERVEY, Andrew E.; maiden name unknown at this time
HERVEY, Mary Jane (07 Nov 1820-17 Dec 1901): m1. 1840 WILLIAMS, Cornelius John (1816-1852); m2. 16 May 1853 ATTWELL, Roger Gerard; d/o Benjamin and Frances Hervey; buried Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon
HESLIN, Druscilla ( -1912): m'd HESLIN, [ ]; maiden name unknown at this time
HESTER, Hook (1850- ):
HESTER, Martin W. (1800- ): m'd 1829 [ ], Susan S.
HESTER, Susan S. ( -1896): m'd 1829 HESTER, Martin W.; maiden name unknown at this time
HESTER, William (1832- ):
HEWITT, Abraham: m'd CONNER, Elizabeth
HIATT, Ellen Elizabeth (1851-1936): m'd FULKERSON, John;: d/o Lewis and Lydia (Jaquett) Hiatt
HIATT, Jesse (1801-1882): m'd 03 Mar 1824 PUCKETT, Alvina; wife died on trail 31 Jul 1852
HIATT, Jesse: s/o Jesse and Alvina (Puckett) Hiatt
HIATT, Lewis (1827-1902): m1. 1858 JAQUETT, Lydia Ann; m2. JAQUETT, Catharine s/o Jesse and Alvina (Puckett) Hiatt; wife died on trail 31 Aug 1852
HIBLER, John P. (1826- ):
HICKMAN, Catherine (1831-1870): m'd 1846 BUTLER, Hilory; traveled with the Hays-Cowan Train
HICKS, Elizabeth (1826- ): m1. 1847 BUFF, John; m2. BUFF, Thomas Jefferson
HICKS, Sarah: m'd 1836 FOUNTAIN, Matthew