Early Pioneer Families of the Northwest

The following files have been compiled and shared by various individuals.  Please give credit for information used from these files.  If you have a file on your family that you have compiled and wish to share it online I would be happy to add it to those listed below.  Save it in .pdf form and email it to me via the contact information at the bottom of the page.  Be sure that the title includes the Name of the individual, the year they are first known to be in the NW and include your name as the author/compiler.

Stories of the West

Four Hangings in Missoula compiled by Chalk Courchane

Madame BOISVERT 1780s compiled by Chalk Courchane

DOWD Family of the Flathead compiled by Chalk Courchane



ABBEY, Edwin Alden 1851, compiled by Stephenie Flora

ABBOTT, George Henry1849, compiled by Stephenie Flora

ABBOTT, Isaiah 1853, compiled by Stephenie Flora

ABBOTT, Samuel Y 1852, compiled by Stephenie Flora

ABERNETHY, George, 1840 by ship, compiled by Stephenie Flora

ABRAHAM, Charles 1852, compiled by Stephenie Flora

ABRAHAM, James 1852, compiled by Stephenie Flora

ADAIR, William 1852, compiled by Stephenie Flora

ADAMS, Calvin Henry 1852, compiled by Stephenie Flora

ADAMS, Charles 1853, compiled by Stephenie Flora

ADAMS, John Franklin 1852, compiled by Stephenie Flora

ADAMS, Riley 1853, compiled by Stephenie Flora

AKIN, James 1852, compiled by Stephenie Flora

ALEXANDER, Joseph R. 1853 compiled by Stephenie Flora

ALLEN, Abner1852, compiled by Stephenie Flora

ALLEN, Alfred 1852, compiled by Stephenie Flora

AMY, Haskel 1852, compiled by Stephenie Flora

ANDERSON, Eli K. 1849, compiled by Stephenie Flora

ANDERSON, James Mechlin 1847, compiled by Stephenie Flora and Jon D. Anderson

ANDERSON, William Perrin 1853, compiled by Stephenie Flora

ARCOUET Sr., Amable 1831 (aka Arquait, Arquette, Erquet, Arcouette, Arquette, Arquoit), compiled by Stephenie Flora

ASHLEY, Pierre c1818 compiled by Chalk Courchane   Ashley Family Part 1   Ashley Family Part 2

ATTWELL, Roger Gerard 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

AVERY, Joseph Conant 1845, compiled by Stephenie Flora


BAGLEY, Daniel 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

BARNABY, Joseph (Barnabe) (dit Martin) 1838 compiled by Chalk Courchane

BARR, Samuel 1852 by Kari Kandoll

BATY, Andrew Jackson, 1845 compiled by Stephenie Flora

BEALE, Charles 1853 compiled by Sarah Bennett Mertz with additions by Gary Metz

BERLAND, Edward by 1815 compiled by Chalk Courchane

BIRNIE, James 1818 compiled by Kari Kandoll

BLOYD, James and Finish 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

BOOTH, Luke 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

BOOTH, Robert 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora; additional article published in Oregonian newspaper on Robert A. Booth Family

BOUCHER Family 1806 compiled by Chalk Courchane

BOUCHER, Jean Baptiste in the NW by 1806 compiled by Chalk Courchane

BOWMAN, Ira  1844 compiled by Stephenie Flora

BOWMAN, William Sr. 1844 compiled by Stephenie Flora

BOYD, Robert 1844 compiled by Stephenie Flora

BRALY, John E 1847 compiled by Stephenie Flora

BROOKS, George 1849 compiled by Stephenie Flora

BROWN, James Henton 1850 compiled by Vic Bennett

BROWN, Joseph Warren 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

BROWN, Louis 1833 compiled by Chalk Courchane

BRUCE, William Perry 1852 compiled by Diane Wright

BUCHANAN, George 1853 compiled by Stephenie Flora

BUNTON, Elijah 1844 compiled by Stephenie Flora

BUNTON, William A. 1844 compiled by Stephenie Flora

BURCH, Charles Harold 1844 compiled by Stephenie Flora

BURCH, Samuel 1847 compiled by Stephenie Flora

BURNETT, John Sims 1853 compiled by Stephenie Flora

BURTON, John James 1844 compiled by Stephenie Flora

BUSH, George Washington 1844 compiled by Stephenie Flora

BUTLER, Isaac 1845 compiled by Stephenie Flora

BUTLER, Peter 1853 compiled by Stephenie Flora

BUXTON, Henry Sr 1841 compiled by Stephenie Flora


CALLABY, Maria 1839 compiled by Edward, Don and Ron Guenther

CAPLES, Joseph S. 1844, compiled by Stephenie Flora

CARLYLE [aka CARLILE], Peter George1847, compiled by Stephenie Flora

CARTWRIGHT, James 1852, compiled by Stephenie Flora

CASE, William M. 1844, compiled by Stephenie Flora

CHAPMAN, Daniel 1853, compiled by Stephenie Flora

CHAPMAN, Henry H. 1853, compiled by Stephenie Flora

CHARBONNEAU, Toussaint 1804 compiled by Chalk Courchane

CHIEF Alexander 1810 chief of the Pend d' Oreilles, compiled by Chalk Courchane

CHIEF Palchina 1830 chief of the Bitterroot Salish, compiled by Chalk Courchane

CHRISMAN, Joel D. 1844 compiled by Stephenie Flora

CHURCHILL, Alvah 1853 compiled by Bob Wilson

CHURCHILL, William 1851 compiled by Stephenie Flora

CHURCHILL, Willoughby 1851 compiled by Stephenie Flora and Bob Wilson

CLAGGETT, Benjamin Mason 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

CLAGGETT, Charles 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

CLARK, Alvin 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

CLARK, Benjamin 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

CLARK, Thomas Jr. 1848, 1851, 1853 compiled by Stephen Clark

CLARKE, John 1811 compiled by Chalk Courchane

CONKWRIGHT, Elizabeth 1847: see LANDESS, Elizabeth Conkwright

COOK, Andrew J. 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

COOK, Robert A. 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

COURCHAINE, Daniel in NW by 1866 compiled by Chalk Courchane

COURCHANE FAMILY by Chalk Courchane  "From There to Here"

COZAD, Jonathan Mercer 1853 compiled by Stephenie Flora

CRABTREE, Isaac 1853 compiled by Stephenie Flora

CRABTREE, Job 1853 compiled by Stephenie Flora

CRABTREE, John J. 1845 compiled by Stephenie Flora

CRABTREE. Washington 1853 compiled by Stephenie Flora

CRAFT, Charles 1845 compiled by Stephenie Flora

CRAIG, Ewing P. 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

CRATE/CRETE, Edward 1838 compiled by Stephenie Flora

CROWLEY, Mary "Polly" 1846 compiled by Stephenie Flora

CROWLEY, Thomas 1846 compiled by Stephenie Flora

CUSICK Family by Kee Rodgers   CUSICK, Solomon 1853 compiled by Stephenie Flora

CUTTING, Charles Sr. 1846 compiled by Stephenie Flora

CUTTING David 1847 compiled by Stephenie Flora


DELARD/DELORE, Joseph 1817, compiled by Stephenie Flora

DEMERS, Alexander Louis in NW in 1879 compiled by Chalk Courchane

DILL, James 1847 compiled by Stephenie Flora

DOBELBOWER 1847 compiled by Stephenie Flora

DOUGHTY, William M. 1840 compiled by Stephenie Flora


ERMATINGER, Francis 1824 Part 1   Part 2    Part 3  Part 4  compiled by Chalk Courchane


FAULCONER, Absolom Bainbridge 1846 compiled by Stephenie Flora

FAULCONER, Marcellus 1849 compiled by Stephenie Flora

FAULCONER, Thomas Newton 1851 compiled by Stephenie Flora

FINLAY, Jacques Rafael  1808 compiled by Chalk Courchane

FINLAY, James 1794 compiled by Chalk Courchane

FINLAY, Xavier before 1808 compiled by Chalk Courchane

FINLEY, Nicholas 1816 compiled by Chalk Courchane

FLETT, David 1841 compiled by Stephenie Flora

FLETT, John 1841 compiled by Stephenie Flora

FLETT, Thomas 1834 compiled by Stephenie Flora

FORCE, James 1842 compiled by Stephenie Flora

FORCE, John 1842 compiled by Stephenie Flora

FORT CONNAH, MT and Its Managers compiled by Chalk Courchane


GALE, William 1853 compiled by Stephenie Flora

GERVAIS, Joseph 1812 compiled by J.A. Douglas Gervais

GILBREATH, James C. 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

GILBREATH, John Ewing 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

GILHAM, Newton Davidson 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

GILMORE, Beverly Ward 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

GINGRAS, Charles  Descendants compiled by Kathie Donahue  (descendants of Charles Gingras were in the NW by 1828)

GRAVES, James B. 1847 compiled by Stephenie Flora

GRAY, William Henry1836 Presbyterian Missionary, compiled by Stephenie Flora

GRIGSBY, John 1845 compiled by Jack Ciaccia

GRINDER, Jim 1868 compiled by Chalk Courchane


HALL, Peter D. 1847, compiled by Stephenie Flora Whitman Massacre      

HALL, Thomas A. 1847, compiled by Stephenie Flora

HANAN, Archimedes 1852, compiled by Stephenie Flora 

HARDIE, Hiram 1852, compiled by Stephenie Flora

HARRIS, Moses "Black"  1822 compiled by Stephenie Flora

HART, Thomas 1845, compiled by Stephenie Flora

HATSINATON, Pierre in the NW by 1819  compiled by Chalk Courchane

HERON, Francis in the NW by 1829 compiled by Chalk Courchane

HITE, Joseph P. 1853 compiled by Stephenie Flora and Kevin Eslinger

HORTON, Dexter 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

HUBERT, Joachim in the NW by 1826 compiled by Chalk Courchane

HYLAND, Benjamin 1852, compiled by Stephenie Flora


INGRAM, Leodocia 1852 see: LANDESS, Leodocia Ingram

INGRAM, Sarah Winn Graham 1852 compiled by Ed, Don and Ron Guenther



KEENEY, Jonathan 1846 compiled by Stephenie Flora

KINCAID, Thomas 1853 compiled by Stephenie Flora


LADY, Joseph 1853 compiled by Stephenie Flora

LANDESS, Abraham Sr. 1847 compiled by Ed, Don and Ron Guenther

LANDESS, Elizabeth (Conkwright) 1847 compiled by Ed, Don and Ron Guenther

LANDESS, Leodocia (Ingram) 1852 compiled by Ed, Don and Ron Guenther

LIBERTY, Stephen 1866  compiled by Chalk Courchane

LONG, Gabriel 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

LONG, Ransom 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

LOVE, David Swan 1853 compiled by Stephenie Flora

LOVE, John 1853 compiled by Stephenie Flora

LUCKEY, William N. 1850 compiled by Stephenie Flora


MARKS, Bluford B. 1853, compiled by Stephenie Flora

MARTIN, William 1843, compiled by Stephenie Flora

MARTINDALE, Alston 1849 compiled by Stephenie Flora

MATT, Louis 1849 compiled by Chalk Courchane

MATTOON, Abel 1847 compiled by Stephenie Flora

MATTOON, Allen 1847 compiled by Stephenie Flora

MATTOON, Elizabeth1847 compiled by Stephenie Flora

MATTOON, Malinda1847 compiled by Stephenie Flora

MATTOON, Mary Ethel1847 compiled by Stephenie Flora

MATTOON, Oran1847 compiled by Stephenie Flora

MATTOON, Runa1847 compiled by Stephenie Flora

MCDONALD, Duncan born in NW 1849 compiled by Chalk Courchane

MCLEOD, Donald Angus 1841 compiled by Chalk Courchane

MCMILLAN, Marcus  1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

MCMILLEN, James H. 1845 compiled by Stephenie Flora

MCMILLEN, Joseph 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

MERCER, Aaron 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

MERCER, Thomas Dickerson 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

MERRIMAN, William H. 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

MILLER, Mary 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

MILLIORN, John 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

MINER, Bill 1901 "The Grey Fox" by Chalk Courchane

MOCK, Henry Arnold 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

MOORE, James Madison 1847 compiled by Stephenie Flora

MOORE, Robert 1839 compiled by Stephenie Flora

MORELAND, Jesse 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora


NEWMAN, William in NW  by 1858 compiled by Chalk Courchane

NOBLE, William Sherman1850, compiled by Stephenie Flora

NYE, Jacob L. 1847 compiled by Stephenie Flora


O'BRYANT, Hugh Donaldson 1843, compiled by Stephenie Flora

OGDEN, Peter Skene 1817 compiled by Stephenie Flora and Chalk Courchane

OUVRE, Jean Baptiste  1810 compiled by Chalk Courchane

OWEN, Mitchell McCracken 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

OWEN, Nancy 1824 compiled by Chalk Courchane, Shoshone wife of Major John Owen

OWNBEY, Nicholas 1845 compiled by Stephenie Flora


PABLO, Michel 1844 compiled by Chalk Courchane

PARKER Family 1853 compiled by Graham B. Parker

PAYNE, Almon 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

PENDLETON, Champney 1847 compiled by Stephenie Flora

PEONE, Jean Baptiste born in Oregon Territory c1818, Chief of the Spokane compiled by Chalk Courchane

PEONE, William by 1816 compiled by Chalk Courchane

PIKE, John Henry 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

PIN/PAINE Family in the NW by 1813 compiled by Chalk Courchane

PIO, Charles H. compiled by Al Newman; family history beginning with "John Pio Who Came to Maine" and documenting descendant Charles H. Pio of the Pacific Northwest

POE, Alonzo Marion 1845 compiled by Leon J. Lyell

PUGH, Mary Donovan 1846 contributed by J. R. Dunavan



RAHLES, Albert 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

RALSTON, Jeremiah 1847 compiled by Stephenie Flora

RAYMOND, Henry C. 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

REAMES, Woodford 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

REDMAN, Benjamin Washington Sr. 1852 compiled by June Ross Broman

REED, Calvin 1850  The Two Calvin Reeds of 1850 compiled by Erica Hanson

RHODES, David 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

RICE, Ica Foster 1844 compiled by Stephenie Flora

RIDDLE, William H. 1851 compiled by Stephenie Flora

RINEARSON, Peter Mills 1845 compiled by Stephenie Flora

ROBINSON, Francis Wesley 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

ROOT, Riley 1848 compiled by Stephenie Flora and Robert Anderson

RUTLEDGE, Blasengim 1853 compiled by Graham B. Parker


SABINE'S STORY, First Nuns in Montana compiled by Chalk Courchane

SAPPINGFIELD, John 1847 compiled by Stephenie Flora and Deb Merrick

SARGENT, Abraham 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora and Jim Cook

SCHIEFFELIN, Ed 1850s compiled by Chalk Courchane

SHAMBROOK, George 1847 compiled by Stephenie Flora

SHELTON, David 1847 compiled by Frank Kistner

SHOUDY, William H. 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

SHORT, John Wesley 1853 compiled by Stephenie Flora

SHORTRIDGE, James H. 1851 compiled by Stephenie Flora

SKOLASKIN  born in Oregon Territory in 1839 compiled by Chalk Courchane

SMEAD, William Henry 1884 Montana compiled by Chalk Courchane

SPOONER, Joseph by 1884 Montana compiled by Chalk Courchane

SPRINGER Brothers Saga 1852 by Kevin Engle

STEEN, William Gregory 1842 compiled by Stephenie Flora

STEWART, John 1853 compiled by Stephenie Flora

STONE, Asa 1846 compiled by Stephenie Flora

STOWELL, John 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

SUNDOWN, Jackson 1863 compiled by Chalk Courchane

SYRON, Montgomery 1852 compiled by Vic Bennett


TAYLOR, Martha 1879 Washington contributed by Mary Ann Kennedy

TELLIER, Louis 1834 compiled by Chalk Courchane

THING, Captain Joseph 1834 compiled by Chalk Courchane

THOMAS, Erastus N. 1853 compiled by Stephenie Flora

THOMPSON, David Preston 1853 compiled by Stephenie Flora

THOMPSON, James 1850 compiled by Stephenie Flora

TIBBETTS, Jonathan Snow 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

TIGARD, Andrew Jackson 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

TIGARD, Wilson McClendon 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

TRACY, Harry 1890s "The Desperado" compiled by Chalk Courchane

TUCKER, Benjamin 1851 compiled by Stephenie Flora

TULLIS, Amos Fletcher 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora



VANDALE, Louis A, 1815 compiled by Stephenie Flora

VANDALE, Louis B. 1838 compiled by Stephenie Flora


WAGNER, Isaac M 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

WALDO, America 1846 compiled by Brian W. Johnson

WARREN, Daniel K 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

WARREN, George W. 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

WARREN, John F. 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

WARREN, Phineas C. 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

WARREN, Willis 1853 compiled by Stephenie Flora

WATT, Joseph1844 and 1848, compiled by Stephenie Flora

WATT, Joseph 1845 compiled by Stephenie Flora

WHIPPLE, Edna A. 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

WHITE, Charles F 1851 compiled by Stephenie Flora

WHITLEY, James W. 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

WHITTEN, Oscar Cameron by Oscar Cameron Whitten contributed by Carolyn Fuller

WHITTEN, Oscar Cameron 1852 by Orrin Lay contributed by Carolyn Fuller

WHITTEN, Richard F. 1852 compiled by Gwen Fuller

WILBUR,  Rev. James H. 1846 by sea compiled by Stephenie Flora

WILEY, Richard 1845 compiled by Edward, Don and Ron Guenther

WILLIAMS, Cornelius John 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

WILSON, Alfred 1850 compiled by Stephenie Flora

WINN, John Hensley 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora

WINN, Sarah 1852 see INGRAM, Sarah Winn Graham

WIRT, Augustus C. 1844 compiled by Stephenie Flora

WOODS, Caleb 1847 compiled by Stephenie Flora

WOOLDRIDGE, Rev. Alpheus F. W. 1852 compiled by Stephenie Flora



YANTIS, Alexander Scott 1854 compiled by Stephenie Flora

YOCUM, Franklin 1851 compiled by Vic Bennett



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